InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowingly Controlled ❯ Sesshomaru ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inu Yasha and Rin stood there, starring at the multi level building.
“15” Inu Yasha said while looking straight up at the top level.
Doing the same thing rin spoke “16”
“Its 15 I counted it twice”
“I have better eyes than you then, its 16”
“Did you pull this extra story out of your ass?” inu Yasha growled.'
“AH, screw it, let's just go inside and run for it” he turned toward her. “Sound good?”
“Yes I think it would”
“Ok, now rin, you…” the two sat there planning their siege of the 15, or 16, story building. There were so caught up in their “secret” plan that they didn't notice the limo pull up to the curve by them.
Sesshomaru put his files back in this briefcase and waited for the door to open. The driver exited that car and ran around to open the door for him. As soon as the door opened the breeze rushed it, bring with it a familiar scent, and something to exquisite that he just sat there for a moment and breathed it in.
Getting out of the car he looked around trying to fine the owner of this candy. Of course, he found it with his little brother, that swine. Starting his journey to the building he practically called home, he paused at his brothers words.
“Sesshomaru wouldn't go for that!” Inu Yasha's voice was nearly raised.
“Oh come on, who wouldn't enjoy a good set of boobs” Rin crossed her arms.
“Sesshomaru doesn't FEEL anything. He wouldn't even look, I guarantee it”
“Wanna bet?” Rin said playfully.
Inu Yasha sighed. “Can you keep you boobs in your shirt for one second?”
“I kept them in all the way here”
“I can't handle this” he said as he rubbed his temples.
Sesshomaru stood there, looking at the front door. He was indeed hurt by Inu Yasha's words. It wasn't so much of Inu Yasha feeling this way, but knowing that he was wrong. He may act like that, but he wasn't really emotionless. It was just too risky showing such things.
“INU YASHA!” Rin yelled causing Sesshomaru to turn and look at her. This girl had some lungs. “DID YOU JUST CALL ME WHAT I THINK YOU DID, TRY TO KEEP IN MIND INU YASHA…YOU ARE WAY WORSE THAN ANYBODY THAT I HAVE EVER MET” Rin now had Inu Yasha backed up against the outer wall of the 15-16 story building.
Sesshomaru smiled slightly, he had NEVER seen somebody treat Inu Yasha like that and live. Watching them he soon found his little brother shaking slightly in fear.
“No wait, that's not what I was saying, I just didn't see how your boobs were going to help with him” Inu Yasha pleaded.
“I'LL SHOW YOU'RE THEIR AFFECT” she turned around allowing Sesshomaru can see her front view. He watched as Rin waited for a group of business men walked up to her. She smiled sexually. Grabbing her shirt she unbuttoned it and tore it open. All of the guys just stopped and stared, including Sesshomaru.
She closed the shirt and buttoned it back up, only to turn back to Inu Yasha, who had his head in his hands in an embarrassed sort of way.
Their thoughts were cut short by the sound of laughter. Turning their head they looked to see Sesshomaru laughing hard enough to shake his body.
“My god he's laughing” Inu Yasha turned to Rin “look at what you did, you broke him” Inu Yasha accused.
Her eyes were wide with her mouth slightly opened. “That's your brother” she asked sounding winded. In honestly, she had never seen a guy look so incredibly sexy. Fuck the girls, she wanted him.
Inu Yasha eyed her “damn it”
“Inu Yasha” Sesshomaru began in is `mightier than thou' voice. “It seems to me that you are having some trouble finding a way into my office. Why don't you just take the elevator? I don't have any meetings for the next 25 minute” with that he turned around and walked of.
Inu Yasha stood there shocked. Did is asshole of a brother just allow his access? He turned toward Rin, who still appeared to have a dazed look. `Must have been the boobs' Inu Yasha shrugged. He took off after his brother, rin in tow.
Getting on the train, she looked at the map. She moved her finger over the colored line that made up the rout she'd be taking. Stopping at a street she recognized she smiled. That was her destination.
Looking around she noticed that there were an exceptional amount of people on the train. Every seat was full and there were other standing in the isles. Shrugging it off he settle from starring at the map and trying to memorize as much of it as she could. She guessed it would take a good 30 minutes for her to get home, and the sun just started to go down. There was a good two hours before dark. There was plenty of time.
“So, dear brother, what can I do for you?” Sesshomaru sat back in his huge black office chair.
Inu Yasha just glared, “I need you to tell me about what happened with Yana”
Sesshomaru matched Inu Yasha's glare. “Why would something as that be so crucial now?”
Inu Yasha looked down so that his bangs were blocking the view of his eyes. “Yana died because Koharu possessed her. I need to know as much as I can about what happened.”
“Do you know of somebody who is experiencing the same kind of possession?” Sesshomaru asked interestedly.
“Yeah” Inu Yasha said sadly.
Sesshomaru paused. He may show to be emotionless but the experience with Yana left a deep hole in his heart. He wasn't able to save her. It wasn't until after she died that he received information of what to do. “I will tell you everything that happened, but keep in mind that the more personal information is not for the ears of other, are we understood?”
Inu Yasha nodded.
Rin just sat there, confused, but interested.
Sesshomaru pressed a button on his multi-buttoned phone. “Jaken, move all of my appointments for the next two hours. I will be unavailable.” He let go of the button. Looking at his brother he closed his eyes. “Yana was sent to me by a neighboring kingdom. Her father wanted to bring peace so he sold his daughter to the dog demon clan. Being the heir to the throne she was given to me. It's not common to force a dog demon to mate, but it just so happened that I quickly developed feelings for her. About two weeks into her stay some there were some odd occurrences. She wasn't herself. She even smelled different and her voice changed. It took me some time but I remembered. A couple hundred years before I had killed a young girl by the name of Koharu. She was a young priestess that lost control of her powers. I killed her before she didn't anything rash. Her spirit remained to take its revenge apron me. When she saw how I felt for Yana she took it as an opportunity. Her miko powers allowed her to take Yana's life force from her after a certain amount of time.”
“Take her life force? How did she do that?” Inu Yasha asked. He was now at the edge of his seat. He never heard the whole story and found it interesting.
“After Koharu became acquainted with Yana's body and soul she took a hold of it by giving what Yana wanted. She gave Yana the ability to be what she wanted and act as she pleases with no regrets or shame. By doing so, Yana submitted to Koharu, allowing her to rip her soul from her body.”
“Yana submitted to Koharu?”
Sesshomaru nodded.
“Oh shit” Inu Yasha stood ready to leave.
“Is there any way to help somebody in that situation?” Rin asked meekly. The story left her depressed and the thought of somebody like that in this time so close scared her a bit.
Sesshomaru took a good long look at Rin; her smell and beauty surrounded him; called for him. “You must lay there spirit to rest. Showing her peace is the only way. However, that can prove to be a hard task”
“So all I have to do is get a hold of Kikyo and make her understand the truth behind her death?” Inu Yasha thought for a moment. “Shit, how that hell would I do that. She was stubborn alive, I can't imagine what she's like now”
“Kikyo?” Sesshomaru's eyebrow rose.