InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ Kazuki of the river ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Two days after Naraku's death, on a desolate mountain side.
Inu-Yasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and even Koga (Kagome insisted they bring for some extra protection case Kazuki was as bad as the other two they'd met). They'd heard that he and his two siblings were the lords of the red fox demons, who according to Sango are different from regular fox demons because they're bodies are completely covered in fur, they are human like in shape, but have a fox's head, and they wear clothes.
“Hey Koga you hear anything about the red fox demons?” Kagome shot a look back at the wolf demon.
“Yeah, they're real easy to deal with `cause they don't like to fight. To earn their trust ya' just trade with `em. They'll probably find that stuff from your time interesting, Kagome.”
“What have you heard `bout the three lords of the area?” Sango joined in on the conversation.
“Kazuki is the strongest, looks kinda girlish, long red hair, ears like dog-boy's, can travel through the well to the future, moves faster than light, skilled with a sword.”
“Wait he to passes through the well!?” Shippo jumped on to Koga's shoulder.
“Umm, he is a GOD tis not that surprising you moron!” and Koga punched Shippo in the head.
“Koga, that was mean!” Kagome started yelling at him, “SAY YOU ARE SORRY TO SHIPPO!”
“I'm sorry jeez, ok continuing. Sasha is his sister she's probably one of the fairest maidens around because she is the goddess of beauty…”
“You don't say.” This comment earned Miroku a hit from Sango's boomerang, “I'll keep to my self…”
“We're here.” Inu-Yasha and the others had stopped at large wooden gate where two female fox demons stood guard, they looked just like people except with the fox heads, tails, and fur, and they even had hair tied into pony tails.
“Welcome to fox village what business have you here, my name is Valarie.” The closest of the two gate keepers said.
“Well Valarie, we're to see Kazuki and maybe do some trading, now let us in or we'll force our way in.” Inu-Yasha was amazed that they had women guards.
“Why do want to see Kazuki?” Valerie's eyes narrowed.
“We wish to speak with him about some stuff; I'm Koga of the wolf demon tribe.” Koga had brought some stuff along to trade, the locals were pretty generous.
“Ok, but then you must follow ME to the castle.” Valarie said as she opened the gate and motioned for them to follow.
They followed their guide through the village; it looked like any other Japanese feudal village, except for the residents and the hundred foot wall that surrounded the whole village. As they walked they noticed the smell of cherries and flowers throughout the village, it was a nice place.
“Don't let the place fool you, any of these foxes could rip you apart.” Koga said to Inu-Yasha coldly, “They train vigorously for pure combat, they're very brutal.”
After thirty minutes they came to a large castle, easily bigger then even most modern mansions the beautiful architecture stood as a four story fortress in the bad of the village, nested right next to the mountain. There was obviously enough space to house the village inside it, an idea reinforced by the second, stone wall and the river that ran in front of the castle's main gate. It was the stronghold of a warrior clan, a beautiful but functional monstrosity that rose as the symbol of the Kitsune Clan's power. They were lead inside.
The castle interior was as grand and beautiful as the exterior; the room that Valarie led them to was large and finely decorated in fine wall scrolls and beautifully crafted swords. Valarie left them saying she'd get Kazuki, they all talked for awhile to pass the time. Kazuki arrived, well appeared all of sudden right in front of them a few minutes after Valarie had left them.
“So what do you need?” Kazuki was only around 5' 6”; he had a lanky build that made him seem slightly taller. His hair was long and red it extended down his back in a pony-tail his bangs were styled and they hung in his face and covered the right side of his head, he had large green eyes, a soft, nearly girlish face, fox ears, bushy fox tail, wearing a sleeveless vest over a sleeveless shirt, jeans, belt with a Colt .45 pistol that he took from the future and his katana, and black Converse high-tops.
“How'd you…get that stuff?” Kagome pointed to the pistol especially.
“Jumped through a well that took me to the future so I stole a whole bunch of shit, came back, did the same thing a couple of times more and now I've got a whole bunch of stuff.” Kazuki had a beautiful voice, kind and soft, like a singer's voice it added a nice melody to his words as he spoke.
“What do you know about Tenchu Jinchu and Gein?” Inu-Yasha posed the question.
“Strong deadly fighters, but I've beaten both before, why?” Kazuki leaned against a wall and folded his arms.
“We need your help.” Inu-Yasha answered him, “They have the shikon jewel, well most of it and I don't think we'd last long in that tower.”
“You'd all die at the gate, past Tenchu for the first thirty floors are pretty weak demons, then comes Gein, then a couple floors of stronger demons, then half way up is Voltichue's domain, more increasingly tough enemies, then Cho's turf he's the weather god or some shit like that, more demons, then Nexus who's a demon, more demons, then you reach Takuma. So what do I get if I help you?” Kazuki casually looked up at Inu-Yasha.
“Umm, Sango?” Inu-Yasha looked at Sango who punched him in the face.
“I'd agree to that, but we'll need some more guys my bro probably won't come.” Kazuki smiled, his teeth were straight and white; but there seemed something very wrong about how he smiled. Kazuki's eye followed the movements of those in the room; he was reading them, watching for tells and signs of aggression. Kazuki was studying them.
“But I … oh well he's got to be better then that letch, Miroku.” Sango sighed.
“Hey!” Miroku obviously wasn't happy about this.
“It's settled then we attack the limitless tower in one week, prepare your selves and say good bye to your loved ones `cause I'm not guaranteeing your safe return, hell I can't even guarantee mine!” and Kazuki started laughing.
“We're in trouble.” Koga said with a sigh.
“Seems that way.” Inu-Yasha added
To be continued
-Kazuki Ferret