InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowingly Controlled ❯ Ghost in the kitchen ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The sun had just set and no one was home yet. Kagome sat in the living room, bored and alone. Her semester didn't start for about two weeks and she had no need for a job; the benefits of a rich family.
She looked at the small table to the side of the couch only to see 8 remotes there. Picking them up, she sighed. She just wanted to watch the TV. Grabbing a remote that kind of looked promising, she looked at the TV and pressed the on button. Going for the next remote, kagome glanced up at the TV, only to stop and stare in fear. There in the TV was the reflection of another girl standing next to the couch. This girl was a long black nightgown with long black here. Her fair skin seemed to glow. To kagome's utter shock her unknown guest looked exactly like her. Very slowly, the "guest" reached forward and started to write in the dust in the TV, the strange thing was that the reflection showed that the girl was nowhere near the TV. Just then the front door opened and the figured disappeared.
The front door opening made kagome jump. She looked over there to see a girl standing there starring at her confused.
"Um, hi" the girl said.
Kagome just stared at her with her mouth slighly opened with a terrified face.
"Are you ok" the girl asked, walking over to her side, "you face it too pale to be natural."
"um, there...there was a girl standing where are, and she...she wrote something in the dust of the TV. She...she...disappeared when you opened the door."
"Are you sure?" Sango asked. "I have lived here for two years and never had a ghost experience."
"She wrote something, is it still there?"
The girl walked over to the TV and looked at it. "Kikyo" Her fav. paled. She turned toward kagome. "Kikyo? What did she look like?" The girl whispered.
Kagome looked even more frightened.
The girl took a breath and smiled. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Sango, you must be kagome"
Kagome nodded.
Sango sat down next to kagome. "Can you tell me what this girl looked like?"
Kagome glanced back at the TV then to Sango, "She looked just like me" kagome said so quietly that Sango barely heard her. "But she was wearing a black nightgown and looked older"
Sango looked down and frowned. "Well" she looked up and smile. "I'm not sure who you're talking about, but I'm sure that won't happen much more." Sango stood and started walking up stairs. "If you ever get scared, you are more than welcome to come join me in my room."
Kagome looked back to the TV. She sat there for what seemed like hours; 23 minutes, just watching. She was too frightened to move, but she also wanted to know more about this girl and who she was.
Suddenly, Inu Yasha walked threw the door. He closed the door. He ignored kagome, and walked into the kitchen. Rummaging threw the cupboards; he found some macaroni and cheese. Preparing the pot and water and glanced into the living room to find kagome starring at the TV; which wasn't on.
Placing the pot of water on the stove, he walked into the living room. She didn't even flinch, as if she didn't know he was there. Walking up to her and looked down.
"Hey bitch" he crossed his arms.
Kagome looked up. "huh?"
He smirked. "What's your problem; smoke some bad shit or something."
Kagome looked back towards the TV. "I don't do those kinds of things"
Inu Yasha's eyebrow rose. "Wench, how old are you?"
Kagome shot up and got in his face. "Don't EVER call me that or bitch EVER again."
He smirked. "or what wench?"
"that's what i thought bitch" Inu Yasha started to walk back to the kitchen, when he stopped. He smelled something that he hadn't smelled in over a hundred years. "Kikyo".
"Filthy Half-bread" a grasp female voice came from behind him. Inu Yasha turned around faster than kagome could see and stared amazed and terrified.
Kagome looked horrified. "I'm sorry" she blurted out. "I didn't meant to say that, I swear, it just kind of came out" tears filled her eye.
Inu Yasha brushed it off for now. He knew something was wrong, but didn't want to frighten the girl. "Right bitch, don't make a habit of insulting me or I'd rip your throat out" he walked back into the kitchen. Kagome stood there stunned.
Finally, kagome stormed into the kitchen, giving Inu Yasha enough time to look at her before she punched him in the face. Inu Yasha just looked at her and she stormed out.
"Bastard" he called behind her.
Inu Yasha smiled. Kagome could kit hard, hard enough for him to feel it. Feeling himself "stiffen", he smirked and went back to work on his Mac and cheese.
Kagome laid on her bed, pissed and tired. Without knowing it, she had fallen into a deep sleep.
"Kagome" a soft voice called to her. Kagome opened her eyes. She was in her bedroom, but wasn't alone; the girl in the black night gown was here as well.
"Hello?" kagome tried.
Kikyo smile. "You have a gentle heart, but you have a dark side, thats why I'm here. Be careful around Inu Yasha, he isn't what he seems."
"What do you mean?" kagome asked confused.
"We must destroy him" Kikyo said as her body turned into a light and surrounded kagome.
"AHH" kagome screamed. Then there was nothing.
Inu Yasha finished his Mac. He moved to the living room where he sat on the couch and started his meal. He didn't even realize that there was a dark figure staring at him from the stairs.
"Hello Inu Yasha" the voice spoke sexily.
Inu Yasha looked up. "Kagome?" he asked in a rough not caring tone.
Kagome walked down the rest of the stairs. She moved toward him and stopped right in front of him. Inu Yasha watched her. Kagome had been gone for about 15 minutes and had come back in a short black skirt and a tight black tank top. He feh-ed like he didn't care, but kept and eye on her. Kagome turned and headed for the kitchen. She stopped right under the door frame. She leaned against one side and raised her foot and let it rest on the other.
She sighed. "Something about this room just turns me on" she moaned as she lightly moved her hands over the skin on her inner thigh. Inu Yasha was watching intensely now. To his dismay, she stopped right before she reached her woman and walked into the kitchen as if nothing happened.
Inu Yasha watched from the couch. He was able to see her walk to the counter then sit on the kitchen table. Luckily for him, she was facing him and her legs were spread. She revealed the knife she took from the count, and started lightly running in over the skin of her inner thighs.
Kagome's moans reached his ears. His body was no longer being controlled by him. He stood and walked into the kitchen. Kagome was now starring at him, holding her knife. She stood and walked over to him and stopped, nose to nose. Suddenly, her hand came up and smacked him hard across the face.
His head just moved with the blow, there was no sign that it effected him in anyway. That was until he turned his head back to kagome with an evil smirk; his eyes glowed slightly red.
Kagome walked around behind him, causing him to turn with her. Not taking her eyes off of his she slowly slid her way to a sitting position on the counter; legs spread, inviting him in. kagome smiled and leaned back slightly, only to kick him in the stomach. He bent ever so slightly but never lost eye contact with her.
Hooking her heals around his thighs; she pulled him up against her. Reaching over, she grabbed the knife that she had before and held it loosely in her hands. Slipping it under the button of his black vest, she pulled it up, cutting the shirt down the middle. dropping the knife back on the counter she leaned over and started to kiss at his chest.
Usually, Inu Yasha was the type to take girls, or be rough, but right now, he was just enjoying what was happening. It was like this girl was bi-polar or something. He stood perfectly still until he felt her teeth dig into his nipple.
Out of reflex, Inu Yasha grabbed her head and pulled it back, planting a firm kiss in her lips. She immediately welcomed his tongue, and thus the battle begun.
One minute kagome was on the counter, the next she was on the tile on her back with a hanyou between her legs. That's when it happened. Inu Yasha was starting his assault on her neck as he pulled up her shirt when he felt it as well. Whatever fire was burning inside of kagome had left. It left as if kagome stood and walked away.
Inu Yasha froze when he smelt it; kikyo.
A small moan was heard below him. Inu Yasha looked down in fear. The innocent kagome was back, lying there under him, confused. "wha-what happened?" she asked opening her eyes, to be met with scared golden ones; they immediately turned to amusement.
Leaning down, Inu Yasha came with in centimeters to her ear. One hand kept him balanced while the other found his home on her hip. He pushed against her woman, gaining him a high pitched gasp. "Good Girl" he smirked with a growled as he got up from his position and looked down at her. Turning he walked away, calling out behind. "You're a natural".
Kagome just laid there confused. "A natural at what?" she asked herself. That's when a few things occurred to her. One, she was lying in he bed and now she was lying in the kitchen. Two, the skin of her neck was wet. And three, she felt another presence in the room besides her. Trying to stand didn't work; it was as if she were frozen. Looking up she saw the familiar light glowing above her head. Kagome tried to scream, but nothing came out. Suddenly the light disappeared and kagome stood, running up the stairs. As soon as she reach the top stair she darted for Sango's room and swung the door open, only to close it behind her.