InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watching From A Distance ❯ I promise ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay. I'm going to start by responding to one of my reviews.

SquallsGirl: No, the baby thing wasn't exactly my last resort. From the beginning of this fic I knew I wanted a child involved for a dramatic ending. I already have planned how I want the child to look, act etc. That's why I felt obligated to add one. Oh, and update your damn story before I kill you! And about the trip to C.P we're going on July 10th if you still want to come. The disclaimer in previous chapters apply to these and future updates as well.

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Inuyasha's beautiful brown orbs stood fixed to the spot that his mate once occupied maybe twenty minutes ago. He'd been standing still trying to interpret her words.

Child…but how? Ack! It's obvious how. But why now? And how does she know so soon? She's a miko, idiot, she supposed to feel certain things. Inuyasha shook himself mentally and finally pulled his body, which had become increasingly heavy with the new burden that he now held on his shoulders. No, not a burden. Perhaps, a blessing in disguise?


"Ah, Inuyasha. You're back." Miroku said, holding onto Sango's hand. She was smiling as if she'd won the lotto.

"Yeah." Inuyasha's brown eyes started to search for Kagome again. She was lying down next to Shippo with him curled into a little ball. We walked over to her, and sat on the other side of her so he wouldn't disturb Shippo.

"Kagome, are you really- you know?" Kagome sighed, and turned over on her back, looking into Inuyasha's eyes. She nodded softly. Inuyasha sighed heavily, and turned from Kagome.

"Inuyasha, are you disappointed?" She asked, with a slight sadness in her voice.

"No. Not at all. I'm just disappointed in myself." He turned back to Kagome. "I can't protect you or my child. What am I going to do about this curse? I'm your mate, I'm supposed to protect you!"

Sango and Miroku looked at each other, and nodded. Sango quickly walked over to Shippo, picking up the small kitsune. She held him softly, and looked into her friend's sad eyes. She frowned and Inuyasha and left with her own lover.

Kagome lifted up slightly supporting her weight on her elbows. She ran her fingers through Inuyasha's hair comforting him as best she could.

"Inuyasha, I will break that curse. In fact, Kaede is out looking for the proper things for what have planned. I promise you I'll stop this." Inuyasha smiled at his mate's confidence, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

"Kagome. I know you said that you'll break the curse, but just in case you don't, please take good care of our child." Inuyasha said looking into Kagome's eyes meaningfully. Kagome sighed heavily showing Inuyasha her heightened discomfort.

"I'm sorry. I just want you to know I care."

"I know you do. Please stop talking about your death; I'll never let you die on me. Do you hear me, Inuyasha?" Inuyasha looked into Kagome's eyes. A sense of anger swirled in with her concern. It was nothing he'd ever seen in her before. So he just nodded softly.

Kagome replaced her glare with a warm smile, and pulled Inuyasha down by his neck into a warm kiss, and a passionate embrace.

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Okay, too short. But not too corny, right? Was it okay? Please tell me what you think! ( P.S you people be happy that I don't withhold chapters for lack of reviews. But I do appreciate you all taking the time out reading my story that's exactly why I don't do it. Because no one has any right to withhold chapters for lack of reviews because truth is that the readers are doing you a favor just by reading it and reviewing even if only once. You people remember that!) I LOVE YOU ALL!!! ^-^