InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watching From A Distance ❯ When the sun rises, I'll be waiting ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Another chapter! And have no fear, my angst lovers. There shall be more angst to come. And thank you VERY VERY much to Lady Selene Li for reviewing my story. And anyone else who has reviewed. And I read your story, Lade Selene but I forgot to review! Sowwy. I'll review it soon, though. . Thankies!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inuyasha awoke, Kagome still in his arms. Her silky black hair spread haphazardly around her face. Inuyasha smiled to himself, and gave Kagome a soft kiss on her cheek. Kagome stirred from his touch as her mocha eyes fluttered open. She smiled upon seeing Inuyasha peering down at her. "Good morning." Kagome said, turning over to face him.

"Likewise." Inuyasha replied. Kagome rested her head on Inuyasha's chest listening to his heartbeat softly in his chest. "Should we be getting back to the others now?" Inuyasha asked, rubbing a clawed hand through Kagome's raven locks. He wrapped his other around her shoulder bringing her closer. "Not just yet. Just a little longer." Kagome said, burying her head deeper into Inuyasha's chest.

Kagome and Inuyasha walked sluggishly towards the village, fingers intertwined. They were reluctant to return to their friends, knowing that plenty of questions would follow their arrival. They would just have to know their whereabouts last night and what went on. Once they were standing outside of Kaede's hut, they released each other's hands, and sighed heavily. Inuyasha pulled back the straw back, allowing Kagome to go in before him.

"Kagome." Shippo said, excitedly rushing to her, jumping in her arms. Kagome smiled at the little kitsune, and rubbed his head softly.

"Inuyasha." Miroku said, standing by his side, a huge grin spread across his face.

"Go away, monk." Inuyasha said, angrily. He already knew what the huge grin was about. Miroku turned to Kagome, giving her an innocent smirk before slinking away to sit next to Sango.

"So, Kagome. Where were you and Inuyasha last night?" Sango asked, a mischievous grin on her face.

Kagome sighed inwardly, and cursed herself for not returning earlier. If she had, she could avoid this little interrogation. She shot a glance to Inuyasha, silently asking him if she should. He turned, his golden eyes meeting her mocha colored ones. They held the stare for a mere ten seconds before turning back to their friends. Kagome set Shippo down and pulled her raven hair back, exposing the bite that was apparent on her smooth skin. Gasps escaped from everyone's mouths. All except Kaede. It was no surprise that at least one of the boys would follow their father's footsteps. Shippo jumped onto Kagome's shoulder, and touched her scar gently with his small paw. "Does it hurt, Kagome?" Kagome thought back to the bite. She remembered how it felt when pain and pleasure collided, and she smiled inwardly again. "No. Not at all, Shippo." Kagome released her hair, letting it fall in a cascade of radiance, and looked to Inuyasha. Her only wish had finally been granted. He was hers and she washis. Kikyo could no longer stand in the way of their love. They'd proclaimed their love for each other and no one could deny it.

"Ay, Inuyasha." Miroku called to him. "You know when you become human does that mean Kagome is still your mate?" Miroku asked, stressing the word mate.

"Yeah, in a way it does."

"In a way?" Miroku asked, raising a perplexed brow.

"Yeah. When I'm in my human form, her once apparent mark will fade. Because I'm no longer demon, I'm human. But once I become demon again, the mark will reappear.

Miroku nodded, finally understanding the concept of demon mating. "Wait. Does that pertain to other demons as well, or just ones like you?"

Inuyasha raised an agitated brow. "What do you mean ones like me?"

"Ay, forget it." Miroku said, not wanting to anger him. Inuyasha shrugged and took a seat. He folded his legs, and placed Tetsusaiga in his lap. Kagome sat next to Sango while Kaede inspected her wrist. The bandages were slightly dirty, and they moved slightly exposing her cut because of last night's events. After getting her wrist inspected and yet another interrogation from Sango, Kagome was ready to return home. She knew what had to be done. She would have to stress the importance of returning to her mother, and she'd take Inuyasha with her just to piss her off. If she refused to let her go, Kagome would pack her things and stay in the feudal era for good.

################Back in Kagome's time###################

Kagome slowly opened the door, with Inuyasha standing behind her closely. Once she opened the door she was greeted with a warm yell.

"Kagome Higurashi. Where have you been, young la-"Kagome's mother stopped short, as she noticed that Inuyasha was standing behind her. She narrowed her eyes, and looked back to her daughter. "Didn't I tell you not to return to that place?" Kagome's mother questioned, a slight crease was visible in her brow.

"Yes, mother. But it's imperative that I go back!" Kagome pleaded. "I have to collect all the pieces of the jewel shard. I'm the only one that can see them. I did destroy it so-"

"Jewel shards?" Kagome's mother questioned. This was her first time hearing of them. "Are those the little pink gems you keep in that vile?"

"Yes. I have to find them before the demon Naraku finds them and kills everyone."

"Come again."

Kagome sighed heavily, and made her mother have a seat. She explained everything from the jewel shards, to Naraku and his reincarnations. After hearing all of the things that went on in the feudal ear Kagome's mother became even more reluctant to let her leave. Inuyasha became agitated and ran into Kagome's room. He grabbed some of her things, and threw her over his shoulder as her grandfather threw pieces of paper with fake spells drawn on them at his back. As Inuyasha was carrying her, her mother noticed the mark on her neck, and blamed it on Inuyasha without even knowing the half of it. Inuyasha smiled at her, and opened his mouth, licking his fangs tauntingly before running off towards the well with Kagome's arms flailing wildly.

Back in the feudal era

When Kagome and Inuyasha returned to the feudal era, Inuyasha set Kagome and her things down. Getting a firm "Sit!"

"How could you possibly do that to my mother? She probably had a heart attack." Kagome yelled, standing over him a very pissed expression on her face.

"Hey. Excuse me for trying to help you out." Inuyasha said, his voice slightly muffled. After Inuyasha pulled his face from the earth they started towards Kaede's village but were very surprised to what they saw. The whole village had been set ablaze. Only a few huts remained and were near about to catch into flames themselves. They quickly ran to Kaede's hut, wanting to know what was going on. Injured men, women and children were lying about, their bodies burned as they wailed loudly.

"What's happening here?" Kagome asked Miroku.

"Kagura did this." Miroku said, his fists balled tightly. "She trapped Sango in some type of box, and flew off with her, saying if I want to see her again I'd have to bring her the jewel shards."

Kagome grunted slightly and looked to Inuyasha. He returned her gaze, and gripped Tetsusaiga, before muttering, "Let's go."

They quickly ran from the hut leaving Shippo behind to help Kaede. Inuyasha put his nose to the wind, and sniffed finding Sango's faint scent. He ran at top speed towards her smell, leaving Kagome and Miroku no choice but to follow the small blur of red that was Inuyasha.

Another chapter done. 800 or so words below my quota, but I didn't want to stretch it too far. I have big plans for the next chapter. Let's just say that our truly loved Sesshomaru is appearing, and someone is going to die...O.O and it's not Naraku or Kagura! Hahahahahaha...beware my evilness. Review me! Please?