InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Finding the Traitor ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co.

Eqlipse walks up frowning. A big dark blue bow is on her neck and there is another on the tip of her tail.

Eqlipse: *Sinister smile* Thank you Lil_sweet_azn_gurl977!! You gave me the perfect idea to scare the hell out of my overly mushy older sister. *Pulls out giant wind up monkeys and turns it* Mawahahahahaha!!!*Hides behind couch. Looks at bows snatch them off* DAMN!! I hate her!!

Mystic: It's time for your hug…it'll make you feel all better!! *Sickly happy smile on face*

Everyone: *Snicker*

Inu: She's ::Gasp, giggle: really gonna get it!!! Hehheheheheh…hahahahahah!!! *Rolls around on the floor laughing*

Miroku: Yeah!! ::Snort of laughter:: I mean did you s-see her face last time!! It was…hehehehe…priceless!!

Eqlipse: Priceless…huh?...This is funny…huh? *Starts mumbling* Those two bastards are gonna get it!! *Sends out the monkeys*

Mystic: *Sees monkeys and runs off screaming* NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!! Killer monkeys!!! MONKEYS ARE GONNA TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!

The group sweatdrops.

Eqlipse: *Gets up with evil smile. Starts talking in sweet voice* What was that you were saying Miroku? *Cast an evil glare* Inuyasha?

Both gulp and Eqlipse moves closer. Inu and Mir high tail it! Eqlipse takes out laptop.


Akirakane: *Leans over to San and Kag* Ummm…you do know that your friend is sadistic right??

Sess: *Nods head in agreement*

Eqlipse: *Look at Sess and Akira. Starts to wave laptop in the air threatingly* Unless you two want somma dis you betta SHUT UP!!!

Chapter 9: Finding the Traitor

*Western Lands*

Sesshoumaru had all of the preparations made and they were to head off after lunch. They ate a light breakfast with the children chattering happily. After breakfast the males got up and headed to the door. San chuckled in Kagome's mind.

~Do you think we should remind them that we read minds yet?~

Kagome shook her head and chuckled back.

~What and let them trap us in the library? We only have a few hours, let's spend it with the children.~

Sango nodded her agreement and they swiftly herded Rin and Shippo out before the guys remembered.

The afternoon was spent happily for the four of them in the garden but too soon it was time to leave. They flew on Uh-Un to the castle of the Northern lands with Jakken in tow.

"Sesshou, love how long until we reach the castle."

Sesshoumaru turned to his mate.

"About an hour mate. Why?"

Kagome shrugged nonchalantly.

"Nothing, I was just wondering how you and Akira hoped to find the traitor amongst the castle."

Akirakane and Sango listened in the conversation. Then Sango turned to Akirakane.

"Yes how will you?"

Akirakane looked to Sesshoumaru.

"We were planning on collecting all of the servants of the castle and questioning."

Kagome and Sango laughed and received raised eyebrows from their mates. Sesshoumaru decided to question them.

"And what may I ask. Is so funny?"

They laughed more and then quieted. Kagome looked at Sango.

"I told you they would forget."

Sango laughed quietly.

"Yes you did. Well, the thing we find so funny is that you two forgot that we could read everyone in the castle's mind and find if they are loyal to my mate or someone else."

The guys eyes widen and they looked at each other. Akirakane chuckled.

"I guess we did. We are sorry I hope you know."

The girls giggled and Kagome stopped his apologies.

"Don't be. We hoped you wouldn't so we could spend the time with my pups before we left."

They arrived at the Northern Lands castle shortly and went to their rooms.

*Sess and Kag's room *

Kagome looked out on the beauty of the northern lands. Strong arms embraced her from behind and pulled her into a firm muscled chest. Sesshoumaru nuzzled the side of her neck.

"What is the matter love?"

Kagome snuggled closer to his body and sighed.

"Mate I have a feeling that the traitor is someone we all know."

"Why do you say that?"

Kagome took a deep breathe of the crisp cool spring air.

"The wind tells me. It can not say, nor can it give hints only it's feelings."

Sesshoumaru turned her in his arms and looked into her eyes, the ever-present tranquil sadness was still there. He caressed her cheek.

"Kagome why are your eyes always so sad?"

She laughed sadly and smiled. Kagome gently traced the strips of his left cheek.

"I was wondering when you would ask. Sesshoumaru, my mate. I am the protector of sorrow, I am happy, I am content but this constant sorrow will never leave my being. I will always feel the sorrow of the billions that are born and that will be born. I will never die. I live outside of time, never to be touched. I was created when the first sorrow was felt and so I shall remain until sorrow is no more and since you are my mate so shall you."

Sesshoumaru stared intensely into her eyes. He gently bent and kissed her lips hungrily. Kagome brought her arms around his neck bring him closer and slipped her tongue into his mouth. His hands stroked her body expertly and she wrapped her tail around his waist bringing her body closer to his. Sesshoumaru outlined her lips with his velvety tongue, Kagome moaned into the kiss. Sesshoumaru pushed her against the wall near the window and pushed closer to he so she could feel his growing erection. Kagome moaned into their kiss again and ground her hips to his with need. He lay her on the bed and they made sweet slow love all night long.

*Next Morning*

They all met for breakfast in the dinning room, their breakfast was quiet yet comfortable. After breakfast Akirakane stood.

"We should find the traitor now."

Sesshoumaru looked at his mate and his sister-in-law and stood.

"Are you two ready?"

Sango nodded.

"As always."

Both women got up in unison. Sango swept the house with her powers so no one could leave and Kagome went through everyone's minds. Kagome's eyes snapped open as she felt who it was she turned to Jakken who sat at the far end of the table and with one sweep of her claws tore him in half. Everyone gasped at her actions and Sesshoumaru looked blankly at his mate.

"Koi, why did you do that?"

Kagome looked to him and pointed.


The halves that were once Jakken molded and formed into a rather small gray snake demon. The males blinked twice and Sango chuckled.

"A shape shifter."

Kagome nodded and turned back to them.

"The traitor is Lord Makoto. He planted the spy and he is working for Ronin himself."

Akirekane and Sesshoumaru seethed with anger. Akirakane spoke in a chilling voice.

"He will pay for his betrayal with his life."

*In Naraku's Castle*

Evil chuckling is heard from inside Naraku's old room.

"Everything goes as planned Makoto?"

Makoto bowed more and a sinister smile touched his lips.

"Yes my lord. Everything is great."

Ronin nodded and got up from his seated position before Makoto. He circled the demon lord and a malicious laugh is ripped from his throat.

"Mawahahahahahahahaha! Now it is time to get rid of you, I have no use for you now."

Before the shocked Makoto had time to scramble away from him Ronin brought his right arm down forcefully and torn him to bits. Pieces of the dead Makoto littered the area. Ronin's laugh quieted.

"You should never make a deal with the devil you fool, I always go back on my word."


Eqlipse: *Has Mir and Inu tied hog tied by her feet*Grinning manically*Looking at readers apologetically* I'm sorry I didn't update but I lost my inspiration for the story and got it back just today when I was listening to Superman by Eminem. He is so sexy!!!!

Sess: I thought you said I was sexy. *Pouting*

Eqlipse:*Wide eyes* Oh Sesshy! You are sexy! Very sexy but Kagome is all over you in my story and I don't want to mess up a nice couple. *Chuckles* For now. *Looks back at her captives* What shall I do with you?

Miroku's and Inuyasha's eyes go wide and they struggle more. The two begin to look for Sango and Kagome who aren't there. Sess and Akira watching in amusement.

Eqlipse: *Lost in thought* Hmm…I wonder where my completely hott Kouga is!!! *Looks up to see Inuyasha jumping away*Grins*Takes out lap top of Doom*Wham! Wham! Wham!*

Inu: @.@ *Hit the floor*

Mir: O.O I'll be good!!!!

Eqlipse; *Grins* That's good. But just to make sure. *WHAM!!!!*Looks at broken laptop pouting* Shit! That's my 2nd one this story! *Big grin* Oh well, this means I get the new model! *Pulls out a brand new laptop*Cuddling it* Hopefully my sis is too scared to ever come out the house again but just in case. *Looks at laptop with a satisfied gleam in eyes * My baby will be here! *Hugs laptop*