InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ Good friends ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Takuma leaned back, in his private chamber he'd summoned a former ally to meet with him. If he could get Katrina on his side he'd actually have a chance if Hajime Kitsune showed up. Takuma knew why Hajime didn't kill him after he'd had Yumi, his wife killed; Ludwig Van Hister and Katrina Voletsky were at the tower. Hajime was strong but not even he could take on three Covenant Sword Lords at the same time.
“Well, well I can see why you'd need me as your ally, but unfortunately for you Takuma-kun.” Kat stressed Kun because she knew it would piss Takuma off, “I have no need for an ally as useless as you are. You know why I severed our alliance right?”
“Yes, I know!”
“No, I don't think you do!” Katrina wasn't a very intimidating woman; she was 5' 2” and very slim with humongous breasts, a beautiful face, cat ears, a cat tail, excessively long black hair tied in a pony tail that went pass her well shaped ass. “What the fuck were you thinking back then!? Killing Lord Kitsune's wife! Having that fucking pig Cho attack and rape his daughter!”
“Shut up you sleep deprived bitch!” Takuma knew of the price for her sword. She could never sleep again, the dead called to her and the sword refused to leave her; normal humans were also repulsed by her sword, so they instantly hate her. Her price for the power to raise the dead to be her servants was a never ending loneliness and insomnia that only someone who loved her could free her form, the humor of the swords amused Takuma. “What do you know?”
“I know plenty! Soon you'll just be another puppet for my corpse marionette!” Kat turned and walked out.
Kazuki moaned and spit up blood on Inu-Yasha's shoulder; the guy wasn't looking too good, he was drenched in his own blood and Inu-Yasha could feel the broken bones.
“Are you sure he's all right?” Miroku watched as Kazuki coughed up more blood.
“He's a lot more durable then that. He'll be fine in an hour or two.” Sasha smiled, “I'll clear the next floor.”
“By yourself!?” Sango turned towards Sasha
“I'm also a lot more durable then I look, a lot more durable.” Sasha opened the doors to floor 14 (technically 17). Several demons looked at her and she unshouldered the duffle bags and placed them on the floor, “I need to warm up anyway.”
A group of demons charged but stopped meters away from their targets; they'd frozen solid.
“What the?” Miroku watched as the bodies broke apart.
“Artic Winds, Frost Bitten Giant.” Sasha smiled and a fast demon ran past her, “Shit!”
Kazuki tasted a familiar taste; a liquid that tasted like copper or iron, blood depending on the type (A was fairly coppery and bitter, while AB was a sweet smooth iron taste). The taste was his own blood, type O- the prime rib of blood, an enriching sweet coppery taste, his also tasted heavily of expensive vodka, not that he was a drunkard quite the contrarily it took a great deal of alcohol to get him drunk and vodka was one of his favorites. He could hear something coming towards him; he opened his eye to see a demon closing in.
“Fuck!” Inu-Yasha tossed Kazuki to the side and killed the demon with a single punch to the face, “Eat that!”
“Ouch,” Kazuki had landed on his broken leg, and hard, “Was that really necessary? I mean come on now, I can't even move my body and you throw me on top of my broken leg.”
“Hey, what are friends for?”
“With a friend like you I no longer need enemies.” Kazuki vomited up more blood, “At least it tastes good.”
“What does?” Kagome got out a handkerchief and wiped Kazuki's blood from the corners of his mouth.
“My blood, I've grown to love the taste of it.”
“Well that means you should try putting distance between you and your foes.” Katrina walked into the room, holding her sheathed tachi in her left hand.
“Katrina, it's been a while.” Kazuki sat up.
“No worries I'm not here to fight with you guys.” Katrina walked slowly forward, “And you've grow quite a bit, you're taller than me now.”
“Yep… Ginbi would like to see you again he misses his half sister you know.”
“Your Uncle can't possibly want to see his sister again.” Katrina sighed, “You know that Takuma, without a doubt sent someone through that well right?”
“I'm not stupid, and I sent ol' Ginbi to watch, and wait.”
“Who is Ginbi?” Miroku hadn't heard that name before.
“Ginbi Kitsune, Kazuki's Uncle who is my half-brother. His name means `silver tailed fox' and it suits him.” Katrina stretched, “He moves with a speed near that of Kazuki here, but it's just barely in the range that the eye can detect, so he looks like a silver streak and it confuses his opponents.”
“How does it do that?” Koga was skeptical of this `Ginbi'
“Simple, he mixes slow and rapid movements. To most demons and humans they are used to fighting were motion and stillness are as clear as night and day can't detect him he'd might as well be invisible.” Katrina walked toward the door, “Kazuki I heard you had a run in with Hister a few years back.”
“Yeah, he seemed healthy… until I stabbed him in the heart.” Kazuki grabbed his side.
“Who the Hell is Hister!?” Koga was wondering who the fuck kept him out of the loop about all these fucking people.
“You… killed him!?” Katrina actually dropped her sword.
“Thought I did, guess not.” Kazuki looked at Inu-Yasha, “This next bit concerns Kagome's time period, so listen up.”
“Once apon a time there was an insane Mercenary who followed a man named Edward Crowley to find some forbidden artifacts he traveled with Crowley and Crowley's team; of Takuma Yoshimori, Katrina Voletsky, Alcula, Kioshin and many others. They found what they were looking for.” Kazuki paused to sit up some more blood and Katrina quickly walked out.
“Oh, a forbidden treasure… what next a curse?” Koga scoffed and Miroku chuckled, it was kind of ridiculous.
“Yes actually, Hister and his lot were turned into a type of werewolf that is known in the Kitsune clan library as a Remus but more often called a Rhine Land Wolf. I'm talkin' extreme pain tolerance, super speed, the ability to heal even the most fatal wound and that's a regular non-officer untransformed one. You get an officer in his army you'd better not have any others around you, and if the officer goes into the wolf-mode your in for a battle.” Kazuki grabbed his revolver from the duffle bag, “It took eight shots from my M1 rifle to wound one of the normal ones when he transformed, and five were close range to the head, I had to try and fight close quarters and I wasn't in the shape to do that, an artillery shell had exploded right next to me.”
“Why does this concern Kagome?” Sango was confused.
“That was the day I got my Garand, the K-98, the Colt 1911a1, the Luger, and one of my shotguns.”
“Those are all World War…!” Kagome stopped; Kazuki had fought those Wolves in WW2!”
“The year was 1944 by the western calendar.” Kazuki holstered the .44 revolver. “It's 2007 in your world right Kagome?”
“That means… those things are a part of my present!?” Kagome sank to her knees; mom, Sota, Grandpa, my cat, my friends, my bed, my house, ramen, tv, radio, pollution, McDonalds, shampoo, cars, literacy, that one retard who always gives me free shit ( K/F note: She means Hobo)… all of it is in danger!
“What's worse is they can spread the affliction to others which Hister then controls, in 1944 Hister was hired by Adolf Hitler to create an army of Rhine Land Wolves, fate brought me to your time before he could complete this insane project, but it seems I failed to finish him off the first time.” Kazuki stopped to drink some water; I wonder if that Austrian sniper-chick is still with them? She was hot, nice small muscular body with huge tits, a nice ass, and long blond hair… Claire Fuchs was her name! They don't age so time wouldn't have killed her so maybe…
“Hey, what exactly does this mean?” Inu-Yasha glared; would you stop beating around the bush for the love of god, you stupid fox!
“It means soon a whole can of whop ass is going to be unleashed upon Kagome's world and that world isn't prepared to deal with this particular brand of ass-kicking.” Kazuki cracked his neck, “When Hister is ready he'll unleash a war humanity in that time era can't possibly win… unless we intervene and even then… Thousands will be slaughtered.”
“You're joking right?” Sango was ready to have a heart attack.
“No, I'm not… But let's kill Takuma and his ilk and worry about Hister later.”
Inu-Yasha really wanted to kick Kazuki's ass for not telling them this earlier.
Too be Continued…..