InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes ❯ A Happy Hanyou is a Horny One ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

We Will Become Silhouettes
Chapter 11: A Happy Hanyou is a Horny One
Sesshomaru sighed in surprising pleasure as he awoke to the immense warm feeling that came from having Inuyasha snuggled rather cutely up against his chest. Shaking his head in disbelief, he chalked his referring to the hanyou as cute on the fact that he had just woken up and his brain wasn't fully functional yet to really put the adjectives on him that the hanyou deserved. Such as: pushy, arrogant, annoying, stubborn…the list could only go on from there.
Though he really couldn't blame him completely for what had happened last night. He had been the one to push the mating after all, but if Inuyasha hadn't been so damn okay with it, then there wouldn't have been a problem. Why was he so okay with it anyways? That was the question Sesshomaru had stayed up half the night asking himself. He had almost raped Inuyasha…raped him, and yet his lover didn't seem to find a problem with wanting to hop back into bed within a moments notice.
The thought of what he had almost succumbed to still sickened him, and yet he couldn't think of any different way to handle it at the time. He would like to have said it was all Naraku's fault, but he didn't think he could even blame the whole thing on him…though he certainly didn't help matters any. Naraku had been so adamant about wanting to mark Inuyasha as soon as he lay claim to him, that Sesshomaru's head was buzzing with possibilities on how to make that happen…and in his delirious state he could really only think of one thing.
It had in all probability been one of the biggest mistakes of his life to do what he had done with Inuyasha last night, for many reasons.
They were both males, and so the thought of siring any children didn't look too hopeful.
He was a youkai and Inuyasha was still a hanyou.
He had made peace treaty agreements specifically stating that he wouldn't do what he had just done.
He hadn't even gotten permission from Inuyasha's father…a very big no-no in demon mating customs.
They were stepbrothers.
He was still mildly sure that he hated Inuyasha.
Yet, despite all of that, he couldn't help the overwhelming peace that spread through him after they had consummated their bond, and after he had seen just how happy it made Inuyasha. For some reason when he saw that smile the little things just didn't seem to matter anymore and he knew in his heart of hearts that he was doing the right thing. Sesshomaru scoffed to himself. He really thought Inuyasha's sentimental bullshit was starting to contaminate him, because there was no way what he thought was true.
“If you keep making that face it'll get stuck like that,” came Inuyasha's sleep filled voice from up against his neck. Sesshomaru looked down and saw how Inuyasha's big golden eyes had just now opened, and were staring up at him with a very familiar twinkle in them that meant that the hanyou was up to something.
As for Sesshomaru, well, he was just wondering how he had known what his face looked like when he was only now opening his eyes. “You shouldn't make assumptions on people's faces when you have no proof to back up your statement.”
That same smile came back, and Sesshomaru could feel it up against his neck. Such an action almost made him give one back…almost.
“Awww, you are right, but then again I have all the proof I need.” Using his chest as leverage, Inuyasha pushed himself up onto all fours, and then very comfortably made himself a seat atop Sesshomaru's stomach.
By this point though, Sesshomaru was having a hard time being interested in anything Inuyasha was saying, and instead was much more focused on the spot just below his lover's navel, the spot consisting of a line of white hair leading down to something even more appealing, as well as the fact that that more appealing thing happened to rubbing against him…and if he didn't have the pride and dignity that he did, he could've given a fuck less about the words coming from his mate's mouth, and would have flipped him over onto his back…taking him then without hesitation.
Unfortunately his pride won out, and he ended up gazing back up into Inuyasha's eyes, and tried to focus on the stream of never-ending words coming from his lover's mouth. It wasn't going very well though, and he ended up missing the mutt's entire explanation on how it was that he knew he had been scowling. He couldn't very well let Inuyasha know that though. He would be damned if he ever let the hanyou know just how distracted he could get him, and so all he did was nod in response.
As soon as he did though, he knew that he had made a terrible mistake, because Inuyasha began to laugh hysterically above him.
“Really?” he managed to get out between laughs, and it was then that Sesshomaru knew for sure that he had made a terrible, terrible mistake.
Sesshomaru ran a hand through the boy's hair, loving the way he immediately leaned into his touch. That was one of the things he liked about Inuyasha…he was so responsive. That didn't mean that that so-called responsiveness was going to get him off the hook however. “I didn't know that your explanation for why I was scowling was so amusing.”
Inuyasha pointed accusingly at him, that gorgeous smile never leaving his face. “So you admit that you were scowling!” Sesshomaru arched his neck up a bit as Inuyasha leaned down to whisper to him while simultaneously nibbling on his ear. “I know you weren't listening to me, Sessh…Being much too busy studying my nether regions for something as trivial as that.” A gasp escaped his throat as one of the hanyou's hands traveled down below the covers, grasping him and eliciting a strangled moan from his mouth. “But you see with you pretending that you weren't doing exactly what you were, you unknowingly agreed to something you never would have, had you been aware.”
His eyes fluttered closed as that hand started to move upwards again, and he only opened them when that exploratory hand came up to cup his face and he could feel the warm breath of his lover's right above his lips. Sesshomaru's hand fisted in Inuyasha's hair, pulling him down so that their mouths were almost touching. “And what exactly is it that I agreed to?”
Inuyasha leaned the rest of the way down, connecting their lips briefly before pulling away with that same smile. “You just agreed to be my bitch.”
It took Sesshomaru a few moments to comprehend what he had just heard, but once he did…he couldn't help but smirk.
Wrapping his arms around the hanyou's waist, he flipped them both over. Inuyasha was still in a fit of giggles as he kicked wildly in protest at the change of positions. Sesshomaru had it all planned out on how he was going to fake anger, and punish his young mate who seemed to think he could show him such cheek, but at seeing him so happy he couldn't bring himself to ruin his good mood. No, all he seemed to be able to do was stare.
“You are so very beautiful, Dagger.” And he was, just laying there underneath him like this, the boy was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. His skin had this new glow about it, which didn't help as his cheeks had now turned red in an embarrassed blush.
His hair was still all bedraggled from the night, and yet Sesshomaru had never seen it look better. The thing that made him the most beautiful though were his eyes. Those wondrous pools of gold shimmered with every emotion the halfbreed ever had, it was one of the reasons he could always tell when something was amiss, or when he was hurting. Now he didn't see any of those things. Now all saw he saw in their depths was complete love and adoration…and, oh yeah, there also was that happiness that kept popping up.
What was the matter with him? Why is it that he found the need to make such adorations? For that matter, why was he feeling such affections towards the hanyou underneath him? Though he supposed that that wasn't such an uncommon thing, after all he had took the liberty of making him his mate. Shouldn't he be feeling all of these emotions and more? It was just such an odd feeling. He couldn't describe it, because honestly he had never felt anything akin to it in his life. He had thought his decision had been purely territorial, but as he stared down into those eyes he wondered if it could possibly be something more.
He was only brought out of this daze when a giggle escaped Inuyasha's throat and he turned his head to the side, obviously embarrassed. “Stop looking at me like that.” His blush had grown even brighter, and now he had completely buried his face in his pillow.
Using his new position, Sesshomaru quickly used his newfound access to kiss his lover's neck. His tongue snaked out, licking a trail up and down, loving the taste of him…for that moment loving everything about him. Sesshomaru loved the way his smell was practically etched into the hanyou's skin, along with a taste that could only be Inuyasha. His tongue ghosted over his still healing wounds from the day before, and while the marks made from his claws made him feel something close to regret, the other did not.
His hand ghosted over the mating mark, and even with that little contact, he heard a whine of pleasure escape his mate's throat. “You're so sensitive there…Tell me, could I make you cum like you did before if I bit it…or even kissed it?”
Sesshomaru's lips fell to that mark, loving every curve his teeth made into that skin. His tongue came out to lick it, and as soon as his silky appendage touched the mark the boy underneath him cried out. Pulling back with a smile, Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at his lover. “Well I don't know about you releasing, but it certainly did seem to get you excited.” He teased, and then stopped himself mid way. Since when did he tease anyways?
Inuyasha glared up at him, and at the same time positioned it so that Sesshomaru's growing erection was at his entrance. “Then why don't you do something about it?” He really didn't need to say more, leaning down, Sesshomaru quickly connected their mouths, tongue almost instantly invading his lover's cavern, intertwining with his own and fighting for dominance…dominance that he quickly won.
It didn't take long after that for him to take Inuyasha in one thrust. Sesshomaru's eyes clenched shut. He had been inside his lover before, but for some reason he never anticipated what it would feel like when he first entered, and it got him every time. The heat from the tight passage made him see white, and it didn't help how Inuyasha clenched in pain at the sudden movement, making it even harder now to control himself. All he wanted to do was pound away at the hanyou underneath him, but this newfound consideration he had for his mate made him stop. It made him stay still until Inuyasha licked his neck giving him the okay, and telling him he wasn't in too much pain…He really did hate these damned emotions.
Lifting his hips, he pulled almost all the way out of Inuyasha, before grunting in pleasure and thrusting back in. He continued up with that until Inuyasha was nothing more than a withering mass beneath him. Though that wasn't to say Sesshomaru was much better.
His speed increased, and as it did the welfare of the hanyou underneath him decreased. He thrust hard, fast, anyway to hear those lungs underneath him scream out in pleasure…and scream they did. Sesshomaru was the first to go, releasing into the boy and biting that spot on his neck that was reserved only for him. As soon as his teeth re-punctured that skin, Inuyasha followed, leaving them both with a sticky residue in-between their stomachs.
Sesshomaru lay panting atop his lover, and refused to move away from the sticky sweaty body underneath his.
“I love you, Sesshomaru.” Not even after, that body began to talk. That was one of the things that had gotten to him last night. That declaration…so minute, yet it seemed to have such a huge effect on him. The youkai made a move to roll off, but two legs that had suddenly wrapped around his waist stopped him. “Don't get up…I don't expect you to say it back.” That smile came back. “I was just hoping that seeing as how I love you so much you would want to do something for me.”
Nodding in understanding, Sesshomaru pushed himself up, pulling out of his lover before settling back down on top of his body. His lips quickly found the hanyou's. “Well that depends.” He managed to get out between kisses. “What exactly is it that you want?”
Pulling away, Sesshomaru continued to kiss his way down the hanyou's body. He was all the way down to his stomach before Inuyasha found the will to respond. “Come with me.” The youkai's tongue probed in and out of his lover's bellybutton, smirking against his stomach as he did.
“I thought I already had.” Sesshomaru teased, and in response got the top of his head lightly smacked. Even though he wasn't looking, he could practically sense the blush now staining the boy's cheeks.
“You're a pervert…and that's not what I meant.” He got out between moans. “I meant…well I promised…will you…” His fists tightened against the sheets as Sesshomaru continued to torture his poor mate. “Will you come with me today to visit my friends?” He asked between gasps, and Sesshomaru's kisses immediately halted. “It's just I promised them that I'd come and tell them what happened after Naraku came yesterday…and well, I'd say I have some pretty interesting news.”
With one last kiss to the hanyou's stomach, Sesshomaru really did get up. Walking over to his closet, Sesshomaru grabbed a black robe and pulled it over his shoulders. Without even looking back, he gave the figure on the bed another reason to be happy. “If you wish it.”
“Really?” He excitedly squealed, and jumped out of the bed to latch onto Sesshomaru's back, making the youkai once again scowl. Seriously since they had mated it was like Inuyasha was completely off his nut. Because really…nobody's that happy. But then again he really couldn't complain when he was the one that had made him so happy. “Then I guess we're even since you borrowed my clothes.”
Sesshomaru scoffed. He really couldn't believe he was playing that card. For one thing he would never have borrowed the younger inu's clothes, having no taste whatsoever for the baggy scruffy looking outfits his stepbrother chose to wear, and for another thing…
“As opposed to all those times you've taken my clothes…and I would have to say that that was worse, because even one of my outfits is probably worth twice the amount of these dingy things all put together.”
Turning around, Sesshomaru did his best to fake glare at his mate, but he soon failed at that as he watched the cute way Inuyasha stuck his tongue out from between his teeth. “My clothes aren't dingy, jerk.” He pouted. “And why is it that everyone is always picking on me about my wardrobe…my clothes are comfortable, doesn't that count for anything?”
Taking that pouting lip between his own teeth, Sesshomaru quickly put a stop to that puppy dog face. He just couldn't take it…it was like it made him feel guilty for no reason whatsoever, and he was pretty sure that Inuyasha had used that very face to get a lot of the leverage he had around the estate with all of the servants, his friends, and of course his father…. No wonder Inuyasha was spoiled rotten.
“You're a brat.” The youkai stated. “You know that, right?” He asked rhetorically, knowing already that the coy shoulder shake was the best answer he was going to get out of the mutt. “And anyways, your clothes might be comfortable, but they're not exactly fit for a prince.”
Glaring, Inuyasha harshly poked him in the chest before crossing his arms in indignation. “Oh, I'm so sorry we can't dress all hoity toity like you do.” He bit back sarcastically.
He was going to say something in defense, really he was, but it was then that something occurred to the youkai and a smile broke out across his face. “Did you actually just say hoity toity?” It was almost laughable just repeating it, let alone hearing it come from the lips of a full-grown adult male.
This of course caused Inuyasha to become even more flustered, and all he could do was glare…really, really hard. “Yeah, well maybe I did…so what!” He tried to say as manly as possible. “That's not really the point is it?” Sesshomaru stared on at the hanyou…thinking that if there was a point to their conversation that it was long gone by now. “Anyways, you're the one that makes me borrow your clothes all of the time!” He tried, doing anything at this point to get the blame off of him. “If you weren't always shredding mine, or losing them, or dirtying them, then maybe I wouldn't need to.” Now it was time for Inuyasha's accusatory stage…He always managed to do the same thing when he was in fights. “So what, Sessh…do you just hate my clothes so much that you're just going to continue to destroy every article of clothing I own until I don't have anymore and you can pick me out some decent ones?” He narrowed his eyes, as his false suspicion seemed to grow in that tiny head of his. “I bet you would like that, wouldn't you?” He jeered. “That was your plan all along…to dress me up like some doll!” He hissed, and Sesshomaru just stared on in dumbfounded amazement.
Honestly, he didn't know how Inuyasha did it. Seriously, who could come up with such elaborate ridiculousness? More importantly who could come up with such elaborate ridiculousness and actually believe it? Inuyasha was glaring at him now like he was part of some clever scheme against him and his malfunctioning wardrobe. Sesshomaru slightly shook his head in disgust. It was just disturbing how paranoid the hanyou could be at times.
Knowing he had to put a stop to this, and soon, Sesshomaru did the only thing he could think of. He picked the hanyou up in his arms, and pinned him up against the wall. Their faces were barely inches apart now, and the youkai noted how much Inuyasha's breathing had increased…Well that certainly got the glares to stop.
The sheet that Inuyasha had haphazardly slung around his waist fell unnoticed to the floor. “Well, Dagger, that could be the case…I could legitimately have a conspiracy theory against you and your clothes…or,” He leaned against his lover's ear for effect. “I could just really like fucking you.”
Sesshomaru hungrily attacked his mate's lips, and was met with no resistance. When he finally pulled away Inuyasha was panting and flushed, and there was the definite scent of arousal coming off of him. That same smile came back to his face, as he snuggled into the youkai's neck, while wrapping his legs around his waist. “We're never going to get out of bed, are we?”
Giving a smirk, Sesshomaru once more connected their mouths. When he pulled away Inuyasha was breathless and he knew that the hanyou was right. They weren't going to get very far at all today, but then again it certainly wasn't the end of the world. As a matter of fact he was rather looking forward to it.
“It wouldn't appear so,” the older inu managed to get out, before once again kissing his lover. This was definitely starting out to be quite an entertaining morning.
-----Several hours, and many positions, later, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha actually managed to make it through the door fully dressed…quite a struggle on both their parts.
Feeling more sated then he had ever felt in his life, Sesshomaru followed Inuyasha out of the room, glad that he had had at least enough willpower to finally walk over the threshold of his bedroom door. They had tried, don't get him wrong, but every time they got a little more dressed, Inuyasha would end up sprawled on his back, or stomach, or knees…pretty much any position where the youkai could be buried inside of him. He needed the hanyou, needed him more than he had ever thought possible.
He had never had a relationship in his life, no real ones anyways. His mother had always taught him not to get close to anyone…He had learned the hard way that she was right. Yet here he was, letting someone get so near. Why hadn't he pushed Inuyasha away yet? Why had he made him his lover…his mate?
If it had been anyone else he would have already tossed them to the capricious winds, but Inuyasha was different. They could barely stand each other, they fought all the time, they probably made the worst couple you could think of, and yet…and yet he couldn't even picture spending one more night where the hanyou wasn't curled up beside him in his bed. Was this what a relationship was?... Mush and romance? He sneered in disgust. If this was what it felt like to care for someone, then he would gladly take no feelings at all. Things were just so much easier when you didn't have emotions…Nothing could hurt you, and he had a feeling that what they had done last night was only a time bomb waiting to go off, and when it did he was most certain that it would hurt.
That time bomb only seemed more and more likely when he spotted his mother strolling their way. Shit. Sesshomaru quickly pushed his hair over his shoulder, hiding the mark on his neck from view. Not that that would do much good, another youkai can tell when you have already mated, that's why they always know which ones are available. His mother would know soon enough, and it probably wasn't helping the matter that Inuyasha had decided to wear his hair up in a ponytail.
When he saw sky blue eyes narrow to slits, he knew that there was no way out of this. But really, did he think he was going to be able to hide it? They had barely managed to conceal their past relationship, and there were no marks of ownership then.
His mother now stood in front of him, and looked over Inuyasha's head like he wasn't even in the picture. Inuyasha wasn't short by any means, but he was about a head shorter than Sesshomaru, and Amarante was about level with her son. So that just left Inuyasha standing uncomfortably in the middle of the two's glaring contest…Which Amarante won…Though she did cheat.
Without even a word her hand came flying through the air, smashing into her son's cheekbone and making the loudest slapping sound he had ever heard as it connected. His head whipped to the side, and a stinging sensation filled his cheek from the recent abuse, but it's not like he was surprised. This kind of reaction was expected from her, as a matter of fact the only thing he was surprised about was the fact that she hadn't done worse.
Bringing his head back to the front, Sesshomaru glared at his mother before looking down to see what his hot-tempered lover's reaction was. He scoffed to himself.
To no surprise Inuyasha's eyes were burning with anger, and he could almost imagine his fangs being bared for his treatment. It was kind of sweet if you thought about it…sweet, but ridiculous. Honestly, the thought of Inuyasha protecting him was just laughable. He didn't need anyone to protect him, and he certainly didn't need Inuyasha to.
“Are you insane, Sesshomaru?” She started with barely controlled fury in her voice. “How could you do something so stupid!? You have disgraced this family.” She seethed, and Sesshomaru wouldn't even have been upset by it, if it hadn't been for the way that the constant smile on his lover's face immediately fell only to be replaced by one of worry and deep seeded sadness. He had never thought he would have been so sad to see it go.
Nuzzling his face into his lover's pulled back hair, Sesshomaru whispered reassuringly into his ear. “It's okay, Dagger…We didn't do anything wrong.” Inuyasha leaned back against him, and he held onto the hanyou, loving how his mother's eyes narrowed even further upon their contact. “Now why don't you go see your friends, and I'll join you right after I take care of something.”
Inuyasha looked apprehensive about following those sets of orders, especially since his mother looked like she was about to claw his eyes out. He kept looking back and forth between the two, and Sesshomaru knew that he wasn't going to leave without a little push. He had to get him out though. The last thing he wanted to do was have this conversation in front of him. He berated himself for referring to it as a conversation. What it would be was his mother screaming at him and telling him how big of a mistake he had made…he would take no part in their exchange, but then again that was how it always went. He would be damned if he would let her yell at Inuyasha though. He was still upset that Inuyasha's smile had turned into a frown.
“Inuyasha, it's alright. Her bark is worse than her bite…Isn't that right, Mother?” He turned cold eyes on her, saying through them exactly how he wanted her to respond. It's not like Inuyasha needed to be there. It was always so much easier without the hot-tempered hanyou anyways.
Amarante's eyes traveled temporarily down to Inuyasha, and a fake smile fell to her face, but her rage soon won out and it quickly faded. “Don't worry about my son, Inuyasha, he will be fine.” Was that really the best she could come up with? Though Sesshomaru should be happy with such a civil response, especially since she had said it through clenched teeth and looked about to blow a gasket any second now.
However, it appeared to have the desired results, because Inuyasha nodded and turned around to give him a quick peck on the cheek before waving and running in the other direction. He still looked worried, but Sesshomaru could only do so much. Anyways, why the hell did he care so much whether or not Inuyasha was worried? Why was it that it was suddenly his concern? Most importantly though why was he thinking of this when he was about to have to endure a good deal of bitching coming from the person in front of him. The bitching that would probably be starting any time now.
“Is it your wish for us to be exiled?” Well at least she was consistent. “Inutaishou will never approve of this! He will kill you for defiling his son…your brother. What the hell were you thinking, Sesshomaru!?”
He kept quiet knowing that she didn't really want an answer. She wasn't really done with her ranting. All that that question was really was another excuse for her to yell depending on how he answered it. So, really not in the mood for this right now, he chose to say nothing at all. It was long before the lecturing continued regardless.
“And what about the peace negotiations yesterday?” Sesshomaru bit back the growl in his throat at the very thought of Naraku's deviousness. “You promised him away, Sesshomaru.” She stressed. “You promised he wouldn't be marked.”
Turning cold golden eyes upon his mother, he gave her a look that would have sent the bravest running. “Yeah, well I lied. That filthy cretin will never lay a finger on Inuyasha…He is mine.” His possessive nature flared, but he couldn't help it. Up until they had left the room he had been legitimately happy for the first time in what felt like ages, and yet now he remembered why he never let anyone penetrate his apathetic exterior, because it always turned out bad in the end.
“Wrong.” She bit back. “He is not yours, he is trouble. I knew from the moment I saw him that nothing good would come from having him around.” Sesshomaru rolled his eyes.
“Why mother, because of his breeding?” He couldn't believe he had just asked that question in disgust, when he was still upset about what exactly Inuyasha was himself.
“No.” He looked up at that, and saw how her eyes had relaxed a little, yet there were still smoldering embers in their depths. “Though you choosing a halfbreed is pretty pathetic.” His eyes narrowed at the insult, but he chose to keep quiet. It's not like he hadn't said all that and worse about Inuyasha. “I knew he was trouble by the way he looked at you when he first saw you. I knew he was trouble by the way that he all but threw himself at you every time he saw you.” He couldn't help it, he snorted at that. Well at least someone else was under the impression that Inuyasha threw himself at him…he wasn't alone in that aspect. His short-lived humor stopped though at her next statement. “And I knew he was trouble when I saw how you looked at him, and I knew how much you wanted him.”
Sesshomaru's fist clenched at his sides. Truthfully he didn't know why the statement had upset him so much. Well okay, maybe he did. Maybe the reason he was so upset by that statement was because it was absolutely true. Though the part of him that was still trying to deny that made him scowl on the outside.
“Do you think I don't know all of the reasons I shouldn't have done this?” His voice had become far away and melancholy as the consequences to his actions started to sink in. “I know of no reason why I could have wanted to do what I did, and now that I'm apart from him I see how foolish it was…and yet when I see him, and I see how happy just the thought of being with me makes him I can't help but think that what I did was right.” He couldn't believe he had just said that out loud. He hadn't even really admitted it to himself yet, and he had just said it to probably the worst person possible to make a deep seeded confession to.
His thoughts were brought to reality when his mother's cruel laughter met his ears. Turning his eyes up towards her he saw the bemused look on her face. “Sesshomaru, you talk as if you actually care for this brat.” His eyes narrowed and he grit his teeth. “We both know that you can't care for anyone, Dear.” That's exactly what he had thought, but now he wasn't so sure. “I should have known something like this would have happened after Naraku tried to do this, and after all that had happened between the two of you it shouldn't have surprised me that you would try something like this.”
Sesshomaru's claws tightened into his hand until he could feel the blood roll down his fingers, He didn't like being reminded of what had happened between him and Naraku, and he especially didn't like that event being blamed on what he had done with Inuyasha. It was like it soured the entire thing.
“Naraku has nothing to do with this.” He lied, knowing that one of the main reasons he had claimed Inuyasha was because the demon wanted to take him away. If that were the case though, then why did he feel the need to lie about it? Especially since his mother knew him probably better than anyone else, and as such would know when he lied.
“Of course he does, Sesshomaru.” She stated confidently. “But it doesn't matter. We'll just have to find some way to undo this mess.” She told him as if she were just talking about a stain in the carpet.
Running a hand through his hair, he looked down and made the mistake of thinking out loud. “But what if I don't want to undo it?” Laughter met his ears, and his mother laid a hand on his shoulder.
“My poor child…you look so confused.” She ran a comforting hand through his hair, but just her venomous touch sent shivers down his spine. “Of course this will have to be undone, and if you don't want to do it, then you can bet that my husband will.” Her grin twisted into a sadistic smirk. “Didn't I tell you?” She asked innocently. “Inutaishou is due back any day now, and somehow I don't think he'll be too happy about this mess.” She once more pet his hair. “Sesshomaru, you should consider this little tryst over and done with, because I can assure you his father will.”
With that she gave him one more smirk before walking off in the other direction and leaving Sesshomaru once more in a bad mood.
Inuyasha was bubbling with excitement as he sprinted through the woods to get to his friends' village. Half of him had wanted to stay behind, because he knew just what the conversation was that Sesshomaru had been left behind with. He knew that by him leaving his lover…his mate…that it would cause further problems. But what was he supposed to do, say no? No, that conversation was unavoidable, and the only thing Inuyasha could do was pray that when he returned there Sesshomaru wouldn't hate him again.
Of course that was assuming Sesshomaru had ever stopped hating him in the first place…something he wasn't so sure about. The youkai had told him straight up that his body couldn't resist mating with him, and so that's why he had fought so hard to stay away. So he never had any assumptions that when such an important act took place that it was because he cared for him. That didn't make him any less happy though.
Sesshomaru had given him everything he could ever dream of. He was with the one he loved…they were mates…The rest really didn't matter. He knew that his mate didn't feel the same way for him, but maybe in time he could. If you smother a person with love and kindness then some of that had to eventually wear off on them, right? Then again he wasn't about to smother him…Sesshomaru would leave him in a matter of seconds if he did that.
He skidded to a halt as the grass underneath his feet turned to road, and it was only a matter of time before Kagome, Miroku, or Sango spotted him. He was kinda hard to miss after all, especially with him wearing his bright red fire rat haori. He didn't know what he was going to tell them about Sesshomaru. He just knew that he had to tell them. It was the most important event in his life, and they were the most important people…whatever their reactions might be, he needed to tell them, and some part of him wanted to know what they would say. Because if they didn't approve of it, then who would?
His eyes twinkled with mischief when he spotted Sango and Miroku sitting together in the grass behind his hut. Miroku's hand was slowly making its way towards the demon slayer's ass, and he could already anticipate the red handprint that would soon cover his friend's face.
*slap* He knew it.
Shaking his head, he tiptoed his way up behind them…Miroku would never learn. Though he wasn't entirely sure him and Sango were on totally separate pages, it was just how the monk was going about it. But then again he would have preferred if Sesshomaru would have just grabbed his ass instead of all the hell they had to go through to get together.
“Miroku, you're such a pervert!” The girl shrieked as her hand glowed red from the impact of the hit. Miroku rubbed his sore face, as he laid disheveled on the ground, muttering something about it being totally worth it as he did. When he finally seemed to regain his bearings, he sat back up with a delirious grin plastered on his face.
Inuyasha of course took this distracted moment as the perfect opportunity for him to strike. Grinning like a mad man, he crouched down, and without a thought to the consequences pounced his best friend, sending them both rolling in a heap the rest of the way down the hill he had originally been sitting on.
His vision became blurry as the dizziness from the fall took him over, and he had to roll onto his butt just to stop himself from seeing doubles, but at seeing Miroku's stunned face he knew that it had been worth it. Even when the monk's hand came flying through the air and whacked him on the back of the head he wouldn't have taken his moment of glory back. Plus Sango looked to be relieved from having the lecherous monk away from her for the time being.
“Inuyasha, you're such an ass…can't you see I was kinda busy?” Inuyasha gave him a look that said `oh please' before glancing over at Sango who was walking down the hill to join them.
She of course backed his look up. “You wish, Miroku! Right before Inuyasha arrived I was about to hit you even harder.” She finished, and sat down in the grass next to the two.
Miroku simply grabbed her hands, giving her that winning gaze that he spoon fed all of his women, and the look that Sango seemed immune to. “Oh don't be like that, Sango…You know how much I adore you.” To this she simply scoffed before turning to the hanyou.
“So how did everything go yesterday?” She said raising an eyebrow knowingly. “You look a little too happy to now be Mister...?” She paused. “Well, Mr. whatever the hell Naraku's last name is.”
At this that ridiculously large smile came back to his face, and he had to look away from his friends. Especially from the amused look Miroku was giving him. For some reason he felt hesitant about telling them. It was like it had all been a dream, and if he said it out loud and it never really happened it would destroy his world. But it was real…Inuyasha touched the mark on his neck just to confirm that fact, and knew that he had made a mistake in doing so, because it brought their attention to it.
Miroku gave a low whistle. “Dammmnnn…Tell me that it was Sesshomaru that did that.” He remarked, and Inuyasha hastily nodded.
“Of course it was! Like hell I would let Naraku touch me.” He stated proudly, and tried to ignore the fact that just yesterday he had been considering doing that exact thing. His smile widened when he knew that everything was now out in the open. “We…Well, we mated last night.” He turned sparkling eyes towards them. “He mated with me.”
Miroku and Sango looked at each other, and they shared a knowing look before turning back to him and smiling. “I'm happy for you, Inuyasha,came Sango's good-natured reply, and he got a friendly slap on the shoulder from the monk.
“Yeah man…That's great!...for you.” He finished, and then another smile came to his face. “And I know Kagome will be thrilled. You should have heard her going on and on yesterday about all of this stuff…I thought she was going to die from worry.” Inuyasha once again smiled.
“So you guys don't care?” He asked a little apprehensively. They looked all cheerful on the surface, but there was just something about that look they gave each other that bugged him. He knew they weren't telling him something, but just what that something was he had no idea.
Smirking, Miroku ruffled his hair before playfully slapping him on the cheek. “Are you kidding!? Why would we care?”
Sango finished the rest for him. “Yeah, if anything we're relieved…at least this way we don't always have to hear you pine over him all the time.” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, and crossed his arms, looking indignantly the other way.
“Oh, I didn't know I was such a big inconvenience to you…and here I took time out of my busy schedule to come down and tell you all of this, too. Maybe next time I'll just keep it to myself.” He snorted in defense, but it really wasn't working because that ridiculous happiness kept coming back to the surface and he ended up breaking out into a fit of giggles.
He laughed so hard that his sides ached, and he ended up falling forward in attempt to try to hold them in. His air was wearing thin, and he could tell his face was bright red from the laughter, but for the life of him he couldn't get himself to stop. As a matter of fact he laughed himself hoarse, and only stopped after being punched in the back of the head by his friend.
“Busy my ass…You see, he's already fucked you silly.” This only caused Inuyasha to laugh harder, but he still managed to hear Miroku's voice over his own. “Now can you take some time out of this so-called `busy' schedule of yours to hang out for a bit, or do you have to be getting home like a good little wifey wife.”

Wifey wife?!
Well that certainly sobered him up.
Inuyasha sat up straight, and glared as hard as he could at his friend. “Do. Not. Call. Me. Wifey-Wife.” He growled out, seriously thinking of ripping the belligerent monk's throat out. Imagine…him some trophy wife. Why the hell was he referring to himself as a wife anyways!? He was man dammit!
Miroku was smirking at him, trying to keep his face expressionless. It would only encourage the bastard if he knew it was getting to him. He must have failed in that department though, because he looked quite encouraged. “Alright, alright…I won't call you that.” His smirk widened. “But just to be clear, if there was a husband and a wife…you'd be the wife right?”
Well that did it…Inuyasha stood up fuming from his seat and kicked Miroku as hard as he could in the shin. “I'm not a girl dammit!” he screamed, ignoring Sango's amused grin, or how his friend was rolling around and whining in pain on the ground. Though the question did linger in his mind, and for some reason he pictured Sesshomaru being the wife of their relationship. Inuyasha snorted to himself at the image of his stoic lover in a apron cooking and cleaning for him… If only.
His breathing returned to normal, and he sank back down to the ground as if nothing had ever happened. Scooting closer to him, Sango completely ignored the shrieking monk in-between them and quickly prodded him for answers. “Okay, Inuyasha, since you're going to be here, and since that idiot is out of the way temporarily…Tell me everything!” She said excitedly, and Inuyasha settled into his spot, fully prepared to tell a very long story.
Still smiling, Inuyasha made his way through the castle. Kagome had shown up later and glomped him, expecting answers, and after appeasing both of the females in his life he had been allowed to walk away just before sunset. It was well past dark when he arrived home, and he hoped that Sesshomaru wasn't too mad that he had stayed away for so long.
Inuyasha scoffed to himself. Like hell that would ever happen! The truth of the matter was Sesshomaru was probably happy he had been gone all day. As a matter of fact he would probably be pissed when he realized that he had come home so soon. He couldn't be concerned with that though, because he wanted sex, and Sesshomaru better be in one of his sweet moods and give it to him. That was all there was to it!
The hanyou had worked himself into such a hissy, that he was snarling when he slid the door to Sesshomaru's room open. His anger soon faded when he saw how his lover was just laying in bed reading. No, his anger soon turned to concern when he saw the confused look on that normally blank face. Slipping out of his clothes as quickly as he could, Inuyasha jumped onto the bed, and noticed with some annoyance that it was the first time Sesshomaru had even acknowledged his existence.
“Did you have fun?” The youkai asked disinterestedly as he continued to scan the pages of the book he was reading. He hadn't once even looked at him, and Inuyasha knew now without a doubt that he shouldn't have left Sesshomaru to his own devices all day. He was happy this morning, or at least he didn't look as pissed as he normally did, and now he was back to his same old assholish ways…it was damn annoying.
Now he knew he was playing dirty, but Sesshomaru was really leaving him with no other choice. “Oh yeah…Though Miroku did lecture me for like ever about how I shouldn't have lied to you about who I got deflowered by.” Sesshomaru's narrowed golden eyes turned immediately towards him, and Inuyasha inwardly smirked. That jealousy card really did work every time.
Smirking, Inuyasha unpeeled the covers from a very angry looking inu-youkai, and crawled on top of his body. “What's the matter baby?” He teased. “…jealous?” He smiled at the way Sesshomaru all but winced at the word `baby' and filed it away as an annoying pet name to use later.
For the first time showing some affection, Sesshomaru placed the book on the nightstand and pulled Inuyasha the rest of the way forward so that his mouth rested on the hanyou's neck. Inuyasha sighed in pleasure as butterfly kisses were placed on his bare shoulder, slowly making their way up towards his chin and back down again.
“I might have been jealous if I thought there was the slightest truth to it, but I know that I was your first.” Inuyasha bit his lower lip in pleasure as warm lips sucked on his neck, causing a bluish black mark to already form on his creamy white skin. “And then there's the fact that I'm the only person that can make you do this.” Without warning Sesshomaru sank his teeth into the mating mark on the hanyou's neck, and with a cry of pleasure Inuyasha came all over their stomachs, effectively ruining Sesshomaru's night clothes.
Inuyasha was panting as he rode out his completely unexpected orgasm, collapsing in his mate's arms. “That's not fair!” He mumbled out from his position against Sesshomaru's shoulder. “You cheated…” Even so, he couldn't help but smile.
He sighed in relief as Sesshomaru's arms came up to wrap around him, and he knew that he had persevered through his cold faze, and now didn't need to worry on whether he would get kicked out or not. “Mutt, it's not my fault that you have a weakness. I would be stupid if I didn't exploit it.”
Placing a quick peck on his lover's cheek, Inuyasha decided that he rather liked this teasing game that they were playing. “Oh come on Sesshy…you'd be stupid even if you didn't exploit me.”
He sighed in pleasure as Sesshomaru pulled his mouth to his own, and reveled in the way the youkai's soft tongue gently massaged his own. “Dagger, you make yourself sound like some cheap whore.”
Shaking his head, Inuyasha once more attacked his mouth. After sufficiently using all of his oxygen he pulled back with a smile. “Nah…I'm definitely one of the more expensive ones.” He kissed him again. “Which by the way I'm still waiting for compensation from you…I think we should discuss how you're going to pay me.”
While saying this Inuyasha made quick work of the remnants of the youkai's clothes, and tossed them onto the floor. His movements stilled however when a hand was laid tenderly on his mark. Gold eyes turned to gold eyes and he knew without even having to ask exactly what Sesshomaru meant.
“Oh, that's right.” He said quietly to himself. “You've already paid enough.” Just that one touch had brought back every bit of self-doubt he had been trying to bury under his happiness today. But he couldn't always keep lying to himself. He knew what place he held in this world. He was Sesshomaru's mate for one reason and one reason only…the youkai didn't want to loose him. What with Naraku pressuring him, and Inuyasha threatening to leave he knew without a doubt that he didn't have a lot of options. It was a do or die kind of situation, and Sesshomaru did what he had to in order to succeed. Love or feelings had nothing to do with it.
A surprisingly tender hand stroked his cheek. “That's not exactly what I meant.” Inuyasha gave a smile, but for the first time that day it didn't quite reach his eyes.
“Yeah…but it's probably true.” Pushing himself up on his haunches, he fully intended to roll off of the older inu and try to fall into what he knew would be a restless sleep. He was prevented from doing so, however, by the two arms that wrapped around his waist.
“Don't.” The voice stilled him almost immediately. Inuyasha turned his head towards Sesshomaru and saw that the confused look that he had walked into the room seeing was back on his lover's face. “Don't pretend.”
Inuyasha's head fell to the side at the odd command. Honestly he had no idea what his mate was talking about. “Huh?” Wrapping his arms more securely around his waist, Sesshomaru hoisted Inuyasha into the air and turned them around so that they were both laying wrapped in a tangle of limbs on their sides looking at each other.
“I don't like it when you smile at me like that.” Sesshomaru replied before nuzzling up to his neck. “I want all of the smiles reserved for me to be genuine.” This time a legitimate smile actually did come to his face, and he nuzzled back with just as much vigor.
That was without a doubt the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to him. His heart was tingling with happiness and love. He placed a kiss on Sesshomaru's nose before that smile widened even further. There was just something about such a statement that confused him. He loved hearing it, it was just that… “It's weird, but I never knew you cared about making me happy.” With that he closed his eyes, knowing that tonight's sleep would come with ease.
A.N- Gah! You guys are lucky that I'm such a nice person…I've been puking m guts out for the last two days, but I took the time to post the new chappie…quite sufficiently making me the greatest person alive seeing as how I can barely move…lol. But yeah, I couldn't help it…this chapter is so fluffy! I just wanted one nice chapter where you're like awwww that's so cute…and of course all the smut never hurts wink wink So what did you guys think of it???? I would love to hear back, and thanks so much for reading and reviewing. Luv ya lots.
~*~ PrEvIoUsLy ReCoRdEd ~*~
Oh and a big shout out to Demitria Miriam who betaed this chapter! Thanks soooo much!!!!