InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed Desire (Love Over Time - I) ❯ Love Bazaar ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Unleashed Desire


Part three

Love Bazaar 




First off… Kitty does not own Inuyasha or any related characters. No one pays me to corrupt my favorite inuhanyou. Kitty does it 4 her own twisted pleasure & yours of course




Kagome was lost in a passion-induced haze. She had no idea how long Inuyasha had been doing this to her, nor did she care. The desire driven priestess was only vaguely aware of the sound of breathing. Taking in strained, ragged breaths, Kagome could hear the low rumbling echoing through Inuyasha’s chest, and the sound of her own whimpering. "Oh god!" she screamed for what must have been the hundredth time. He wasn't even touching her most sensitive areas any more and still she cried out. His hands slowly traced along the pale silken skin of her inner thigh, precariously close to the core of her desire. One of Inuyasha’s claws brushed over the folds of her womanhood, sending a current of pleasure through Kagome’s being. "Mmmm." Her muscles stiffened from the contact.


He shuddered as his hands caressed her delicate flesh. Inuyasha could feel the heat radiating from Kagome; it was most intense here, between her parted thighs. Her scent was so intoxicating now. When he filled his lungs with oxygen, his miko’s sweet fragrance washed over him, overwhelming his senses. With every breath, he almost tasted her. The flavor lingering on his tongue until he exhaled, only to draw her essence in once more with his next breath.


Inuyasha was teasing her, relentlessly driving Kagome to the edge of orgasmic release, and then backing off just before she tumbled over. Her aura fluctuated, flaring with the depth of her need. Every nerve in her body tingled from the sensation. Kagome was sure this was what he meant when he spoke of punishing her. "Oooh... Yash, please!" she pleaded in a breathy voice.


He glanced up at her, his full lips still pressed close against her, they brushed across the satiny smooth flesh of her inner thigh when he spoke. "Please what, Kagome?" he asked, his voice deeper than usual due to his own rising urgency for completion.


Inuyasha was toying with her. Kagome was in no mood to have her chain yanked by her disturbingly patient demon lover. "Fuck you, Yash!" she spat, her voice shaky and hoarse from failed attempts to bite back moans. Kagome couldn't take much more, she was going to break, and Inuyasha knew it. He moved slower than necessary with the grace of a jungle cat. He crawled along her, deliberately grazing his body over hers, allowing enough of his weight to settle on her that he could feel her shivering beneath him. When the length of his body completely covered hers, Inuyasha braced his weight on his right arm while his left hand teased its way down her side, finding it’s way to the dip behind Kagome’s right knee. He gingerly raised her leg from the mattress, swiftly placing it so that the curve of her calve rested at the small of his back and the dip behind her knee was pressed firmly against his hip. Inuyasha shifted his weight to his other arm and repeated the process with her left leg.


Kagome shuddered. `Oh God yes finally!' she thought and sagged in relief.


He leaned into her, the evidence of his waning patience pressed firmly against her moist core. "There is nothing I'd rather do right now than pound you into the mattress Kagome, just tell me what I need to hear," Inuyasha spoke huskily, his warm breath swirling over her ear and trailing along the line of her neck. Kagome closed her eyes in an attempt to steady her breathing. Her heart was pounding in her chest, she could hear her racing pulse thundering in her ears, and her body felt like it would burst into flames any moment. She bit her lip in an effort to keep the words from spilling out of her mouth. Kagome knew what he wanted to hear and her body was betraying her, demanding that she give in. "Yash I..." He slowly rocked his hips forward, rubbing his erection against her throbbing clit.


Her breath caught in her throat, she moaned loudly and her lips parted. "You what, Kagome?" he demanded, his claws absently stroking along her side making her arch her body into him.


He was so close, she was going to submit! `About fucking time!' the deep voice in his head growled.


The inuhanyou was exhibiting uncharacteristic levels of restraint. He was concerned that his demon blood would get the better of him and he would take her more aggressively than he intended. Inuyasha was well aware of Kagome's fondness for doing it down and dirty, but in her current state of exhaustion, he was unsure as to whether her body could take the abuse, if he permitted his demon blood to take over. He lowered his head to her breast, taking the firm, dusky nipple hungrily into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and lightly nipping at it before releasing the hardened nub. "Tell me Kagome, what do you want? Tell me what you need!" he said in an almost pleading tone before kissing the nape of her neck, causing her to whimper his name. Inuyasha traced his fangs along her pulse point then soothed over it with his tongue.


Kagome clung to his sculpted back, her manicured French tip nails digging into Inuyasha’s tanned flesh making little crescent shaped marks. She swallowed hard. "Yash... I-I... want..." she was squirming, rubbing her slick folds along his shaft.


He hissed pulling his hips back from her. Inuyasha stared at her, his golden amber orbs boring into her, demanding her surrender. "Come on Kagome, tell me!" he said through clenched teeth, his voice harsher than he intended.


Inuyasha was just as close to the edge as Kagome was. His skin glistened with sweat, it had taken a great deal of effort to control his youki, his demon blood was scorching his veins from the lack of satisfaction and he wasn't sure how long he could keep his instincts at bay.


Her breathing was erratic. She was panting heavily, unable to draw enough air into her burning lungs. Kagome was accustomed to Inuyasha’s teasing, their lovemaking was always playful, but never had he denied her gratification for so long. She needed him with such desperation it hurt!


She knew why he was denying her. Kagome knew better than to challenge Inuyasha. "Humph, damn dog demons and their need to dominate everything," the frustrated miko mumbled louder than she intended to. Inuyasha’s eyes flashed and the corners of his mouth turned up in a cocky grin. Kagome sighed her resignation. `He knows I'm going to submit.'


Prior to meeting Inuyasha, Kagome considered herself the kind of girl that would enjoy making love the way they do in romantic books and films, slow and sweet. The first time Inuyasha took her, she knew that was not true. Their sexual encounters were primal attempts to fuse their bodies into one, him attempting to crawl inside of her and her welcoming the intrusion. They had the kind of sex that leaves you exhausted, satiated, bruised, but fulfilled. She craved Inuyasha's touch, couldn't get close enough to him. Kagome was only contented when he filled her completely.


She sighed, licked her lips, and prepared to speak. Kagome looked deep into Inuyasha’s honey-gold orbs and placed her delicate hand on his cheek. "Yash... I'm yours... I need you... take me, please!" Kagome could not keep the desperation out of her voice. The whole `My-Bitch-do-what-I-say' concept was difficult for her to accept. Kagome knew what she had done on the night of the full moon was dangerous. It’s true, she wanted to prove that she could take care of herself, that she wasn’t fragile, weak, a burden in need of constant protection, but mostly she did it just to spite Inuyasha. He had every right to be angry with her. She had nearly gotten herself killed and it wasn't the first time.


A long moment passed between them. The couple remained motionless lost in each other's eyes.


A wave of relief washed over him. She had finally surrendered. Inuyasha knew it was difficult for Kagome to admit that she belonged to him. The idea of being her mate's possession was not something she had ever been comfortable with. Not that he wanted some brainless twit that obeyed his every command, on the contrary, Inuyasha adored Kagome's fiery spirit. That was what he loved most about her, but she needed to learn that she was his Bitch and he required her obedience. It was a lesson he was determined to teach her, even if he had to spend the rest of the night pounding it into her.


Kagome gasped when he harshly flipped her over onto her stomach with a pleased growl. Inuyasha roughly grasped her hips, pulling her limp form from the bed. Kagome quickly braced herself for what was to come and was surprised when she felt his strong hand pressed firmly against the dip in her back between her shoulder blades. She complied with Inuyasha’s silent demand allowing, her upper body to be pressed flat against the mattress beneath her. The cool sheets were a welcomed contrast to the burning heat of his flesh against hers.


"Oooh... Yash please!" she pleaded in a breathy tone laced with anticipation. He leaned across her back, his body covering hers.


"Tell me what you want Kagome, let me hear you." he whispered gruffly in her ear.

She swallowed then forced the words from her parched throat. "I-I... need... take me Yash... please!" she called out loudly in a voice she hardly recognized. She felt the vibration of a growl rumbling through his chest as he slid down her back and rolled his body into a kneeling position behind her, pausing briefly to place a tender kiss on his mark at the small of her back.


"Aaaah!" she cried out when he entered her in one smooth stroke stretching and filling her all at once. No matter how many times they joined their bodies in this way, Kagome could never get used to the size of him. She shuddered as Inuyasha set a rapid, forceful pace, using his hold on her hips to pull her body against his when he thrust into her. Kagome whimpered when he pulled out, leaving only the tip of his shaft inside of her, making her feel empty.


He quickly thrust back into, her filling her once more. "Yes...mmm... more!" she cried out.


Inuyasha grunted as he entered her again. Kagome was quickly approaching her climax. He could feel her internal muscles clamping down on him when he drove himself into her slick passage. Inuyasha knew she would cum quickly, his miko was more than ready for him.


"Faster Yash... Mmmm…faster!” Kagome screamed as he picked up the pace. The room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking. The bed creaked as the headboard slammed into the wall rhythmically. Their naked bodies crashed into one another and Kagome gasped as the air was pushed from her lungs with each powerful thrust.

With every stroke, Inuyasha was reaching a spot hidden deep inside of her that only he could touch. He plunged into her, drowning her in the rhapsody of their joining. He could feel his own release approaching. The sensation of being buried deep in her tight canal heightened by the sound of her moaning his name and begging for more, bringing his climax ever closer.


"Harder... Mmmm...ooooh yes!” Kagome felt something inside her snap. She screwed her eyes shut as a warm current rushed through her body. "Inu... Inu... yash... Inuyasha!" she yelled his name with abandoned as her orgasm hit her. The feeling was intense as waves of pleasure overtook her. Kagome’s entire body pulsed in time with her rapidly beating heart. She gripped the bed sheets so tightly that her knuckles turned white from the strain. She was shuddering violently and couldn’t catch her breath. Inuyasha’s tight hold on her hips the only thing keeping her from sinking completely into the mattress.


Kagome continued to clutch the sweat-soaked sheets beneath her. Inuyasha’s pace increased as he drove into her in search of his own release.


He threw his head back, his silvery-white hair, damp with perspiration, cascading down his back then settling in a tousled mess around his face when he lowered his head, the demon’s eyes resting on his mate’s lower back. Crimson began bleeding into his honey colored orbs as he thrust into her once more. "Fuck...K-Kagomeee!" Inuyasha went rigid and his muscles tightened. A current of pleasure engulfed him. His member throbbed as his seed filled her and his mind went blank. A wave of ecstasy washed over him. Inuyasha held firmly to Kagome while his body shuddered from the intensity of his climax. She moaned at the sensation of him filling her, the hot liquid warming her insides. He felt her tremble, wrapped his hands around her waist, and pulled her close to him taking her with him as he collapsed onto his side out of sheer exhaustion. A few moments passed as the two lovers basked in the afterglow of their mating.


She had just closed her eyes, her hand blindly searching for the blanket when he spoke to her, "Hey, Kagome?" He waited for her response.


"Hmm?" she replied without opening her eyes.


"You been going to your yoga classes?" he asked, rather innocently. 

"Yeah. Why?" She opened her eyes to look at him.


"How often?" he questioned.


"Umm, three times a week. I never changed the scheduled appointments you set up for me, why?"



She could see a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes and stopped reaching for the lost blanket. Inuyasha rose from the bed and headed for the door. She sat up, confused by the exchange. He saw the baffled look in her eyes. "Relax Kagome, I just want to try something. I'll be right back," he called from over his shoulder, raising his hand in a silencing gesture as he exited into the hallway.