InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 15
Sesshomaru sat down on the couch gracefully, the cushion dipping slightly under his weight. His brother sat down next to him, a little less gracefully. Dangling his shoe covered feet over the arm of the couch, sinking down into the over stuffed large pillow.
Sesshomaru was embarrassed to call him his half brother…so to solve that he didn't in fact.
Inuyasha was going on about something or another, but Sesshomaru really didn't bother listening. His half brother often rambled on about things that didn't make much sense to him anyways. He relaxed a little into the couch, not much, but enough to the point where he was still alert and still look as laconic as ever…got to keep his image.
It went quiet all the sudden he looked over at his brother.
His mouth wasn't moving.
`Good' he thought `the half breed is silent'
Inuyasha was thinking, about what? Was even a mystery to him…not that he was stupid or anything. He could think…no he didn't know what he was going to do when he went back into the bedroom to talk to Kagome, this was probably much easier then he was making it out to be.
He just about kissed her, but he didn't, and he didn't know why?
He gave up yelling at his dumb brother when he noticed he wasn't going to get a rise out of him.
`Never worked anyways' he thought, snorting in his head.
Then a thought struck him.
“What the hell are you doing here anyways?” Inuyasha asked sitting up right on the couch, his feet now in front of him, his head turned towards Sesshomaru, he wanted for answers.
He knew how his brother felt about him, he could be dense at times, but he wasn't that dense.
He came here with some bad news.
Sesshomaru, after some well thought out minutes, turned his head to regard his brother. He looked worried, frustrated, but worried more then anything.
`Maybe he knows already' thought Sesshomaru, his eye twitching slightly at the thought of coming all the way here for no reason.
“Brother” he said calmly, his face as stoic as ever. “Father has passed” he finally said, the tension going unnoticed by Inuyasha coming off his shoulders.
Inuyasha sat there, staring at his older brother.
`He's gone' he thought, after coming to the conclusion that Sesshomaru wasn't going to start laughing and telling him it was all a big joke just as father busted threw the door throwing his arms around him .
But he knew Sesshomaru better then that.
It never came, the laughter, his father bursting threw the door throwing his arms around him, lifting him and swinging him around in the air, laughing at himself telling him everything was going to be alright.
He left childish thinking of such things, but that's really what his father would have done.
He shut his eyes, waiting for it to come, the door flying open, the laughter filling the room…anything.
It never came.
Inuyasha stood up, and started to pace, his hands going to his hair, his legs getting weak all of the sudden.
Sesshomaru had to be lying, he just had too. He looked at his brother again, and then remembered for a brief second that his brother found it pointless to lie.
He was always blunt and to the point, never really beating around the bush.
“This can't be” he said aloud, his nails for the second time that day digging into his head.
He was close to his father; he was all he had really. Aside from Sesshomaru that is, his father was his everything.
After the death of his human mother he went to live with Sesshomaru and his father in the west, `The Castle of Blood' he himself called it, later he came to figure out it was called `The House of the Western Demons' he himself favored his title, as did his father and brother...oddly as that may seem.
The one thing he and his half brother shared.
He strangely already missed his father, only knowing for a couple of minutes, second even that he was gone.
He sat back down in the seat he once occupied, it still warm from when he left it abruptly.
“How” he whispered, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know, but he wasn't sure he didn't either.
“The Miko Bitch he took as his mate.” Sesshomaru said his gaze falling to the snow falling outside.
This slightly shocked Inuyasha, for Sesshomaru rarely cursed.
Inuyasha tried to think of her, he remembered the ceremony, and how angry father was when he found out that Sesshomaru wasn't attending.
Sesshomaru hated humans, but he hated humans with spiritual powers even more. They annoyed him to no end, filling filthy human heads with text of gods and an after life.
He believed in no such thing. Believing when you passed, soul remained in your lifeless body. There was no such thing as an after life to Sesshomaru.
Inuyasha barley remembered her, but he did remember her eyes, her almost black cold eyes.
He shuddered at the thought.
“Do you not remember?” Sesshomaru asked, his elegant eyebrow arched, his brother was an idiot.
“A little” Inuyasha said aloud, his anger clear in his voice.
At this moment all he wanted was revenge. He wanted so badly to go to his fathers lands and slit that bitches throat, no that was too good for her, he wanted give her suffering, make her beg for her death.
More then anything wanted to feel her blood on his hands. Her warm blood seeping into the pads of his fingers, he could almost feel it.
His nails dug deeper into his scalp, he welcomed the pain.
The dogs in the corner sensing nothing but trouble ran into the only salvation they could find, a box that was most likely left over from when kagome moved in. Their tails once again tucked between their poor shaky legs.
“How did she do it” Inuyasha growled threw gritted teeth.
“She purified him.” Sesshomaru spoke simply, staring at a falling snow flake. He was trying to remain calm; this wasn't his house to run muck in.
Inuyasha was still waiting for the sound of the door to slam open.
He wanted revenge even more “And the Miko, What of her?” he asked, his voice cracking, he was beginning to see red.
Not a good sign for Inuyasha, he tried to use calming breaths that only resulted in angering him more.
His face tightened up in anger.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome called from her bedroom door, her head peaking around the doorframe.
Inuyasha's head shot up and out on its hold he had on it. The wounds he inflected upon himself instantly going away.
He looked at her, she was staring at him with fear almost in her eyes, she was afraid of him.
“Are you ok?” she asked running her delicate digits up and down the door frame absently.
“I will be…sooner or later,” he said eyes locking with her for a split second before she turned away.
Why did she fear him now and not later?
Sesshomaru stared down at him, his eyebrow slightly raised.
“Dear Brother, when did you get your markings?” Sesshomaru finally asked
He put a hand up to his face, a feeble attempt to possibly wipe off whatever was there. His hand went in a circular motion, on his check; if he meant markings they'd be right there right?
He looked at his hands; nothing was there, only his finger and long claws attached.
He looked around they were still all looking at him, but most of all it was Kagome who was staring at him as if she didn't know whom he was.
Her quizzing look was a dead give away that he wasn't what he looked like anymore.
He jumped up off the couch a little too fast for Kagome, for she shrieked slightly back into her room.
He started at her for a moment before walking off in the direction of the bathroom, he needed a mirror, and he just hoped it wasn't as bad as they all seemed to make him feel.
He come upon the mirror in Kagome's bedroom bathroom, a small mirror, but for now it would have to do, he closed his eyes as he stood in front of it, is face tightened in a scowl, he could feel it.
He slowly opened his left eye, looking at the face in front of him, it was him, there was no doubt about that, but he did look different in ways.
He opened his other eye, forcing to go as wide as the other, to get a better view.
He had markings similar to Sesshoumaru's, but his were less bright, more of a darker tone to them. The strips on his left and right cheeks were a darker purple then Sesshoumaru's, more jagged, crocked in some places even.
The crescent moon on his forehead, symbolizing his families victory in the war against the gods, was this same as Sesshoumaru's, but darker in color, like a midnight blue kind of. His fingers grazed it lightly, remembering how he use to do with his fathers when he was younger, he was envious of it.
He no longer had to be now, his face saddened at that thought.
He looked up into the mirror again. When had he ever looked down?
His triangular doggie ears were gone; they no longer rested on top of his head. He now had elfin ears; he also grazed those, pulling slightly on the dangling chain on his left ear, that looked similar to the on his father had, that connected from the bottom lobe of his ear to the top part of the cart ledge.
He winced slightly, that kind of hurt.
He didn't understand this?
Why does he now pose's the features of full demon?
Or if that, the features of his now deceased father.
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