InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unholy Wars ❯ Tattered and Torn; Let it bleed through: Sasha verses the silent assassin ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“So, you’re Kazuki’s sister are you not?” Sabine walked toward Sasha, her arms limp at her sides. Sasha noted how her expression hadn’t changed, nor had her tone of voice.

“I am, my name should have been enough of a hint as to who I am.” Sasha pointed her Desert Eagle at Sabine and fired a round into her left shoulder, “Die.”

Sabine stepped back a few steps and then stopped, smoke was bellowing from her shoulder. Sabine stood back up straight, the round hadn’t penetrated her skin.

“You’ve got to be fucking me!” Sasha froze, at that range the .50 should have torn her arm off! What is she!?

“It didn’t penetrate.” Sabine leapt forward and slammed her boot into Sasha’s gut, right where Takuma had sliced her. Sasha was sent flying from the force of the kick, she dropped her pistol. Sasha slammed into a tree and it fell behind her, luckily she managed to stand from the blow and vomit up blood onto the ground.

“You seem poorly built if that’s all it takes to make you bleed.” Sabine stalked towards Sasha, “Your gut was my best choice for a strike, if I’d gone for your chest your breasts would have block my kick, and your legs seem too flabby for a direct blow. The fat would cushion you against my attacks.”

“You shouldn’t make fun of a girl’s weight.” Sasha whipped the blood from her mouth, “I’m going to show you something completely confidential, my friend.”

“You can’t pierce my flesh. My physical strength is second only to Hister’s and my defensive capabilities are unmatched within Hister’s army.” Sabine stopped ten feet from Sasha and drew her sword, “You must be gaining confidence from my ‘former captain’ status. However, I was the one who demoted myself; so right now… You’re not fighting the twentieth strongest of Hister’s wolves, but the ninth. My strength is ninth amongst the Rheinlanders.”

Sasha held out her right hand in a clenched fist, “Dash, Fuugahime!”

“What?” Sabine stepped back and watched as a bow appeared in Sasha’s hand. And then she drew the string back.

“Tundra death art number fifty-four; twisted arrow of hail!” an arrow materialized drawn on Sasha’s bow, “Shot her dead.”

Sasha fired her arrow; the force was unbelievable as it traveled the short distance to Sabine. It struck dead on her left kidney and sent her flying into the trees with a thundering roar, almost like an explosion as it propelled Sabine through the forest for over half a mile before finally slamming her into the mountain. Sasha ran to confirm the kill, snatching up her pistol as she went. The path was an eight foot deep trench that terminated into a creator in the mountainside, debris was bellowing from the scar.

“Well that takes care of her.” Sasha said and turned to leave, until she heard.

“It didn’t penetrate.” And saw Sabine standing on the edge of the crater, her trench coat gone. She wore a revealing one piece white zip up skin-suit that lacked sleeves; the top half was more of a tube top really, except it had a high tight collar attached to the rest of the outfit by two narrow strips of latex material. She still had the same expression as before. “That however was more powerful than I expected. I will show you something of mine that is also completely confidential.”

“Oh, fuck me!” Sasha clapped her hands together and her body started to change, “I was hoping to practice before using this but, I swore I’d never lose again. So I’ll show you my full release. Herrin! Deflorieren meine Unschuld!*”

“Emote, my curse of love!” Sabine said and her facial expression changed. Sabine grew fangs and her ears became like Gabi’s, her katana turned into a claymore. Sabine held her head high and let lose a resounding howl that sundered the whole world around her.

Karl Geist stopped over the destroyed Sesshomaru. His fight had been disappointingly easy; the demon was far too injured to put up any kind of real fight. However the energy he now felt was enormous, far greater than his own. Then he went a shudder; there are two of them that strong!! One of them is Sabine, although I’ve never felt her energy like this before! But the other one… It’s just as strong! Who the fuck did she find to fight!?

Sasha slammed her paw like right hand onto the ground. She’d transformed into her perfect form; an anthromorphic arctic fox. A smile snaked across her muzzle as she reached into the ground and pulled out her sword.

“Bankai, Fuugahime!” Sasha swung the daikatana out of the ground. The sword itself looked as if it was made of pure crystal; it was a light jade color and clear, a beautiful weapon with a blade of at least 54 inches, it was straight lacking the signature curve of a Japanese sword and it also lacked a hand guard . Sasha opened her mouth in glee, “I have to warn you, I’ve never used this before!”

“I have not used my release either in combat before.” Sabine leapt towards Sasha and sliced her gut open with her claymore, Sabine’s speed was faster than Sasha’s. Sabine watched as Sasha turned towards her with what to an onlooker must look like a frightening blur of impossibly rapid movement, but to Sabine it was slow-motion. She dodged and kicked Sasha’s knee out, as the fox crumpled Sabine dealt another kick to her chin and sent her into the same mountain side that she’d been slammed into earlier. Sabine leapt and stabbed through Sasha’s chest with her claymore.

“You’re so slow, you might as well not be moving at all.”

“I have you now, retard!” Sasha had reformed the bow and was using Fuugahime as her arrow. Sabine tried to pull away, but her sword was frozen to Sasha’s shoulder by the fox’s own blood, and her hand was frozen to the blade. Sasha targeted Sabine’s gut again, the same spot as before. “TWIST!”

The sword morphed itself into a more arrow like shape; the bow was drawn to its maximum limits. Sasha smiled, Sabine’s eyes widened in horror. The emotion displayed in perfection on her canvas face was the terrified impression of her own impending doom. Sabine’s left hand shot behind her back and she pulled out a large stub-nosed revolver.

“Put the bow away!” Sabine’s voice was panicked as the revolver shook around in her hand, not that a steady aim mattered at such a short range, “This is a .500 S&W Magnum! This pistol will tear your head off! SURRENDER!”

Sasha let lose a howling laugh as she released her bowstring. Sabine fired a round into Sasha’s chest. It that moment the world was a nexus of rushing sound, the impact of Sasha’s arrow, Sabine’s revolver, Sasha’s shoulder tearing apart, and Sabine’s own horrified screams.

Sabine’s frozen blade tore itself out of Sasha’s shoulder as she was propelled by the arrow, she was flying again. Her body was slammed through tree after tree, she felt the twisting and turning as the arrow head tried to literally drill its way through Sabine’s gut. She looked at the ground, even with her eyes, Sabine couldn’t make out the ground, it’d become a rush of dark colors as she was sent on her flight.

Sasha stood back up, watching the destruction as Sabine flew away. Sasha snapped her fingers, “Tundra death art; TWIST part Zwei: GRIND!”

Sabine watched as the arrow’s spin increased in speed; what Sabine saw couldn’t be called an arrow anymore, it looked more like a tornado boring into her gut.

“WHAT!?” Sabine saw blood start to spin out of the twister and then she felt pain launch throughout her body. Oh, shit! It’s penetrating me! This can’t be; my skin is the hardest in all of Hister’s army! This kit shouldn’t be able to do this! So this is the combat prowess that Hister speaks so highly of, the Kitsune...

The arrow tore through Sabine’s gut and kept going. Sabine watched as her blood painted the air around her, she was almost torn in half. Sabine slammed into the ground and reverted to her sealed form, as her blood pooled around her. Sabine looked up into the sky as her breathing became more and more labored, she could feel the life leaving her body as her vision narrowed and became dark. Sabine saw her life before her eyes, she lifted her left arm and touched her breast where her ‘7’ tattoo was, right above her heart.

“Rottenfuhrer Krissnacht,” Five Nazi soldiers stood over Sabine, they wore demon masks with the number ‘9’ inscribed on them. They held swords that were at the ready, to slice her to pieces. Their leader spoke, “You know who we are, Former Captain and what we must do.”

“You are the ‘cleaners’ who’re going to kill me so I don’t talk.” Sabine closed her eyes, “Your job isn’t really necessary, this opponent; Sasha was stronger than me… Stronger than anyone I’ve ever fought before. I was overconfident… and look at what has become of me… Hister’s ninth officer… ‘Shield skin’ Sabine Krissnacht, torn in half by a single attack… I’ve truly fallen.”

“Have you said your peace, Captain?” The leader placed his hand on Sabine’s shoulder; Sabine’s closed eyes were tearing, Sabine was crying tears of blood. The leader raised his sword, “Commence the clean, she is done!”

-BANG! - The leader’s head was torn off, he fell over and his blood painted the masks of two others they screamed in shock.

Kazuki was inside his inner world again, he’d finished the sword and passed out. He looked around, “It’s significantly more crowded this time.”

Around Kazuki were hundreds of figures; humans, demons ect. A big shadow-like dog in the very back spoke.

“We are parts of your soul, the parts that become your weapons and heart. I am Cerberus; you’ll have to subdue me soon in order to control your ‘bankai’ or full release. Several of us would like to talk to you.”

“Yo, Kazuki.” Above Kazuki stood a man in US 101st Airbourn gear, “I’m sure you remember me, I’m the one who ‘gave’ you your rifle.”

“Hello again Corporal Dante Richards of Queens New York, how have you been?” Kazuki smiled, “That rifle of yours has served me well all these years.”

“Well that’s good, but I assume you know that all 300 of us are the fragments of your soul and you need to ‘subdue’ all of us to attain your full power.” Dante jumped down, “And as much as we’d all love to chat you’ve got too much work to right now.”

“Well then, let’s start I’ll make short work of all 300 of you!” Kazuki smiled and leapt to his waiting opponents, ready for the battle.

Sabine looked up, wondering what exactly had happened. The cleaners were dead, their heads blown off.

“Can you stand?” Sasha looked down on Sabine, Desert Eagle in hand slide locked back, signifying that she was in fact out of ammo.

“Not yet, my defensive powers are the best but I have the worst regenerative capabilities of any Rheinlander.” Sabine looked up into the sky, “It is just as Herr Hister said.”

“What is?” Sasha sat down on a fallen tree and holstered her pistol.

“That you Kitsunes are truly frightening, almost as frightening as….” Sabine paused, “A human.”

Jack crossed blades with Siegfried multiple times. Despite the monster’s tall, lanky form he was able to throw Jack through the air when he deflected his attacks. Siegfried turned his Frankensteinian head towards where Sabine and Sasha were.

“It seems as though Rottenfuhrer Krissnacht hast fallen. Vor someone to haf’ beaten her they must be truly strong.” Then Siegfried looked back at Jack, “Although you seem to be a vorthy foe, vorthy ov a wery powerful attack.”

“Ah was aboot ta say the same ta you mate!” Jack pulled out a second bowie knife and smiled, “Come monster! Ah’ll show ya the strength of a man!”

“And I’ll show you the terror of a monster!” Siegfried cocked his right arm back, holding his machete high, “I am ready human, show me vhat you’ve got!”

To Be Continued….
Next time: Tattered and Torn; Snap the Neck: Jack verses the Freak

Herrin Deflorieren meine Unschuld! - Mistress! Deflower my innocence! (Basically: Pop my cherry.)

-Kazuki Ferret