InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unplanned ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: We do not own InuYasha. Rumiko Takahashi does though.
Chapter 3: Confessions and Consuequences
Two Months Later: Village of the Demon Slayers
Sango was bent over once more allowing her stomach to overwhelm her at the moment. A dinner made up of rice and
fish had not sat well with her. For the past two weeks it had been a consistent case of vomiting, and hiding the evidence. But
now that was all over. InuYasha stood next to her, holding her thick hair away from her face. So far he was the only one to know about what had happened between her and his older brother. He was not taking it well.
"You have to tell them Sango. No more running around on the subject." InuYasha had narrowed his golden gaze upon his friend. "Miroku deserves the truth at least. Give him a choice. This goes beyond just you now."
Sango finished her heaving and wiped her mouth. A bottle of clean water went a great deal to clean that foul taste from her mouth. "I know that InuYasha. But..."
"But what?" Anger was begining to show in his gaze.
"He already knows InuYasha. He's known since the first night. I... he... we haven't...." A deep scarlet blush appeared on her cheeks.
"What.... You haven't mated with him? Is that what your saying?"
"Yes. I was marked somehow. InuYasha, I'm scared. The very idea of carrying your brother's child. Will he kill me and the baby? Or will he allow us to live? I....." Sango bowed her head in remorse.
InuYasha's face carried a heavy mix of emotions, and none of which were positive. “You didn't…” he finally managed to say, his previous anger turning from the mild form associated with his usual irritability to the more severe form that usually only emerged when his brother was involved. “How could he do something like this? I always knew Sesshomaru was just a stupid, arrogant prick but I never though he'd go as far as to do this…” he growled, flexing his fingers as if anxious to get his claws into his brother.
“I'm going to have to tell everyone,” Sango determined, her voice quiet and clearly betraying her distress. “It wouldn't be right if I kept it from them. They would find out eventually anyway. It's not like you can hide a pregnancy forever.”
InuYasha only nodded his head in agreement, as if still distracted by images of him tearing his brother to pieces for what he had done to Sango.
In Miroku and Sango's home in the village, Miroku and Kagome were beginning to discuss the topic of Sango. “I think there's something going on with Sango,” Miroku told Kagome as he began to refill his empty teacup. Kagome took a sip of tea. “What do you mean?”
“Well, her mood seems to have changed some and she always seems to be disappearing in the mornings, as if she's trying to hide. Even Hachi told me he was noticing a change in her,” Miroku explained, taking a moment to think about the words of Hachi, the raccoon dog demon.
“Have you ever considered that Sango could be pregnant?” Kagome asked with a small, knowing smile.
Miroku almost choked on his tea. “Pregnant?”
“Why not? It's really common for women to get morning sickness in the beginning, which is probably why she's not around in the mornings. And it doesn't seem to be that strange that her mood would change. After all, pregnancy causes there to be some major changes in a woman's body,” Kagome informed a shocked looking Miroku.
:That can't be possible. Sango and I have never…: Miroku thought, his expression becoming a worried one.
Kagome giggled, not realizing the true reason why he was concerned. “Don't worry. It will still be a while until she gives birth. You'll still have a lot of time to get things ready. Oh, and you will have to figure out names!” Kagome's eyes brightening at the idea of getting to possibly help Sango and Miroku with the names.
“N-names? As in more than one?” the overwhelmed monk asked with wide eyes.
“Well yes. You're not going to be sure if it's going to be a girl or boy so you'll have to find both a girl's name and a boy's name,” Kagome stated matter-of-factly before taking another sip of tea.
Miroku still found himself in a state of near panic. :Sango, what's going on?:
After InuYasha had eventually gotten to reassuring Sango that he would support her decision to tell the others, they started back towards the village where Miroku and Kagome were. About halfway back to the village, InuYasha turned with a growl upon his friend. "Get on. We'll never get back at this rate." Before the startled slayer could say too much more, the half demon had picked her up and was racing the wind through the trees back to their village home.
To InuYasha's satisfaction, it wasn't long before they were stepping inside the house where Miroku and Kagome met them with mixed greetings. While Kagome seemed even more cheerful than usual, Miroku had a slightly ashen look to his face and his voice held a grave tone. Sango became even more apprehensive about tell the others when she saw his expression, but the guilt she had was stronger. :It's now or never: she thought, trying to calm herself.
“There's something I have to tell you,” Sango began when everyone had quieted down. “I'm pregnant...”
Kagome gave Miroku an `I told you so' grin, only to drop it when Sango finished. “With Sesshomaru's child.”
Kagome looked as if someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on her and Miroku looked as if he was ready to pass out. Sango didn't know what she could say to soften the blow but luckily InuYasha intervened to take some of the pressure off her. “I say we go hunt down that no good bastard and show him what we think about him doing something like this,” the hanyou growled, a hand going to his sword.
“InuYasha, sit,” Kagome commanded, shaking off some of her shock. “All that's going to do is get you hurt again. Besides, Sesshomaru has already done enough, do well really need to be getting him more involved?”
InuYasha growled when she spoke his brother's name as he was picking himself back off the ground. “Fine, but don't think I'm not going to fight him if he comes and tries to hurt Sango.”
As the other two went about their bickering, Miroku and Sango's eyes met. “I'm sorry,” she said before turning and walking out the door.
Kagome and InuYasha froze, Kagome pausing mid-threat, as Sango left. The pair watched as Miroku got up and followed her out.
“Miroku, I'm so sorry,” Sango said when he found her outside.
“Sango,” he called softly, wrapping his arms around her.
“I'm so sorry, I didn't…” she whispered, the tears building in her eyes finally spilling over and racing down her cheeks as she leaned her head on his chest.
“Shhh, it's alright,” he murmured before kissing the top of her head and pulling her closer.
Months passed until late autumn. The trees were bare of leaves and a light rain fell from the cloudy dawning sky. Within a small hut in a secluded village resided Sango and her small group of companions. Her husband, Miroku, held her hand as the woman unleashed a scream of agony and rage.
She clenched her teeth against the pain her lower body was putting her through. The crunch of bones echoed throughout the small confines of the room. Miroku pulled back as Sango released his hand and sank her nails into the wooden floor beneath her. Kagome shouted in surprise.
"It's time, Sango. I can see the head. Your gonna have to push. Are you ready?" the younger woman looked up into her friends eyes.
A pale crimson stain cast tinted the normal amber. Since the conception of her offspring, Sango had gained several demonic qualities. Often this was not the case. About a month ago, she had revealed the reason, the secret, of why this was occuring to her.
:"When a female demon slayer from my village becomes pregnant, she inherits slight demonic traits. It comes from an ancestor's blood and is called Midoriko's Blessing. But in my case, the traits seem more...
pronounced than usual. Almost as if I were becoming a half-demon, like InuYasha. That may be because my baby is a half-demon. I'm really not to clear about all the details. I know I should have...":
The memory disipated as Sango cried out again. Her body was clenched as she fought to give her baby life independent of her own. Finally after some time the slayer gave birth. The infant's body was wrinkled, red, and angry. The baby was male, silver haired, with double stripes on each cheek. A set of dog ears, black as sin, sat atop his head complimenting his bright amber brown eyes. A few minutes later his mother cried out again, sending shock spreading through her friends. Kagome returned to Sango's side asking her to breathe steadily.
"You breathe steadily!" the slayer raged at her friend. She clenched her fist and sank her fist into the floor beside her.
"InuYasha get in here. We need you to keep Sango still." Kagome called out.
InuYasha poked his head into the room eyeing the situation. :What do I look like? An idiot?: The half demon shook his head and firmly said, "I'm going to die aren't I?" :But, Sango wouldn't be in this mess if Sesshomaru hadn't....!: InuYasha moved hesitantly into the room. "Sango, you gotta do this one more time. After that, you can rest for a little bit. Okay?"
"Damn demon spawn. I'll kill you too." Sango's eyes bled to bright red.
"Yeah sure. When you can get up."
Within the next few moments Sango gave life to yet another infant. This one was female, golden eyed, she had her mother's raven black locks, her ears, like her brother's was dog shaped and on top of her head, though in her case they were a bright white. The female had a blue crescent moon upon her forhead and a slender strip of red over each eye. "So," InuYasha asked the surprised group, "what did you plan to call these two?"