InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unlike You ❯ Singing, Yelling, and WHAT? Kissing. ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Me no own-o Inuyasha-o.

Chapter 5: Singing, Yelling, and WHAT? Kissing.

Inuyasha walked down the hallway. He was at the University of Shiko No Tama. He had an hour to practice. He was not sure why he had arrived earlier. Inuyasha just wanted to get out of that stuffy house. As he walked around he saw girls everywhere, and they were all looking at him.

What the fuck? Do I have something on my face?

Inuyasha continually wiped at his face. Looking forward he noticed something. It was her. Wait no it couldn’t be. Not here. Rin? He just couldn’t believe it. Three long years since he had seen her.

She had grew up to be a beautiful woman, with long chocolate hair that reached her waist. She was not to fat and was not to skinny and her face was that of an angel. And there was her trademark smile. It was a wonder that she still carried it. Inuyasha shouted for her.

“Hey Rin, Long time no see?” Rin stopped and stiffened. She new that voice and it could only be one person. Her heart soared.

“INUYASHA!” Rin screamed at the top of her lungs and pummeled him. In the process knocking both of them to the floor.

“OH MI GOD! How have you been? How long are you going to be in town? How is Sesshomaru? I really miss him. I wished he would have called Inu--” Inuyasha clamped his hand down over her mouth.

“Damn girl, you are exactly the same. You still don’t shut up.” Inuyasha laughed at the glare Rin shot him. She climbed off of him and helped him up.

“I’ve been good and I am going to here for college. Sesshomaru is still a dick and is missing you.” He answered all her questions simultaneously.

Rin smiled and then the tears started rolling.

Damnit I hate when girls cry.

“Rin don’t cry. You know how much I hate it. Yes he does miss you and he is in town. He went to see someone last night. I don’t know if he’s dropping in to see you because I haven’t seen him today.”

Rin smiled at him and started to turn away until something occurred to her. “Inuyasha you’re still nothing but a big softy when it comes to girls crying.” Laughing she hugged him.

“Feh, I am not. It’s just girls I know.” He said as he hugged her too so she couldn’t see the humor in his eyes.

“Well it was nice seeing. I hope to see you again.” Rin said as she turned to leave.

“Later” Inuyasha called out after her. Shit. He only had ten minutes to get to the auditorium. Inuyasha took off as fast as he could.


“KAGOME!” Sango yelled like there was no tomorrow.

“What do you want that’s so important you have to yell?” Kagome screamed back.

“Well. You were kind of in a daze. Damn we arrived at school twenty minutes ago.”

“Sorry, I was thinking.” Sango sighed. She felt sorry for Kagome. Kagome could never forget or forgive Inuyasha for what he did. And they used to be best friends. What he did made Kagome feel like she lost her innocence. Which in fact she had. Kagome had been drowned with guilt and nothing could change that.

“Sango, are we going to go in and get our dorm number? Oh and are you going to come to Inu-Tashio’s wedding?”

“Yes we are, and yes I am. I wouldn’t let you go alone. Not after we both know he’s going to be there.” Sango’s eyes went hard when she mentioned him.

“Thank you. I don’t know how I could do it without you.” Kagome’s eyes filled with relief. Sango smiled. She loved Kagome like a sister. Sango hugged Kagome.

“Let’s go meet some hot guys!”

As they were walking they heard music. Kagome frowned and began walking they way. She was curious as to who was going to sing and for what reason.

She walked into the auditorium and sat down along with Sango at her side.

“Okay, Inuyasha. Start when you are ready.” They judge replied. Inuyasha smiled at him.

“Yes sir.” He grabbed his guitar and sat in the chair.

“I am going to sing a song I wrote along time ago. It was for someone I loved.

Kagome was near tears because it was her Inuyasha up there.

I cant believe its really him. I think my heart just broke again.

Inuyasha continued and began to play the music and then began to sing.

If I ever write the story of my lifeDon’t be surprised if you’re where it beginsGirl, I’d have to dedicate every line on every pageTo the memories we made, while you loved me
I was born the day you kissed meAnd I died inside the night you left meBut I lived, oh how I livedWhile you loved me
I’d start with chapter one, love innocent and youngAs the morning sun on a new dayEven though I know the end, Well I’d do it all again‘Cause I got a lifetime in, while you loved me
I was born the day you kissed meAnd I died inside the night you left meBut I lived, oh how I livedWhile you loved me
I was born the day you kissed meAnd I died inside the night you left meBut I lived, oh how I lived(I lived)I was born the day you kissed meAnd I died inside the night you left meBut I lived, oh how I lived(I lived) While you loved me

All of the judges looked impressed. Kagome was now crying, she just couldn’t help it. He had wrote that for her. Her heart screamed out for him but her head screamed No. She listened to the most reasonable and ran out the door.

I smell tears.

Inuyasha looked up and saw a girl with raven hair run out of the room.

Kagome it’s you! I’ve finally found you.

Inuyasha jumped up so fast the judges were flabbergasted and he ran after her. Sniffing around he located the way her scent went. When he saw the back of her head, he knew there was no doubt that it was Kagome.

It was his Kagome. The one he had loved all his life. Grapping her arm he pulled her face toward him.

Kagome gasped went she felt someone grab her arm and force her around. “Sango you scared me.” She said only to gasp when she saw that it was none other than Inuyasha.

She stiffened and her eyes filled with even more tears. She couldn’t handle this confrontation.

All Inuyasha could do was stare. Kagome was even more beautiful to him than the last time he had seen her. She had filled out in all the right places and she was perfect. She did not have a flaw. That was until Inuyasha gave her a broken heart. Because of him she cried her self to sleep. Because of him she had guilty but he couldn’t hold himself back.

He hugged her tightly and he felt tears roll down his own cheeks. God how he had missed her.

I’m going to make her love me again. I just cant lose her. I’ll never be the same, I’ve got to have her.

Kagome finally got over him hugging her, and yanked herself from him. She wasn’t going to give into him. She couldn’t. He was her pain.


“Don’t” she cut him off.

“Don’t you dare say my name like you know me.” She eyed me up and down.

“But I do know you. You are the love of my life.” Inuyasha’s eyes softened on her.

“NO! Don’t say that. You are the fucking one who screwed me over. You are the one who choose them OVER ME! You are the reason I cant have a boyfriend.”

“Kagome. You never gave me a chance to explain. You fucking ran away. You wasn’t the only one who was mother fucking hurt. It hurt so bad knowing you left me and you hated me. You never gave me a change you just took off.” Inuyasha punched the wall in his rant of anger.

Kagome was equally angry.

“No you hurt me. I don’t want to give you a second chance. Don’t you see what you are capable of. I almost tried suicide. I had to take counseling. You were able to crush me INUYASHA. YOU TORE MY FUCKING HEART OUT AND I HATE YOU.”



Inuyasha stopped. A mistake? He’s eyes began to fill with tears. He tried to hold them back but he couldn’t. Then he spoke, his voice now a soft whisper. “ How can you call what we had a mistake. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I wasn’t going to go through with the dare. I loved you so much. I.. couldn’t….. When you said you were ready…… to. I…didn’t…want.. To but I did. But it wasn’t for the dare. It was because I love you with every breathe in me. I couldn’t help.. My demon side clouded my better judgment. But then People found out and you left. I never got to tell you.” He stopped. He couldn’t take it.

Kagome did know what to say.

Is he serious? He LOVES me? It wasn’t a mistake? NO! He took me and then he.. He..

Kagome fell down crying she could hold her own weight. It was just to much. Inuyasha caught her up bridal style and walked her to his car. She was hugging his shirt tightly. She had a lot to think about.


“Y es Kagome?” He said as he kissed her forehead.
“Could.. I mean.. I know that… Well could me and you…?” Inuyasha smiled because he understand.
“Of coarse. Are you sure though? Because there is no turning back.” Kagome smiled a true smile.
“Inuyasha, I just want to hold you, love you, and be with you. And I want you so much please!”
“I could never say no to you.” Inuyasha kissed Kagome, and the forced her mouth open, but not to hard. He explored her every center. He wanted to know Kagome inside and moaned. Who knew kissing Inuyasha could put out this much heat. Inuyasha settled himself over Kagome. Never breaking the kiss. Then he trailed kisses down her neck to her shirt. He began unbuttoning her shirt as he lifted his lips to hers once again. Then something occurred to him. He had to tell her something.
“Kagome, you know if we do this you can not have any other man in your bed or let another man kiss you.” Inuyasha kissed her lips.
“Inuyasha that’s not a problem, because you are the only one I want to be kiss, touch, love.”
Inuyasha smiled and continued to tease her with his mouth.
They made love that night; over and over. It was the best night between the two.
“I’m going to love you forever.” Kagome whispered before she fell asleep.
‘Ill keep you to that’ Inuyasha thought before he to succumbed to the darkness.


They must have been thinking of the same thing because both of them turned their heads and blushed. Kagome got up and walked toward her car. Inuyasha once again grabbed her arm to keep her from going anywhere.

“Don’t go Kags.” He pleaded.

“I’m not.. I’m just.. Damn it Inuyasha. I’m not strong enough.. Too.. Lose you again.” Kagome sighed and looking at the ground and finding it somewhat interesting.

“Kags, you are not going to lose me. Not this time.” Kagome looked at him with pain in her eyes.

“Something never change.”

“Just like my love for you.” Inuyasha was about to kiss Kagome when he remember what he ran out of. He mumbled a few cuss words.

“Sorry Kags, I got to get back to the judges.” Inuyasha grabbed Kagome by the waist and pushed her up against the car and kissed her deeply. Soon Kagome took over. She pulled him closer and slid her hands into his beautiful silver locks. His hands gripped her waist tighter pulling her closer to him. Finally he pulled away and Kagome moaned in protest.

“I’ll see you later.” Inuyasha smiled and walked back to the auditorium. Kagome put her fingers to her mouth and sighed.

“Something’s never change.”


Authors Note: Revision in process.