InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Warm Afternoon. ❯ 1. Closing In. ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warm Afternoon. [NC-17]
A.N. Scrumptuous detailed account of how InuYasha and Kagome finally cross that line. This is not like a shot of vodka, nor like a refreshing fast gulping down of a can of beer. This is like sipping Cognac, swirling it in your mouth, feeling its warmth, tasting, smelling, and savoring every sip at a time. Not for kiddies. Not beta'ed. This was a get well card for Lauren (she's now fine thankfully), and a thank you card/dedication for both Lauren and InuGrrrl. It is also a thank you to all those reviewers who have shared their thoughts about my work.
It started as a one shot but then it grew. It_kept leading me to explore new ideas and challenging my limited abilities. At one point_my husband asked me why I wasn't writing. I told him, “I swear, the story is alive and I am its slave. I have to write a poem. Can you believe that?!?!” He laughed. I had a writer's block for weeks.
Unlike the prize, this story was not imagined in its entirety before it was put into writing. Instead, it started with a blank word document page. Perhaps that is why I find it to be less detailed. Nonetheless, I always wished to read a story about the union of these two characters but in both the physical and mental levels. And true to my love for romance and hentai, this fanfic is what my husband would call “corny.” If you are not into that then don't read this. It will make you gag.
Last, there may be chapters that do not contain lemons but they contain words that may be considered lemons. So, just to be on the safe side I put a warning on every single chapter. Again, this is not for kiddies and since it is dedicated to Lauren and InuGrrrl it is thus not beta'ed. I apologize in advance for the grammar and_spelling errors.
This story_is complete but labeled as_work in progress.Youmay see some updates every now and then. Those updates are just me finding some errors and trying to correct them.
Without further ado, here's my latest work. Read and above all else, enjoy! QS
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator; it's such a wonderful series.
This chapter contains a lemon. You have been warned.
1. Closing In.
InuYasha was carrying Kagome as he usually does when they're in a hurry. There was nothing chasing them, there were no shards to look for. Everything was fine with the world after Naraku's defeat, Kikyou's death and the neutralization of the Shikon-No-Tama jewel.
They were just returning from Miroku's and Sango's wedding. It took place at the same site where his father had died. It was the only way that Miroku knew how to share that happy day with his father. Sango understood the meaning behind that gesture and happily agreed to it.
A promise to Kaede had InuYasha and Kagome returning to their village before everyone else. They had promised to help her prepare the festivities for the newlyweds' return in a week.
Kagome was holding on tight to InuYasha. As always, she was thinking about how she enjoyed the feel of him while she rode on his back. She was also wishing that he would for once take her somewhere other than home and have his way with her.
I know, I know, she reprimanded herself in frustration. That is a dream that I've had only every time he carries me.
InuYasha, on the other hand, had similar yet different things on his mind. In fact, he was running away from something. Specifically, he was running away from the enticing smell of her arousal.
He had noticed a trend in her every time he carried her like that. He noticed that her smells became stronger. They nearly drove him mad.
There came a point where he made a wrong turn and they found themselves at the edge of a very deep and wide canyon. That stop proved to be almost fatal for his heightened sense of smell. It was then that her smell overpowered him.
He put her down gently and stepped away.
She looked at him and asked, “Why did we stop?”
He needed to stay away from her. He felt his resistance waning as he breathed in her sweet, delicious, mouth watering scent.
“Kagome, I ….” He started. “I must leave.”
“What? You're leaving me here?” She asked surprised and gesturing to the site they were in. She did not want to be left there in the middle of nowhere and alone.
“No, I'll be around. Just not right next to you.” He said with a trembling voice.
“InuYasha, what's wrong?” She approached him noticing that he was shaking.
“Don't!” He barked closing his eyes.
She froze.
“Don't stand…” He swallowed. “Don't stand so close to me.” He implored in barely a whisper with his hand raised towards her in a halting position.
He stepped back to a safe distance.
Kagome bit her lip and remained put.
Poor InuYasha; there he was three years after meeting Kagome and struggling to control his mature male hormones. Every muscle in his body yearned to hold on to that woman in front of him. That woman was now eighteen. She was the one who haunted his dreams. That woman in front of him was obviously very ready for mating.
Poor, poor InuYasha; the wind from the canyon had swept a warm and constant breeze towards him while she was upwind.
Poor, poor, poor InuYasha; not only the smell of her arousal smashed against him like a speeding train; but also, the wind lifted her mini skirt and blouse up vertically. This was very much like Marilyn Monroe's famous flirtatious scene. However, there was one difference, Kagome was not taunting him. She was actually caught by surprise.
In her shock she twisted her hips while her red pleated mini-jupe swept up revealing her see through thong. She was wearing a white buttoned long sleeved blouse that was bigger than normal and it too was lifted up revealing her see through bra.
The matching set showed her nipples and her black pubic hair. Neither went unnoticed by the hapless Hanyou. Moreover, the wind blew her hair up making her locks caress her face and fly above her. To sum it up, she looked like a Goddess.
InuYasha froze wide eyed. He was assaulted by this vision; he was snared by her smell. He had lost his last grasp of self-control in that warm early afternoon, under the shade of that large tree, at the edge of the cliff.
He no longer trembled. He looked calm. He looked resolute.
Kagome noticed the change in him. She noticed him change from desperately trying to get away to calmly standing there looking at her directly and with purpose.
Kagome licked her parched lips. She licked them because they felt dry and because she was not used to his blunt and heated gaze.
InuYasha closed his eyes and whined when he saw that simple and innocent move. Determined, he opened his eyes once again.
Uncomfortable with being boxed in between him and the cliff she began to walk towards the other side of the tree. He too stepped in her same direction. Obviously, he intended to intercept her route.
She stopped.
He stopped too.
Cautiously, she began to walk towards her right.
Without missing a beat he followed her movements.
They both stopped in unison.
Her instinct told her that this was not just her dear sweet InuYasha. He was somehow more daring and bolder. She felt this. She tasted it. She noticed how his movements were relaxed and secure. She noticed how his eyes would at times hungrily roam around her body and then would return to her eyes. He was reading her every move.
Finally, she swallowed nervously and decided to stand up to him. She smoothed her skirt and with a raised eyebrow still looking at her skirt she said, “InuYasha, I don't know what is going on with you. I do know, however, that I do not feel comfortable standing so near the edge with all this wind flapping about.”
He heard her words but instinct told him that she was being cautious.
She looked at him directly when she said, “I am going to walk from here to the other side of this tree. So, please stop whatever it is that you are doing. It is strange and I feel that I must keep away from you.”
He grinned and a part of his fangs peered through his lips. He said with a deep throaty voice, “Yes, Kagome. You'd best keep away from me.”
A bit of drool fell from his mouth and he lifted his hand to wipe it off.
The sound of his voice and the sight of him wiping his mouth like that made chills spread from her lower back all the way to her head. The goose bumps on her arms remained standing for longer than she thought possible. However few, his actions and his words were filled with delicious promises of otherwise.
InuYasha closed his eyes as he breathed in the spike of arousal that he had produced in her with what he said. He opened his eyes slowly with a smile of satisfaction. Resolved, he stepped towards her and she in turn tried to walk right past him.
He did not touch her but his torso was impossibly close to hers forcing her to reverse. He made sure that his right leg found its way right between hers while she walked backwards. He stealthily followed her movements. From a distance it seemed as though they were dancing.
While they were doing this their eyes boldly looked at every part of each other's face. He noticed how her breathing was faster than usual. Clearly, she was affected by his closeness while she was struggling to focus on not tripping.
By now they were further away from the cliff's edge, near another large tree and under its cool shade. Kagome stopped on her tracks as did he. They stepped on the cool grass blades. Those grass blades that had been spared by their intrusion shook stiffly as they gave into the push from the warm canyon breeze. The soft rustling of the tree's leaves could be heard; evidence that the canyon's breeze remained surrounding them.
She looked down and saw his chest right on her line of vision. She looked back up to his necklace, then his Adam's apple, then his chin until she found those lustful amber eyes looking at her ravenously.
“Are you ready for me Kagome?” He asked in a scrumptious heart wrenching rumble.
Kagome swallowed hard and said in barely a whisper, “I,” she hesitated, “I don't know what you mean.”
She lied.
Part of a fang showed when he grinned. His Kagome was lying.
“It's so unlike you to lie to me.” He said softly as his lips were agonizingly near hers.
She widened her eyes as he saw right through her. Then she countered, “I guess…. it is confusing to see you this way.”
He raised an eyebrow and said, “This way how?”
She was still having difficulty breathing with him so near her; barely touching her. His masculine smell combined with those of the deep forest on him had her mesmerized.
She answered, “So,” she paused trying to express her thoughts, “so bold and at ease within my personal space.”
His other fang peered when his smile widened and his lids closed slightly. He said, “I not only plan to be within your personal space Kagome.”
He paused and with a smirk he continued, “But I also plan to be intimately deep inside your personal self, repeatedly.”
A rush of sharp tingles shot from her core to her head sending delightful shivers to every one of her limbs.
The spike of her arousal made him start to tremble. Her need for him was unmistakable and his for hers unquestionable. He could only react by closing his eyes and opening his mouth slightly so he could taste the smell as well.
As beautiful as he was, that facial expression made him downright gorgeous. This time he virtually made her whine; she felt like she was about to cry.
He heard her reaction to him and shaking slightly he said in a deep and rough voice, “I know the answer to this question….,” he stalled to compose himself. He looked at her in handsome seriousness, “….but I need to hear your answer.”
He paused.
She waited.
“Are you ready to be my mate?” He asked point blank.