InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Warm Afternoon. ❯ 2. Close. ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warm Afternoon. [NC-17]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator; it's such a wonderful series.
This chapter contains a lemon. You have been warned.
2. Close.
Her eyes widened and she began breathing in more oxygen as her heart began beating furiously and her face flushed red. She could feel how her face was very, very hot after she heard those words. Those were the very words that she had dreamt about for so many moons.
“I-Is that what you want?” As soon as she responded she was already kicking herself mentally.
How could I have said that? She scolded herself. She feared that she may have ruined a most perfect moment.
His face turned from serious to a fanged smile, “I've been ready ever since you pulled that arrow from my heart.”
Kagome's eyes widened and her mouth opened into an O of surprise. InuYasha noticed her surprise and said, “Kikyo may have been my first love, but you…you have always been my true love.”
Kagome's eyes began to tear and she felt her knees buckle. That was when his left arm held onto her waist. The other went straight to the back of her head grabbing a fist full of her ebony tresses.
As she still slipped from his grasp he scooped her up by wrapping his left arm all around her back and managed to hold her steady. That was when his left hand had wrapped around her and found its way right under her left breast. His index finger was pressed onto the roundness of the lower half of her left breast feeling its softness.
His focus returned to her dazed eyes. He shook his head from side to side and said, “Oi, you cannot faint on me now.”
Then he breathed right into her face, softly caressing it with the words, “You don't want to miss out on all the different ways that I am going to make you mine.”
His long and strong index finger began to slowly move up and down the roundness of her breast. This sent tingles all over her.
As for him, the fact that he was holding her so close and that he was fondling her breast made him shiver. The shivers increased when he felt how her nipple perked hard reacting to his slow yet purposeful strokes.
“Do not dare to miss out on how you are about to make me a very, very happy man.” He rumbled.
He began gentle kisses and gentle licks against her tears. She could feel this attention on her cheeks and on the corner of her lips. He tasted away the salty drops and their trails.
She shook her head softly from side to side in disbelief saying in a whisper, “If this is a dream, please let me wake much later.”
He smiled while his mouth was pressed against her cheek and said, “This is no dream Kagome. In fact, I want you wide awake for this.”
She opened her eyes to see his face and enjoyed the softness against her own. She then saw him lean towards her. She felt shivers run down her spine when she felt the puff of his breath against the shell of her ear as he whispered roughly, “You still haven't answered my question.”
Then she mewled shaking her head from side to side saying, “Oh, mmmmmy, my, my, my, my, my….”
InuYasha couldn't help but smile at her reaction.
“What was the question again?” She teased with half closed eyes as she leaned her ear against his lips feeling their softness.
InuYasha growled in pleasure. He realized that she was starting to relax. Her playfulness was a surprise yet a promising one.
He then stepped forward placing his leg completely between hers. He leaned into her making her lean back against the nearby tree's thick trunk. His left arm moved to hold her waist but his right hand remained jealously holding on to her soft hair.
He made her look at him straight in the eye. “I repeat,…” He said. He looked at her longingly and continued saying, “…. are you ready…”
She gasped when she felt how his right thigh firmly pressed against her crotch. He enjoyed watching her chest heave softly at this. “…to be my mate?” He finished asking.
He saw her gasp again when despite the fire rat clothing she became flagrantly aware of his hard member against the inside of her right thigh.
He stood still observing her reaction. He watched her open her mouth as it seductively inhaled air in surprise and lust. Palpably she was affected by his daring move.
Unbeknownst to him, he too was equally taken by the sensations of pressing himself against her supple body.
Their gaze was ablaze; their bodies trembled softly.
Relieving the tension InuYasha slowly started stroking himself against her thigh and crotch. That just made matters worse for the delectable tension only increased with each soft, consecutive and persistent stroke.
The tender friction that he was creating against her very sensitive bundle of nerves made her feel the moisture collect like melted butter. She began to mewl softly.
“Answer me Kagome,” he whispered while he reveled from the shivers created by the rubbing of their touch and the noises she made.
She inhaled a gasp of air when a sharp tingle released upon the accumulation of strokes.
Unable to stop he continued his movements. He began to lick and kiss against her neck. He trailed the tears that had slid their way there. His lustful movements had heightened her senses so the skin of her neck was extremely sensitive to this.
Her hands which had been against his heart pounding chest gained life and fondled him. Despite the thickness of the fire rat outfit, InuYasha enjoyed the feel of her hands against his chest.
He decided to return the favor. First, he leaned his forehead against hers keeping direct eye contact. Then he slid his hand securely from her waist, all the way up her torso reaching her breast. He fondled every bit of her through her blouse. He was surprised about the steadiness of his hand considering how his body was shaking in the effort to control his passion.
Initially, Kagome had jumped in reaction to his touch. However, she instinctively let her body seek for what it craved for. She molded herself against his hand without letting go of his gaze and breathed deeply through half parted lips.
He wanted nothing more than to taste her lips but he had other things in mind. She realized that everything he did indicated that it was her turn to make a move. She licked her lips once more before she timidly tried to kiss him.
Unexpectedly, he moved his head away from her reach.
She frowned not understanding.
He smirked handsomely. “I need an answer Ka-go-me.” He said darkly.
He made her realize that the treasure of his mouth would only be hers when she revealed the answer to his question.
She pursed her lips in reaction to his dark exchange. “Are you implying that I must be your mate for life in exchange for your kiss?”
He grinned toothily again. “Why yes, that is my offer.” He said deciding to play her game.
“A bit overpriced wouldn't you think?” she said in sing song.
That's when he could no longer withstand the tension that he had been holding at bay with insurmountable internal strength. Patience had finally worn out.
He growled grinding into her roughly. Next, with his right hand still firmly against her tresses he pulled her head back making her neck arch back. With lust filled eyes, lust dripping voice and with his face achingly close to hers he rumbled deeply in annoyance, “Take it or leave it.”
They stood still. They were breathing heavily. They were shaking on the spot. Their locked and heated gaze was almost in tears from their need for each other.
Breathily in a smile she said unwavering, “I'll take it.”
That's when a satisfied smile slowly shaped his handsome lips. He growled huskily saying, “Good.”
Instantly, he captured her lips in a hard kiss.
His movements continued but he pushed himself harder against her.
She gasped at his urgency and at how he molded himself against her. As she parted her lips he took the opportunity to extend his tongue inside her soft mouth. It was the first time that they had tasted each other completely. It was then that they found what they had dreamt about for the past one thousand days.
His tongue was incredibly slick and soft. He tasted sweet. She whined at how moist and warm his mouth was. Despite their hurry, his tongue surprisingly played lazily with hers. The pleasuring that she felt made her tense her tongue curling it backwards as he stroked his sensual muscle.
He in turn was drowning in pleasure. All he could think about was to touch every possible corner of her mouth; her inner cheeks, her teeth, her tongue, the roof of her mouth, the floor under her tongue. He was invading every possible part of that warm and sweet mouth that he had agonized about since what had seemed to be eternity.
By now their movements were desperate and insatiable. She was now grabbing onto his white locks and massaging his head with passion. She loved feeling his silky hair intermingled in her fingers.
His eyes rolled back at her demanding movements and moaned in pleasure.
He was so distracted by her audacity that he allowed himself to revel in her passionate kiss. It wasn't until later that he felt the warm breeze against his naked back. He was so in trance by their kiss that she had somehow taken off his red fire rat shirt and his inner shirt without him noticing.
He parted from her lips and leaned back to look at her amazed.
She drank in visually his beautiful leanly muscled chest and chiseled abdomen.