InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowingly Controlled ❯ Tired ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Opening her eyes kagome was hit with the sun. Groaning in annoyance she turned around, only to come face to face with none other than Sango. If it wasn't for Sango smiling kagome would have screamed at the top of her lungs. It took a few moments for realization to hit.
Kagome smiled and crept out of the bed. Running out the door, to her bedroom, she ran into a familiar white haired hanyou.
"What the hell" Inu Yasha growled.
"I'm...I'm sorry" kagome whispered.
Her fear caught him off guard. Smirking, Inu Yasha leaned down close to her ear. He had been dreaming about their sexually frenzy all night. Smelling her enjoyment, he pressed further. "Where were you going in such a hurry" he growled lowly.
Taking a small step back, kagome was surprised to find a wall behind her. Inu Yasha moved in closer. Kagome shuttered under his stare. "I was um, going to the...bathroom. Take a show...I was going to"
Laughing softly Inu Yasha bent down again. He licked her ear slowly, erning him a shutter. "Then go ahead." with that he walked past her and walked headed down the stairs.
Kagome stood there, starring at the place that Inu Yasha was.
Amused with himself, Inu Yasha strolled into the kitchen with a smile on his face. Walking up to the frig he did a quick spin then grabbed the handle, opening it and searching its content for something yummy.
Miroku sat at the table watching Inu Yasha's every move. "What the fuck" Miroku managed to get out. Inu Yasha turned to him in confusing. "Did you-"
"No" Inu Yasha said with a smile, in a "happy" voice.
Miroku flinched and leaned backwards. "Dude, you're acting like you had the greatest sex of your life or you...." Miroku's eyes went huge. "You're in love!!!". Miroku stood up and pointed.
Inu Yasha laughed.
“What's so funny?”
“Nothing” he said innocently.
“It kagome isn't it?” Miroku said excitedly.
Inu Yasha smiled. “I do not love kagome, but found a new game in playing with her innocence.” He turned to look at Miroku.
Miroku's eyes bugged. “Her Innocence? Inu Yasha did you-”
“No” Inu Yasha glared. “Just small little things that get her heart racing.”
Miroku started laughing.
Stepping out of the shower kagome reached for a towel. Drying herself off she bent over to dry her lower legs. Wrapping the towel around her head, she stood straight once again. Grabbing another towel, she stepped from the bathroom and headed for her room. Opening the door, she closed it, only to plop down onto her bed.
She just sat there, thinking over the last 24 hours. She went from seeing a ghost in her room, to passing out from fear, to coming into consciousness in the kitchen, with a hanyou over her.
Her head started to hurt. She was tired of being the one that everything happened to. She was tired of being the one that was always so good. She was tired. Burning with a new fire, she stood and dressed. Opening her drawer she looked over what she had to choose from; nothing much. She wanted a new her. She needed a make over, and what better to turn yourself into than the one thing you never had the balls to turn into? That's right…a poser!
Inu Yasha sat down at the table with Miroku. They had talked about the little things that had been happening since kagome joined them. Deep in conversation, they didn't notice the girl that walked into the kitchen. Walking to the frig she opened it and pulled out Pepsi. Opening it she started to chug it down.
The sound from opening the Pepsi caught the boys' attention. They turned there head to see where that noise was coming from, only to be shocked beyond belief. There, right in front of them, their innocent kagome didn't appear to be innocent anymore. The innocence still flowed off her, but that outfit turned it to a mysterious other half; what a turn on.
She wore black boots that reached halfway up her calves. Under those she wore dark purple fishnets and reached up past her thighs, which was exposed thank to the skirt. Oh yes the skirt. It was just long enough to cover her purple long when standing straight up. Even the slighted bend would show something, not to mention the fact that it was a low rider one, showing off her stomach. Her perfectly toned stomach was partially hidden under the black fishnet shirt. The shirt was completely see threw allowing you to see everything, with the exception of the skin covered by the lacy purple bra.
Shaking out of his thoughts Inu Yasha smiled. She was perfect; innocent on the inside, naughty on the outside. What he wouldn't give to take that. “So kagome” he said slyly.
Kagome ignored him and continued to chug her Pepsi.
Inu Yasha Growled. “HEY WENCH” he called to her.
Kagome finished her Pepsi and threw it in the sink. Turning to Inu Yasha she walked over to him, showing no emotion. Pulling out his chair she mounted him. Moving up to his ears she whispered. “Gad doggies are punished when they are rude.”
Inu Yasha was pleased to note that with her face up by his ears, her breasts where in his face. That's when he heard it. The single sexiest thing she had ever done. “Promise?” he growled as he nudged his nose into her breast.
Kagome aloud this for a moment before pulling back. Roughly placing her hand on his throat she pushed him back. Moving in close to his lips she whispered “Not while Miroku is watching”. She licked his lips.
With that she stood up and walked out of the room. Inu Yasha didn't move. He just watched the way her hips moved, allowing the skirt to ride up. Turning toward Miroku he noticed that his mouth was open, eyes wide, and was slightly drooling.
“Miroku” Inu Yasha snapped in front of his face
“Huh?” was Miroku's intelligent response.
“You're drooling” Inu Yasha growled.
Wiping his mouth he smiled. “You can't blame me; I mean did you SEE her”
“Yeah I did, not get those thoughts out of your head before I beat them out of you” His teeth clenched tightly.
He put his hands up in defense. “Calm down man, I won't take her. It's obvious you have dibs”
Inu Yasha looked back towards the door. “She thinks she can play my game?” He smiled. “We'll see how serious she is”.