InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 19 ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 19
After the incident in the apartment with Kagome answering the door in her under ware, Inuyasha was having an extreme amount of trouble trying to concentrate on the road ahead of him, and not to mention his pants in his lower region was becoming uncomfortably tight.
With Kagome sitting in the back seat wearing that dress he'd figure anyone would at this point.
His eyes just wouldn't stop looking in the rear view mirror at her legs peeking out from the slit on the side, every once in a while it would slide down more, giving him more of a view of her shapely legs.
He slightly wondered if his brother was having any sort of trouble. He was getting a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, as he blocked that image out of his head of his brother ogling over her.
He just couldn't stop taking his eyes of her from the moment they left her apartment.
After having an argument about Kagome answering the door in her under ware she kicked Inuyasha out so she could get dressed.
He would later thank her for this.
When she first stepped out of the apartment complex his legs about gave out on him. Lucky for him he was leaning against his brother's car.
It was like something out of an old movie that he had saw in his youth, a black and white film that had left him bored at the sight of it…if he could only remember the name of the film. He would look it up to see if it was some how her playing the role of the women.
She had let her long raven hair down, letting the wind toss it around at its own accord. The black knitted sash wrapped around her slender shoulders complemented the blue dress well, highlighting the delicate light blue flower design that you'd have to be blind to not see. The bottom of her dress flowing in the wind like waves on a summer's day ocean, she was mesmerizing, and he couldn't help but not stare.
But he must have been staring for to long, because he felt his brother jab him in the side with his elbow.
Inuyasha grunted a reply at that, his brother was just jealous. Jealous at what…he didn't know, but it had to be something.
So that's how they ended up, him driving, his brother in the front passenger seat and kagome in the back behind him.
Gazing out the window, not realizing what she was doing to him.
He's brother seemed to have not trusted Kagome to be in the front, probably not trusting Inuyasha's hands at this point…but he really figured that his brother was just to proud to be seen in the back, and having Inuyasha drive him was probably always a dream.
His eyes yet again strayed to the rear view mirror to gaze at the beauty in the back looking out the window. Her eyes glazed over, and her hands sitting very still in her lap.
He couldn't tell if she was nervous or if she was depressed about something.
He turned onto the dirt road that lead them to the two nuts sisters that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had known for decades, well Cindy more anyways, Jinx's was quite a ways younger then her sister.
Sesshomaru had barley enough time to meet Jinx before he left the castle to `explore' as he called it. But to him the definition of explore was more like a couple of months Sesshomaru was gone for about a hundred years.
He smiled when he remembered when Jinx was born she was even a hellion then, well they both were, seeing as how Jinx's was only a few hundred years younger then himself, perhaps she was worse.
It was hard to tell at times.
But he remembered her smile most of all, the one she lost when her husband died so many years ago.
He himself didn't approve of the marriage, not that he didn't like the guy no that was the exact opposite, no he loved the guy like his own brother. It's just that he thought they were both to young. In human years they were about in their teens.
He didn't dare tell Jinx about that matter though, she was happy. And happy was something that suited Jinx well.
But after learning of his death, she went into a rut.
She tried to get back into her old routine, not wanting any help from anyone, pretending that everything was fine…. pretending that he was there at times.
She'd always give Inuyasha a watery smile when he told her to let it all out. She still to this day has yet to do that, kept everything inside like always. It frightened him at times when Cindy would call him up telling him that Jinx was at it again.
This meant that she locked herself up in her room, contemplating her death with a razor and some other suicidal objects, screaming at the top of her lungs that she would soon be with him again.
He often had to go over and break down her door. You could sometimes, if you looked hard enough, see where they patched up the old woodwork on the door frame.
But lucky for them this would only happen about once a year, always on the same day, the day of his death.
They just hoped one year it would be different, and Inuyasha dreaded the day to come this year. They all had close to about three weeks to be ready.
His thoughts strayed back to her smile.
She hadn't smiled that famous smile in forever and he had grown to miss it dearly. It was a smile like no other it would light up her whole face, only letting a select few see it, that's what made it special most of all.
He sighed at his sad thoughts.
They were almost there, only a couple of yards from their drive way.
He was most excited he loved Cindy's food, and enjoyed their home.
The house was old, older then he himself, but it made up for that by being out in the middle of no where. Where he and Sesshomaru were aloud to let their concealment spells down, they could do it with ease too. No fear of having a stranger see them and running in fear.
As he pulled up to elf's house rather large house for just the two of them, he rolled eyes with a heavy sigh.
They were sitting out on their porch on their swinging bench, no shoes and no coats. `Elf's are so weird' he thought as he killed the engine. Then another thought struck him. `Wasn't Cindy complaining about the cold at the park?' he smiled at that, he was so going to have to point that out to her.
He and Sesshomaru let their concealment spells off. Both looking more comfortable in their dress cloths then before they left the house, those thing itched terribly at times.
Inuyasha got out after sitting there, staring at Kagome in the rear view mirror for a while, she still was gazing out the window. Not realizing that they were here.
He went to her door to let her out. He opened it slowly, to make sure she wasn't leaning against it or anything. He then lightly tapped her on the shoulder; she jumped a bit whispering an apology for spacing out.
He shook his head at her apology, not really excepting it; she could do whatever she pleased.
He walked her up to the elf's porch, their concealment spells already off.
Sesshomaru was already up there, talking away with Cindy about his travels and such, nothing Inuyasha really cared to hear about, and from the looks of it, nor did Jinx.
The elf's looked comfortable, Cindy in a pair of dress pants and white simple button down blouse, and Jinx in a dark red long summer dress. Inuyasha wondered if it even occurred to her that it was winter.
When Kagome finally looked up from the ground to the two elves's she was in awe by Jinx's and Cindy's ears. Pointer and longer then Inuyasha's and Sesshoumaru's they stuck out like a sore thumb, they were beautiful in an ear's can be beautiful sort of way. Their eyes are what caught Kagome's attention next they were a very, almost white, light blue.
Jinx's smiled up at her new friend threw her black rimmed glasses, not the one Inuyasha had been hoping for, but still a smile all the same. “Wow Kagome you look lovely.” She spoke, her voice happy at finally not having to pretend to listen to Sesshomaru talk.
Kagome smiled a half smile, and thanked her. “You don't look so bad yourself.”
For a while Kagome watched as Jinx used her foot to trace designs in the snow, bored at hearing Sesshomaru answer the questions bluntly that Cindy sent his way.
It was then that they all heard a squeal.
“Oh my gosh Inuyasha, where are your doggie ears, and when did you get your markings?” Cindy asked getting up from her sit on the swinging bench so quickly that she threw Jinx backwards on it, to inspect Inuyasha. Of course this wasn't an easy feet for Cindy, he had a good foot and a half on her.
Inuyasha was to busy laughing at Jinx to care at the moment, it was hilarious to see Jinx's feet go flying in the air like that.
So Being Cindy she grabbed a handful of his hair and jerked hard, lowering him a little for her to see, still having to stand on her tippy toes a little of course.
Jinx stifled a giggle behind her hand at her place on the porch floor, she was glad she didn't get the short gene from their mother, and she was also glad for the back that Inuyasha got for laughing at her.
“Ah…” Cindy said looking at one of the marking on Inuyasha's cheek, “I see that your father has passed.” She said taking one last look at his face, as she let go of Inuyasha's hair and walked into the house.
To most likely tend to her cooking like it was an everyday thing.
Both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha looked at her retreating back like she was nuts, well she was, but they looked at her like she really was nuts. They both got up and followed her into the house, to pry open her head for information.
Leaving Jinx and Kagome in the winter's night chatting away about anything and everything, they both got along well.
They each have lost someone special in their lives and not knowing that they each had gone through similar things.
That's what I gots!