InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Watching From A Distance ❯ If only I'd known sooner II ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"I sense a jewel shard! It's close." Kagome yelled pointing ahead.

"Alright." Inuyasha used one hand to push Kagome on his back. She held on to his shoulders, as he revealed Tetsusaiga. "Let's go get the jewel shards."

Inuyasha ran ahead at in incredible speed, Kagome's hair was blowing in the wind, as well as Inuyasha's. Miroku and Sango were close behind.

"There it is!" Kagome pointed to a large demon with four arms. His teeth hung out of his mouth like hooks, ready to grab you at any second. Blood dripped from his fangs, and the dead bodies of the people he'd slain were laid about, tossed into a pile. Kagome gasped, and sucked in her breath. "He's killed so many. And this smell is terrible."

`That means if it's this painful for me to smell it then Inuyasha must be going crazy. Poor Inuyasha."

"Get down, Kagome." Inuyasha said softly. Kagome nodded and climbed off of his back. "Filthy demon. Time to die." Inuyasha held Tetsusaiga firmly as it transformed in his hand. A blue wind encircled the massive blade. (Blue wind being the wind scar which he can now summon at any time.)


A large swirl of blue wind raced towards the massive demon, only for him to sidestep the attack, and launch his own at Inuyasha. Inuyasha blocked his attack as well using the blade of Tetsusaiga.

"Foolish half-demon. Did you think your minuscule attack would stop me?" The large demon said in a menacing laugh. "Nothing can stop me." The once screaming woman he'd held in his hand was tossed aside to join her fallen comrades in the pile.

Not suspecting another attack, the demon fell backwards, the result of a large boomerang hitting him on the head.

"KAZE NO KIZU!!" Once again the attacked was blocked, but this time causing great damage.

"Inuyasha, the shard is in his head." Kagome said. The aura of the jewel shard shined softly, as it revealed itself to everyone.

"Ah. You must be a miko. Wonderful, I can absorb you as well. And your other human friends. But first to finish off your half-demon buddy."

The demon launched another attack at Inuyasha knocking him down, and Tetsusaiga out of his reach. The demon quickly grabbed Kagome in his palm, and began to absorb her energy. His touch was what absorbs the energy, and as he squeezed, his claws pierced her side, and her blood began to drip slowly.

Inuyasha still laid lifelessly on the ground, even as Shippo shaked him, he was unresponsive. Miroku and Sango launched their best attacks at the large demon but he was growing stronger as he absorbed Kagome's power.

"Inuyasha..Please wake up." Kagome said between sobs. It wasn't the pain that was making her cry; it was the fact that Inuyasha wasn't waking up. Then, she saw what was happening. "No, Inu-" It was too late. The demon threw Kagome into the lifeless pile of bodies, and Sango and Miroku rushed to her.

"The miko really did help. Now the other two."

A low growl could be heard, and a red demon aura clouded the area, as Inuyasha's transformation began. His fangs grew in length, his claws grew longer, and his eyes were now red. His amber eyes now turned a purple. And purple streaks now adorned his cheeks.

Everything was red to him now. All he knew was he had to kill and that is exactly what he was going to do. He growled again, and lunged at the demon, getting knocked back by one of his arms.

"Still alive-"

`What he's no longer half-demon? But how. How can this punier half-demon become a whole demon? Even I Makoto cannot become a whole demon'

Then a low raspy voice spoke, stopping Makoto's thoughts. "You are now the weaker demon. I am now full demon whereas you are half. Now prepare to die, you low-class demon."

Inuyasha launched a full force attack, first cutting the demons arms off with nothing but his claws. He finished it off by separating his head from his body. Inuyasha smiled, and tasted some of the blood from his claws.

"SIT BOY!!" Kagome yelled with as much force as she could muster.

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Kaede walked into the room, and expressionless look on her face. They had to return to make sure Kagome and the pup were safe.

"Kaede. Is the baby okay?" Shippo said hopping to his feet?


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Sorry to cut lady Kaede off like that, but this is the second part to chapter eleven. I had to cut chapter eleven off where I did because I wanted it to seem emotional like. Well, anyway. Please review.