InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

You'll have to excuse the delay a very close and very dear friend of mine passed away.
Chapter 13
They ate their food in silence, wondering what the other was thinking but not really caring at the same time, both glancing out the window on occasion when a stranger passed by most likely on his or her way to work.
“Do you think their always like this or should I go smack him in the back of the head.” Jinx whispered to her sister as they both stared threw the window of the kitchen.
Cindy just gave her Sister “the look”. “You do it I'll be the one watching as Inuyasha slowly murders you”
Jinx just huffed and continued to look on, but in her mind she pictured Inuyasha's horrible bloody face, possibly her blood, she shudder. Ok so maybe hitting him in the back of the head wasn't a good approach, but she had to do something.
Jinx grabbed a pitcher of ice water, she had an evil thought, and she was set on doing it. She slowly walked over to the young couples table, acting as if nothing was going to happen.
“Would you like some more water?” she asked sweetly, too sweetly for Inuyasha.
He looked up at her from his bowl of ramen. “What are you up too?”
“Nothing Inu, just giving your girlfriend here more water.” She said as she poured Kagome some more water filling her glass all the way to the top, just enough for it to form a mound of water at the top. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that a Kagome lowered her head a little more into her plate, her red face as bright as the tomato's she was eating on her salad.
He eyed her cautiously. “Yeah but your using that voice.” He said to her as he pointed at her with his chop sticks.
“What voice.” She said sweetly, a glint in her eye that only the keenest of eyes good see, and Inuyasha happen to have those eyes. “Would you like some water, Inu?” Jinx asked moving the pitcher of water in his direction.
He glared at her. “Sure” he said slowly as he watched her carefully as she poured the water into his glass, maybe she wasn't up to something?
Jinx smiled, she was almost there.
“Jinx!” Cindy yelled from the kitchen, she new her sister to well.
Jinx rolled her eyes. “What?!”
“Get your butt in her!” Cindy yelled, peeking her head out of the kitchen threw the window.
Jinx, in a very un- lady like manner, stopped pouring Inuyasha's water leaving the pitcher there and stomped her way back into the kitchen.
“What?!” Jinx whispered loudly at her sister when she stomped into the kitchen, leaving the door swinging madly in her wake.
“Do you think that for a second I didn't know what you were going to do.” Cindy said using the spatula she was cleaning to point in the young couple's direction.
“Oh really, then what was I going to do, Mrs. I know everything…” Jinx said smugly, crossing her arms over her chest in a very inuyasha manner.
“You were going to poor that pitcher of water on Inuyasha, and get yourself most likely killed in the process. I'm just saving my ass from cleaning up your blood and guts.” Cindy argued, glaring at her sister out of the corner of her eye.
Jinx rolled her eyes, huffing that her damn sister knew her all to well. But then a thought struck her! An evil grin came upon her pale face, it was pay back time.
She quickly grabbed a handful of flour and another pitcher of still very cold water, making sure not to make too much of a ruckus. Then all at once she dumped the flour down her sister's shirt and poured the water on top of her head.
The next thing Inuyasha and Kagome heard was a loud scream and Jinx came running out of the kitchen followed closely behind by a very wet, flour covered, angry Cindy, waving the spatula around in a threatning manner.
Inuyasha having seen and heard these things happen all the time, shook his head and sighed going back to his now almost cold ramen.
He still to this day never understood why he came here all the time.
Kagome on the other hand was a different story, she watched as Jinx ran out the door, running threw the snow covered paths, laughing at her flour covered sister. She giggled a little when Cindy just barley missed her sister with her flinging arm. She hoped that inuyasha would bring her back here again, these guys were nuts.
`Lunch and a show' she thought to herself as she went back to her salad.
~*~*~*~* oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
They made it back to her place after helping Jinx and Cindy close up shop so they could go home and clean up.
Right after Cindy made a truce with Jinx, by saying she was too tired to run around in the snow all day, she threw a handful of muddy snow at her sisters retreating form.
Therefore making her day of hell of a lot better.
Kagome unlocked her apartment door, feeling at ease that Sesshomaru had not yet made it back from his walk with the dogs, or should it be the other way around. When he did leave it did look like for a while there the dogs where leading him.
She let Inuyasha enter, watching as he kicked off his shoes and coat, walking over to the sofa, making himself comfortable. For some reason that made her feel good. She too kicked off her shoes, taking off her coat she walked into the kitchen to possibly to find something warm to drink
She found nothing in her bar home, so she just shrugged her shoulders and walked into her room to put on something a little more comfortable, as in her silk pajama's.
`This is a relaxing day' she thought as she, put her red silk pajamas on, buttoning up the shirt she slid onto the bed like a cat, stretching a yawning when it was need for her back.
She couldn't remember a time when she was more relaxed.
She was beginning to drift asleep, when she felt the warmth of another cuddle up against her, wrapping his arms around her resting his head in the crouch of her lushis neck.
She smiled when his breath tickled the back of her neck, she could tell he only had his pants on, his arm was bare when she rubbed her hand up and down it, the only way she really new how to show affection now a days.
He tangled his legs up with her silken clad ones, making the fabric of her pants ride up a little exposing some off her already chilled skin to the cold air.
She sighed in relaxation, this was heaven, she thought as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber held in the arms of the man that she knew she was beginning to fall in love with…
Sesshomaru stood outside looking up in the direction of Kagome's apartment with the dogs leash's in his hands. He hated to admit it more then anything, but he was happy for his little brother.
He unlike himself found some one to spend his life with; he could tell by the way Inuyasha acted around her, nervous and kind, not one of Inuyasha's strong points.
Sesshomaru gave the leash's a little tough, “Come” he said sternly, the dogs obeyed, not wanting to piss the tall man off anymore then he already was, at least they thought he was pissed off?
He and the dogs walked off, somewhere other then there for the time being, giving the girl and his brother time to spend before he breaks the news to him of father…
Well it's done, hope you liked, took me a while to do I had to kind of work myself back into it ^^