InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowingly Controlled ❯ Its There ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sitting on his bed with a giant bowl of roman, Inu Yasha reached for the draw of his bed stand for a "spice" to add to his delicious meal.
Walking in the front door Miroku led her threw the living room, kitchen, and dining room. Walking up the stairs, they heard a moan coming from one of the bedrooms. Miroku didn't seem to notice it, or was ignoring it.
She stood there, in her room, alone. Miroku said he had something to do, and disappeared. Inu Yasha was no where to be found, although she figured he was the one moaning in the other room. Walking over to her pile of suite cases, she began to unpack. She filled up the dresser, the nightstand, and the closet. Next began putting up pictures and posters. In the bottom of the last bag was a wooden box that looked to be a foot by a foot. She slipped it under her bed. Luckily for her, her black sheets and comforter reached the floor. Everything she wanted hidden was under her bed.
Miroku walked into Inu Yasha's bedroom only to be irritated. "Damn it Inu Yasha" Miroku cursed under his breath. There on the bed was Inu Yasha, passed out. On the nightstand was an emptied bag, which he found what was left of the content stuck to the side of the empty bowl that lay on the ground. On the foot of the bed sat a small square piece of mirror with what seemed to be the remains of lines of coke.
"Why do you do this to yourself" Miroku muttered as he started to clean it up. "Oh yeah, that's right, because it calms you down." he turned to Inu Yasha's unconscious body and yelled. "Yeah right, calm you down my ass. You passed out!" angry, he turned around and continued to clean. "I wonder what things you saw this time."
It had been an hour since kagome was finished with packing. She was now sitting on her bed, bored. There was nothing to do, nothing to think about, and no one to talk to. Bored, she walked over to the large mirror that was connected to her dresser. On the dresser, to the right side of the mirror, was her jewelry box. Opening it, she revealed many diamonds necklaces, earring, and rings. Smiling sadly, she ran her fingers over them.
Suddenly, she heard the floor behind her creak. She heard the creaks move across the floor. She looked up into the mirror only to see nothing. When the creaking sound reached right behind her she turned around, to get again, see nothing. Breathing heavily, kagome moved slowly to her bed. She sat down. Looking around, she couldn't find anything.
Dismissing it as the house settling, she reached into her nightstand and grabbed out her diary. Immediately she began to write about the days events. She was in the process of signing her name when the creaking started up again. This time it went from where it ended last time, around her bed to where she was laying down. Suddenly, the bed started to be pushed down, as if somebody was sitting next to her, but there was no one there.
Kagome scooted across the bed to the foot. Her heart was beating a hundred miles an hour. The entity seemed to sense her fear for, whatever was sitting on her bed got up really fast. Although whatever was there no longer showed proof that they were there, kagome could feel something there. Then it was gone. It was almost like it was never there to begin with.
Looking out the window, kagome discovered that the sun was starting to set. Rushing to the wall she turned on the light and leaned against the door.
"What was that? Who was in the room?" Not wanting to find out, kagome opened the door and ran into the hallway. As she ran to the stairs she heard the moan again she stopped. This time Miroku wasn't there to keep her from investigating. Her curiosity won over her fear and she walked up to the door that belongs to the room of the moaning person. Slowly opening it, kagome walked into the dark room. Reaching for the light switch, kagome turned on the light. There, lying on the bed was a white haired boy with dog ears and blood coming from his nose and mouth.
Running out of the room, kagome searched the house for bowls and wash rags. Bringing a bowl of water into his room, she started to sop up the blood. It was hard, but she got all of the blood off of his face, but now there was something to do with the blood covered blanket. The blood had managed to drip off of him and land only on the blanket. It was a luck break, for now kagome didn't have to do as much.
Carefully, she pulled the blanket out from under the white haired boy, turning him over in the process, putting his ears into a better view.
"Wow" kagome whispered. She smiled and one of the twitched. Reaching her hand up she began to massage the closest one to her. A soothing growling noise began to admit itself from with in his chest. Pulling back slightly kagome giggled. "How cute, he purrs". Kagome then moved to the corner of the room and kneeled down, starting her cleaning of the bloody blanket.
Standing up, kagome forgot about the bowl of bloody water and headed for the door. She turned off the light and closed the door. As soon as she closed the door she turned, only to meet face to face with a hovering glowing light.
Kagome screamed like she never screamed before.
"Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty, oh wont you please take me home." Miroku sang as he opened the front door. He walked into the house, bag of Chinese food in hand, headphone on. "Take me down" he sang loudly. "I want to see, I want to be...oh take me home...." he started to dance "OH WONT YOU PLEASE TAKE ME HOOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEE!"
With the song being over, he turned it off and took the headphone off. Placing the large bag on the kitchen table he made his way upstairs. As soon as he was able to see upstairs he leaped over the last few steps.
"Kagome" Miroku called. Kagome was lying awkwardly in the hall in front of Inu Yasha's door. "KAGOME" he tried to shake her. Picking her up bridal style he opened the door to her room and laid her on the bed, only to rush out in search of a cold wet rag.