InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowingly Controlled ❯ Need Relief ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The name kagome was screamed loudly, waking Inu Yasha from his sleep. Dizzily, he stood up, almost loosing his balance. It didn't take but a few moment for him to feel normal once again, which is when he noticed it. There was a rag sitting in a bowl of bloody water next to his bed. In the corner was his blanket hanging on a chair, drying. Walking over to it, Inu Yasha smelled it. It smelled of his blood, but there wasn't even a stain or anything. Looking into the mirror that he had on the back of his door he stared in amazement.
"Somebody cleaned me up...somebody scrubbed my blanket?" he knew that Miroku wasn't have taken the time to do something as generous as that.
Confused, he walked out of his bedroom door only to almost get ran over my Miroku as he ran into the new roommate's room.
"Hey, nice to see you're awake, now help me" Miroku said panically, not making eye contact. Following Miroku, Inu Yasha walked into the room only to stop and stare. The room was bared, except for the bed, dresser, nightstand, and the jewelry box.
He made his way to the bed. "Miroku, what's wrong with..." he stopped. Looking down at the girl he lost all train of thought. She was beautiful. He took a breath in as he closed his eyes. The smell of innocence reached him, an aphrodisiac at that. Looking down at her dark hair and perfect lips, he wanted to kiss her; to touch her. Her pale skin looked to be glowing from light of the lamp. Oh, he wanted her to be his.
That's when he smelt it. His blood was on her somewhere. He took another breath; it was on her hands. It was her. She was the one that cleaned him up, and cleaned his blanket.
Miroku watched the way that Inu Yasha acted. He smiled at it and he started to put the wet rag on kagome's forehead.
Inu Yasha ran his fingers threw his head when he realized his bandana wasn't on. He stiffened. She had seen his ears. It that why she passed out? Inu Yasha felt bad immediately.
In the end they decided to just let her sleep.
The next morning Inu Yasha woke to an empty house, or so he thought. He couldn't smell anybody, not did he hear anybody. He walked down to the living room and closed the blinds. The room immediately turned black. He then began his daily ritual.
The music played loudly. "Beautiful people" Filled the house. Kagome walked down the stairs, curious to why the music was so loud. There she found a familiar white haired boy in a dark room, lit with about a hundred candles, dancing in the middle of the room, smoking from a pipe. She watched his movements. She recognized them as that Goths dance; she saw a special on TLC about the life of a Goth in New York City.
Inu Yasha stared to bang his head and kagome unintentionally focused her attention on the way his butt looked in the baggy black cargo pants. She made her way up to his tight black vest covered in zippers and other metal things. To her surprise he wasn't wearring any shoes or socks. It didn't hit her till then, how sexy he really looked. His muscular arms were bared, and the vest gave a hint as to the perfect ness of his chest. Kagome took a deep breath in.
Inu Yasha on the other hand, smelled her. True that he was smoking, but because he is a half-bread, it takes three times as much to do so much as to start to get to him. The taste was one that he loved, but the smell radiating off kagome was something that he liked more. In an attempt to fuel whatever it was that brought the smell he continued.
Kagome watched as he pressed a button on the remote, only to start a song that she hadn't heard in a long time; Marilyn Manson's "tainted love". The white haired boy started to dance once again, but this time it was different. He did a little hip hop during the regular versed, but when the chorus came, he went back to a faster version to the Goth dancing from before. They way his body moved hypnotized her. He bounced in the perfect way and his boy flowed. There was never at time when he was stumped for a new move. He knew so many and they all fit the type of music he was playing. It took everything she had to prevent herself from going down there and requesting personal lessons.
The song finally finished, but she couldn't move. She didn't want to. All of a sudden something hit her, it was the balls to show him up. She never really had those, but she knew that he knew she was there, and that he was trying to impress her. There was no way that she would let him have the satisfaction of doing so, even though he did impress her.
Walking down the rest of the stairs she walked right up the to the figure standing, facing away from the stairs. She walked right past him and grabbed the remote. She turned the radio on and searched for a song that would fit what she was in the mood for. She found a station that was playing "always be my baby" my Mariah Carey.
Inu Yasha watched her as she started to dance around using ballet, jazz, and a hip hop move here and there. Loving the way her body moved, he just stood to the side and watched. By just her being there be could feel himself reaching out for her touch.
Kagome wanted to stop but for some reason she couldn't. It was as if something took over her body and forced her to dance. Her heart started to race, but in excitement. She couldn't figure out what was wrong, but she liked it.
When the song ended she felt it. She felt the presence from before exit her body. A little freaked out, she stared into Inu Yasha's eyes, which were now glazed over, and ran upstairs.
Inu Yasha stood there confused. He felt the presence of another being inside of kagome, but his lust for her over did his concern. In desperate need of release he grabbed his back jacket, and ran out the door; checking his wallet for money. he grabbed the bandana out of his pocket and wrapped his around his head, hiding his ears.
Kagome ran into he room and closed the door. She looked at her clock; 9am, to early to be up. Hearing the door open and close downstairs, then the loud locks, kagome knew she was home alone. She reached for her diary and started to write.
Inu Yasha walked up to the old house and opened the door. Walking threw the living room and heading for the kitchen he passed a few things that hadn't fazed him in years. There where three couched and a bed of blankets on the floor in the living room. On one couch a girl was between the legs of another sticking her fingers deap with in her, while a guy was sitting behind her with his hands hidden with in her pants. The other two couches have two people fucking. The bed of blankets on the floor held a guy pushing his member into her rectum while she went down on another.
In the kitchen only a few make out sessions were taking place, but they promised future activity.
Walking into the dining room, he came upon the person he was looking for. Taking a twenty out of his pocket he slammed it down on the table in front of the pink hair girl. She looked up at him and smiled.
"Back again Inu Yasha?" she said. Inu Yasha didn't notice the girl under the table until rin motioned for her to leave. Inu Yasha snickered.
"Still puss'n"
The girl smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way." she made her way towards him and stopped very close to his face. "However i might make an exception for you"
Inu Yasha smiled. "Sorry rin, but you're not my type."
Rin laughed. "Sorry Inu Yasha, you're cute but not that cute. Besides, fucking you would be like fucking my own brother." She turned and walked away. "the room is all yours. Remember, break anything, you're paying." With that Rin sat back down and placed the twenty in her wallet.
Walking out of the dinning room Inu Yasha glanced around the room. In the corner he saw some blond and a guy making out. Walking up to them he smiled evilly. The couple didn't even notice him until he started to kiss the back of the girl's neck. Going around behind the guy, Inu Yasha whispered something in his ear, and then kissed neck. He walked away as if he did nothing. The couple followed close behind. They walked around to a door behind the stairs. He opened it and led them into the basement, where they soon discovered was filled with every kind of sexual device known to man. In the corner furthest from them was a wall of whips and chains. Up against the wall to the right of those was a bed with straps. To Inu Yasha, it looked welcoming.
He turned around and started to kiss the girl and he grabbed the guy threw his pants in a messaging pleasurable way.