InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ Battles of the strongest come to a close ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Gein punched Kazuki in the face as hard as he could, filling the fox's right eye with blood. Kazuki kicked Gein in his left shoulder with his right leg, embedding the needles into Gein's already wrecked flesh.
“GAAAHHH!!!” as Kazuki pulled his leg back the needles had gotten stuck inside Gein and pulled out of his leg accompanied by a torrent of blood.
“YOU BASTARD!” Gein kicked Kazuki in the gut, sending the already off balance fox across the room. Damn it, neither of us can keep this up…Fuck!
Kazuki came to a rolling crash with the wall. Holy shit, how much fucking blood have I lost? I can't see out my right eye, damn is all that really blood!? I can't keep this up much longer
Gein punched the ground with his right fist and sent a large amount of his demonic energy into the ground far below. “Gein style, ERUPTION!!” this would summon lava that would head directly toward Kazuki's energy and incinerate him.
“Oh FUCK! Kazuki style, GEYSER!!” Kazuki mimicked Gein's floor punch, only his would summon water, not fire. When the two attacks met they canceled each other out.
“Well we're getting nowhere fast, eh?”
“Yep, how's that arm treatin' ya, Gein?”
“Heh, `bout as well as that eye's treatin' you Kazu…” Gein smiled and pointed to Kazuki's bloodied eye, there was no actual damage to the eye it was just filling with blood from a large gash on the kitsune's forehead. But Gein's left shoulder and arm where wrecked, almost completely useless.
Tenchu stared at Sesshomaru, the dog was waiting for Tenchu to move, but Tenchu was `observing' waiting for Sesshomaru to act. So they were basically having a staring contest, which is boring.
Sesshomaru had waited too long, Tenchu acted. “Shadow art control!” the arena became enshrouded in darkness.
NO YOU IDIOT DON'T LET HIM USE THAT ATTACK!” Sasha screamed at Sesshomaru, when Tenchu spreads the shadow he disappears into it. This begins the Shadow Jackal's dance…
“Dance of the Shadow Jackal.” Tenchu seemed to melt into the shadows, “And now you die.”
“Lord Sesshomaru! RUN FROM THE SHADOWS!!” Sasha's yell was a useless plea, as Tenchu's long arms shot out of the shadows at blinding speeds tearing into Sesshomaru.
I need to end this quickly though these next moves will put me out of commission for a while… Kazuki readied himself for his ultimate trump card, Blood art control his entire body becomes his weapon…
Gein rushed forward one last blow, right to the fox's face would settle this…
“If only the door wasn't on the other side of the room we could leave.” Inu-Yasha sighed, when will they be done?
“Inu-Yasha!” Kagome couldn't believe what he'd just said, “Kazuki is our friend, isn't he?”
“Yes but we're only in the way here.”
“No you're not.” Kazuki looked back and smiled as Gein kicked him to the side and sent him through a wall and a cloud of dust enveloped the fox.
“Game set match, I win.”
BLOOD WEAPON JUTSU! BLOOD ART CONTROL LEVEL 13!” As the dust settled pairs of blood-covered arms rose out.
“What the hell is this!?” Gein had never seen this attack, or even known that Kazuki could use the blood art control, he thought only Hajime, Kazuki's father could use it…
“Thousand Hand Prayer to the Pagan Sky Gods.” Kazuki rose up hands above his hand, all fifty or so of them; he smiled and held his two original hands at Gein, “The sky gods demand a sacrifice of the dog chimera that came to this land from China, Gein Savagejo!”
“Holy shit!” Gein tried knocking the hands away from him but must of them gripped onto his left side seizing his broken left arm, causing pain to rocket throughout his entire body.
I don't have the energy to finish him with this or keep it going any longer… Kazuki charged at Gein and punched him in the face as hard as he could, breaking his left hand in the process. Gein lost consciousness as the hands turned back into blood, Kazuki won the battle.
“Wow, he's still standing.” Sango had been left speechless by the entire goings on, she watched as Kazuki hobbled over to join back up with their group.
“Sleepy… time…” Kazuki had an absent look in the one eye he had open as he walked toward Inu-Yasha, He has no idea were he is right now, he's been knocked senseless. He passed out at Inu-Yasha's feet, coughing up blood as he did so.
“He'll be fine in a few hours, just let him sleep for now.” Sasha smiled at her brother, so strong definitely his father's son… as stupid as that saying is. “Our only worry now is Tenchu.”
From what Inu-Yasha could see Sesshomaru had it bad, his legs were torn up pretty bad and he had puncture wounds in his chest. Sesshomaru was actually losing and it looked like he was starting to panic…
Sesshomaru was starting to see some of the trick; Tenchu's arms were wrapped in bandages some were painted black to create horizontal stripes which make his arms look shorter and wider, making his already long reach seem even farther. A neat trick when added to the fact that he becomes a fucking shadow, think Sesshomaru… but he could only attack by making the body part he wanted to attack with physically manifest itself again. My only chance is to attack his arms as they attack me, not a grate plan but the only one.
The arm shot out and Sesshomaru slicked it around the wrist…
“GAAHHH!” Tenchu leapt entirely out of the shadow, grasping his wrist.
“Behold!” Tenchu looked at Sesshomaru as if surprised to see him, “Dragon strike!”
“NOOO!!!” Tokijin's energy enveloped around Tenchu and exploded.
“Ha, none can beat lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken laughed.
“It's not over yet!” Tenchu's long leg shot out of the dust cloud left by the dragon strike and kicked Sesshomaru in the jaw. As he flew backwards Sesshomaru dropped his sword.
“Not good.” Sesshomaru barely managed to land on his feet. He'd done a good amount of damage to Tenchu who was now covered in many small wounds and one deep one in his gut. Sesshomaru whipped him across the face with his claw-whip-thingy twice, and then Tenchu grabbed it and pulled Sesshomaru towards him.
“Howdy buddy!” Tenchu punched Sesshomaru in the face busting the demon's lip open.
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin ran towards her Lord.
“Rin, stop where you are.” Sesshomaru rolled away from Tenchu.
“But, why?”
“Because I told you to… and don't worry I'll win this.”
“Sasha, what's the deal with this Tenchu guy?” Sango watched as Tenchu didn't move to attack Sesshomaru while he was talking to Rin.
“Tenchu Jinchu is part jackal demon; he is from Egypt and is known as the gatekeeper of the underworld. He manipulates shadows and is the serpentine god of punishment, he can see your sins and your past, and he also sees your fears and will show you hallucinations of those fears while fighting you.”
“That's right, but this Sesshomaru has no fear which makes him a worthy foe! Kazuki Kitsune also lacks any fear; both are fun to battle against.” Tenchu began to drool, only this time blood was mixed with it.
Sesshomaru grabbed the Tokijin from behind him, “Dragon Strike!!!!!!!!”
“Wha!?” Tenchu was hit directly in the chest and was sent flying into a pillar with a gigantic crash. He was knocked out cold.
“You should pay attention more often.” Sesshomaru also fell unconscious after he saw that Tenchu wasn't moving any more.
“Well all that's left to do is finish them off.” Koga drew out his sword and started to walk towards the battle grounds, until Kazuki grabbed his leg.
“Don't kill them…” Kazuki's voice was strained and his hand was sticky with blood, “They… still… haven't… fulfilled their… roles… in the… Unholy Wars… yet… need them… alive.” Kazuki when back to sleep, hand going slack and resting on the ground.
“Fine.” Koga scowled away.
“Inu-Yasha could you carry our napping Fox friend for a while?” Sasha smiled at her brother, you are amazing simply amazing…
“Sure… What about Sesshomaru?”
“Let's have the dragon thing carry him `til he wakes up and then we decide what to do.”
“What do we do about Gein and Tenchu?” Kagome looked at Gein; his bleeding seemed to have stopped.
“We leave them for now, we've enough to carry and they won't die from just that.” Sasha shouldered the heavy duffle bags. Koga carried Sesshomaru over to his posse.
Since starting nearly a year ago on Unholy Wars has grown into my favorite brain child and I couldn't be happier. The best is yet to come… After the limitless tower, Hister and the Wolves of the Rein will be the enemies… I promise that Hister's war will have better battles than the Limitless Tower! Oh, and I've nearly gotten all the character posters done and as soon as I get a scanner I'll post them on deviant art!
Happy one year Unholy Wars!
-Kazuki Ferret