InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Relationships ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The rest of the week went by with little trouble. Though, Inuyasha was feeling rather sore the first few days when coming home from work. Between Miroku and Kagome ravishing him around every turn, the hanyou could not help but wonder if anyone had died from an overdose of intercourse.

Sesshoumaru contacted him and told his brother that they would be going to dinner on Friday night and that he would be by early to make sure Inuyasha was presentable.

"Yeah, yeah.. Whatever. Just let me get out early enough to pick up Kagome, okay?"

"Oh, you will not need to worry about your transportation, little brother. I have already made arrangements for your female. Perhaps I should call and have some flowers sent in your name as well? I'm not sure I can trust you to take the initiative to impress her."

"Why you--!.. Feh, just call the fucking things in if you want. But you're not getting a 'thanks' out of me, you hear?" growled the half demon.

"I wouldn't expect one from you, Inuyasha," Sesshoumaru replied matter of factly. "Then, I shall see you this Friday. And we will be taking my car, so please do try not to ruin my interior."

He hung up to the sound of his younger sibling yelling insults through the phone. Leaning back, he slid his fingers through his silky, silver tresses and smirked to himself as he sat in a rather expensive looking chair. The demon reached over, took a picture from a nearby side table, and looked it over.

The picture was of Inuyasha as merely a toddler with a youthful Sesshoumaru as they seemed to be sharing a rather tender moment as Inuyasha lay sleeping in his lap upon a couch.

"So, little brother. After all these years, we meet again. I see time has not changed your personality for the better, though.." He traced a finger along the frame. "You grew to resent me for the way I treated you, but I was only doing so for your well being. You were too spoiled by our father and I knew you would never grow to be strong if I did not show you how."

With a sigh, he set the picture back down and stood.


Friday morning came and Inuyasha heard the polite knocking of his brother promptly at 10 AM. When he answered door, they both gave critical gazes over one another. The elder demon was dressed much similarly to what he had been the night at the club, but was not wearing the jacket. Inuyasha, however, wore a red, his favorite color, tank top, a pair of jeans that were ripped up at the knees, and a worn pair of tennis shoes.

"We are not going anywhere until you change. Any respectable store wouldn't even let you through the door dressed like that."

"I like this outfit, jerk. You want me to change? Make me."

They stared at one another silently, waiting for the next move. Without saying a word, Sesshoumaru came through the door, hoisted his startled baby brother over his shoulder, and walked into his bedroom.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?? Put me down you asshole!" The hanyou growled loudly and tried to wiggle himself free only to receive a swat across the backside to silence him.

"Be still. You're the one that said I should make you if I wanted you to change, after all." Sesshoumaru deposited the flabbergasted half youkai unceremoniously upon his bed before looking for a change of clothes.

It took a moment for Inuyasha to snap back to reality. He was still stunned that his brother actually treated him as if he were still a child! His mouth hung open as he watched.

Sesshoumaru turned around with a new outfit draped over his arm and took notice of his younger brother's face. "Come now, Inuyasha. That hit didn't hurt you. Now, change. We have much to do today."

Trying to be defiant still, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and scowled. "I told you I'm not changing."

The elder demon let out a soft sigh and laid the clothes upon the bed. "Have it your way, Inuyasha. If you're going to act like a child, then I will have to treat you as such." He leaned over, took Inuyasha's shirt bottom, and hoisted it over his head. The younger youkai started to struggle.

"What do you think you're doing? Get the hell away from me, bastard!" He tried to scramble off his bed to get away, but a pair of hands came to waist and held him still. Quickly, they loosened his jeans and started to pull them off. Inuyasha made a yelp of surprise and started to thrash about more.

"Inuyasha, you're changing your clothes whether you want to or not. Now stop moving around so I can get this shameless excuse for a pair of pants off of you."

The hanyou was on his back now and tried slapping his brother's hands away so he could retrieve his pants. They battled in a tug-of-war with the material that was bunched around his knees. "NO! Leave me the fuck alone and stop trying to undress me!"

As much as he hated to do such a degrading action towards their demon dog heritage, he had to end this asinine struggle. He reached for a nearby magazine, rolled it up, and gave Inuyasha a swat on the nose as if he were a common mutt.

Inuyasha's amber eyes shot open wide afterward and was too shocked to stop his pants from being removed completely. His shoes had been lost in the battle. He blinked a few times as he realized he was only in his underpants now, but that Sesshoumaru was starting to slide the new pair of jeans up his thighs. He sat up quickly and scuttled back from his brother's grasp.

"I can dress myself!.." Inuyasha secured the much nicer looking pair of jeans and grabbed the black T-shirt that lay upon his bed. He was too ashamed to mention having to be smacked with a rolled up magazine.

As he was tying his shoes once again, Sesshoumaru retrieved the wrinkled garments from the floor and put them into a basket of old clothes. "I do apologize for that, but you left me no choice, brother."

The hanyou grumbled angrily and muttered under his breath, ".. Asshole.." even though he knew Sesshoumaru would be able to hear it.

"If you're quite finished, Inuyasha, I hope we can leave before it grows too much later." The elder brother made his way out with Inuyasha sulking behind him. They climbed into Sesshoumaru's Chrysler Crossfire Limited Coupe that was a matching silver color to his silken hair. "Stop pouting. My actions are only for your own good, little brother."


With no words exchanged, they drove downtown to a rather upscale clothing store. Inuyasha flickered an ear with annoyance. The last thing he wanted to be doing was clothes shopping with his older brother. Nevertheless, he followed Sesshoumaru through the racks.

"You'll thank me later, Inuyasha. Now, go try these on." He held out the clothes and waited for Inuyasha to take them, but the hanyou just gave him a look. "Do we have to have a repeat performance of this morning? Take them and go change."

The half demon gave a snort and took the clothes as he skulked into one of the changing rooms. After a few tries, he actually came across an outfit he did not mind too much.

"If you're through, little brother, I'd like to see," came Sesshoumaru's voice from the other side of the changing room door.

The lock slid open and Inuyasha emerged. He adorned a pair of dress slacks and a sky blue, cotton dress shirt. The younger youkai was barefoot though and was busily trying to tuck in his shirt. Sesshoumaru stepped forward and walked in a circle as he eyed his brother.

Inuyasha could not help but feel as if he were a piece of meat at a butcher shop and started to scratch his ear. "So?"

"I think this will do well. Now take them off and we'll find a pair of shoes."


It grew later, but the shopping trip proved fruitful. The youkai brothers even had a light lunch at a sidewalk cafe before Sesshoumaru dragged his younger into a salon. Inuyasha protested and pouted the entire time, but he still endured. Once they left, Inuyasha hardly looked like himself.

Sesshoumaru looked at his watch. "We should be getting ready or your female will arrive before us." Once more, they climbed into his vehicle. This time, though, they went to Sesshoumaru's.

Inuyasha had never been inside his brother's home before. He was impressed with the size. Two stories and very contemporary in design. Artwork hung on almost every wall and expensive furniture decorated each room.

Sesshoumaru led his younger sibling through the house as they walked to his bedroom. He had a king-sized canopy bed with crimson red, silk sheets and more expensive artwork and furniture. There was even a gas fireplace that faced the foot of the bed.

"Shit, Sessh.. This place must have cost a fortune."

"You'll be able to afford one too if you continue working with Makkuro." Sesshoumaru unbuttoned his shirt and laid it on the bed before going to his walk-in closet to find a new shirt to wear.

Inuyasha sat on the edge of the bed and continued to gaze about the room before his eyes fell to the closet he had seen his brother disappear into. ".. I have to ask.. Why are you being so nice to me? You've hated me for years and now, suddenly, you're acting as if nothing happened."

Sesshoumaru came back out buttoning a clean dress shirt and carefully tucked it into his pants so as not to wrinkle it. He sat down on the bed beside Inuyasha.

"I've never hated you. I was merely trying to make you stronger."

"Stronger? What the hell are you talking about." His dog ears flickered.

"Father pampered you because of your human blood. I was the only one that knew, because you also had demon blood, that you did not need to be treated any differently than I. Father was raising you to be a helpless weakling. I made you become independent and made you be proud of your demon heritage that others took for granted."

Inuyasha was struck dumb with his brother's confession. When he thought over so many occasions of his older brother, he could vaguely remember him saying he needed to learn how to take care of himself and not rely on others to save him. The hanyou just never realized it was out of love and not hatred that made Sesshoumaru act the ways he did.

".. Sessh.."

"You have our father's demon blood within your veins. I did not want you to act like anything less." Sesshoumaru stood and went into his bathroom to finish getting ready. He called, "You should change, Inuyasha. It's getting late."

Weakly, Inuyasha stood and began to undress and change into his new clothes. He could not stop thinking about what was just said and about all the years he had gone through thinking his brother hated him. He slipped his feet into the new shoes and walked into the bathroom as well.

Sesshoumaru was looking in the mirror and straightening his tie as he noticed Inuyasha standing by the doorway watching him. He came towards the mirror slowly, but turned and locked him in a sudden embrace. The hug caught the elder demon off guard, but he tentatively brought his arms around and returned the favor.

".. You're wrinkling my shirt, little brother," he said with a warm tone and gently patted the hanyou's shoulder to get him to release.

Inuyasha's arms slipped back to his sides and he looked away sheepishly. ".. Sorry.."

Sesshoumaru could smell the faint scent of salt from the stray tears that welled in his brother's eyes. "It's fine. But I'm glad you came in before I had to get you myself." He took a nicely wrapped box from the counter and handed it to him. "Here. Makkuro wanted me to give you this as a peace offering."

He took it from his brother with curiosity and slit the ribbon that held the present closed. After removing the lid, Inuyasha looked inside and found a bottle of expensive cologne. He chuckled softly. "Are you sure you're not saying I smell?"

A soft smirk came to Sesshoumaru's face. "I didn't think I had to tell you."

"Feh.." smiled Inuyasha and took the bottle out. "It's not strong, is it? I can't even walk by a department store entrance without feeling dizzy from the fumes."

"Makkuro only suggested, but I was the one that chose it. And no, it is the lightest they have. I would hope you think me more creative than killing you with cologne, dear brother."

He replied with a cocky smirk before giving the bottle a sniff. The smell did not bother him at all. In fact, he liked it. The hanyou gave a sprits upon himself from arm's length before returning the bottle to the gift box. ".. Thanks, Sessh."


Sesshoumaru drove the both of them to the restaurant and handed the valet his key. "If I do not get my car back precisely the way I left it, heads will roll. And I do mean literally." He made his point by flashing his claws. The boy gave a tremble and nodded quickly before going to park.

Inuyasha raised a brow as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Intimidation does pay off, little brother. Now, let's sit down and wait for our dining guests inside, shall we?" and off he sauntered with his head held high with the half demon strolling behind.

At their table, there lay a large bouquet of red, long stemmed roses. Inuyasha could smell their sweet aroma all around the table.

"Those are for your female and they are from you. I had no prior knowledge to the event and had no part in their purchase." Sesshoumaru sat himself down and pulled his chair in. "When she arrives, give her the flower and seat her like a gentleman. She should be arriving in a few moments."

Inuyasha sat down as he looked over the roses. "Her name is 'Kagome', you know. Not 'your female'."

"But she is your female, dear brother. She is covered in your scent and I have seen her mark. I suppose I should congratulate you for choosing a mate. Especially one as exquisite, even for a human."

"Thanks.. I guess." The hanyou ran his clawed fingers over the many utensils that littered either side of his place setting.

"I couldn't help notice that your human male friend also smells of you.." The corner of his mouth curled softly.

Inuyasha's ears shot up and he began to blush immediately before looking away. "Shut up... I don't want to hear it from you."

"I'm only surprised you haven't mentioned anything about me. Surely you must have smelled the male on me as well."

The younger brother choked on his breath and gave his tie knot a tug as he coughed. "Y-you??"

"I met him through Makkuro. I'm not sure he'd be quite to your liking, but he fits me just fine." Sesshoumaru was smirking pleasantly as he watched his little brother sputter in shock. "His name is, Naraku and he can be quite a handful, but he knows his place with me."

Inuyasha slapped his hand over his face. "Oh, gods.. I don't think I wanted to hear all that before I ate."

The elder demon leaned in. "I'd straighten yourself if I were you, Inuyasha. Your female has arrived."

He dropped his hand and turned his head towards the doors to see Kagome as well as Miroku . Miroku was dressed very nicely as well, but it was Kagome that made his canine ears perk upward. Her hair was done in an up do with small ringlets framing her face. She wore a beautiful, navy blue spaghetti strapped dress that went to the floor and had a matching lace shirt cover. She wore a simple pendant necklace and a bracelet that Inuyasha had giving her one Valentine's Day.

The hanyou could not speak. He had never seen Kagome so stunning before. He was brought back to earth with a helping nudge in the shin from Sesshoumaru's foot before he stood. Inuyasha stood as well and clumsily reached for the roses as Kagome and Miroku were let to the table.

Kagome's cheeks tinted pink as she saw her mate. She thought he was absolutely handsome in his dress clothes. However, she did not quite care for his carefully combed and tied back hair. She liked his untamed silver mane much better. He offered the bouquet with a whispered, ".. Wow.."

Inuyasha could not stop staring at her even as she took the flowers. "Oh, they're beautiful, Inuyasha. Thank you so much." She inhaled their fragrance before setting them out of the way, so she could come closer. The young lovers hugged each other tightly and shared a long kiss.

When they were finished, Inuyasha remembered to pull the chair back for Kagome to sit in. "Thank you, Inuyasha. You're being so well mannered tonight." She seated herself and he slid her chair closer to the table before settling back down.

Sesshoumaru even pulled the chair beside him out for Miroku, much to his embarrassment. Once they were seated, Kagome, Sesshoumaru, and Miroku unfolded their napkins and placed them onto their lap. Inuyasha quickly followed suit before returning to gazing at the goddess sitting next to him.

"You look beautiful, Kagome.." His amber eyes twinkled.

"And you look incredibly handsome, Inuyasha." She leaned over to kiss him again and caught the scent of his cologne. She gave his cheek a peek just to get another sniff, then whispered into his ear. "You smell so good.. I don't know if I'll be able to keep my hands off you tonight."

The hanyou grinned and took her hand into his own to give it a squeeze. "I don't mind."

They were interrupted when the menus came and Inuyasha could only frown at the selection. He didn't like the sound of anything, really. They all shared a bottle of imported wine that Sesshoumaru had suggested and ordered their meals. He elder demon assured them that cost was not a problem since Makkuro was picking up the bill and would have insisted if she had been there in person.

Miroku wished he brought Sango with him. Sesshoumaru suggested another dinner so everyone could bring their significant other along and everyone agreed, but Inuyasha seemed to blush as he was nodding. For tonight, Miroku and the demon were satisfied enough with each other's company.

Their meal was filled with idle conversations and the occasional reprimand of Inuyasha by the other three as his table manners would be forgotten. All in all, the night was very enjoyable for the four.

The half youkai grew a little tipsy after having a few too many drinks and became incredibly clingy and affectionate to his mate. Sesshoumaru took care of the bill, courtesy of Madam Makkuro, and helped walk his brother out.

"At least he's a happy drunk," commented Miroku as Inuyasha gave Kagome a loving lick on the cheek.

"I'll trust you both to see him home then. Just let him know that Makkuro wants you both there tomorrow night." Sesshoumaru bid his goodbyes as his car pulled up in front of the restaurant and sped off into the night.

Just a moment after, the stretch limousine stopped before them and the driver stepped out to open the door for the three of them. Miroku was in first so he could help his inebriated friend inside, then Kagome with her flowers. Inuyasha sat between them with a silly grin and snuggled against his mate. If he had a tail, it would have been wagging happily.

"Mmm.. You're so pretty, Kagome." He nipped at her neck playfully. "Miroku's pretty too, but you're more pretty than he is.." The hanyou sat up and threw an arm around his companions. "I have pretty friends! And we all have sex with each other because we're all pretty.. Hey, Kagome?.. You wanna mate with me and Miro? A reg-el-lar threesome!" He held up two fingers, however as he spoke.

The humans blushed and tried to quiet him down until they could get home. Miroku's apartment was first. He was reluctant to leave though.

"Are you sure you'll be alright with him, Kagome?"

"Yes. He's comfortable now at least." She looked down where Inuyasha's face now came to rest in her breasts. The hanyou was smiling as he held onto her.

Miroku gave a soft smirk, but nodded and shut the door. The ride continued to Kagome's house. She had trouble prying him from her chest, but he let go with a whimper and followed her to her door.

"I'll let you stay here tonight, Inuyasha, but you have to behave yourself. Souta is having a friend sleep over tonight so you'll have to sleep in my bed."

The hanyou gave a shaky nod and followed his mate upstairs to her bedroom. Kagome saw her mother and explained that she was letting him stay over since he was still tipsy and the woman agreed.

Kagome changed into a pair of pajamas and tried to find something for Inuyasha to wear, but even her biggest shirt would not fit his muscular frame. "Guess you're just going to have to sleep in your underwear then."

"Aw.. Why can't we sleep naked? We can't have sex if you're wearing pants.." his ears drooped.

"Inuyasha! Be quiet. We're not doing that tonight, now let me help you get undressed." She unbuttoned his shirt and laid it down nicely so it would not wrinkle, then had to help him get his shoes off so he could remove his slacks.

Once he was only in his boxers, she laid him down in her bed and crawled in beside him. Lovingly, she tucked him in, but he was already starting to snore softly.

"Goodnight, Inuyasha." Kagome laid her head on his chest and let his scent lull her to sleep.


The sunlight filtering through Kagome's bedroom window stirred Inuyasha from his sleep. He groaned and rolled over so he was facing the wall and accidentally gave Kagome a bump in the side as he shifted. She yawned and gave a stretch before rolling to her side to snuggle with her mate from behind. She put her arm around his waist and let her fingers play over the taut muscles of his abs.

"Good morning, Inuyasha.. How are you feeling?" She rested her head against his shoulder.

The sound of Kagome's voice drew him from his half sleep and he gave a murmur of nonsense before yawning wide and stretching. "Ngh.. I have a headache.." He finally realized where he was and felt he was in his underpants. He sat up quickly. "What the hell? How come I'm in your bed?"

Kagome lifted her head and propped herself up slightly with her elbow. "You had a little too much to drink last night, so I let you stay here, remember? And I told you that Souta had a friend sleeping over so you'd have to share my bed."

"B-bu-but.. But what about your mother?" he sputtered.

"Don't worry. She said it was fine. Nothing happened during the night if that's what you're worried about. You just slept soundly beside me." Kagome sat up and tenderly stroked his soft ears. "You sure you're alright, Inuyasha?"

He held his head with one hand and groaned softly. "Yeah. I'm okay. Everything's just a little fuzzy is all. I hope I didn't embarrass you, Kagome."

"You're just lucky that you were only really bad in front of Miroku and me. You were a little loud on the car ride home." She leaned in and gave his cheek a soft kiss. "Will you stay for breakfast? You can have anything you want."


"Well, I was thinking more like pancakes."

"... Can you make a pancake out of Ramen?"

"Ramen pancakes. I don't think that's a delicacy that will catch on any time soon." Kagome stuck her tongue out in disgust. Inuyasha just gave a fanged smirk.

"Feh.. You have no sense of taste, woman."

She faked a pout and playfully shoved him before getting up from her bed and giving another stretch. "You can shower or anything here if you'd like. Though, I don't have any clothes for you to change into."

Inuyasha stood and gave Kagome a soft hug. "It's okay. I'll just do it when I get home." He started towards her door, but her giggling made him stop. "What are you laughing at?"

"I'd put something on first or you'll give my mom a heart attack."

He glanced over himself in just his boxers. "Guess I've gotten used to being pretty much naked around you." A cocky grin came to his face as he folded his arms over his chest. "So what am I supposed to wear?"

"Your clothes from last night are on the chair, or you could just try to squeeze into one of my dresses." His grin died the instant a devilish glint came to her eye.

Inuyasha shot his hands up. "No way! You just get that idea out of your head right now, woman! I'm gettin' dressed in my own damn clothes." With a nervous scuttle, he grabbed his clothes and threw them on quickly before exiting her bedroom.

Kagome came downstairs behind him and continued to giggle. "I'm just teasing you, Inuyasha! But I bet you'd look cute."

"Feh. You're only going to see me like that in your fantasies."

As the two entered the kitchen, Souta and his friend were fixing some cereal to eat. His face lit up when he saw the hanyou.

"Inuyasha! Hey, hey! I want you to meet my friend!" He grabbed the other child's wrist and pulled him over. "This is my friend, Kai." Souta turned and whispered to the boy, "This is guy I was tellin' you about. He's the coolest."

Kai looked similar to Souta, but had big green eyes and poochy cheeks. He waved a small hand shyly. "Hi.."

Kagome chuckled softly behind Inuyasha and gave him a soft nudge of encouragement before walking past to get some breakfast. The half demon looked at the young boy and flashed a fanged grin. "Hey."

Souta took his friend by the arm again and the boys grabbed their cereal bowls and raced back into Souta's bedroom to play video games. Kagome's little brother went on and on about how great Inuyasha was until the bedroom door finally shut and muffled his voice.

Kagome came back over and kissed his cheek. "He really thinks you're something, you know."

"Feh. So your brother worships the ground I walk on. Big deal. I'm more concerned about breakfast."

"You should be nice. You're his idol." She returned to the stove as she cooked. The door opened and Kagome's mother came in with a few bags of groceries in her hands.

"Oh, good morning, Inuyasha, Kagome. I just stopped at the grocery store this morning and hoped I'd be back before everyone was awake."

"You know Souta mom. He's up with the sun so he can get more video game playing in." Kagome and her mother chuckled.

"Oh, Inuyasha. Would you be so kind as to help bring the rest of the bags in for me? I just didn't have enough hands to get them all in one trip."

Inuyasha nodded. "Sure. And thanks for letting me crash here last night."

"It was no bother, dear. You know you're always welcome here. And I'm sure Kagome wouldn't object either."

Kagome blushed brightly as she caught her mother giving a wink at her. She nearly dropped the plate she was holding. "Mo-o-om! Don't embarrass me like that!"

The woman just smiled warmly and Inuyasha exited for a moment to grab the other bags. Kagome and her mother put away the food while Kagome set a plate of fresh pancakes down for Inuyasha to eat. He was grateful for the food as soon as it hit his stomach and helped him forget about the headache he had earlier.

Kagome joined him just a bit later as he was finishing up and drinking down a glass of milk.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Sesshoumaru said that Madam Makkuro wanted you tonight. After I'm finished eating, I can drive you home."

Inuyasha shook his head. "Nah. I'll just go by foot. It'll be faster than taking a car anyway."

She almost forgot at how fast he could run. It was hard enough to keep attentions away from the dog ears he possessed, so he would keep his demon sprinting to a minimum. "But what about your clothes? You might get them dirty if you go running like that. I really don't mind taking you. It would be good to get out of the house on such a beautiful day."

He smiled softly. "Alright. You win, woman. Now hurry up. I want to get this shit out of my hair." He absently played with his disheveled locks.


Once Kagome had finished eating and changed her clothes, they got into her car and made their way over to Inuyasha's apartment. He wanted to shower badly and get into his comfortable clothes. The traffic wasn't too bad and arrived at his place in a short time.

When they were inside, Inuyasha went to his bedroom to start undressing, but Kagome followed. She wrapped her arms around his neck gently and gave his cheek a kiss. "We're finally alone now.. And you still smell good." She nibbled his neck. "You should wear that cologne more often."

The hanyou blinked as he smelled her arousal growing each time she took a deep inhale of his scent. He was glad that he had been removing his pants at that moment because they would have been very constrictive otherwise.

"Don't you want me, Inuyasha? I wanted you last night, but I couldn't take a chance of someone hearing." She started to lick one of his perked canine ears and he let out a whimper.

Inuyasha's breathing grew heavier. "You're going to kill me, woman. Why do you decide to get hot and bothered when I'm trying to do something? I wanted to wash this shit out of my hair, but you're making it difficult."

"We can shower together.. I need to get clean too," she purred into his ear.

He moaned. "Somehow, I don't think we're going to get much cleaner in the shower."

Her hands slid down his waist and into his underpants. He gave a 'yip' and stiffened as she began to fondle him. The scent of her desire was starting to become overpowering.

Inuyasha spun around and snatched Kagome into his arms before throwing her back onto his bed and leaping on top of her with a growl. He kissed her hungrily and his claws hands began to tug at her clothes. Kagome had to battle him off long enough to get them off herself before he decided just to slice them to ribbons. She helped him take his own shirt off and he kicked his pants and underwear off while she removed her own.

Once more, they began to attack one another passionately. They did not bother with foreplay. While still locked in their steamy kiss, he pulled her legs up around his waist and probed for her waiting opening. He found the hot slickness and sheathed himself in her quickly. Kagome gave a cry, but the sound was swallowed in his mouth.

Almost immediately, he began thrusting deeply into her core. Her toes were pointed skyward and knees pushed back to an almost painful level. She dug her nails into his back and left small scratches across his flesh as she mewled. He knew they would be healed in no time, but there was little that could have slowed his pace then.

She threw her head back, moaning loudly and calling his name repeatedly. He growled and buried his face in her chest as he lapped at her flesh and searched for a nipple to latch onto.

The bed frame creaked and squeaked in protest of the wild fucking that had suddenly commenced. The sound was drowned out as Kagome arched her back and screamed to the heavens, "INUYASHA!"

His clawed hands came down to cup her backside as he drove himself through her. Her internal muscles tightened and pulsated around his throbbing shaft and sent him to his climax.

A strained groan came through his clenched fangs as his hips began to slow their rocking and his seed empted into her womb. He laid his head down on her chest while he tried to catch his breath. Snowy wisps of hair lay tangled across the girl's body as she held her lover and let herself come back to earth.

It was Inuyasha that lifted his head first and removed his softening member from his mate's depths. He gave her face a lick. "You should know better than that, woman. You've got to remember that I'm a dog demon and a male. You start getting touchy feely and you're going to be on your back in a second."

Kagome's eyes were still closed, but a soft grin curled the corners of her mouth. ".. I like it."

"Feh. Don't say I didn't warn you." They lay snuggled with each other for a long time. Inuyasha did not want to leave his mate's side even though he knew his hair was still filthy. Kagome leaned over and kissed him upon the lips softly. Her smoky gray eyes gazed deeply into his brilliant amber and she smiled.

"I need to clean up before I go home. Can I shower with you?"

"Okay. But you pull another thing like just now and you'll never get out of here."