InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes ❯ Drunk Off Your Kiss ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

We Will Become Silhouettes
Chapter 12 Drunk Off Your Kiss
Taking in a deep breath, Inuyasha tried to concentrate as he pulled his muscles taut and brought the sword around in a fluid motion. He had been in the training hall for the past two hours trying to get his mind off of his messed up life, and so far it wasn't going near as well as he had hoped. With a growl he sliced down towards the practice dummy and ended up slicing off its arm.
It had almost been a month since he had mated with Sesshomaru. A month. His father was supposed to have been back in a day or so after it happened, and yet not only was he not back but he seemed to have disappeared off the map. Inuyasha knew in his gut that he wasn't dead, but just because he knew he wasn't dead didn't mean that he still couldn't worry.
With a cry he plunged forward, stabbing the dummy right through the heart…that is if he had a heart. Inuyasha couldn't help but jump as two arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him backwards into an embrace. How could he have missed him enter? Had he been that distracted? He scoffed to himself. He had let himself be too distracted to be able to sense the main person he was distracted about.
As far as he knew it was still early in the day, and so Inuyasha let some of his anger go and reveled in the backwards embrace he was receiving. Well he was taking comfort in it until Sesshomaru's hands became a little more exploratory and he ended up with one down his pants and the other twisting his nipple in the sensual yet painful way the youkai knew he loved.
Blood rushed from his head at just the feeling that touch could awaken, but he wasn't ready to just give in so quickly. After all the main reason he was so adamant about beating the shit out of something with his sword was because of this. “What Sessh did you get horny already?” He kept none of venom he was feeling out of his voice as he muttered sarcastically. “And here it's usually night time before you just use me for sex.”
At his harsh words the hand retreated from his pants, and Sesshomaru used the leverage he had from the hand on the hanyou's chest to twist him around. Just the sight of his mate made him loose a lot of that conviction he had been beating into everything in sight all morning. But he knew he couldn't let himself slip. He couldn't, he quickly corrected himself…No, he wouldn't be treated like just some sex toy.
He hadn't even talked to Sesshomaru for almost a month. As a matter of fact the youkai took great means to avoid him. He was cold and distant during the day if you could find him, but that didn't stop him from summoning Inuyasha to his room every night and screwing his brains out. Oh, that wasn't entirely true, on the night of the new moon Sesshomaru refused to even touch him.
Apparently now that he could get him anytime he wanted he didn't need to stomach fucking him as a human. Though Inuyasha's mood was lightened that night, because not only did Sesshomaru not screw him and leave him, but also he stood guard beside him all night. There was something extremely sexy about such a powerful youkai watching over you with such fierce protectiveness. Of course he was sure that to anyone else witnessing it they'd be feeling immense terror instead of arousal, but that was beside the point. The point was that that had been the one time since they had done it they Inuyasha had really felt like he was Sesshomaru's mate, but then afterwards he turned into the same dick he was before.
Inuyasha must have been glaring due to the memory of it all, because Sesshomaru's hand shot out to smooth out the lines in his face and bring his attention back to present. “I don't use you for sex.” His mate stated reassuringly, but he really couldn't feel all that much better about it. Sticking feathers up your but does not make you a chicken, and saying something does not make it true.
It had occurred to him that he had no right to be upset about this. It's not like he hadn't known why Sesshomaru had mated with him, and it certainly wasn't because he loved him. He had done it to protect him from Naraku, who Amarante had been doing the best she could to make sure he knew nothing of this affair. Sesshomaru had done it out of some sick need to possess him. Yet Inuyasha knew the main reason his lover had mated him. The main reason he had had his dreams fulfilled that night was because Sesshomaru wanted to fuck him. He knew it was all about the sex, he had known it from the start, and so why is it that he was getting so bent out of shape when that's all that they did?
“Yes you do.” He found himself saying. “But I don't care.” The hanyou shrugged, not noticing the dark look on Sesshomaru's face as he did so. “Feel free to use me as much as you want…it is your right after all.”
Sesshomaru's eyes had narrowed to slits as his voice became as cold as ice. “My right?” If he had been in his right state of mind at all he probably would have thought about being intimidated by that look and backing down, but he was much too out of it by that point to care.
Meeting his penetrating gaze, Inuyasha managed to get out his next statement with as much conviction as he could muster. “Yes, your right. This is why you took me, isn't it?”
He immediately regretted his statement, because for the first time ever, Inuyasha saw a flash of pain in his lover's face as he visibly flinched at the statement. Just that little bit of pain cut Inuyasha to the bone, and he was about to take back everything he had said…unfortunately Sesshomaru beat him to the punch.
“I can never make you happy, can I?” Inuyasha's brow creased with worry at the youkai's morose voice, and yet he couldn't bring himself to deny the statement. “I've given up my entire life for you…I made you my mate…I've let you see a part of me no one else ever has, and yet you're still not satisfied.” Sesshomaru hand reached out, cupping the hanyou's cheek and making him shudder in pleasure. “Tell me, what it is you want from me Dagger.” Sesshomaru pulled him in close so that his breath was against his mate's sensitive ear. “What do I have to do to make you happy?”
Honestly, he never thought he could feel so terrible in his life. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he make someone emit such pain in their voice? “Sesshomaru you know I adore you, and I am happy most of the time…it's just.” Inuyasha trailed off, not really knowing how to even get what he was feeling out in words.
That is until Sesshomaru leaned forward, brushing their lips together in a kiss that left him begging for more. His eyes were closed as his lover's mouth made it's way to his ear, licking along the cartilage and slightly biting down. “It's just what?”
Leaning forward, Inuyasha buried his face in his mate's chest, trying with all his might not to loose it. “I want you.”
Inuyasha sighed in pleasure as two arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him further into the embrace. “You already have me.” Inuyasha blinked away the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes at the confession. It seemed he was crying a lot more lately. He'd be pissed about the fact that he was turning into some whimpering girl if it wasn't for the fact that he really couldn't think of anything except how good it felt to be held like this. Well that is until he realized one thing.
“No I don't.” He calmly stated, and pulled out of their embrace. “I have your body…your affections…but I don't have all of you.” A stray tear slid down the hanyou's cheek, and he quickly wiped it away. The last thing he needed was for Sesshomaru to see him bawl like the stupid brat that he already thought he was. “I don't have your love Sesshomaru…and I thought it wouldn't matter, but there's just something about unrequited love that tends to burst your happy bubble.”
Sesshomaru stood there in uncomfortable silence for what seemed like an eternity. “You ask too much of me Inuyasha.” Said hanyou visibly flinched. Sesshomaru only ever used his name when he was being extremely sweet or when he was extremely pissed, and he had a feeling that it wasn't the former this time.
He knew that he should be eating his own words. He knew that he should just apologize and pray that he still even got sex, but he couldn't. An irrational anger came over him, and instead of apologizing like he should have been, he ended up yelling.
“Like hell I do!” He growled. “Do you think you're the only one that's sacrificed things here?” He tossed the sword down to the floor, trying to ignore the clattering noise it made as it slid along the ground. “I've put you before my family! My friends! I've put you before everything and all that I asked was for you to give a crap about me a little bit more than just being inside me!”
Sesshomaru's face took on a wave of emotions Inuyasha didn't even know he had. They went from anger, to shock, to what he thought was aroused, to pissed off, and finally back to it's cold blank self. Inuyasha found it amazing at how he seemed to be the only one capable of making these hidden emotions come out. If he wasn't in such a heated argument right now, he might have just `awwd' at the thought. Those simpering thoughts would have to be reserved for a later date though, because as of this moment nothing that his stepbrother did was aww worthy.
“I should have known when I saw you training that I should have never bothered you. The only time you ever deem it necessary is when you're being bitchy.” Sesshomaru bit out. “Well I don't have time to deal with you when you're like this.” The youkai spun on his heel, doing well to call over his shoulder before heading out. “Come find me when you're not being suck an idiot.” And he was gone before he even heard Inuyasha's screamed out reply of `fuck you asshole!' yelled at his back…This was turning out to be a pretty shitty day and it hadn't even really started yet. He needed a distraction, and he knew just where to look.
His throat burned as he chugged the stinging liquid that he was continually handed. This was just wrong. Getting completely drunk of his ass was one thing, but getting completely drunk off his ass with Kouga was another thing entirely.
Inuyasha's head was starting to spin from both thoughts and the constant alcohol being poured down his throat. He had run as fast as he could out of the castle, and for no particular reason his feet had led him here. No, there was definitely a reason behind it.
Kouga was probably the only person in the world he could just spill his problems to that wouldn't judge him. The wolf had looked rather shocked when he had found him practically at his doorstep, but he had still allowed him entry. Though that didn't surprise him, the mangy fleabag still owed him big time for helping him out with the birds of paradise.
“So mutt you gonna tell me what happened, or are you just going to keep diminishing my sake supply.” Just to spite him Inuyasha took another a deep gulp of the jug of rice wine he had been given.
“Don't call me tha!...” He slurred. “He calls me that, and it sounds weird knowing that I'm nots about tah get fucked.” He smiled deviously, not knowing how much he sounded like a drunk imbecile at the moment.
The wolf just sat there entertained for a few moments before his horny side kicked in. “Well you know dog breath I could always fill in his roll.” Inuyasha's head tilted to the side in question. In truth he was a little too gone by this point to understand innuendos, and well his head wasn't as heavy when it was lying like that.
To prove how completely gone his brain was by that point, he didn't even protest when Kouga leaned forward and pulled him close, going to nibble on the base of his chin. Inuyasha sighed in content, ignoring the warning bells going off in his head. What was he doing wrong again? Kouga's kisses started to travel down his neck. Kagome would be pissed if she saw this, and someone else…someone would be really mad if they saw this.
His white mane proved to be an excellent obstacle to stop Kouga in his tracks. The wolf reached out to brush his long hair away, but as soon as it did the sight completely stopped him in his devious tracks.
“Holy shit! You mated with him?” Mated? Inuyasha's eyes widened to saucers, as everything seemed to immediately click into place. Using the best right hook he could, he immediately slammed it into Kouga's face, enjoying the crack it made, as it no doubt cracked his chin.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” He screamed. Inuyasha jumped up to his feet, coming to stand over Kouga's huddled body. He was seriously debating whether or not to start kicking the bastard over and over in the ribs. “I came here to get a distraction from my problems with Sesshomaru…not make more of them!” He growled. He was gesturing wildly with his hands as he fumed with his still toxicity clouded anger. “And anyways what the hell were you thinking? Isn't touching a mated demon a big no no?”
Groaning, Kouga managed to get himself up into a sitting position. “Damn Inuyasha you pack one hell of a punch.” He rubbed at his sore face. “And yes it's a big no no…honestly do you think I wanna get myself killed?” The wolf managed to give him a smirk. “You're hot, but you're definitely not that hot.”
Giving an audible grunt, Inuyasha fell cross-legged to the floor. “Then why did you do it?” He mumbled grumpily. He still wasn't at the right capacity to know the full weight of the consequences of what had just happened, but he knew that he had a reason to be really pissed about it.
“Kags mentioned that you got together with that hot tempered stepbrother of yours, but I didn't think she meant that he mated with you.” He paused in thought. “Wait a sec…how is that even possible?” He asked to himself and then turned his attentions to the still fuming hanyou. “Isn't your father away?”
Inuyasha nodded, not knowing why Kouga's eyes had widened to fearful saucers. He gave a low whistle as he looked at him appreciatively. “Wow…so glad I'm not you right now.” He grimaced. “Or more importantly I'm glad I'm not in your lover boy's place…I shudder at just the thought.”
“What are you talking about?” Inuyasha asked annoyed, but inside he was dying to know why Kouga looked so horrified by the thought. What did it matter if his father was there when it happened? Come to think of it, Sesshomaru had mentioned something about that to, but at the time he was way too interested in getting laid to pay attention to anything his mate said. He made a vow then to always to try to listen more carefully to the things Sesshomaru said during sex instead of just moaning for him to fuck him harder.
“You're a demon Inuyasha…or at least half one, how is it you don't know this?” Inuyasha's eyes narrowed as he once more grabbed his sake jug, swallowing a big gulp of the fiery substance. He didn't like the patronizing tone Kouga was using with him at all, and he had a feeling that he might need to get much more drunk before this day was over.
Okay so he knew that he skipped all of his classes explaining about these kinds of things, but he wasn't completely unaware of the process. Yet Sesshomaru, Kouga, and that bitch Amarante seemed to know something he didn't. Well if this whole `secret' was such a big deal then why didn't one of them just tell him! He fumed to himself.
“Kouga just fuck off and tell me what the hell you're talking about!” He snapped. He had now gone past his dumb drunk faze, and now he was going into the angry mode. It wouldn't take long before he was in his horny phase, and he really hoped that he was back with Sesshomaru when he was.
Biting his lip, it seemed like Kouga was debating on how much information to divulge. “Like hell I'm gonna be the one to tell you…Ask Sesshomaru about it.” Apparently he had decided on not fucking much.
“Thanks fleabag…you were soooo much help.” He hissed sarcastically, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring full heartily at the unhelpful bastard. “Just what I needed…more drama! It's not bad enough that Sessh is only in this to just get into my pants, but now apparently there's some huge problem with it!”
Inuyasha was stressing himself out over the whole thing, and the alcohol wasn't working to numb him out near as well as he would have hoped. Golden eyes glared. It also didn't help that the bastard sitting across from him with the swollen face kept snickering on his behalf. “What exactly do you find so damn funny?”
“You!” The wolf answered without thinking. Inuyasha just glared harder, and was debating on whether or not to pummel him again. “You worry too much mutt face...Now I only met the guy once, but he was fuckin scarily possessive of you. I don't think anyone would be that obsessed over just a good fuck!”
“But that's just it!” Inuyasha cut in before he couldn't even think about the words that were pouring out of his mouth. “He only did it to possess me!” Fears he had yet to confide in anyone. “Naraku wanted to mate me, and so Sesshomaru did it before he could get the chance, and now there's gonna be like this huge war once that sadistic bastard finds out we've broken the treaty agreement…and it's all my fault!”
Well that certainly took the smug look off of Kouga's face. He shouldn't have said any of that. He was supposed to keep their treaty arrangements as quiet as possible to try to postpone Naraku finding out for as long as they could. But really, who the hell would Kouga tell?
Grimacing, Kouga reached out and pat him reassuringly on the shoulder. “Damn man I had no idea your life was so complicated…” He guiltily looked away. “And I don't exactly pity what you're about to walk into either.” Damn…more of that cryptic warning shit. He didn't need this right now!
“Kouga, yeh bastard, shut the hell up!” Reaching over into the wolf tribe's private storage, Inuyasha pulled out two more jugs of sake. He handed one to the speculating wolf and kept the other for himself. “If you want to be useful then just drink with me and try to help me through my problems.”
Grinning like a shark, Kouga anxiously grabbed the jug of wine. “Okay I'm in dog breath…” His eyes turned mischievous. “But why we're at it why don't we make a game of it?”
Inuyasha scoffed. He had seen that look on the wolf's face way too often to not know exactly what it is it meant. “I'm not sleeping with you, yeh piece of shit!”
“Like I would.” Kouga immediately shot back, and in Inuyasha's inebriated state he actually took that as an offense. Kouga seemed to notice his hurt face, for he waved his hands out in front of him in apology. “Oh no, I would love to sleep with you!” He shot back with. “But it's just that you're marked now, and if I'd tried I'd be murdered before it was even getting good…mates can tell when their partner is unfaithful you know.” He stated with confidence.
Inuyasha couldn't help but let his mouth drop a little at that. Your mate could really tell if you were unfaithful? Is that why touching a mated demon was completely off limits? But then what if you were mated to someone who just didn't give a shit? The hanyou countered himself in his brain. Then again the two wouldn't have mated if they didn't give a shit about each other. He countered himself once more. That wasn't entirely true, he supposed, because Sesshomaru had mated with him and he didn't give a shit. Though that didn't mean that he didn't care about him cheating. No, he'd probably kill whatever unlucky bastard he chose to cheat with many times over if he ever found out. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he decided that drunk ponderings were never a good idea.
“So if you don't want to screw me, then what the hell game are you talking about?” Laughing, Kouga leaned forward so that he could playfully ruffle the hanyou's hair.
“Aww my mutt has lost his innocence!” He cried out dramatically. “That sex god of yours has corrupted you into thinking such devious thoughts…I'll never have my quirky little retard to mess with anymore!” He finished in exasperation.
Growling, Inuyasha hit him over the side of the head to get him to shut up. “Seriously shut the hell up Kouga!” He barked out, but inside he couldn't help but being mildly amused. As a matter of fact he was so amused that he couldn't help but tease his almost friendly acquaintance a little bit. “Besides…I was never innocent.” He said with seduction in his voice, but after realizing who he was saying it to his seduction tactics failed and he ended up bursting out with laughter.
His lungs burned from lack of air and his face was hot, and yet he still couldn't bring himself to stop laughing. When his quells of laughter finally did stop he couldn't help but notice the completely deadpanned look covering the wolf youkai's face. After a few moments of silent staring, he finally managed to get out. “You know you're completely off your nut, right?”
Inuyasha laughed to himself again. He was glad that he had left the estate for a while. It felt good to just get away and laugh like the happy-go-lucky hanyou he used to be. “Yeah…well if you had to deal with half the shit I do you'd be pretty crazy too.”
Kouga raised his jug of sake. “Dully noted…now how bout that drinking contest?” Inuyasha quirked an eyebrow. Why is it that just something as simple as a drinking contest could rouse such suspicions inside of him when suggested from the wolf's mangy lips?
“Well that all depends fleabag…what does the winner get?” He asked in suspicion. Even if the bastard had finally agreed to stop molesting him every two seconds, he wasn't going to believe anything until he got undeniable truth.
The wolf tsskd, and waggled his finger in front of him. “Now now what did I tell you about getting your mind out of the gutter?” Inuyasha scoffed. It was just laughable hearing such a statement coming from the horniest thing on two legs. “This game is much more simple. We both try to chug our jugs of sake, and whoever finishes first gets to ask one question…no matter what that question might be.”
That was it? What were they, 13 year old village girls? What possible harm could come from answering a question? Especially since he told everybody everything, and so no question asked could possibly faze him. Nodding to the stupid wolf, Inuyasha brought the jug of sake to his lips. “You're on wolf…but just know that you're gonna lose.”
“Whatever dog breath…let's get it started already so that I can bask in my victory.” Kouga brought the jug to his lips, and counted down with his fingers, 5…4…3…2…1
At one Inuyasha took off. He gulped the fiery liquid as quickly as he possibly could. The swallows he was taking would have normally have made him break out into a fit of coughs, but he barreled through the pain in his chest and just kept swallowing. He knew that he probably shouldn't have drank so much before, because all of his alcohol consumption was starting to make him heavy headed.
His brain was starting to loose focus as his limbs felt like they all had a thousand pound weights on them. Yet he kept going through the hazy feeling. The jug in his hand was getting immensely lighter as his body was getting heavier. The thing that pissed him off the most though was that Kouga didn't seem to be having any of his problems. Though he would have to chalk that up to the fact that Kouga hadn't been drinking near as heavy as he was before this.
He really could have beat the crap out of himself for ever agreeing to such a stupid game when Kouga pulled the jug away with a smug smirk on his face just as Inuyasha was taking his last gulp.
“Aww too bad mutt…fast, but not quite fast enough.” In his befuddled anger, Inuyasha chucked the jug across the room, reveling in sound it made as it smashed against the wall. Okay, so he never really was a good sport about things, and he especially wasn't a good sport when he was so drunk that he could hardly form thoughts anymore.
Flopping down onto his back, Inuyasha placed an arm over his eyes, trying with all his might to quell the fact that everything was spinning. All he wanted to do was crash here and wake up when he wasn't feeling so dead. Kouga, however, seemed to have other plans entirely.
Just as he was about to pass out, Inuyasha was annoyingly prodded in the shoulder. “Oh come on you can't go to sleep!” Peeling his arm away Inuyasha turned blurry eyes towards Kouga's three heads. “I get to ask you a question mutt…and I'm not about to let you get out of my prize just because you can't hold your liquor!” Kouga bit out, and it could have just been his fuzzy senses, but Inuyasha could have sworn he was slurring.
“Fine wolf…ask whatever you want.” He lifted himself up onto his elbows to prevent falling asleep. “I don't know why you care so much…it was a dumb prize to begin with.”
“So you think.” He countered. “But you see mutt ever since you told me your story, this question has been burning holes into my mind.” He gave him a sideways smirk. “And since I knew that you would never answer it truthfully under any other circumstances I had no choice but to get you totally plastered and make it a contest.” Inuyasha's eyes furrowed. For the first time since this had been suggested he couldn't help but feel a little nervous about what was going to be asked of him. He knew that he would have answered honestly to anything the wolf asked, or at least he thought he would, so why was it that youkai was taking such extreme measures just to ask him one question?
“Ask away bastard…nothing you could ask could possibly worry me.” The truth of the matter was the asshole probably just wanted to ask him a question about his and Sesshomaru's sex life.
“Would you have said yes to Naraku's proposition?” And that of course was when Inuyasha took back everything he had thought earlier about this question being harmless.
Gulping in worry, Inuyasha completely sat the rest of the way up. Kouga was giving him that smug look, and for the first time the hanyou couldn't bring himself to get annoyed by it. That question…it had been the same one he had been asking himself since the day Sesshomaru and him mated.
If Sesshomaru hadn't claimed him, would he have gone to Naraku instead? He had been so jealous and spiteful at that point. All he had wanted to do was hurt Sesshomaru in any way possible…Oh and there was also that whole keeping his lands from going to war thing that was also there to consider. Turning hollow golden eyes to meet Kouga's blue ones he answered the very question he had been stressing over for a month out loud to what felt like the least likely person to ever be on the receiving in. “Yes Kouga.” He answered monotonously, and sickened him to have even said such a travesty out loud. “I would have let him take me if Sesshomaru hadn't.”
The darkness etched itself into his skin as he slid open the door to his home, hoping beyond hope that it would just swallow him up and make him forget all about this awful day. That realization from his time with Kouga hadn't come cheap, and now all he wanted to do was crawl up into a hole somewhere and die.
Was he really so petty? He thought back on the last month, and about all the times Sesshomaru had made love to him and called beautiful. He thought back to how sweet his mate could be when they were being intimate and almost gagged on his own tongue. Had he really been prepared to give all of that up? Did his jealousy run that deep? He knew that he could lie to himself all that he wanted to and say that it was because he wanted to protect the people of his lands, but deep down he knew that it wasn't anything quite so noble. No, the reason he was going to let Naraku have him was because he wanted to push all of Sesshomaru's buttons and make him do exactly what it is he did.
He had manipulated the entire thing to his advantage, and then he actually had the gall to get angry at Sesshomaru when he didn't act all lovey dovey all the time. If he were the youkai he wouldn't either. His lover had been forced into this, and Inuyasha was amazed that he was being as nice as he was. Sesshomaru was right…he was a brat and nothing could ever make him happy. He didn't deserve his stepbrother's love…yet even as he said this to himself over and over again he couldn't help but yearn for it with ever fiber of his being.
Inuyasha was still very much in a drunken haze as he headed towards Sesshomaru's room…their room…he wasn't sure what it was. Except for the time they had mated, the two had spent every night together in the youkai's room, and so he really wasn't sure how to instill ownership anymore. Of course that wasn't saying that he didn't think his lover had any qualms about kicking him out of the bedroom as soon as he stepped foot in it…After all there was probably a pretty good chance he was still pissed about what happened earlier.
He could deal with being drunk, really he could, but what he couldn't deal with was being in `emotional drunk faze' Tears were starting to well up in his eyes already as he formed a pity party for himself in his head. He just really wished his horny side kicked in as soon as possible. The last thing in the world he needed was for Sesshomaru to see him completely break down and start bawling. Though it's not exactly like it would be a new occurrence, but he did try to keep his image of being a man up as much as possible. For just once, even if it was a misconception, he would like someone to think for just once that he held the pants in their relationship. Seriously though, he didn't know what it was about him to everyone else that just seemed to scream uke.
Finally making it to the outside of the door leading to his mate, he couldn't help but pause just outside. How many times had he been in this position? How many times had he stood just out of reach of the one he loved and felt nothing but insecurity? He had no idea how Sesshomaru would treat him after their fight this morning. He didn't have a clue whether his lover even wanted him in his bed tonight. He was already irritable enough when he was clear headed, but with him being so intoxicated there was a good chance the youkai would be down right nasty. Hell he didn't even know if he should knock on the door or not. What did that say about the two of them? What did that say about where their future was heading?
“What are you doing out here?” Inuyasha nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the voice behind him. He had been so far lost in his thoughts that didn't even notice Sesshomaru sneak up on him…for the second time in one day. Not only that, but he hadn't even realized that his lover wasn't even in his room to begin with. Though he didn't feel near as bad about that one, because he could always just chalk it up to his muddle senses.
Speaking of his muddled senses…they seemed to turn off entirely. As soon as he felt his mate's warm breath against his nape, he completely lost all track of what he had come here to do. He lost track of anything except the immense need to feel those lips against his…be as near to the one he craved as possible. So yeah, you could definitely say that he had now entered horny mode and it didn't seem like he would be switching for quite a while.
Without hesitation Inuyasha spun around and crashed his lips to Sesshomaru's. He could tell that the older inu was shocked, but that didn't stop him from kissing back just as heatedly. As a matter of fact he was the one to deepen the kiss. Pushing his tongue past Inuyasha's defenses, his lover invading his awaiting mouth, taking great care to caress every bit of flesh he could come in contact with while simultaneously massaging the hanyou's tongue with his own.
Inuyasha closed his eyes in delight, as he was pulled closer. His mate's hand came to the back of his head, pulling their mouths as close as they could possibly be without them becoming one person. He could feel Sesshomaru's excitement against his leg, and it only furthered to make him even more weak in the knees as his mouth was probed so hard that he saw stars in a way only Sesshomaru could do.
He pulled away only when his lungs were screaming to be replenished, and only then he just took a gasp and was dead set on continuing, but a hand on his mouth stopped him before he could complete his assault. He looked up into Sesshomaru's golden depths and almost came right there when he saw how much desire was willowing in those depths…desire for him.
“You taste like sake…I think I could get drunk from just kissing you.” He really knew that it hadn't been in the context he was thinking of, but Inuyasha couldn't help but smile at the statement.
Wrapping his arms around Sesshomaru's slim waist, he leaned in so that their lips were barely brushing. “Sessh…” He moaned. “I always get drunk off your kisses.” It didn't take long for the youkai to once more crush their mouths together to an almost painful level.
There was a desperation behind that kiss that Inuyasha had never felt from his lover before. If he had to take a guess he would say that their fight had affected Sesshomaru almost as much as it had himself. He theory was greatly backed up when the youkai's hand grabbed his and brought it down to his still clothed erection.
“Touch me.” The statement was like the most effective aphrodisiac on the market. Sesshomaru almost whined the request, but even if he hadn't it still would have shaken the hanyou to the sore. His mate had always been the more dominate one in their relationship, as a matter of fact he was hardly even allowed to touch the youkai unless his white haired god was in the mood. So to hear such a plea coming from those lips was enough to shake him to the core.
His groin tightened as he took pleasure in the strained look on Sesshomaru's face as he ghosted his hand across his problem, making sure to create just enough friction to turn him wild. Leaning forward, he latched onto his mate's ear, giving it a tug between his teeth. “Oh I will baby…” Inuyasha couldn't help that smirk that came to his face at the wince he received. His pet name succeeded every time in getting a rise out of its owner. “But let's go to bed first.” He requested.
He didn't really feel comfortable with being screwed out in the middle of a hallway. They always had horrible luck of being caught when they were in private, let alone out in the middle of the palace where anyone could see. There was also the fact that his protectiveness was kicking in, and he would damned if he let anyone see Sesshomaru like this other than himself.
Sesshomaru pulled him forwards, connecting their lips again while simultaneously wrapping one leg around his waist and pushing his way through the door. It didn't take long once they were inside for the inu-youkai to pick him up by his waist and completely toss him forwards onto the bed.
Honestly he had no idea why his lover was being so aggressive, but when it came down to it he could care less. There was just something damn sexy about such a powerful and in control person reeking of such lust that it took all the effort he had not to cream his pants as he watched Sesshomaru teasingly strip out of all of his formal attire.
Inuyasha was about to do the same, but his eyes became fixated on his stepbrother's strip show instead. Sesshomaru was slowly and sensuously sliding his kimono off of his shoulder…inch by inch revealing the creamy flesh underneath to the world. The hanyou's breathing turned haggard as his eyes dilated in on the spot on his lover that belonged only to him. The mark on the youkai's shoulder still burned a deep red and hadn't quite scarred yet, but Inuyasha had a sneaky suspicion that that was because he always had a tendency to bite it during sex. Though in defense he wasn't near as bad about it as Sesshomaru…his own mating mark was reopened so many times in a day that it still bled some of the time.
There was just something completely alluring to know that the one of the sexiest and most powerful creatures ever to exist belonged to you. Now normally he never thought of the youkai as a possession, because that was more Sesshomaru's forte…and the thought was just laughable, but it did have some endearing qualities to it. Sesshomaru could have had anyone he wanted. He was sure that nobody could turn down his mate's charms, and yet he had chose to belong to Inuyasha. Yes, of course he had the hanyou, but he could have had that no matter what. Inuyasha wasn't an idiot, he knew that there was no way he would have ever denied Sesshomaru anything he wanted regardless of whether or not they had mated, and yet they had. Sesshomaru had given himself to him, and this was the only price he asked. So who was he to deny the person he loved most what he wanted?
Inuyasha's hands reached the sash of his yukata, and he noticed how Sesshomaru's eyes were honed in like a hawk to every movement he made. His lover wanted him now…there would be no foreplay involved tonight. As a matter of fact he had a sneaky suspicion that he was going to wake up quite sore the next day.
Sitting up, he quickly shrugged the irksome clothing off of his shoulders so that he stood bare. “You're not gonna last too long are yeh?” Inuyasha almost grinned at the steely way his lover shook his head no. “We're not going to prepare first, are we?” He asked with hesitation. He gulped in nervousness as he received that same pliant shake of the head.
Taking a deep breath, the hanyou quickly resigned himself to his fate of hard and painful sex, and by the time he exhaled he was completely okay with it. Rough sex was always the best…even if it did hurt like a bitch afterwards. Giving his lover that one fanged smirk that he knew never failed to get him off, Inuyasha flipped himself over onto his stomach and then got up on his knees so that his ass was facing Sesshomaru. Once he was done maneuvering he looked over his shoulder with that same smirk. “Well then I might as well easy access, huh?”
Turning back around, Inuyasha waited in anticipation for what he knew was about to come. “You spoil me Dagger.” Was all he heard before his hips were roughly grabbed and he was pulled backwards so that he was impaled upon Sesshomaru.
He screamed his lungs out as his insides ripped as they were stretched to unnatural lengths. He knew that he had asked for it, and he knew he should be used to it, but he could never get passed the pain that came from when Sesshomaru took him dry. Inuyasha's hands clenched into the bed sheets, trying to get used to the feeling of Sesshomaru being sheathed inside of him. Sadly him and his lover had gone through this routine one too many times, and it seemed the youkai's sympathy meter had ended long ago, because he didn't even wait for him to get settled before he started to thrust.
Sesshomaru was going harder on him then he normally did, and although Inuyasha certainly wasn't complaining about having his mate inside of him, he couldn't stop the grunts of pain that escaped him as the youkai thrust mercilessly into his depths. A handful of his hair was grabbed, and he was pulled backwards to that they were cheek to cheek.
“Oh don't be such a baby pet…I know you like it rough.” A shudder of pleasure racked his body as Sesshomaru trailed a hot tongue up his face as his other hand trailed down to his neglected weeping erection. “Just look how hard you are.”
Inuyasha once more cried out, but this time it was purely from pleasure. Sesshomaru continued to thrust mercilessly inside of him, and as he did Inuyasha knew one thing…his lover was very angry at him. He hadn't said so, but the hanyou could just feel his anger emitting off of him in waves. He hadn't forgotten about earlier, and it seemed that Sesshomaru had found a new way to alleviate his rage.
His lover was matching his every thrust with a stroke, and the harder Sesshomaru thrust, the closer and closer he came to the edge. Inuyasha felt like every nerve he had was singing. It was like there was a fire searing between them, and it would burn them both if they weren't careful.
Sesshomaru's sweat slick body leaned over his own, pulling him up against his body. With one final thrust the youkai clamped down on his mating mark, causing Inuyasha to cry out in release and clamp down, making Sesshomaru release inside of him, feeling him with his essence.
Inuyasha was still spasming onto the bed when he was promptly flipped over. Sesshomaru quickly crawled on top of him, already hoisting his legs onto his shoulders. “I'm not done with you yet.” He replied with confidence as he leaned down to connect their mouths.
It was in that moment that something snapped inside the hanyou, and he couldn't help but scream. “No! Stop it!” Kicking out, he managed to knock Sesshomaru off of him as he struggled to get to the other side of the bed. He covered his mouth as choked sobs escaped it. Tears were pouring in buckets down his face as all of his earlier anxieties came back to him ten fold. Sesshomaru was angry at him, that's why he had treated him that way. This wasn't fair! He shouldn't be so upset over this!
He gritted his teeth as his whole body broke out into shakes as he tried to hold his shoulders to still himself. He was going to kill Kouga for getting him drunk! His body curled up on itself and he grabbed the sides of his head, willing himself to go back to normal.
“Inuyasha what the fuck is wrong with you?” Sesshomaru growled. All it did though was to further the sobs coming from the hanyou's throat. He sounded so angry, and it was all his fault…He had done this to Sesshomaru…He was the one that had made him so unhappy.
Before he even knew what he was saying he was letting all of his emotional insecurities slip past his lips as he snuggled into a fetal position against a pillow. “I'm so sorry that you got roped into being with me!...I'm a terrible person.” He sobbed. “I said I was going to choose Naraku, and so I manipulated you into taking me as a mate…You deserve so much better than me!”
“You're so stupid.” Inuyasha jumped, but he didn't struggled when two arms wrapped around his waist. He tried to hide his tear stained face as much as possible as he was pulled into Sesshomaru's lap. “You have serious issues, you know that right?” The youkai asked before placing a kiss on his temple. “Now I'm going to tell you a secret, but I want you to promise me something first.”
Secret? In his befuddled state, Inuyasha couldn't help but perk up at the chance to hear a secret of his mate's…They knew such little of each other after all. Though he did have to promise something first, and coming from Sesshomaru who knew what the hell that could be. Still, his curiosity got the better of him in the end. “What do you want me to promise?” He was still a little shaky, but just being in his lover's arms could do a world of difference.
Sesshomaru tipped his face up before placing a chaste kiss on his lips. “You're going to promise me that you'll never drink again…it makes you even more of a basket case then you already are, and that's really saying something.”
Inuyasha scoffed to himself. Like he was ever going to drink again after this disastrous night anyways. “Feh…I promise.” He replied gruffly, still holding a deep grudge against sake and everything it stood for.
“Good, now on to your reward.” He hugged the hanyou closer to his body. “Don't stress yourself out over my decision, because that's just what it was. I wouldn't have taken you for my mate if I hadn't wanted to, and you're more of an idiot than I thought if you think you somehow manipulated me into doing this.” Sesshomaru lifted his chin so that he was staring into golden depths. “I'm with you because I want to be, and it's not just so I have a hole to fuck…it's because I legitimately want to be with you.”
He fought back the smile threatening to form on his face. That had been exactly what he had been longing to hear, and yet he couldn't help but be a little weary. Sesshomaru's words usually tended to be very tricky. They were like poisonous darts of pleasure…at the time they could send you to cloud 9, but they tended to usually have some nasty side effects.
Though in the end he gave in. He always gave in when Sesshomaru graced him with some nice words or a sweet comment….He was such a sucker. A huge smile cracked his face as he twisted himself while upon his mate's lap. “I'm gonna hold you to that Sessh…and I don't wanna hear it spit back into my face either…like `you're just useless hole to fuck' or something”
Situating himself, he ended up with a leg on either side of the youkai's hips, effectively straddling his waist as he smiled down at him. It didn't take for that smile to turn into that smirk, and their seemingly innocent position to take on much less pure thoughts. “You still up for another round?”
Gyrating his hips, Inuyasha managed to tear a throaty moan from Sesshomaru's throat. The inu-youkai pulled him forward, grinding their hips together as he drank him in. When he pulled away those kisses immediately fell towards his neck, leaving love bites all over his creamy flesh. His kisses traveled up towards his ear, which Inuyasha was finding more and more that his mate seemed to have an obsession with. Well it was either Sesshomaru had an obsession with them, or he was aware that they drove the hanyou crazy and so he liked to torture him…neither would surprise him. “You know I'm always up for you Dagger.”
Raising his hips, Sesshomaru rose him up so that he could enter him with one quick thrust. Preparing himself Inuyasha looked up towards the wall to try to block out the no doubt oncoming pain, but when he did he noticed something else almost as painful. “Sessh stop!” He cried, desperate for his lover not to continue with what he was doing.
Inuyasha's outburst had caught the youkai off guard, and in attempt to stop himself he through him backwards onto the bed. “What the hell is it now? I'm seriously never fucking you when you're drunk again…I don't even think it's worth it!” He growled out, never once noticing the horrified look on the hanyou's face.
He could feel his cheeks were on fire as he made a grab for the nearest blanket to protect his dignity. “S-Sesshomaru w-we h-have c-company.” He stuttered while focusing on the figure standing right behind his lover staring murderously.
Sesshomaru had almost instantaneously become en guard at his warning, and his hand had already begun to hiss its poison. Inuyasha couldn't be concerned about that though…No, he was too focused on the angered face of the most powerful demon in existence…though to him he was known quite differently.
His mate was looking to him for direction, and there was really only one thing he could say to sum it all up for him. Swallowing the lump that formed in his throat, he tried to give his best smile. “Welcome home Daddy.”
The poison immediately stopped as Sesshomaru's eyes widened to saucers. Inuyasha was staring worriedly between the two. Okay, so sure it was an embarrassing situation to get caught it, but their reaction was a little over zealous. His father looked like he could kill, and Sesshomaru…well Sesshomaru looked more scared than he had ever seen him and he hadn't even turned around yet.
“I can explain.” His father's orange eyes darkened at the very thought of Sesshomaru explaining anything. His father was always a little eccentric…and by eccentric he meant very very scary, and so his reaction didn't worry him all that much. Metal whistled as his father grabbed for the hilt of his sword, unsheathing it and bringing the point to the back of Sesshomaru's neck. Okay, well he hadn't been worried up until this point.
“Dad what the hell…”
“Inuyasha be quiet!” His eyes widened at Sesshomaru's hissed command, and it stopped whatever retort had been about to leave his lips. What the hell was going on? Neither one of the inu-youkai would meet his eyes, but he did manage to get a guilty glance from his mate before he looked back towards the bed. “I should have told you before Dagger, but what we did broke a lot of the rules of our kind.” He looked back up to see wide fearful golden eyes. “In other words Dagger we're in deep shit.”
Shaking his head, Inutaishou turned disapproving eyes onto his son. “Inuyasha how could you have no idea what you've done?” He pressed the tip of the blade into the back of Sesshomaru's neck, letting a rivulet of blood stain his snow-white hair. “Though I can't really blame it all on you, now can I?...You always were a terrible student. It only makes sense that you wouldn't have paid attention to mating rituals.”
Inuyasha was confused as hell; there was no denying that. This was obviously the bad thing Kouga had warned him about. Sesshomaru had said they were in deep shit, and his lover was usually a blunt person and so he knew that for him to say that it had to be bad…and yet, yet all he could focus on was how his father was ramming the back of that sword into his mate's skin.
Leaping forward, he lunged back into Sesshomaru's lap and grabbed the blade ramming into the back of his skull. He hissed as it sliced through his palm, dripping even more blood onto Sesshomaru's hair, but at least he had gotten it away from his lover's neck. “Listen I honestly don't know what the hell is going on here, but I'm not just going to sit here and you let you hurt him.”
Sesshomaru had stayed completely motionless the entire time, though when he jumped into his lap the youkai had stiffened considerably beneath him. Inuyasha could only imagine that if had the chance he would be yelling a barrage of insults at him right now.
“Inuyasha back down now.” His father snarled. In truth the powerful youkai had never spoken to him in such a voice before. No, this was the voice he reserved solely for his enemies. It chilled the hanyou to the bone, and without thinking he let his hand drop from the sword.
It was like all of his self-confidence, all of his spunk, everything had been deflated with that one command. No wonder everyone feared his father. The demon could probably bring an entire army to its knees with just one look. What would he do if he really got angry at them?
Still glaring at his son, Inutaishou brought the katana back to rest on the base of Sesshomaru's neck. “Now you said you wanted to explain, well you can start by explaining to me why I shouldn't kill you right here.”
Taking a deep breath, Sesshomaru steeled himself for an explanation. “My lord you have to understand that there were extenuating circumstances behind us mating, and I will explain all of those to you later, but I'm sure you don't want to hear about the trivial reasons.” Taking a deep breath, Sesshomaru brought his face up so that he was looking right into Inuyasha's eyes. “The truth of the matter is the reason I mated with him without your approval or ceremony is because…” His hand reached out slightly to touch Inuyasha's bare hip as the hanyou braced himself for whatever was about to come out of his mate's mouth. “It's because I'm in love with him.”
Listen to Sesshomaru let out a life shattering statement, and watch as the entire world comes crashing down. Inuyasha fell into a space of perpetual shock as he tried to digest what he had just heard. It couldn't have been possible…He wouldn't.
“It's because I'm in love with him.”
Had Sesshomaru really just said that? Had he really just said the one thing he had been dying to hear more than anything else in the entire world? Inuyasha's eyes widened to saucers until they were practically bugging out of his head. Had he just said it now of all times?
“It's because I'm in love with him.”
The words kept echoing over and over in his head until he knew for certain that he had heard them. His thoughts began to spin, and as they did it threw the rest of his equilibrium off balance until his stomach was spinning right along with his head. His stomach lurched as realization finally dawned on him. “I think I'm gonna be sick.” And with that said he promptly puked all over Sesshomaru's lap.
A.N- Hah…damn I'm evil! Well that's really all I gotta say…well except that drunk Inuyasha is fucking insane! Lol…yeah next chapter is gonna be crazy! So really, what did you think?...It was pretty intense and I was freaking out as I wrote those last couple paragraphs…I was like should I make him say it?...gah! I've freaking out over this chapter…I was gonna end it a million ways and it ended up like this.
But on a side note completely unrelated to the story, I watched the movie Silent Hill last night and I've been having nightmares ever since then. I was raised on horror movies and so I don't get scared easily, but that moved creeped the hell outta me…but it was sooo good!...sooo very much like the game! Alright I'm done now.
PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND WRITE MUCH MORE STEAMY YUMMY SCENES BETWEEN OUR BOYS!!!!...(and really who doesn't love that?) thanks you for reading!