InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Warning - Hanyou's and Caffeine Do Not Mix! ❯ Discovery of the Sleeper ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I wish I owned Inuyasha, and if I ever do happen to come across the ownership papers, you can tell by the increase of kissing in the show. Since there doesn’t appear to be that much, then I obviously don’t own Inuyasha. I also don’t own any of the caffeinated beverages that I mention.

Last time…

With a final burst of speed he comes to the back of the clearing the well is situated in. all Inuyasha can see is the crown of Kagome’s head poking up over the top of the well, the rest of her body being hidden by the well itself.

Cautiously, with a hand on the hilt of Tetsusaiga, Inuyasha sniffs around the clearing, striving to pick up the scents of unknown enemies. Finding none, Inuyasha rushes to Kagome’s side, only to find her…

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Chapter 2- Inuyasha’s POV

Sleeping peacefully, her head resting up against the bone eaters well, and her chest rising and falling with the gentle breathes of one in a deep sleep.

The sight was so perfect, it almost made Inuyasha forget his anger and forgive the girl.

Almost. No matter how pretty Kagome looked with the suns setting rays glistening off her ebony hair, or how down right angelic she looked, her going away had bored Shippou to the point that the kit came to tease him instead of going to Kaede, and not to forget how much Inuyasha had worried about her, those two things alone were enough to raise his ire.

“Oi. Wench! Wake up call!” Inuyasha yelled, causing several birds in the nearby trees to burst into flight, and Kagome to jump about two feet into the air, bumping herself on the head on the way down.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* General POV

A very startled Kagome raised her brown eyes to the irate Inuyasha, raising one hand to the swelling bump on the back of her and putting the other to her chest, as if the action would calm the racing of her heart.

“Inuyasha! What do you think your doing? You made me bump my head!” Kagome said as she nursed her throbbing head.
“Well wench-’ A relieved Inuyasha started, before Kagome cut him off.

“Inuyasha! Osuwari! Don’t even start with the “wench this” and the shard detector that”! I have no time for it! What makes you think you can just sneak up on people like that? Don’t ever do it again. Osuwari!” Kagome raged as an Inuyasha-shaped crater grew to mar the green grass of the clearing, rather distraught at the rude awakening.

Only grumbled curses could be heard emanating from the hole at Kagome’s feet, as Inuyasha fought to throw off the subduing spell.

“Now before you start to yell at me for falling asleep, let me explain. A Just did fours days worth of exams, plus I had a really difficult time getting the bag out of the well. I think I may have packed too much. No Inuyasha, it’s not all ramen. Anyway, where was I? Ah yes. The reason why I was asleep. You see, the climb out of the well while carrying that… that…yellow monstrosity of a backpack up the side of the well, I was understandably tired, so I sat down against the well, just to rest my eyes for one moment, and I really didn’t mean to fall asleep. I mean, you don’t really get what I’m saying, what with your demon strength and all…” Kagome breaks off in a mutter under the glare of the newly risen Hanyou.

“Well wench. I’d say that you’re late and you knew it, so don’t you think that ‘just resting my eyes’ is an excuse I’m gonna take! Blaming you heavy bag isn’t gonna get you off either. Wench.” Inuyasha finished, angry with both Kagome and himself, for being so worried about the sleeping girl and glad to finally getting his bit into the argument.

“Well Inuyasha. If you don’t think the heaviness of my bag in a valid excuse, then you can carry it to the village!” Kagome says triumphantly, happy to be rid of the bag and also solving the problem of how she was going to get the bag to the village in the first place.

Struggling to lift the pack to shoulder level, Kagome hefts the pack at the impatiently waiting Hanyou, who collapsed under the unexpected crushing weight of the bag.

“Gah! What do ya have in here wench? Rocks? You nearly killed me!” Inuyasha wheezes from somewhere beneath Kagome’s pack.

“For your information Inuyasha, I have treats for everyone in there. It’s just that there’s slightly more then usual, that’s all. And no. It’s not all ramen.” Kagome says. “In fact, I have a particularly nice treat in there. It’s not one that I usually bring, due to the fact that it doesn’t travel well. It’s called Coca Cola, and its got this wonderful thing called caffeine in it. I think that you all will like it.”

Inuyasha, who had by now recovered from his surprise over the backpack, hefted the item in question and headed towards the village. “Coming wench? I think Kaede will be happy to have you back.” Inuyasha says as he walks away from Kagome.

“What do you mean by that Inuyasha?” Kagome asks as she runs to catch up with Inuyasha.

“I mean that without you there to amuse him, Shippou starts looking for innocent victims to terrorize until you return. That’s just one of the many reasons you should spend more time in the Feudal era.” Inuyasha explains to the girl walking beside him.

“Hmmm. I’ll talk to Shippou when we get to the village. In the mean time, why don’t we just admire the scenery? It’s so much nicer here then back in my time. I mean here its all since and sunny, the air is clear and clean and free from pollutants, and it may just be, but I think the birds sing louder here. At home the sounds of the cars and the city block out most of the birdcall, plus the weather isn’t as nice. It was raining when I left, and the forecast called for rain for the rest of the week.” Kagome says, before succumbing to a companionable silence.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* In the Village

“Hey look Kaede! Isn’t that Sango and Miroku? I think that they’ve finally returned from their scouting!” Shippou said excitably to the aged miko beside him.

“Aye young one. It looks like they returned at last. And if ye look in yonder direction, ye will she Inuyasha and Kagome returning as well.” Kaede says.

‘Good evening Kaede! Hello Shippou. Did you have fun while we were gone? Hope you didn’t get into too much trouble there Shippou, what with Kagome not here and all.” Sango says, laughing at the disgruntled expression on Kaede’s face at the mention of Shippou getting in trouble.

“I hope you didn’t give Kaede-sama too stress while we were off adventuring! After all, you are the man around here when I’m gone.” Miroku tells Shippou, watching as Kagome and Inuyasha walk up behind the kit and the miko.

“Hey! I heard that houshi! You know as well that I’m the man around here, whether you’re gone or not!” sputters Inuyasha in the face of the chuckling monk.

“Kagome!” Shippou squeals as he launches himself into the arms of the smiling girl from the future.

“Hello Shippou! And hello to everyone else! Lets go inside Kaede’s hut so I can make some ramen (Inuyasha’s ears perk up at the sound of the word) for us to eat for dinner! Um, Inuyasha? Can you just put my bag inside the hut? I still don’t think I can carry it.” Kagome says, hugging all her friends and leading them inside the hut.
“I have this wonderful drink I think you will like. It’s called Coca Cola and it’s my form of ambrosia.” Kagome says as she brushes aside the mat door leading inside the hut.
