InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unhappy ❯ chapter 20 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 20
Watching the snow falling was far more interesting then anything going on in the elves house, as Kagome sighed in contentment. Jinx having long ago stepped into the house to figure out what was happening. She said she'd be right back with details, but she'd been gone for a while now, and Kagome was getting the distinct feeling that Jinx wasn't coming back.
Kagome shook her head a little at the speck hope she had in the elf, people always forgot about her.
Kagome sat out on the porch, the light breeze playing with a few strands of her raven hair that refused to be tamed. Enjoying the cold breeze against her warm cheeks, she was such an unhappy soul.
She would often hear yelling, not bothering to look back into the window behind her; she knew it was Inuyasha's temper. She didn't know him long, this was true, but she did know one thing. He had one hell of a temper.
She turned her attention down to her bare feet, tracing curly designs in the falling snow that was un-lucky enough to be blown on to the large porch beneth her. She long ago ignored the stinging feeling in her big toe, as it was now numb from her actions.
She leaned forward on the swinging bench; her palms resting on the edge of the old walnut wood, as she once again gazed out into the snowy air. Using the heel of her foot to push her self back and forth on the swinging bench, her eyes showing more saddens in them as she watched the snow.
It was memorizing.
She closed her eyes, which in an instant she popped them back open. A flash of what she once had wasn't what she needed at the only moment of peace she'd had in a while.
Her face fell, the moment of peace was over already. She cursed her self silently; enough to even make Inuyasha possibly blush.
She had yet to get over the past; the emotional and physical scars were still angry wounds throbbing with each passing day. Her mind again turned to her angry demon friend inside the house when she heard a loud crash and what sounded like a boom. But she wasn't sure, and she didn't want to find out.
She shrugged her shoulders, the warm sash cascading down her back out to the bench, this was a family thing, one she didn't have too much of lately.
She turned her attention back to her toes, the design she drew in the snow now covered by a thin layer of it. Peeking out only a little.
“Where'd I put my shoes?” she wondered out loud looking around for any sign of them, she probably left them in the car. She usually did that from time to time.
She tried to think of other things, what she was going to do when she got home, the same thing she did every day she supposed… nothing.
This wasn't working.
She turned her attention back to her feet, now it was bothering her, for some reason she had to find her shoes. She stood up slowly not wanting the blood to rush too quickly to her head and black out like she did if she stood up to fast. She walked down the old steps of the porch, as they creaked under her weight, reaching the bottom she began her short journey to Sesshoumaru's car, the sash soon forgotten on the ghostly swinging bench.
The sound of her feet crunching in the snow was a welcomed sound, her mind wondering to where she should begin to look for her shoes. The back, the front?
She'd figure it out once she got there she supposed.
She got to the car tugging on the driver's side door handle; the one closest to her. She admitted it she was lazy. The car of course was locked. Just her luck, she lend with a huff against the door, her feet beginning to lose feeling in them all together.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, but frost bite was the last thing on her mind.
She pushed herself off the car, the porch giving her an uncomfortable felling now. She didn't' want to go back up there, the yelling was beginning to get on her nervous and the light above the door was attracting unwelcome bugs.
She then turned to the darkened trees; the tops of them lined with dark blue skies, the stars were out tonight. And she needed a walk.
Her feet took her past the car and into the dark forest, she rubbed her cold arms. She must have left her sash on the bench, as she shrugged her shoulders. Maybe today would be the day, she didn't know?
The light on the porch above the door lit her path for a while, then once she got into the dark depths of the gloomy forest it was the moons turn.
She looked up again into the sky the stars almost mocking her, she snorted at something her mother once said to her.
`The stars are gods that watch upon you in your darkest of times.' Her mother's naïve voice rang in her ears.
“There is no god.” She thought aloud with a un-lady like snort, not realizing she had.
She stopped in mid step and turned her head sharply at the sound of a velvety voice.
“Indeed.” It said.
“Who's out there?” she asked calmly, no fear evident in her voice.
A figure stepped out of the shadows. The tall frame of a man, she thought she saw a flash of red, but her mind was known to play tricks on her.
“Sesshomaru.” She spoke disappointed somewhat, turning around and continuing on her unknown joinery as if he hadn't spoke.
He raised an elegant eyebrow at her behavior. `What a strange creature.' He thought, following behind her, his hands shoved into the pockets of his pants.
He saw the strange human walk into the forest without shoes or coat while he was standing at the window. He was listening to his brother and the elves argue over their heritage, and his strange markings. He grew tired of this and figured he'd accompany the human. Something he rarely even did with his once alive ward.
They walked in silence for a while, both not acknowledging the fact that the other was there.
Sesshomaru looked up to the sound of a rather annoying clicking noise; the odd human's teeth were clicking together in fast motion, something he often found humans doing when they were cold.
He slowly and silently caught up with her with long strides that no human could do. He took off his jacket and rested it lightly on her shoulders, something he always did with his ward, but rarely admitted to doing.
It surprised her; she gasped lightly at the feeling of the warm fabric hitting her bare skin. Looking up she found the face of Sesshomaru, she had forgot he was back there.
“Thanks.” She spoke. Her voice so quite his demon ears almost didn't pick it out of the breeze.
“You clicking was merely an annoyance.” He spoke dead pan, looking forward at something that she obviously couldn't see. “We must go, it's cold out.”
“Uh huh.” She said sarcastically earning herself a glare from the demon beside her.
They both walked back side by side, with a very uncomfortable unwelcome silence.
………………………&# 8230;………………………… …………………………̷ 0;……………
Just as they both returned, the door swung open, and out stepped an angry Inuyasha, his breathing rapid and his arms crossed over her chest. Staring out into the night, at most likely nothing, But he was a demon, maybe he was looking at a bunny or an owl…but that wasn't the question that was on her mind really.
What was on her mind was how long it was going to take that door to slam shut.
`One, two, three…' she counted in her head as she watched the old screen door collide with the frame a loud boom made her jump silently she knew it was coming but it was still loud.
“You ok?” she asked, again looking down at her bare feet, and then to Sesshomaru as he walked past her and back into the house through the same poor door.
Sesshomaru didn't feel like indulging himself in some lover's game, maybe he would see what Jinx was up too, but he wouldn't tell a soul of this.
“He intended this….” Inuyasha spoke, his voice full of anger, still staring at the imaginary bunny, or owl, she hadn't decided yet.
“Oh…” Kagome spoke, her voice unsure, not sure of what he meant by it.
She watched as his fists clenched into his shirt, His eyes now holding more anger now as he went deeper and deeper into his thoughts.
“I'm too now walk this earth as a full demon.” From his voice she could tell this is not what he wanted. His eyes shut for a while, in thought no doubt at what he was to do now.
He sighed, rolling his head around on his tense shoulders.
She watched, watched as he licked his lips, watched as the marking on his face glistened in the moon light. He was a thing of beauty.
She blushed at this, what was she going to do with her self? These kinds of thoughts are what got her into trouble the last time.
She walked up the porch steps as the old wood was creaking under her little form again. Walking slowly up behind her demon friend she wrapped her petite arms around her regal frame. She buried her face into his tense back, giving him what little comfort she could.
She felt his hands come up to hold her arms, his shoulders relaxing noticeable in front of her.
“You'll always be my friend Inuyasha, no matter what you are.” She said, her warm breath tickling the skin through his dress shirt.
“Thank you.” He spoke, sounding more relaxed then from the moment they got here.
She heard him breathe in and then stiffen under her hold.
She let go of him and backed away as he stepped forward. “What's wrong?” she asked, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion when he turned around to look at her with sad eyes.
When he didn't say anything, as she asked again.
“Inuyasha, what wrong you ok?” she walked towards him, he took a step back.
Her eyebrows knitted together in even more confusion if that were possible.
“Kagome…” he breathed, “why didn't you tell me you had a child?”
Her eyes widened with fear, the scent of it tickling his nose. The next thing he knew she was gone, Sesshoumaru's jacket fluttering to the ground in her wake.
He really knew how to fuck things up.
Oky doky poky okey