InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jinx: I'm almost done with `Don't Let Go'!!!!!!!!!! Yippy! Well anyways I thought I'd write a chapter in this story so you wouldn't forget about it ^^

Tennyo: Didn't forget what?! : p

Jinx: your way crazy girl!

Chapter 5

Kagome sat on her bed in her dark pink silk pajamas, rubbing the sleep from her blue eyes. The coat still wrapped around her body.

It had been two days since she last saw Inuyasha, and those eyes, oh god those golden eyes. She in some way also missed Rex too. He was just as good as company as Inuyasha was.

She couldn't help but laugh at that thought.

Sighing she got up out of bed. Dragging her feet across her carpeted floor as she slowly scooted her way towards her bathroom.

She almost made it to the bathroom door when her doorbell sounded. Filling the apartment with the annoying buzzing sound

"I'm coming!" she screamed, covering her ears, trying to drown out the sound. "I'M COMING!" she screamed louder when the buzzing continued. When she opened that door they were going to get a piece of her mind.

Making her way to the door, she unlocked all the locks. Opening it with force she didn't even know she had, she was pissed, and who ever it was that was holding down the doorbell did as well, because it went quite.

"What…do ….you…" she trailed of, looking up into golden eyes, the very same eyes she was just thinking about not ten minutes ago.

The very man that she had been thinking about since the day she broke down to him in the park. She couldn't help but look him up and down, his black baggy pants that she silently hoped would fall off his hips, his dark blue almost black shirt that was covered by a trench coat that drag the ground as he shifted from foot to foot, His long beautiful silver hair flowing freely down his back.

"Well I thought I'd bring you a present" he said tugging on a leash; bring a brown dog out from behind him.

He was beautiful dog, he was a chocolate brown lab, his eyes were a yellow color, and he wore a dark red collar that made his fur stand out even more. He was the same size as Rex, who I might add was already making him self comfortable on her couch in her apartment. `Must of slipped through' she thought looking back to Inuyasha.

"How did you know where I lived?" she asked, moving away from the door and inviting him in. Watching his butt as he walked away,

"It's not the same" she muttered under her breath, closing the door behind with her foot as she walked into the kitchen.

He smiled "I knew because of this" he said tossing her a piece of paper.

She slowly opened it up, uncrumbling the paper. She read it aloud "Kagome Higurashi, Four thirty two, plain street" she looked back up at him as he made his way to her couch that Rex had made him self comfortable on, tugging the brown dog behind him "how did you get this?" she asked walking over to him, she stood in front of him, glaring at him with her hands on her hips. (Jinx: Inventive name for a street, huh? Tennyo: Really original ^^)

"You really think that's going to work?" he laughed, looking her up and down. He couldn't help the grin that played across his face when he saw the jacket she was wearing, or should he say his jacket she was wearing. Seeing she wasn't going to back down he sighed in defeat. "One of my friends has got some contentions ok, now could you come over here at sit and met your new pet?" he said gesturing to the dog sitting next to him that had his head resting on his knee, looking as if he was about to fall asleep from boredom.

She did as she was asked, moving Rex's butt out of the way she sat close but not to close to Inuyasha.

"What's his name?" she said reaching out to pet one of the dog's ears.

"Jake" he answered, looking into her eyes as they sparkled with joy as she petted the dogs.

"Did you get him for me?" she asked pulling her hand away, placing it back in her lap, and entwining it with the other one.

"Yeah I did, I figured you like Rex so much, and I figured I'd get you a dog." He smiled giving her Jake's leash.

She stared at the red leash in her hand and then the dog; she'd never owned a pet before. Not even a fish! She did know the first thing about owning a dog or anything that was an animal.

"T-thanks" she said nervously

"What?" he asked, taking notice in the way she kept looking at the dog and then at the leash he had placed in her hand. Then it hit him. "You've never owned a dog before have you?" he chuckled, this was getting good.

She looked up at him with guilt in her eyes, like it was a bad thing to have never owned a dog before. "No" she whispered, "I don't know the first thing about owning a dog?" she said tightening her grip on Jakes leash.

"It's easy, their…well their pretty much like your best friend, they're lazy at times, they get into everything, and they'll be their when you need them most." He smiled reaching over to pat lazy old Rex on the hip, causing the slumbering dog to give a snort and lift his head as if asking "What?" and then putting it back down, not soon after was he already snoring. "See told ya." Inuyasha smiled.

She laughed some maybe it wouldn't be all that bad she could use a friend.

"Could you help me with him sometimes?" she asked, she didn't want to mess this up in anyway.

"Sure" he said getting up from the couch and stretching his body. "First you're going to need dog food, that's usually helpful when having a dog." He laughed at the glare she sent his way, boy if looks could kill.

"I know that part" she huffed, also getting up from the couch. Rex again jumped popped his head up, seeing nothing was wrong he put his head back down.

"Lazy ass dog" Inuyasha sighed


I put a picture of what Jake looked like up on my website too anyone who cares *sigh* no one wants to sign my guest book :'( oh well your problem not mine.

Tennyo: Now Jinx stay nice ^^

Jinx: *looks around and then sighs* Tennyo why are you stuffing Inuyasha in the closet again? *holds bridge of nose*

Tennyo: I swear your dreaming this *starts waving her arms in front on Jinx her face* I'm not really here! *Runs away to come back at a saver time*

*Inu Yasha comes out of the closet and looks around*

Inu Yasha: Is she gone?!
Tennyo: Yashieeee me is back ^^

*Inuyasha hides under bed*

Inu Yasha: Don't tell her I'm under here, I beg you!

Jinx: what do I get out of this *taps chin and evil laughter* ohhhh tennyooooooooo