InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ WHO said you could VISIT?! ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter: WHO said you could VISIT?!!

Eqlipse: I just managed to get away with my life!!! *Breathing heavy*

Sango: Hey you actually escaped!! Me and Kag thought you were a goner.

Kagome: Yeah!! *Door bell rings* I got it!!

Kagome walks over to the door and is talking to someone.

Kagome: Eqlipse someone is at the door for you. She says she's your sister and her name is Mystic-Vixen.

Eqlipse: *Horror stricken face* OH HELL NO!!! Nooooooooooooooooo!! *Tries to make a run for the back door but is caught in someone's arms*

Eqlipse looks up to see brown hair with copper at the end and milk chocolate skin and looks around her waist to see a fluffy brown tail with a copper tip.

Eqlipse: SHIT!! NOOOOOOOOO!!! *Starts to struggle roughly*

Mystic-Vixen: Now, now baby sister such bad language! Now give me a hug. *Has a bright smile*

Eqlipse: No!! NO!! Anything but that!!

Mystic hugs Eqlipse and light flashes. Where Eqlipse was now there was a pretty fox demon. Her almond shaped eyes are a powder blue with spots of silver. Her hair is navy blue with powder blue and white streaks. The fox's skin is a light caramel color.

Mystic and Eqlipse are the same height. Mystic wore a skin tight black mini skirt and a tan halter top. Eqlipse knee length powder blue skirt and a form fitting white tank top. Eqlipse's tail swished a little behind her, the same color as her hair.

Sango and Kagome: Ummm…you're a demon.

Eqlipse: Haahahaha*Sweatdrops* Oh I forgot to tell you

The guys walk in. Lips drop. Eqlipse hides behind Mystic.

Sess: Uh…Who are the two vixens?

Kagome: Well brown hair one is Mystic-Vixen, Mystic for short. And the one behind her is her little sister Eqlipse. Ya know the author of the story.

Guys: You're a demon!!

Eqlipse: *Winces* Uh..yeah I am

Akira: Well that solves how she was so fast and always being able to pull out her laptop from no where.

Sess: Yeah I guess being a fox demon has its advantages.

Eqlipse tries to sneak away without being noticed.

Mystic: She never told you guys she was a demon.

Everyone: Nope

Mystic: *Turns around and captures the fleeing Eqlipse in a hug* Baby sister.

Eqlipse:*Struggling. Howls in agony* NOOOOOOOOOOO!! You're invading my personal space. Anything female or guys I think are ugly are not permitted with 12 inches of my person unless authorized AND YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED!! SO LET GO!!

*Finally gives up* Why are you so mushy??

Mystic: *Shrugs* I don't know ask yourself that…you're the author.

Everyone: -.-`

Eqlipse: *Sweatdrops* Oh yeah.

Everyone laughs hysterically as Eqlipse struggles fruitlessly in her sister's grasp.

Eqlipse: *Breathing heavy* That's it!!! All of you bastards are gonna get it!! *Gives Akira a sinister smirk* And I'm going in alphabetical order.

Akirakane looks horrified. Eqlipse starts to run over to him only to be caught in another hug by Mystic.

Eqlipse: *Thinking and mumbling* Now how the hell do I get away from this mushy bitch!! *Snaps fingers* I got it!! Mawahahahahahahahahaha!!

Everyone looks at Eqlipse startled except Mystic who is too busy talk about how fluffy Eqlipse's tail is.