InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes ❯ The Difference in the Shades ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

We Will Become Silhouettes
Chapter 10 The Difference in the Shades
Inuyasha angrily stabbed at his plate of spring rolls and noodles. Though he wouldn't say it was angry so much, as very, very bitter. He was bitter that his father had betrayed him and married that bitch, he was bitter that he had fallen in love with her son, and he was most especially bitter that he knew that no matter how hard he tried that person would never truly be his…not really. Sesshomaru had proved that last night when he had thrown him out so that he could ravish that disgusting whore. He thought he could do it. He had convinced himself that even being with him partly would suffice, that he could live the knowledge that they could never truly be together, but now he knew he couldn't.
He had rarely ever cried in his life, and he had by no means ever cried as hard as he had the night before, wallowing in his bed in pure misery as he heard them going at it from all the way down the hall. No, he couldn't be the one Sesshomaru loved, and as such could never truly be happy. There was really only one chance left for his happiness, and he fully intended to take it…Well that is if he could get the courage to do so.
Strong arms slid around his waist, arms that made him sigh in a pleasure he knew wouldn't last for long. He felt his resolve slipping as the hands belonging to those arms slipped into his formal kimono, sliding along the warm skin of his stomach and coming to rest on his waist as Sesshomaru sat behind him, pulling him in-between his legs and up against his chest.
“I have to talk to you Dagger.” A warm breath whispered along his earlobe, and Inuyasha had to fight everything within him to stop himself from responding to such touches.
Taking a cue from Sesshomaru's book, Inuyasha put up the coldest front possible, responding icily with. “Can it wait?” He turned, for the first time getting a good look at his stepbrother's face that was snuggled so close to his own. “I have something rather important to do today.”
Inuyasha's eyes shut as a warm mouth fell to his neck, placing kiss after kiss on it as he pulled him even closer. “Is that why you look so delectable?” Sesshomaru asked, taking his appearance in. It was true, Inuyasha had been groomed to perfection this morning, and he could honestly say that he looked perfect. Amarante had had the servants wake him up at the crack of dawn, throw him into their hot springs, and make sure to get every last trace that Sesshomaru had claimed him off his body. He now spelled like a bouquet of roses, not entirely the manliest smell, but it would have to do. His hair had been combed and pampered so that it was as smooth as just woven silk and seemed to sparkle in the light. He had been dressed in the finest black silk kimono they owned that came down to just above his knees, with a fancy white hikama underneath it going down to about his shins with black dragons etched into the material. The kimono had been left loosely open so that most of his chest was exposed right up until the area just above his navel. His ankles and wrists were adorned with black wrist cuffs, and even his neck had a leather choker around it. All in all…he was damn sexy.
“I'm fully aware of what I look like Sesshomaru.” He replied scathingly, and just to piss him off added. “But I wasn't dressed like this for your viewing pleasure.” Using all the willpower he owned he pushed himself off the floor, abandoning his breakfast and the eyes that were currently on him. “Believe it or not but I have other people I have to impress with my good looks today, and I assure you that they would be none-to-happy if I were to go in with your stench all over me.”
“Oh?” His lover asked, disinterestedly. “And tell pet, who exactly, besides me, are you going to be pleasing today…” His hand was grabbed and he was tugged down so that their faces were practically inches apart. “And I'd be very careful how you answer that question.” Sesshomaru growled out warningly, the scary possessiveness already starting to leak through his voice.
It didn't faze Inuyasha though. He was pissed, and he was up for the challenge. Smirking, the hanyou leaned in even closer so that every time he moved his lips they would just slightly graze against Sesshomaru's. “N-a-r-a-k-u.” He over pronounced every letter, making sure to say it in the deepest, most seductive voice possible. He knew that his lover was not going to take it lightly, but at that point he didn't care. He wanted Sesshomaru to get upset…He wanted him to feel even the smallest trace of the hurt he felt last night.
Sadly he had forgotten one thing, and that was that Sesshomaru could always cause him so much more pain then he could ever hope to dish out himself.
Inuyasha's throat convulsed as his stepbrother latched onto it with his poison claws, letting the green acid soak into the wound as he picked the hanyou up from the ground as if he was as light as a feather.
His fangs were elongated as he stared up at Inuyasha with pure hatred. “Did I not warn you hanyou that you should be careful on how you answered that question?” Sesshomaru's fingers tightened, making a sickening cracking sound come from the younger inu's crushed esophagus. “Do you want to know what I wanted to talk to you about Dagger? Do you?”
A gurgling noise escaped Inuyasha's throat as a wisp of blood rolled down his chin. His breathing was starting to come erratic and his hands went up to the one holding him, desperately trying to claw his way out of this situation.
“I was going to tell you that all your dreams were about to come true…I was going to tell you that I chose you.” Inuyasha's heart stopped at that, and he stopped struggling against the hand slowly squeezing the life out of him. “But not now pet. You blew your chance, so if you really want Naraku…” Sesshomaru snarled, before swinging his arm and hurling the hanyou through the air, screaming after him as he did. “Then go get him!”
Inuyasha went flying through the air, and before he even had a chance to react, crashed into the wall that led to the meeting hall. He cried out in pain as he went rolling in summersaults along the wood floor, painfully hitting every part of his body as he did before finally hitting the wall like it was boiling pins and he was the ball. His neck was still bleeding rather heavily as he rolled back from his previous position, where his legs had been in an unnatural position over his head while he seemed to have been staring upside down. However, he rolled back onto his butt, immediately bringing a hand up to his injured neck.
Chills began to rack through his body as the poison coursed through his system, making all of his limbs feel like lead and giving him an immediate fever. His eyes began to blur, and his breathing became erratic as he gripped his neck, willing the bleeding to stop.
“Oh my god!” He heard a familiar voice exclaim, though his brain was a little too muddled at the moment to figure out just whom it had come from. “Inuyasha are you alright?” Oh…even in this state he could still recognize that sickly sweet voice. Amarante was concerned for him…how sweet. He'd puke if he didn't think that such an action would permanently ruin his already damaged throat forever.
He was shaking from the fever, and as such didn't fight the hands that wrapped around his shoulders, tugging him up into a standing position and leaning him against the wall and his body. “Master Inuyasha, what happened to you?” A chill went down his spine that he was sure had nothing to do with his fever as he heard Naraku's voice so close to his ear. His claws dug into the wall as he tried to speak, but the poison had done something to his vocal cords, and the most he could do was let out a gasp of pain. It didn't occur to him that he probably should be concerned by the fact that Naraku was holding him, and that Sesshomaru wasn't exactly in the best mood, but he was too focused on taking in ragged breath after ragged breath that the concept sort of slipped his mind.
“He's been poisoned.” Speak of the foul tempered puppy, Inuyasha turned bleary eyes to see Sesshomaru standing in the doorway with a look of concern on his face. It seemed to him that all the previous anger was gone, and now he just looked upset about his welfare…or you know that could be the poison affecting his eyes and only allowing him to see what his hope wanted to see, so he really wasn't going to take it too much to heart.
“Sesshomaru! Did you do this!” His mother hissed, looking back-and-forth between the male inu-youkai.
“I don't see how that's any of your business.” He replied scathingly, pushing his way past her and over to where Naraku still held onto the hanyou. “Now give him to me so that I can take him to a healer or he'll loose his voice.”
Oh! What the hell was this? Inuyasha glared full on at his lover. How could he just do that to him, and rush in to be his rescuer? Life didn't fucking work that way! Gripping his own throat, Inuyasha struggled with everything he had to get out two words. “F-fuck…y-you!”
“Well Inuyasha I see that your vocabulary is just as colorful as normal…even when you shouldn't even be able to speak.” Inuyasha let out a growl, but such an action sent a spasm of pain through his body and he ended up gripping Naraku even tighter.
“Sesshomaru I see that you still have that wonderful temper of yours.” Naraku's mocking voice shot out. “Tell me whatever did the young prince here do?”
Inuyasha hissed in pain as his stepbrother's hand lashed out, grabbing onto his arm and effectively ripping him from Naraku's grasp. “What happened between me and this mongrel is entirely between us, and such you should learn to keep yourself out of it.” The hanyou grunted out of both surprise and indignation as he was suddenly hoisted off of his feet to be carried bridal style by Sesshomaru. “Now I have to go treat his wounds. I hope that you find our accommodations acceptable while you wait for me to return.”
“And what of Inuyasha, my lord?” Naraku asked. “Will he be returning?...Seeing as how this entire meeting is about him and all.” The demon lord took a step forward, coming to stand in front of the two dog demons.
Sesshomaru growled a warning at the close proximity, before stating rather clearly. “If he's feeling better I don't see why he shouldn't join us.” His eyes darkened considerably. “But then again you should already know what his answer will be…my lord.” He added mockingly, seeing Naraku's eyes narrow at the assumption.
Now Inuyasha had always assumed Naraku to be an intelligent person, but his thoughts were quickly changed when the demon leaned forward, slowly brushing his lips against Inuyasha's. One pair of golden eyes widened in complete shock, but he could do nothing in his condition to prevent such an assault. The other pair of golden eyes narrowed to slits and flooded with red. Sesshomaru took a step back, hands wrapping even tighter around the one in his arms with complete possessiveness. “You must realize that I'll kill you if you ever try something like that again.”
A sinister smile covered Naraku's face at the threat. “Of course, my lord. I would never dream of imposing.” He paused and his eyes traveled to the injured hanyou. “That is unless he wants me to.”
“Naraku we are having this negotiation to humor you, but you must already realize that there's no chance of him ever leaving my side for yours.” Sesshomaru spit out hatefully.
“Sesshomaru!” Amarante exclaimed, obviously thinking she had to step into the firetrap of a conversation before it got too explosive. “Apologize to our guest right now for your rudeness. We will not tolerate such disrespect to be shown from anybody here.” Inuyasha glanced up towards his lover who looked like he would rather bite off his own tongue than complete the task he was just asked.
Thankfully, he didn't have to because Naraku bailed them all out of what was steadily looking to be a huge fight. “It's quite alright Amarante. I know that Sesshomaru would never dare apologize, so I'm not going to ask for one.” He smirked. “And as for Inuyasha,” He knowingly glanced to his ripped up neck, making sure to emphasize his point with his glance. “I can just see why he would want to stay.” He said sarcastically, effectively snapping the last twig that was keeping Sesshomaru's temper in place.
“Don't be delusional. After all who would ever choose you over me…especially him.” You know what, this was damn annoying! Inuyasha snorted in indignation as the talked about him like he wasn't even in the room and he didn't even have a chance to defend himself. “I could have him any time I want, and I do for that matter.” The hanyou blushed a deep scarlet. “He would never leave my side…If you don't believe me, just ask him.”
“Well you see I would, but it just so happens that you just tried to rip out his throat, making those vocal cords of his practically worthless.” Naraku scathingly replied, still managing to keep a cool aura about him the entire time. As a matter of fact they were both acting as cold and stoic as they usually did. This was by far the most apathetic fight he had ever seen.
To his surprise, Sesshomaru didn't seem to be fazed at all by his last statement; as a matter of fact a small smirk came to his face. “Yes, well I can see how that would be problem for you…I heard all about how you like to hear them scream.” The smirk widened. “As a matter of fact I heard you can't even get it up unless they scream…and what a beautiful scream my Dagger has.” That smirk turned into a sneer. “It's too bad that you won't ever get to hear it. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go treat my mutt.”
Sesshomaru turned around so quickly that he failed to see the hateful glare that Naraku gave him, but Inuyasha caught it and it sent a shiver down his spine. He had never seen eyes like that before. Those eyes seemed to be filled with pure undiluted evil, and it was all directed at his stepbrother.
For some reason just that look filled Inuyasha with an incalculable dread, and he clung even tighter to his would be `protector' as he was carried away. His head was swimming now from both the poison and his confusion, and he didn't think he could remain conscious all that much longer. He turned bleary eyes to the kimono Sesshomaru wore, only to see that the white material was stained crimson from the blood that had leaked onto it. He scoffed to himself. If that was what Sesshomaru looked like from just holding him, then he had to wonder how big of a mess he was…and he took the trouble to look pretty today and everything. It just goes to show that the world hated him, like he had proclaimed on countless occasions.
He closed his eyes as he nuzzled into his lover's chest, inhaling his scent and pretending for just that one moment that everything was okay. Sadly though the moment was short lived, because Sesshomaru slid the door open to what smelled to be his room, and with careful grace laid him upon the youkai's bed. Once upon it though, and out of his arms, his anger came back into full swing and desperately tried to sit up so that he could have the pleasure of storming out of the room to go find himself a healer. Wasn't that what the bastard was supposed to be doing anyways? So then why were they alone in his room with no healer in sight?
The hanyou grunted as the most he could do was make it up onto his elbows, before getting much too dizzy and falling back into bed. Oh…this was so not good. “My poison works fast pet. Had you been a weaker demon it would have already killed you.” Sesshomaru turned around from his dresser with a vile of what appeared to be sapphire blue glowing liquid. “If I had made it any stronger your whole neck would have rotted off already.” Inuyasha continued to glare. Was he supposed to thank him for that?
Walking over, Sesshomaru gently sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the hanyou so that he was laying half in his lap. Skillful hands immediately went up to his neck and removed the tattered choker that kept uncomfortably rubbing on his very sore wound. Once off though the bleeding did continue to get worse and Sesshomaru quickly made a grab for the sash holding Inuyasha's kimono together. He would have fought such an act, really he would have, but he didn't even think he could move now, let alone stop himself from being stripped. Pushing the sash up against the wound to stop the bleeding, Sesshomaru then bit off the cork to the vile, pouring its contents onto his neck.
A dry gurgled scream escaped his throat as soon as the liquid touched him. It seemed to sear his skin, turning to what felt like fire as soon as it touched him and burning away whatever trace of poison was in him. That wasn't the worst part though. No, that would have to be that while his mouth was open in the scream, Sesshomaru took that opportunity to pour the rest of it down his throat, clasping a hand over his mouth to ensure that he couldn't spit it out. That didn't mean that he didn't try to of course. Inuyasha thrashed wildly in his lover's arms, trying desperately to get the fire liquid that was steadily filling up his insides to leave him.
He was so caught up in his struggles that he almost wasn't aware of the soft cooing in his ear. The cooing that was whispering reassuring things like “Shhh Shhh…it's alright…it'll be over soon.” Things that he was almost positive Sesshomaru would never say, and then of course there was his favorite mantra, being. “I'm sorry…I didn't mean for this to happen.”
After a few minutes of blinding hot pain, the throbbing seemed to die down, and his breathing slowed to a normal speed as he collapsed into Sesshomaru's arms. He could still feel the after effects of the poison in his body, but the fever had gone down, and he didn't feel as if he were going to die anymore, and so he took that as a good sign. Of course that did mean that he was more inclined to be pissed about his entire situation, and he definitely chose to be.
Elbowing his stepbrother in the ribs, Inuyasha pushed himself off the lap, and crawled to the other side of the bastard's bed. He opened his mouth to let out a long string of colorful words, but as he did he realized just one thing…his voice was still gone. Eyes going wide, he grabbed at his still wounded throat as if that was going to make everything okay again. This couldn't be real right…? He couldn't have lost his voice permanently.
“Your voice will probably be gone until this evening, or it could be longer.” Sesshomaru glanced to the side to prevent Inuyasha from seeing the still worried gaze he held. “It just depends on how quickly you heal, and judging from how long it took your legs to get better I would say that you'll be fine in a matter of hours.”
Inuyasha huffed in frustration as he realized the implications to just what that meant. The bastard had done it on purpose! It hadn't been some loss of temper; he knew exactly what he was doing. If he couldn't talk, then he certainly couldn't participate in the meeting with Naraku, and because he couldn't participate Sesshomaru would have to step in to be his voice. Well fuck that! He wasn't going to play into his hands…he refused!
He grabbed onto his still bleeding neck and pushed off of the futon mattress he was laying on. This proved to be a very bad idea, because as soon as his feet touched the ground they gave out underneath him. He whined in pain as he fell to the floor, hands barely going out in time to catch himself from smashing his face against the hard ground.
“Just because the poison's gone, doesn't mean that it still hasn't weakened your body Dagger.” Sesshomaru said from above him, casting a shadow over where he sat huddled on the floor. “Not to mention the fact that you've lost a good amount of your blood from the wound in your neck.”
Even though he wanted to, Inuyasha didn't fight when Sesshomaru leaned down and lifted him back into his arms and onto the bed. An idea popping into his head, he grabbed his lover's hand, holding it palm up in one of his. He used his finger to quickly scribble `I hate you' into the palm. You see with most people this probably wouldn't work, but Sesshomaru was perfect at everything and so he only assumed that he would get the message.
His lover scoffed in response before laying him on the covers. “I highly doubt that Inuyasha, but even if you did that doesn't really change your current situation, now does it?” Inuyasha glared holes into his back as he grabbed a thing a bandages and antiseptic out of the same drawer he had grabbed the evil liquid from.
Sesshomaru sat back down on the bed, pulling Inuyasha into a sitting position and leaning him against his chest. Grabbing his hand once more, the hanyou quickly scribbled the word `why' before hissing through his teeth as the antiseptic was spread over his wound.
“I would never wish the fate of being Naraku's sex toy on anyone…let alone you.” Inuyasha sighed in pleasure as a soft kiss was placed on the top of his head, before that mouth lightly bit on his ear in a playful manner. “What I said to Naraku earlier was the truth…he likes to hear them scream, and he will do anything to merit that scream.”
So it had been to protect him? Did he really care about him that much? More importantly… `Did you mean what you said earlier' He was of course referring to his statement while holding him up by the neck. `The one about making all of my dreams come true'
Talented hands tied the bandage around his neck, and Sesshomaru leaned down to place a kiss over the wound. “I honestly don't know pet…We'll talk about it later alright?”
Oh yeah, that's right, Sesshomaru couldn't talk to him right now because he had a very important meeting with Naraku to attend. A meeting that he had conveniently just ensured that he could no longer attend…God he was a bastard. Grabbing his hand once more, Inuyasha quickly scribbled. `You can't have both'
He knew exactly what he meant by such a statement, but he wasn't sure if Sesshomaru would. He was referring to the fact that Sesshomaru was fighting so hard to keep him to himself, and yet he wanted to mate with Kagura. He wouldn't just be some hussy on the side…he refused. If he was going to turn down this agreement and send his lands into war then he needed to know it was for something other than just the occasional meaningless romp. He needed to know that he meant more.
His stepbrother looked at him with a heated gaze, and that look seemed to penetrate his soul. It was like with just that look he could penetrate the deepest cavities of his mind, leaving him a boneless mass in front of him. That look said a lot, but it also seemed to be all Sesshomaru needed in order to get his answers, because with out a legitimate response to his question, all the older inu said was, “Good-bye Inuyasha,” before getting up from the bed and leaving as quickly as possible, and without so much as another word said between them.
Inuyasha sat wearily on the bed, just wondering when it was in his life that things went so terribly wrong. Could it have been the first time they kissed? Or maybe it was when he had let Sesshomaru use him and completely take his virginity and dignity away from him. Or hell, you know what he would have to say was the first time that he realized that his life was spiraling into the ground was when he had first laid eyes on Sesshomaru and called him beautiful. Because at that very point he had given his stepbrother leverage, and not only that, but at the moment he had unknowingly given himself to his lover. Now it was much too late to think that he could just walk away from this unscathed.
Well fuck that! He wasn't about to just give it all up so easily. He was going to fight! His father had taught him better than this. Gritting his teeth, Inuyasha rolled his feet onto the floor, and with more strength than he knew he had possessed, pushed himself onto his feet. Just the very act of standing was almost enough to send him crashing to the floor, but he managed to fall up against the wall, and supported himself by slowly pulling himself along it.
Okay, so it wasn't the grandest way to make his appearance, but in his defense he wasn't even sure if he was going to make an appearance. All he was going to was get in earshot of the negotiations, and see if it was a good idea or not to burst in and start doing crazy hand signs in exasperation due to his lack of voice…Oh yeah, he was fucked.
He had just barely made it out of the room and into the hall, and he already felt like he was going to pass out from exhaustion. His hypersensitive ears could pick up the faint sounds of voices coming from the foyer, and so that's the direction he headed. The voices started to become clearer, almost to the point where he could actually make out what they were saying, which of course meant that they would most certainly hear him, or at least smell him before he ever got close enough to spy.
Now he knew that he could probably be quiet enough not to be noticed, especially since Naraku and Sesshomaru would probably be too busy yelling to hear anything, but that still left his scent. He rolled his head off its place along the wall and glanced around at his surroundings. His eyelids were getting heavier as his injury seemed to practically overwhelm him. The only thing he could see in peripheral vision was a vase full of sakura blossoms. Why was it that he always ended up smelling like flowers? Oh fuck it, it'd have to do.
Taking in a deep breath, he grabbed for the vase and poured it all over his head, drenching him in water and the distinct sweetly smell of the flowers. He didn't exactly know if it would do, but he really was feeling close to passing out and didn't care anymore.
He continued to crawl along the wall until he heard Naraku's voice through the wall. “So tell me, was he good?” And that was about as far as he got, because his legs gave way under him and he collapsed onto the floor.
“What's the matter Naraku? Jealous that you'll never get to try it out for yourself?” He ignored the part about being referred to as it, and focused on just trying to remain conscious as he continued listening for the greater good.
“Not at all. You see I know that I'll get to try him out.” Naraku's tone was patronizing. “I was just wondering how good he would have to be to turn you into such a, for lack of a better word, whipped bitch.” You see he hadn't really known Sesshomaru all that long, but he had a feeling that that wasn't exactly the best thing in the world to say to him.
“Whipped bitch, you say?” Inuyasha's breath quickened at the deep seeded anger behind the youkai's voice. “It seems to me that you misunderstand my motives. He listens to everything I say…He is my possession, so to speak, and as such he will do anything that I ask.”
Labored breathing was all he could think of. Just concentrate on staying awake, is what he kept telling himself. Ignore what he had just heard. He kept telling himself that he had already known the truth anyways.
“Will you make him your mate then?” Inuyasha held his shallow breath as he strained himself to hear this answer. He needed to hear this answer.
“No.” His heart stopped beating. “Kagura will be my mate, just as we had discussed, but you have to admit, he is a fun plaything in the mean time.” He could almost hear the amusement in his lover's voice. “I'll tell you what Naraku once I get tired of him you can have my leftovers.” Closing his eyes, Inuyasha could actually hear his heart breaking.
“So you have no desire to mate him then?” Naraku asked once again with a little disbelief in his voice.
“Of course not.” Was his stepbrother's scathing reply. He said it as if the very notion was the most ridiculous thing in the world.
“Good, because if you ever do decide to give him up, I want him unmarked.” Bile rose up in Inuyasha's throat as his head hit the floor. He just couldn't take keeping it up anymore. Well either that or he didn't have the will.
His vision was starting to blacken, and he couldn't bring himself to stay awake anymore. What was the point? “Fine, then do we have an agreement that gets you out of the western lands and back into whatever shit hole you crawled out of?”
“We have an agreement…It really was nice doing business with you.” And that was the last thing Inuyasha heard before fatigue took him over and he fell completely forwards in a dead faint.
Inuyasha woke to a feeling of warmth. His neck no longer ached, and he didn't feel like he was going to die at any second. The question was, why was he so warm? Hadn't he passed out in the middle of a hallway? Fur covered his face, and he snuggled closer into their depths, relishing in the fact that he now realized where he was. He was back in his own bedroom, in his own bed. Did that mean that everything had just been a dream? Had the nightmare really never happened?
“You're a moron.” Apparently he could never be so lucky. Sitting up in bed, Inuyasha wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and turned towards the side where he could see Sesshomaru's silhouette in the window.
Sesshomaru turned around, meeting his gaze. There was sorrow in those eyes, it was faint, but you could see it. He couldn't give a fuck less though. He had heard the conversation, and as such knew exactly how big of a fool he was for ever thinking this was anything else other than a huge joke. “Get out.” He commanded, completely deadpanned. The hurt was flowing off of him in waves, and he had to look down towards the bed.
“You weren't supposed to hear what you did.” Inuyasha's eyes narrowed. Grabbing a pillow, the hanyou chucked it as hard as he could in the direction of his asshole of a stepbrother.
“Oh yeh think!' He grabbed another pillow and this time managed to connect with the bastard's head. Of course he wasn't supposed to hear the conversation! Of course he didn't want to hear him sell him off to the highest bidder! “I asked you nicely Sesshomaru, now I'm telling you…Get. The. Fuck. Out!”
He got out of bed, fully intending to beat the shit out of him on his way out the door, but when he got close, Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around him and pulled him towards his chest.
“Your voice is back I see.”
Inuyasha was about to retort, but that was the first time he noticed that fact. His mouth closed just as soon as it had opened, and for the first time realized how grateful he was to have his power of speech back. With his newfound ability, there was one thing he really had to say.
“I don't want you anymore…” He sobbed. “I don't love you anymore.” As soon as that last part left his mouth he almost fell to the floor in regret. Why? Why had he said such a thing? Backing out of Sesshomaru's arms, Inuyasha went to lean against the wall, never once looking up to see the somewhat shocked look covering the youkai's face.
He was forced back into reality though when a gentle hand ran through his hair, forcing his chin up to look into surprisingly soft golden depths. “I wasn't aware that you ever loved me.” Tears started to come to Inuyasha's eyes, and he did his best to blink them away. “Don't you think it's a little soon to already be taking that declaration back?”
Their eyes met, and Inuyasha knew then that his lover was going to kiss him. He didn't want that though, because those kisses…those seemingly wonderful kisses made him weak, and he couldn't be weak right now. He started shaking all over when Sesshomaru leaned in, placing a soft chaste kiss on his lips, which were no more then a thin straight line by now. Warmth spread through his mouth and traveled down his spine, but he knew it wasn't real. No, Sesshomaru meant cold, and if he did this then he would be with that cold for the rest of his life. If he couldn't say no now, then when could he?
“Sessh…no.” The words were barely a whisper as his lover's kisses began to travel down his neck, but he knew that he had heard them…He just wasn't bothering to listen. His other hand fisted through his hair, quickly kneading through it and making it the silk it was this morning before all this hell had started. Shutting his eyes, Inuyasha placed a hand on the youkai's chest, pushing at him hard enough so that the kiss broke. “No…I don't want this.” Sesshomaru's eyes became steely and cold, but he had yet to remove his hands from the hanyou's head.
“It was just a misunderstanding, precious. You don't know what you heard.” Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, and just for good measure he gave another push at the chest, this time disconnecting the both of them for good and sending Sesshomaru almost spiraling into the wall.
“Oh no, I think I heard perfectly. You sold your leftovers to Naraku.” His eyes were blazing in anger, so much so in fact that he didn't notice the same expression echoing back on the other inu's face. “Well fuck you if you think I'm going to let you get tired of me and then just throw me to the wolves.”
“Well see, I couldn't throw you to the wolves, because then that mongrel that you were riding yesterday would get a hold of you, and where would I be then?” Inuyasha was in the middle of yelling out some long tirade of insults, but that statement quickly stopped him. Had Sesshomaru just made a joke? He shook his head in disbelief. Seriously what was the world coming to?
Though just because his stepbrother had let out one wiseass comment to try to lighten the mood, it didn't mean that he was by any means any less upset. The statement had killed some of his fire though, and now he was back to his melancholy state of mind.
“Did you ever, for even one minute, care about me?” Squeezing his eyes, he tried his hardest to get rid of the tears, but he was unsuccessful because the warm liquid of his tears started rolling down his cheeks. “Did I ever mean anything to you?”
“Honestly?” Inuyasha gave a nod, and was about to wipe his face on his sleeve, but a hand stopped him. Sesshomaru placed the hanyou's arm at his side, and instead wiped away the tears with his thumb. Inuyasha couldn't help but stare as his lover placed that appendage in his mouth, sucking off the salty wetness in the most sensual way possible.
“When I first met you I could have cared less if you lived or died.” Sesshomaru leaned in, using his hot tongue to lick away the remaining tears from his cheeks and chin. “Then after I got to know you I was wishing that you did die.” Inuyasha's eye twitched at that, and his hands clenched into fists at his side. He was seriously thinking of pushing him all the way through the wall this time. Well, of course that is until what happened next. In the blink of an eye Sesshomaru ripped apart his kimono, baring his finely sculpted chest and stomach to the world and only leaving him standing there in his hakamas. “And now.” Inuyasha's head fell back as his lover dropped to his knees, placing kiss after kiss on his creamy white skin as he did so. “I don't think I can live without you.”
At hearing such sentiments come from the least sentimental person he knew, Inuyasha couldn't take it, his legs gave way underneath him and he dropped to the floor, right in front of Sesshomaru. Tears kept falling harder down his face. That confession should have made him happy, and by all rights it would have made him happy, had it happened only a few hours earlier, but as if was, he felt nothing but sick to his stomach. His head seemed to be shaking `no' of its own accord as he stared into his stepbrother's golden pools. This was what he had wanted, and it was ruined now.
“As much as I love hearing that, Sesshomaru...” His voice came out in a strained whisper, and he was doing his best not to lose it right then and there. “You saying that, well it doesn't make it right.” He continued to shake his head in misery. “It doesn't make any of it right.”
Sesshomaru's hand reached out, gently petting his cheek as he continued to stare into his tear-swollen eyes. “Regardless, hanyou, all of this talk about how much Naraku wants to take you has made me want to fuck your brains out.”
Inuyasha couldn't help it, his eyes widened to saucers at just the abruptness of that statement. He had never imagined something like that could come from his lover's mouth. Of course Sesshomaru had always been a bit scary, possessive and jealous, but he had never admitted such a thing so bluntly before. His hand reached out and stroked the demon markings that lined his face, and as he did was shocked to hear the growl of need that escaped the youkai's throat as he did so.
“But you said…” He tilted his head in confusion as Sesshomaru grabbed the hand that was on his face and started placing kiss after kiss all up and down his wrist. “You said that you didn't want to sleep with me unless I was human.”
A cry escaped Inuyasha's throat as Sesshomaru bit harshly down on his wrist. Golden eyes stared on in amazement as his lover lapped at the wound, letting a small pearl of blood escape from his mouth as he pulled away to show a perfectly formed bite mark.
Before he even had a chance to react, he was shoved backwards, and without even having a chance sit up, had a body sitting on his chest. “Perhaps you passed out before you could pet, but I just had to sit through an hour of listening to each and everyone of Naraku's sick fantasies that he wished to enact with you.” Sesshomaru shed himself of his kimono, throwing it to the side and sitting stark naked atop his prey. “And I did this all to protect you…To protect you from having to be his…hell even having to go to war.” Inuyasha yelped as a handful of his hair was pulled and he was yanked upwards so that their mouths were millimeters apart. “And how is it that you repay me? You tell me that you don't want me anymore.”
Inuyasha couldn't think, he couldn't breath, and he most definitely couldn't move. Why was Sesshomaru acting like this? This was by far the most emotion he had ever seen him show, and it was almost in a crazed desperate manner. Was Sesshomaru really that afraid of losing him?
He wasn't given a chance to think of such things, because his lips were soon crashed together with those of his stepbrother's, and he soon couldn't think of anything but how harsh yet stimulating the kiss was. For the first time that night he responded to Sesshomaru's touches, and came around to participating in them as well. Inuyasha opened his mouth, inviting in the warm wet tongue that didn't hesitate in invading his cavern.
A gasp escaped his throat after almost a minute as he had to pull away to replenish his lungs with much needed oxygen. Though that second of being apart from his lover cleared his head up immensely, and he remembered just why it was that he was so angry at the fiercely beautiful creature sitting on top of him.
Using all the strength he had in him, he backhanded Sesshomaru on the face. Taking advantage of the shock his stepbrother was currently in, he heaved him off of his lap.
Sesshomaru was rubbing his face with a mixture of anger and shock as his tongue snaked out to lick away the little bit of blood that rolled from his mouth. Inuyasha didn't care about his pain though, and he especially didn't care about how incredibly sexy that looked. No, he would not give in.
“Tell me, did you have this heart wrenching time before or after you agreed to give me to him!” He yelled from his place on the floor. To reiterate his point on just how big of a bastard his stepbrother was, he added. “And don't you think it's twisted that you only want to fuck me after hearing what Naraku would do! I bet you're just waiting to try some of his fantasies out! Tell me, Sesshomaru, what perverted acts of pleasure did I do to you…” Inuyasha gave a smirk, before placing a hand up to his mouth in correction. “Oh, I meant him.”
It didn't take long for him to regret what he said. Sesshomaru sat up on his haunches for only a moment before pouncing and sending them both spiraling backwards. Inuyasha's head smashed painfully against the floor and stars exploding in his vision. He was so disoriented that he didn't even notice when the youkai raised a clawed hand, quickly slicing down and shredding him of his remaining clothing.
When he did get his bearings long enough to look up, he wished he wouldn't have, because he knew in that moment just what was about to take place. Sesshomaru's eyes had turned completely red, and his fangs were barred into an elongated snarl. Hell even the marks on the sides of his face glowed a deep magenta as he stared down on him in complete fury. Sesshomaru was going to take him then and there, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it now. That didn't mean he couldn't try though.
“Sessh…” He cooed, trying all he could to calm down his irate lover. “I'm sorry…just don't.” His eyebrows knitted together as one hand pinned his above his head, and the other traveled the length of his body. “Please…not like this.”
Keeping Inuyasha's hands pinned above his head, Sesshomaru inhaled his scent, sniffing him all the way down to the area right above his thighs and back again. “You know for someone who was so keen for this earlier you sure seem to be having a lot of problems with it.” His voice was dark, demanding…it scared the shit out of hanyou.
Hoisting his legs up, Sesshomaru positioned himself between his legs, and a whole new set of tears seeped from the hanyou's eyes. Was this real? Was the person he cared most deeply for about to force him to do this? The tip of Sesshomaru's incredibly large member pressed against his opening, and Inuyasha said the only thing he knew that could possibly stop this horrible chain of events. “Sesshomaru please…I love you! Don't do this to me!”
The quickness by which Sesshomaru retreated surprised him. What surprised him even more was how he was now standing in the corner, covering his face with his hands.
Still half traumatized, Inuyasha shakily sat up, and noticed how his lover's shoulders were also shaking. Not knowing why, but not being able to resist, Inuyasha got up to his feet and walked over to where the youkai was standing. “Are you alright?” Inuyasha asked, laying a hand on his lover's shoulder and wincing by how quickly it was shoved off.
“Leave now, Inuyasha. Do it now and don't ever look back on this ridiculous thing we almost had.” Inuyasha stood there stunned. Sesshomaru had just asked him to leave…to leave him. There earlier fight entered his mind where he himself offered to do just that, and he immediately regretted it. He was at fault for this…he had been the one to trigger this onslaught.
His chest ached from the very thought of never being with Sesshomaru again, and he could only imagine that he would have reacted close to the same way if someone were to tell him that they could never be together anymore. It was wrong what his lover had tried to do, but he hadn't done it. He had resisted, and now he was pulling away into his cold shell just like he usually did.
Well fuck that! Without thinking of the consequences Inuyasha flung his arms out, attaching himself to Sesshomaru's back, and pulling him into a backwards embrace. “But I don't want to leave you!” He cried. “I don't care how big of a bastard you are…I won't leave you!” He squeezed harder. “You can't make me.”
They stood like that for what seemed like an eternity. Inuyasha's head was buried in his lover's shoulder blades and he refused to look up, let alone acknowledge when a steady hand was placed on his forearm. He was forced to, however, when Sesshomaru turned around, pulling him into a rightful embrace against his chest.
“You're such a brat. You always have to get what you want, don't you?” Inuyasha smiled and hugged harder; loving the fact that Sesshomaru's eyes were no longer red. He excitedly nodded against that chest, reveling in how his cold youkai lover was actually hugging him back.
A wicked idea popped into his mind, and he pulled back from the embrace. Now see, normally he would never attempt to be so bold, but just because Sesshomaru wasn't as crazy as he was before, didn't mean that he still didn't want him, and he was about to prove it.
He let a seductive smirk cover his face as he slowly backed towards his bed, motioning his lover closer as he did so. Never breaking eye contact he crawled onto the bed, scooting his but all the way until it hit the wall. He brought his knees up and opened them wide, giving Sesshomaru a perfect view of everything he could ever want. “Sesshomaru, take me now, or loose me forever.”
Sesshomaru really didn't need much encouragement. In one quick pounce he was on top of him, and before he knew it he had two tongues in his mouth instead of one. Heat seemed to be radiating off of Sesshomaru as his hands explored every part of his body, taking great care to grab his ass as he grinded their bodies together in a desperate passion.
Now he couldn't be sure, but he didn't think that the youkai did this with everybody. He couldn't imagine him loosing himself in reckless abandon like he was now as he kissed every part of him, leaving his skin searing with want as he was now to anyone but him. That was why Sesshomaru craved him so much. That was why he had taken him on as a lover even though by all means he probably never wanted to. It was because he could give Sesshomaru something none of his other lovers could.
Using all of his strength he flipped them both over so that he was now the one on top. If he could do this to Sesshomaru, then that meant that his lover would do anything to keep him around. Inuyasha let his hair cascade around them and cover them in a blanket of white as he attacked that creamy flesh of Sesshomaru's neck, loving how he could feel the blood beat in the pulse under his tongue.
The erection underneath him was already slick with precum, and his hand traveled down, stroking it and coating it with a special lubricant that only pure desire could create. He kissed him once more before positioning himself so that Sesshomaru was right outside his entrance.
“Sesshomaru promise me you won't fuck her again and I'll give you what you want.” Said youkai's eyes were lidded in pleasure as he stared up at the source of that pleasure.
His hand reached up running it through his white mane. “And tell me Dagger, why is it that I should give you this request?” His voice was labored as he tried to remain in control as Inuyasha continued to rub up against his shaft.
Smirking, Inuyasha leaned forward, touching their mouths together as he explained himself. “You should stop screwing her, my love,” Without really thinking about the consequences to his actions, Inuyasha slammed down, fully impaling himself upon his lover. Pain shot up his spine as he tried to think of what just had possessed him to force this kind of agony upon himself. It hurt…a lot. He felt like his entire insides were being shred and that there was no way he could possibly live through such a torturous experience. The blinding white pain only seemed to cease when Sesshomaru sat up and pulled him to his chest, comforting him while barely being able to restrain himself. A half delirious smile came to his face as he pushed the youkai back down, and picked himself up all the way so that Sesshomaru was almost out of him and then slamming back down again. A howl of pleasure escaped his lover, and he reveled in such a sound. “You should stop, because you are mine.”
Sesshomaru was panting by this time, and really the only thing Inuyasha could focus on was making his stepbrother see stars. He started moving his hips, rocking back and forth and causing strangled moans to come out that mouth he loved so much. His proclamation of ownership had really struck something inside him, and he now knew why his lover got off on the possessive stuff so much.
He was cut off from his thoughts when Sesshomaru yanked him down to his mouth, fully devouring his lips and distracting him long enough to flip them back over.
Sesshomaru's smirking gaze met his, but he didn't seem mad, no he just kissed him harder. When they pulled away for air Inuyasha wasn't almost dizzy from it all. “I'm yours am I?” The hanyou drunkenly nodded, not caring at all what he was nodding to, only caring about the hand that had traveled in-between them to stroke his sobbing member.
A cry escaped his throat as Sesshomaru began to move inside of him, barely rolling his hips at first, but then going harder, more desperate. His thrusts were like fire. They seared his body sending wave after wave of pleasure through him, especially when Sesshomaru hit the spot inside of him that made him scream.
His throat ached from his earlier wound, and all the yelling that he had done today, but he didn't care. He screamed over and over as his lover continued to hit that spot inside of him that made the whore inside of him come out. Sesshomaru placed one of the hanyou's legs on his shoulder to get better access, and when he did it only made him thrust harder, deeper, faster…Inuyasha didn't care anymore.
The nerves inside him were howling with both pain and pleasure and it almost made him pass out right then. He didn't even think a body could take this amount of abuse. He could feel the burning in his stomach, and he knew that soon his agony would be over soon. Pants were coming out of him like it was his normal breathing. When he was with Sesshomaru before it had been great, but this…this was unbelievable. Is this what it felt like to be with your mate, as Sesshomaru had referred to them as? Was this what it felt like to be with the one that you loved?
He couldn't take it anymore, he cried out in passion and released between their two bodies, coating both of their stomachs in his sticky essence. He screamed out Sesshomaru's name as he did, and clenched down, making the tight sheath around the youkai even tighter.
Sesshomaru's nails dug into his hips as a snarl left his mouth. As Inuyasha was still convulsing underneath him, Sesshomaru yanked him up, and that was when it happened. The youkai released inside of him, and at the same moment pushed Inuyasha's hair to the side and clamped down on the place between his neck and shoulder.
Stars exploded in his vision, and just that act made him cum again. Sesshomaru pulled away, doing well to lick the blood still running down Inuyasha's shoulder. The hanyou could do nothing but sit underneath the person he was still sheathed around. Sesshomaru kept kissing that spot, and without even looking at his face he could sense the shock coming off of him at what he had just done.
“Sesshomaru what just…” He started, but his voice failed him and he just clung all the more close to body atop his. That couldn't have been real, Sesshomaru wouldn't do that…would he?
The older inu pulled them both up into a sitting position, making sure not to pull out of Inuyasha. Golden eyes widened by how badly the youkai seemed to be trembling. His shock only widened when Sesshomaru pushed the hair aside from his neck, revealing the same spot on him that he had just himself bitten. “Do it Inuyasha, before I loose my nerve.”
His eyebrows knitted together, completely bewildered. “Sessh I don't…are you sure?” He touched the spot Sesshomaru had just revealed, and also the fresh wound on his own neck.
Sesshomaru placed a kiss on the hand reaching out to him. “You said I was yours Inuyasha…maybe it's just the sex talking, but I don't mind the thought so much.” Well really, that was all the encouragement he needed. Without a second thought, Inuyasha lunged forward, clamping down on Sesshomaru's neck and sending them both falling backwards.
Warm blood invaded his mouth, and he had never tasted anything so sweet in his life. It was like liquid gold against his tongue as the precious commodity continued to flow into…flow through him. He had never experience such completion before. He had never felt so wanted in his life.
Mates. It was the first time he had let the word enter his mind, and as soon as he did he shuddered in anticipation. He let his fangs retract from the junction between his shoulder and neck, and unsheathed himself from his lover…no, his mate. The word was foreign on his tongue, and yet it gave him more joy than any other in his life. He rolled over to the side so that he was lying on his back right beside the youkai. And to think, just a little bit ago he had wanted to leave him.
They were both breathing heavy from the whole ordeal, and the strange thing was that the breathing was almost synchronized. It was like they were completely connected now. Sesshomaru rolled over, grabbing Inuyasha and curling him up against his chest. “Whatever comes Dagger, and whatever I might say to you, know that tonight was real. I meant everything I said to you, and I would never let anyone take you away from me.”
Inuyasha nodded against the warm chest he was snuggled against, and reached down to pull the fur blankets up around them. “I'll remember.” He chanted as he placed a kiss on his bicep. He would, too; he would remember everything about this night for as long as he lived. He kept chanting it over and over until his eyelids dropped from exhaustion and he slipped into oblivion, knowing that no matter what happened, tonight was definitely unforgettable.
A.N- Gah! That didn't turn out anything like what I planned…For one thing they weren't even supposed to have sex in this chapter, let alone mate…I'm so weak. But tell me truthfully, how was that? I don't do Sesshomaru showing compassion very well, and I don't know how good it turned out. And yes I know that he was nice in this chapter…okay well he was nice for some of this chapter, but believe when I say that he definitely isn't that nice of a fellow…Oh I'm so confused. The story I had in mind will still happen, but it's going to be sooo much harder now. But anyways please REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!!! I luv all of you guys for reading and hope that you'll stick with me.
Oh and I also want to give a shout out to my friend Demitria Miriam who helped me beta this chapter…thanks a bunch