InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Relationships ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

That evening, Sango came over to talk with Miroku. She knocked upon his door and it flung open quickly, but it was Inuyasha that stood in the doorway. He looked flustered and tried to babble a greeting to the girl before he raced off out the door to his car. Sango watched in surprise until Miroku's voice came from the doorway.

"Ah, my lovely, Sango. I hope Inuyasha didn't trample you on his way out."

She turned back to face him and gave a confused look. "What happened to him? He looked terrified."

"Ah, I think he had a bit too much of a learning experience today. It's always amusing to fracture his still rather virginal mind." He grinned before he looked down at her and offered his hand. "Oh, but I have forgotten my manners. Please come in, Sango." He led her in before closing the door behind them. "I am hopeful that your presence here is of good news. You spoke to Kagome?" Miroku looked nervous, but tried to keep himself under control.

Sango brushed her hands upon her capris softly as she took a seat upon the couch. "Yes, I talked with her today and she told me what happened.."

Miroku sat down on the couch as well, but left some safety space between until he knew her feelings. He asked softly, ".. And? Are you angry with me, Sango?"

She lifted her head to look into his dark violet eyes that were hidden behind a veil of ebony bangs. "I'm not mad with you. Kagome explained everything to me.. She told me how you were worried about losing me."

He tentatively reached his hand out and brushed his fingertips against her own. "And I meant every word. I love you the most, my dear Sango, and without your love, I would not be able to live. Others may have my body, but only you truly have all of my heart."

"Kagome showed me the tape of you and Inuyasha as well.." Sango began to smile and chuckled softly. "I was impressed how obedient you were for him. And I could see how you cared for him."

Miroku's cheeks were a pale pink, but he managed to chuckle too. "Yes, I do care for Inuyasha more deeply than before, but you still hold the rest of my heart in your beautiful hands. And I promise you that I will never leave. I could not leave without my heart or I would die."

With a tender touch, he took her hand in his own and brought it to his lips for a kiss. "For you are my Mistress and I must obey."

They both smiled and giggled softly. She leaned in and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "Thank you, Miroku. I was afraid, but you made me believe that you will always be with me."

Miroku kissed her lips and returned the embrace. The hug would have lasted longer, but his endlessly wandering hands began to caress her rear and she made a soft gasp before pushing away. She looked angry for a moment, but then gave her devilish grin.

"How dare you touch your Mistress without permission! Before I punish you, I'd like to know what you and Inuyasha did all day..."


"He what?" Kagome asked into the phone while trying to hold back her laughter.

Inuyasha's voice screamed angrily through the phone as he rattled on about his afternoon with the `fucking hentai asshole'. "I can't look at him in the eye anymore, Kagome! You should see the shit he has.. Wait, no, I don't want you to even know what I saw.."

Kagome exploded with laughter and toppled upon her bed. A growl came through the receiver of the phone. "SHUT UP! IT'S NOT FUNNY!" However, it only caused her to laugh harder.

She regained her composure as best she could, though the occasional giggle escaped as she spoke. "So.. *snicker* where are you *giggle* right now?"

There was a tense silence as the hanyou was obviously fuming angrily on the other end. He had already told her this answer several times. "For the thousandth time.. I'm in the bathtub.. And I'm going to fucking lucky if I can even walk tomorrow after what he did!"

Kagome wiped her eyes as still had a grin plastered on her face. "How about I come over for a little while and help you?.. Plus, I have to see this thing."

"Dammit, woman! I told you it wasn't funny! If you're coming over, don't expect any action or I'll give you the same treatment."

She decided to tease him, so she cooed, "Oh, Inuyasha. Would you really do that to me? Aren't you afraid I might enjoy it?"

Kagome heard the phone clatter to the floor and then a few splashes and angry curses as it was retrieved. "You're as sick as that bastard is!.. Just get over here if you're coming." Then he hung up.


She was thankful that she had a key to his apartment as she turned the lock and let herself in. She called to him, "Inuyasha! I'm here! Are you still in the bathroom?"

A distant, "Yes," came in reply so she made her way through the livingroom to see him.

When Kagome came into the doorway, she started giggling again. The naked half demon lay reclined in a full bath, but he looked very uncomfortable. "Aw, poor, thing. Did Miroku get carried away?"

"Feh!" was the only reply and he started to roll to his side to get up.

She came to his side and helped him up and out of the water before he began to dry himself with a towel. "So, can I see?"

A grumble of profanities followed before he turned around and showed his reddened and abused buttocks. Kagome started to laugh once more. Indeed, the poor youkai boy would probably be very sore tomorrow.

"Shut up!" and Inuyasha flung his towel around his waist as he tried, rather unsuccessfully, to walk into his bedroom without showing that the abuse had taken its toll upon his rear. She followed him in as she covered her mouth to fight back her giggles.

"I'm sorry, Inuyasha, but the thought of seeing you with a 'tail' is hysterical. Even if it wasn't a dog one."

"Hey! Can you stop laughing at me already? It's really fucking pissing me off!" He threw his towel upon the bed and tried to find some clothes.

She sat down on the edge of his bed. "Inuyasha, I don't think you might want to just let that heal up for tonight. Why don't you just lay down here with me? Please? I'm sorry I laughed."

At first, he seemed to be ignoring her, but he finally gave in and crawled onto the bed to lay on his belly and to rest his head upon his folded arms.

"So, where is it?"

"I threw out in the livingroom I think.. After I finally got the damn thing out."

Kagome left for a moment, wanting to see exactly what Miroku had used on her mate. She found the object laying upon the floor by a chair and carefully picked it up to bring it back into bedroom and laying it down beside Inuyasha. He flickered his ear as he looked at it.

"Okay, I won't laugh. Tell me again what happened?"

The dog ears upon his head twisted back angrily as he sank his head into his arms deeper and only allowed his eyes to peek over. "Miroku wanted to show me his 'collection' and wanted to help me be a 'slave'. So, he cuffed a spreader bar on my wrists and thighs so I had to stay on all fours and took out that thing." He acknowledged the toy with a slight nod of his head. "He said that I needed a tail and needed something to break me in. So, he stuffed a gag in my mouth and that in my ass."

The toy, much to Inuyasha's humiliation, was a rather large butt plug with long whips on the other end that, when inserted, gave the illusion of having a horse-like tail. He had left good-sized fang marks in the red, rubber ball gag that held him relatively quite once he felt it be shoved in.

Inuyasha did not want to admit that he had enjoyed it, but he had writhed and bucked from where he stood in his crouch on Miroku's bed. Miroku let the plug stretch his slave's entrance while the boy used the whips to give Inuyasha a lashing. The whipping was no way near the severity of what Miroku was used to, but it had left the hanyou's tender flesh a glowing pink.

He had not completely meant to take it home either, but he was having a problem getting it out until he could smell Sango coming and panicked. He just threw his pants on and had driven home with the plug still inserted and had to work to ease it out in the bathroom. In his frustration after retrieving it, he threw it as hard as he could and went to go soak his lower regions in a cool bath.

Kagome was still trying hard not to giggle, but she was really enjoying the mental images of him in such a position.



"Would you ever let me do some of these things to you?"

"Huh??" he blinked in surprise.

"I just want to give you as much pleasure as you give me.. And I really like the thought of dominating you sometime."

"Woman, you have been hanging around Miroku and Sango too long."

She started to play with his ears. It was always her secret weapon to get him to agree with her. "Please?.. You let Miroku do it after all, but I'm your mate."

Inuyasha had his eyes closed, but he sighed. "Fine, fine. But not tonight.. I can't even sit down straight.."

"Would you like me to stay tonight? In case you need anything?"

"Won't your mother get pissed?" he asked.

"I can tell her that you're sick and you wanted the company. I'm sure she won't mind that. I mean, I think she knows about us anyway."

Inuyasha paled. "Sh-she does?"

"Inuyasha, we've made enough noise some nights that I'm sure even the houses down the street know about us." Kagome blushed softly, but smiled.

He gave a cocky smirk. "I can't help it if you bring out the beast in me. I just have to ravage you whenever I get too close."

They both giggled at that. "So, it's settled. I'll stay here tonight and help. You can ravage me after you get better."


Miroku made the mistake of calling his friend the next day to playfully ask for his 'toy' back. When Inuyasha's long-winded and thunderous reply shot through the phone, he was sure it had caused some hearing loss. He held the receiver at arm's length, but he could still make out ever word.

Letting him continue for a good three minutes straight, Miroku decided it would be better to just come over at talk in person. In fact, the half demon had not realized his friend was no longer on the phone taking his abuse until he heard the knock on the door and the dial tone buzzing on the other end of the line.

Inuyasha pushed himself up carefully and made a waddling limp to go answer the door. He pulled it open and glared at his friend through narrowed eyes. "Well?? You got something to say, asshole?"

"Inuyasha, I believe the proper way is to invite a guest inside. But, since you have forgotten your manners, then I will just have to invite myself inside." Miroku pushed past him and Inuyasha hobbled to the couch to lay on his stomach.

"Feh, just close the fucking door behind you," and he laid down. He was only in his T-shirt that he had worn the previous day and the loosest pair of boxers that he could find. The pair he came up with was very worn and faded blue cotton. There were even a few holes in the seams where bronzed flesh peeked out from.

Miroku did as he was 'asked' and walked into the kitchen. "Would you like something to eat or drink, Inuyasha? I'm getting a soda for myself and I thought I'd save you a trip."

"Just get me something cold."

The soft 'thck' of the refrigerator doors opening and closing was heard before the dark haired boy returned and handed his friend a Coke while he drank his own. He sat on the floor beside Inuyasha's head so he could talk with him. Plus, his body was spread over the only furniture that Miroku could have sat upon. "I apologize for yesterday. I did not know Sango was coming over. I would have gladly helped you before you rushed off like that."

The hanyou replied with a slight grow as he drank. He was thankful that he had a straw to use so he wouldn't have to struggle with tipping a can in the position he was in.

"Makkuro called me again. She said she would let us have the night off tonight while she worked on getting our advertisements around. There are flyers being made for the club. I figured I'd tell you the good news since you seem to be out of commission for tonight."

"Because of you!"

Miroku was looking at his soda can, getting ready for another drink, as he gave a grin. "You didn't seem to complain too much when it was happening, Inuyasha." He took a drink.

Inuyasha wanted to slug him, but he could not get into a good position. "Shut up!"

"Oh, Inuyasha. You needn't fret. It will come in time and you'll learn to enjoy yourself without having to deny. But I wanted to come over and give my apologies and offer any help that I could for you."

"I don't need your fucking help, baka! I'm a demon," Inuyasha spat.

"But you are having trouble walking, are you not? And I should ask why you are laying down on your stomach instead of sitting."

"Feh... Asshole."

"Yes, I figured that was bothering you. I'm glad you admitted it."

"Hey! I didn't mean it like that!" his ears shot up.

Miroku just chuckled softly. "Okay, I'll stop joking around with you for now. I can tell you that ice does wonders to help soothe the sting. Shall I get some for you?"

Inuyasha had a pout on his face, but grumbled out a 'yes'. The boy stood and went to the freezer and came back with a bowl of ice, a bag, and a box of popsicles. He handed one to his friend before he unwrapped one for himself.

"Here, it'll make you feel better. Remember when your mother used to give us popsicles every time we would get hurt? And then we'd go out and just do it again to get more." Miroku gave the frozen treat a lick.

".. Heh.. Yeah.. Guess that's why I keep buying them," Inuyasha started to quietly eat his own with some nostalgia.

Miroku held his popsicle in his lips as he very slowly inched his friend's boxers down to inspect the damage left. There were still pale pink marks criss-crossing his flesh. He took the plastic bag and dumped a few ice cubes into it before settling it upon Inuyasha's rear and pulling his underwear back over them. He took the popsicle from his mouth and now had a greenish tint across his lips. "Just let that melt. It'll cool your skin quickly and then we can just rest some ice on top after."

Inuyasha gave little shivers as he let his companion tend to his 'battle scars'. He focused on eating his treat instead and licked up the tiny droplets of cherry sweetness that rolled down the shaft. A fond memory came to him of when he and Miroku where teenagers and had commented on the hidden sexual innuendos that surrounded all popsicles. He smirked to himself.

It was almost as if Miroku was reading his mind as he began to chuckle. "Remember that 'popsicles where made by the pornography industry' we dreamt up when we were kids? And how we'd try to get girls to eat them as sexually as possible?"

They both started to laugh. "Gods, Miroku. I don't know if you were worse then or now.." The half youkai gave the melting tip a suck. "No, I think you're worse now. Now you have experience and V.I.P. status at a porn store."

Again, they chuckled and were finishing up the last bits of their treats. Miroku's brow rose slightly as he began to grin mischievously. "Well, now you know where I learned to give oral."

Inuyasha coughed and spit the stick from his mouth. "Pervert!"

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me the thought never crossed your mind at least once?"

The blush upon his friend's face was all the answer Miroku needed as he pulled the empty stick from his own mouth. "How about another one? Your mother can't stop us from ruining our dinner with them now."

"Sure.. And I think the ice is all gone. It helped." Inuyasha went for another popsicle and gave one over to Miroku. He tore the wrapper and made a 'blech!' "Grape! I hate grape! I want to know what asshole came up with that flavor and made it taste as close to cough syrup as possible. I'd kick his ass."

The irritated demon went to throw the unwanted treat away and get another when Miroku stopped him. He had been changing the bag of melted ice. "Wait, don't just throw it out."

"You hate grape too, Miro. Who's gonna eat the damn thing?"

A devilish glint shown in his violet eyes. "Who said anything about eating?"

Inuyasha gulped and tucked his ears back. "Miroku.. Don't look at me like that."

The boy took the popsicle from his friend and ran his tongue all over the surface. He didn't prefer the taste, but he knew he could survive. "It'll feel good. Now, why don't you come lie on the floor and I'll even put a pillow down for you?" He removed Inuyasha's boxers completely.

"I'm too sore."

"The cold will help. And I'll let my tongue help take your mind off it," Miroku caressed his friend's thigh and caused him to shudder.

With some slight reluctance, Inuyasha crawled off the couch. The ebony haired youth put a soft pillow down for him to rest his backside on and rolled him over onto his back. He took notice that his lover was semi aroused and still growing.

Miroku gave the popsicle another lick as he sat himself between the demon youth's thighs. He brought the frozen, phallus shaped treat down, started to tease his friend's abused opening, and watched as it helped make him fully erect.

"My, my. I think my lessons paid off. You're quite the submissive now, koi."

"Don't call me that!"

The boy silenced him by inserting the purple ice all the way into his lover's heat and causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Miroku-u-u!" his body jerked at the sudden feeling of cold and he whimpered pitifully. In truth, the cold did make his backside feel better.

Miroku left only the tip of the wooden stick peeking out as he moved to his hands and knees and began to trail his tongue around his lover's loins.

Inuyasha arched his back and grit his fangs together tightly. A groan escaped through his lips. His ears flattened against his head and his eyes closed as his clawed fingers combed through dark tresses.

The boy ran his tongue tip up the underside of his lover's erection before kissing the weeping top and taking him into his mouth. The youkai beneath thrust his hips upwards and hissed while Miroku continued his work. There was not an inch of the hanyou's shaft he did not lavish with his tongue.

Inuyasha became aware that the popsicle was melting when he felt cold droplets escaping and rolling down his flesh in purple rivers. He tried to clench himself to keep the juices from leaking when he felt Miroku pull out the empty stick. The dark haired youth lifted his head from between his lover's thighs, unwrapped a second popsicle, and quickly inserted it where the old one had been.

Once more, he received a gasp and an upward thrust. He took his partner back into his mouth as he began to slide the frozen phallus through the hanyou's tight entrance.

He couldn't take it anymore. He latched onto Miroku's head and arched his back as he came forcefully. The boy was a little surprised by the sudden gush of seed into his mouth, but forced himself to swallow the salty fluid down. He lifted his head and left the popsicle where it was to melt its way down.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And I think you enjoyed yourself very much, Inuyasha." Miroku wiped his face with the back of his hand as Inuyasha tried to push himself up.

".. But what are you gonna do?" He nodded at his friends bulging pants.

"I think I may have to use your bathroom for a moment or two."

Inuyasha began to blush softly and turned his ears back as he looked away. ".. I could help you if you want. You know, just.." he made a rather rude jerking motion with his hand.

"Are you sure you want to? I can gladly take care of myself if you don't."

"C'mon, Miro. You've done so much the past couple of days. I feel like you're doing all the work." Forgetting about the tenderness of his rear, Inuyasha sat up and carefully unfasten his lover's pants. He slid them partway down his thighs as well as the pair of white briefs and eyed over the erection before him.

Inuyasha moved so he was leaning against the couch and then spread his thighs. "Here, just sit here and lean against me."

Miroku complied as he shimmed his way to have a seat between the half demon's legs. He laid back against his firm chest and let his manhood stand tall. Inuyasha could feel him trembling slightly as his claws gently graced the soft flesh of his lower abdomen. The hanyou licked the boy's ear. "Relax. That's what you're always telling me."

A strong hand came around member and held him firmly as it began to stroke the length fully. Inuyasha had to wait until enough of his friend's slippery pre provided enough slide before he sped up. Miroku bucked his hips against the unfamiliar touch and bit his lower lip. His head turned to one side and he groaned as he held tightly to his lover's thighs.

From listening to the sounds he made, the half-youkai youth started to grow hard again and felt himself pressing against Miroku's back. He started nibbling the boy's ear and running his tongue over the smooth metal of his piercings as he let out a soft growl of dominance.

Miroku writhed gently and felt Inuyasha's free arm come around his waist to hold him still. The nibbling on his ear made him whimper softly with need.

In a breathless whisper, ".. I.. I'm going.. to.."

Inuyasha's stroke sped up to a blinding pace. He knew what felt good for himself, so he did the same for his friend and brought him to climax in moments. The strained mewl of sweet release that caught in his throat did not go unnoticed by the sensitive demon hearing. Inuyasha moaned at the sound and licked Miroku's neck as he slowed his pumping and let the final drops trickle through his fingers.

".. I love you.." whispered the boy, still high from his orgasmic rush.

The hanyou started to blush, unsure if he had heard correctly. His lover's head nuzzled softly into his chest and made him soften. He lowered his own head to rest his check upon the top of a crown of ebony hair. His sliver hair, in striking contrast, framed Miroku's face.

Tenderly, he whispered his reply back, "... I love you too, Miro." And let his friend rest in his arms.