InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waves of Fate ❯ Don't Piss off a Sexually Frustrated Captain ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Waves of Fate

Chapter Three: Don't Piss of a Sexually Frustrated Captain.

The now sexually frustrated captain growled. "Well go distract them while I get dressed!" Inu Yasha snapped at his friend.

Sango nodded and turned out of the room, a perverted smirk on her face. Kagome sat up quickly and looked at Inu Yasha.

"Bounty hunters?"

Inu Yasha got up from the bed and walked across the room and pulled on his pants. "Don't worry about it," he muttered as he buckled his belt. Inu Yasha then sat down to pull on his boots. "They just want me, that's all."

The girl pulled on her clothes quickly then handed Inu Yasha his shirt and sword. "Why are they after you?"

He snorted and stood. "My stupid brother, more than likely," Inu Yasha said as he walked out of the room and onto the deck.

The sounds of shouting and clashing swords reached their ears, and the sight of three men in dark uniforms with deadly looking weapons is what Kagome saw when she reached Inu Yasha. Already men lay dead or dying on the deck and she was sure more were soon to follow.

Miroku stood there with his sword locked with one of the bounty hunters.

Inu Yasha yelled, "Enough, what's the meaning of this?!"

One of the bounty hunters looked up at hearing his voice and grinned wickedly. "The meaning? The meaning is 90 gold pieces to the man who capture the mighty sea dog, Inu Yasha." His eyes flickered over the girl at his side. "And from the looks of it, we'll have ourselves a new toy when we're done as well." Kagome stiffened at the man's words and glared straight at him.

Inu Yasha stepped in front of Kagome as he gave a death glare to the man. "Who sent you after me?" he asked angrily. "Was it Sesshoumaru? That bastard brother of mine."

The bounty hunter grinned wickedly. "I don't know why it will matter when you're dead, but yes it was."

Inu Yasha scoffed. "Me, dead? That's absurd. You must be joking," he said as he folded his arms across his bare chest.

Miroku looked to his friend. "Inu Yasha, this is no time for foolish pride!"

The second bounty hunter stepped back from Miroku then delivered a blow to his stomach, using the heel of his boot. The other one was being fended off by a pissed off Sango, who only grew more violent when she saw Miroku fall.

The two now free bounty hunters rushed Inu Yasha, their swords out and at the ready.

He smirked as he pulled a pistol from his belt and fired it, hitting the closest one to him right between the eyes and then pointed it at the other man. "Want to try and see if the fates are with your wretched soul tonight?" Inu Yasha asked with a smile that would scare the devil himself.

The bounty hunter snarled at the loss off his friend and swiped out with his sword, knocking the gun from the man's hand, into the sea of injured crew members.

A sudden cry came from Sango, as the man stabbed her in the back, and then rushed to his friend's aid. He swiped out with his sword towards Inu Yasha's head, his blade whistling through the air.

Inu Yasha leaned back with quick speed as the sword barely missed his throat. Miroku rushed to his feet with his sword in hand and ran it straight through the hunters back until it came out the other side of him. Miroku snarled and gave it a good twist to make sure the job was successful.

Inu Yasha scrambled for the pistol and raised it. "Go to hell and wait for me!" He yelled as he shot the man that stabbed his friend Sango.

Kagome rushed over to Sango and quickly went about aiding the girl. With other crew members taking care of their own, Sango was the only one in immediate danger. Kagome carefully, but quickly, yanked off her coat and ripped off her shirt, turning her over to eye the wound. Blood was soaking through the binding on her breasts, and she was groaning in pain. Kagome started tearing off her bindings and looked up at Inu Yasha desperately.

"I need brandy!" she cried.

Inu Yasha nodded and took off like a shot to get the brandy. Miroku rushed over to Sango and fell to his knees.

"Sango, don't you dare think about leaving me," he said quietly.

She grunted and looked up at him and smiled wryly. "The most this will do is leave a scar," she muttered. "It's only a flesh wound."

Kagome stayed quiet, and just unwrapped the rest of Sango's bindings so she could evaluate the damage.

Miroku reached out and ran a hand along Sango's cheek. He looked up when he heard the thumping of Inu Yasha's boots against the wood deck. Inu Yasha knelt down beside Sango and handed the brandy to Kagome.

"Why on earth did you let this happen, Sango?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

Sango snarled up at Inu Yasha. "It was God's way of paying me back for walking in on you two rutting."

Kagome blushed and ducked her head but carefully poured the alcohol over the woman's back. Sango cried out in pain and arched her back, but Kagome continued working. She plucked the bandana off of Sango's head and pressed it firmly against the woman's back, telling Miroku to hold it there and watch her. The girl snatched up the bindings the woman had wrapped around her breasts and went to one of the crew member who had a bucket of steaming water and washed them carefully, sanitizing the rags.

Miroku held the cloth to the wound his attention was on Sango and no one else. Inu Yasha watched his friends intently. "You know, Sango, it wouldn't hurt if you would 'rut' with poor Miroku here, you know," he said with a laugh. "It would give his hand a well needed rest."

Miroku shot his friend a glare and an ungrateful grunt. Sango grunted as well but looked up at Miroku. She reached out and grabbed the man's hand and held tightly onto it. Kagome rushed back and took Sango from Miroku, and quickly and tightly bound her wound closed.

Miroku watched his love in fear. "Sango, you're scaring me here," he said as he squeezed her hand.

Inu Yasha rolled his eyes. "Lord, get a room," he said as he stood and tucked his pistol back into his belt.

Kagome tied off the wound tightly, making Sango grunt. "Hell, girl, are you dressing my wound or fitting me for a corset?"

Kagome ignored her comment and sat back. "You'll be fine, it's fairly shallow and they didn't hit anything vital. You didn't suffer from too much blood loss but I suggest that you rest for a bit."

Sango laughed and looked up at her. "Well aren't you the witch doctor"

The girl looked at her blankly. "My father was always coming home from the army bloodied with another wound, and my mother would always have me help patch him up. I learned a lot."

Miroku picked up Sango and stood. "I'm taking her back to her quarters," he said.

Inu Yasha looked at them as he walked away. "Don't be to rough with her, now, Miroku, she is injured, you know," he said.

Miroku growled. "You are the devil incarnate, Inu Yasha," he shot back.

Inu Yasha chuckled. "You know it."

The young girl stood and looked up at Inu Yasha. She looked up at him solemnly. "How can your brother send bounty hunters out for you?"

He frowned. "Because he is a bastard. That's why."

Kagome sighed and picked up the brandy bottle. She tipped it back and took a swig out of it, then handed it to Inu Yasha, leaning against the railing. "You're a good fighter..."

Inu Yasha took the brandy bottle. "I have to be, my brother has been after me for years," he said as he tilted the bottle up to his lips and took a long drink before lowering the bottle. He licked his lips. "I have been fighting to stay alive for way too long now."

The girl scowled. "Why does he want you dead so badly?" she asked, dumbfounded, taking the bottle and another drink.

He sighed. "Because I left my life behind and went out to sea. He is ashamed at what I have become."

Kagome looked out at the dark water covered in mist. "It's spooky at night... but a luring kind of you have to explore it."

Inu Yasha nodded. "I have always been drawn to the sea. I like to travel and explore."

She smiled slightly. "I can understand why..."

Her voice trailed off as she lost herself in thought, wondering what was to become of her now. When they reached port, he wasn't going to want her to stick around. But where was she going to go? Her parents were dead, her brother was probably killed by now, and they had no relatives that she knew of. Only her grandfather and he had died in the same war as her father. Kagome sighed and looked down at the obsidian waves that were reaching up to splash the boat.

Inu Yasha tapped her on the shoulder. "Get some rest. You look exhausted."

She smiled warily. "Where at? Down with the rest of the crew?"

"Lord no, you wouldn't make it through the night whole if you did," he said "You can sleep in my bed, I don't mind."

"And you?"

"I will be awake most of the night, I hardly ever sleep."

Kagome looked up at him then straightened from the railing. She threw her arms around his waist and buried her face against his chest. Even if he was a pirate, he had saved her. She blushed as the thought of what they had been doing earlier crossed through her mind as well, but she pushed it down for now. She inhaled his scent and closed her eyes.

"Thank you..." she mumbled quietly.

He rubbed her back. "No, thank you for helping my friend; you have mine and Miroku's gratitude for that."

She smiled slightly and relaxed at the feel of his hand on her back. "She may be crazy, but I couldn't let her die. She seems sweet enough, if not cocky," she said, thinking back to her interrupting them and smirking while pronouncing I told you so's.

Inu Yasha smiled. "Cocky isn't the word for that woman. Brash fits her better."

Kagome giggled and looked up at him, seeing the moonlight play across his pale features, and playing with his golden eyes. "Your eyes are truly amazing..." she said quietly.

Inu Yasha smirked. "Yes I know that too. Sango reminds me of it daily."

Kagome smiled and then blushed. "Inu Yasha?" She looked out to the sea then back at him. "What did Sango mean...? I told you so?"

He frowned. "She was just teasing me, that's all, don't fret over it."

She laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes. "Ok..." she said quietly. Exhaustion from the day's activities was wearing her down quite a bit and she was having trouble not slipping off right in his arms.

Inu Yasha nudged her. "Go back to my room and get some rest. I will be there shortly."

The girl paused for a moment and then nodded. She turned and picked up the brandy, walking back to the room. She went over and lowered the lantern's flame, tossed her clothes onto the floor, then climbed into bed, facing the wall and curling up.

Inu Yasha walked over to the railing of the ship and looked out at the water. "Sesshoumaru, you mangy dog. I'm never coming back to the life I lived before. Life then was so boring, I like the life I have now," he muttered to himself.

The waves slapped against the ship and the moonlight trickled down through the clouds. Kouga's ship could be seen far off in the distance, clearly spotted by its sickly green sails.

Inu Yasha snarled. "Damn that fucking son of a bitch." The sight of Kouga's ship angered him to no end. He turned and stomped into his cabin.

The girl stirred, and she looked over her shoulder at Inu Yasha. "Nani?" she mumbled.

Inu Yasha closed the door and locked it. "Nothing, go back to sleep, Kagome," he said as he sat down at his desk and started looking over some maps.

She watched him, then nodded rolling back over to face the wall. "Goodnight, Inu Yasha."

"Good night Kagome," he said quietly.