InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ Shadow Dancer ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Three months after Gein's attack outside of the Limitless Tower.
“Tenchu's mine.” Kazuki looked behind him at Inu-Yasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Koga, Sasha, Kirara, and Koga's two wolf demon followers. Inu-Yasha and Koga opened the gate and the ground exploded and Kazuki vanished.
“What the hell?” Koga's eyes widened in amazement as craters appeared in the ground along with giant claw slashes on the walls and trees.
KlAnG! Tenchu held the blade of Kazuki's katana in his massive claws, Kazuki all ready had several wounds as did Tenchu.
“Holy Fuck!” Koga stared at Tenchu, at least three times taller than Kazuki and built like a body builder and ugly as fuck with huge fangs and a black mask over the top half of his head. Koga had killed bigger and uglier demons, but he was terrified of this one.
“BloodWeaponJutsuHellsFireBuckShot!!!!” Kazuki's left fist exploded with the roar of a ten gauge shotgun, like against Ivan only loader, Tenchu flew backward and before Tenchu could land Kazuki stabbed him through the shoulder.
“I HAVE YOU!!! Demon shadow art!!!!” Tenchu turned into a shadow-like form, all black except for his claws, teeth and eyes. He broke the katana and hit Kazuki in the chest sending him airborne with a torrent of blood erupting from his chest. Tenchu got up on to his feet; he'd sent Kazuki a good fifty feet into the sky.
“Blood Weapon Jutsu, Crimson Sky Dance!!!” Kazuki pointed at Tenchu and thousands of scalpels and knives came down upon him, and exploded.
“GAHHHHHH!!!” Kazuki landed and he and Tenchu vanished again and the destruction began again as well.
“How long can they keep this up?” Miroku and Sango asked in unison.
“It's almost over, and they could keep this up till this whole area is destroyed.” Sasha stated evenly as if this wasn't impressive.
“Shadow art Control released!” Tenchu was visible as was Kazuki; “Shadow Jackal Dance!” the whole area was shrouded in darkness.
“Oh, no you don't!” Kazuki kicked him in the face, sending him through the front doors of the tower.
“This is no place to exchange blows; I've prepared an extraordinary battle arena inside do join me inside.” Tenchu climbed up the tower. Kazuki walked over to Sasha and took a duffle bag from her and patched up his wounds.
“One more thing Gein's all mine, you get in the middle of that fight and you be shredded before you can scream.”
“Stop acting all superior.” Koga held up a fist.
“You want to fight pup?” Kazuki said as he slipped a sleeveless shirt on with a fox printed on the back.
“Come on you two! Stop fighting!” Kagome got in between Kazuki and Koga.
“Come on! Kagome, I can't stand him! What makes him so superior!?” Koga really wanted to punch Kazuki.
“Is that what I look like when I lose my temper?” Inu-Yasha slumped over it really did look pathetic.
“More or less.” Sango answered his question.
“All right you two if we fight amongst ourselves we could lose this `war' as Kazu-chan puts it.” Miroku calmed them down with that little tid-bit of information.
“Good point, now let's head inside and let the real battle begin.” Kazuki fastened the belt with the .44 magnum and its holster to his waist; he started to hook on an ammo pouch, a combat knife, a flashlight, and a canteen.
A demon charged out of the tower and Kazuki shot it with the magnum, an eruption of thunder and burning brimstone launching from the 9 inch barrel and the demon was headless.
“Oh and Cho is mine. All else is free for all.” Sasha smiled a flicked her hair out of her eyes.