InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ Razor Sharp ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Is that really all you've got for me today?" Kazuki looked pissed; the Tetsusaiga's blade rested on his chest, it hadn't cut him. Inu-Yasha's hands were bleeding.

"How!?" Inu-Yasha leapt backwards; How? Why? The Tetsusaiga should've cut him in half!! I know I didn't miss, and his skin isn't that hard to cut!? What's so different about him now!? Kazuki formed a katana in his hand and cut Inu-Yasha across his chest.

"At least struggle around a little bit, make it fun for me." Kazuki began striking with his sword; Inu-Yasha was having trouble completely blocking the attacks, and was getting no openings to counter. If Kazuki kept attacking in this fashion, eventually he'd kill Inu-Yasha. The others came to the area.

"Inu-Yasha!" Sasha yelled to him, "You can cut him! Just think sharp! You have to be razor sharp!"

Inu-Yasha swung with all of his strength, Kazuki blocked it but was sent flying by the force of Inu-Yasha's swing; he landed near twenty yards away. Inu-Yasha watched as the Kitsune gave another insane smile; Damn it! He'll cover that distance in mere milliseconds, and then he'll slice me in half! Think! SHARP! I HAVE TO BE RAZOR SHARP! I can cut him, he's not invincible. He said so himself. I just have to concentrate on cutting him. I can't hold back, I have to kill him... He's stronger then me, faster then me, smarter then me, more flexible, more experienced, and has fewer injuries. But, I WILL NOT LOSE!!! Inu-Yasha yelled as Kazuki charged across the wet ground, "I CAN NOT LOSE!!"

Inu-Yasha thrust the Tetsusaiga foreword, the tip of the blade went through Kazuki's nose on the left side and slice horizontally toward were his ears would be if he was human. Kazuki stopped as blood poured out of his cheek. Inu-Yasha quickly sliced his left shoulder open. The cut wasn't deep but it went to Kazuki's belly. Inu-Yasha jumped back.

"Give up Kazuki; I don't want to kill you." Inu-Yasha smiled. Two wounds, he can be cut! And if it bleeds it can die! As soon as Inu-Yasha let those thoughts run through his mind Kazuki did something that made him lose all of his newfound confidence. The kitsune began again with his howling laughter, and the pressure increased even more rapidly.

"GIVE UP!?" Kazuki looked at Inu-Yasha with insane eyes, eyes belonging not to himself, but to the monster who'd stolen his body. The ground began to crack and deform, the water swirled around him in waves that reeked of death, his sword seemed to dissolve in his hand, and the clouds were swirling above him. It seem as though a hurricane was emanating from Kazuki. He spoke with a voice full of heated malice and daggers, "But this is where it gets fun! If you can cut me so easily, you might be able to kill me!! This is allowing me to see my true potential! WHY! I THINK MY RELEASE IS OCCURRING!!!"

"Oh, shit!" Sasha froze; those rocks are special, they repel demonic energy. If Kazuki's pressure is enough to destroy those rocks, he may be going into 'false stage one release' or he might even be going into 'false bankia'. If it's the latter, Sango will be thrown into complete biological chaos, and Kagome's unborn child is in danger. And I'm also in danger; the pressure is crushing my broken bones. However if I use what little pressure I have to shield myself, Sango and Kagome will be completely unprotected... SHIT! Sasha looked at Sango, who was starting to become a demon; she'd grown the fox ears, and Sasha could see her musculature changing. Sasha opened the girl's mouth; her teeth were becoming more like Inu-Yasha's fangs.

"Are you ok? Hey Sasha, what's wrong with you?" Kagome looked up into Sasha's blue eyes. She was bleeding from her mouth. Kagome tilted her head to one side, "Is Sango ok?"

Sasha had a look of fear across her face as she turned her head and screamed to Inu-Yasha, "INU-YASHA! IF THIS KEEPS UP SANGO WILL BE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!! AND SO WILL KAGOME'S UNBORN CHILD!!!" Sasha had only one thought in her mind; It's his Bankai, false Bankai... but still, he's got to stop with the pressure. I'm having multiple organ failures here; I can't keep shielding two other people.

"Did you hear that Inu-Yasha?" Kazuki's insane grin grew wider as his face elongated into a muzzle and his body began to become covered in red fur, his hands were paw-like and had black fur, the muzzle was white. Basic fox colorings, but the sheer force of him it was unbelievable, standing near him was like trying to stand in a hurricane. "I'm a danger to the one you love! Hmmmpf, Let's settle this quick, I've more people to kill and I don't have all day to play with a puppy dog."

Inu-Yasha jammed the Tetsusaiga into the ground and leapt at Kazuki, claws ready. Kazuki smiled.

"So you want hand to...!!!" Inu-Yasha's fist slammed into Kazuki's face, the jaw could be heard cracking. Inu-Yasha had become a demon. Kazuki retaliated by slamming his fist into Inu-Yasha's chin, sending him upwards. Then Kazuki formed a hand out of the water and grabbed Inu-Yasha and slammed him into the ground. Kazuki had a sword materializing in his hand, a long daikatana with a hand guard shaped like the skull of a small dog, and the hilt looked like the upper arm bone of an adult male human, the blade was a deep crimson color and was extended from within the skull's mouth. The world seemed to be a whirl wind of chaos, everything seemed to be shifting and deforming, like a nightmare or a bad acid trip only... it was reality. Kazuki smiled and jumped at Inu-Yasha, "I'll do you the honor of killing you with my blade!"

As Kazuki swung his blade downwards, Inu-Yasha slashed his legs with the iron reaver soul stealer. Kazuki tumbled backwards; several tendons had been damaged and would need a moment to repair themselves, only Kazuki didn't have that moment. Inu-Yasha grabbed the Tetsusaiga and swung upwards at Kazuki's chest, Kazuki swung his blade downwards.

"WIND SCAR!!" Inu-Yasha screamed

"BLOOMING BLOOD FLOWER!!!" Kazuki yelled out as a massive explosion enveloped the two combatants. A massive cloud of dust obscured the warriors from view.

"Did he do it?" Gein peered into the dust.

"Inu-Yasha..." Kagome looked on as the view began to clear, the pressure had been lifted.

"Not good." Sasha could see that it was Kazuki who stood. As the dust settled she saw that he was covered in his own blood and his body was covered in large gashes, he was looking up to the sky. He'd reverted back to his normal form, and he looked sad. The sword he held was broken in half and disappeared. Inu-Yasha was a yard away kneeling and panting; he was sliced clear to the organs and bleeding profusely.

"I'm sorry." Inu-Yasha looked at Kazuki who smiled. The rain stopped and there was a brief pause.

"Don't be, you won... idiot." Kazuki spat up blood and fell backwards.

"Well isn't this just cute?" A mysterious voice said. Everyone turned towards the speaker.

To be continued....

-Kazuki Ferret.

Next time; Takuma Yoshimori, The Sword of Heaven