InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Who is Betraying Who?! ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Leave me alone!! I don't own Inuyasha!!

Eqlipse: *Brushes off hands* Well that was fun!!

Kouga, Ronin, & Naraku: @.@

All guys: -.-`*Nervous laughing* Hehehehe

Sango and Kagome snickering.

Sango: If you ask me they deserve it!

Kouga: Well NO ONE ASKED YOU!!


Eqlipse: STAY THE HELL DOWN!! *Looks at laptop with a happy smile* I LOVE THIS LAPTOP!!

Sesshoumaru takes Akirakane to the side and they whisper, they start to snicker and walk away.

Eqlipse: What was that about?? *Raises an eyebrow*

Girls shrug.

Kagome: I have no idea.

Sango: Yeah those guys are enigmas.

Chapter 8: Who is Betraying Who?!

*Deep in Inuyasha's forest*

"Hmm…those fools we fought were no fun, they didn't even last long at one fourth of our power."

Miroku thought aloud.

Inuyasha sat quietly as Miroku killed dinner. He seemed to be in deep thought.

"Hey Inu. What's up?"

Inuyasha shook his head as if to get out a trance.

"I don't know Miroku. It's just I have smelt Ronin's scent and felt his presence before. Not only when he was watching Kagome fight but when I was young…"

His eyes widened slightly and realization shined in his eyes.

"That bastard!! He killed my father!"

Inuyasha growled out maliciously his eyes shined red. Miroku eyes widened he placed a hand on his comrades shoulder.

"Inuyasha, he is probably going to call us to fight against your brother and the lords of the North and East and the prince of the East so he can get Sango and Kagome for himself."

Inuyasha let out an enraged howl.

~That damn double crossing…~

"That's alright Miroku. We'll just have to play on his good side and when he thinks he's got what he wants we kill him."

Miroku snickered his demon overruling any human concepts he once held.

"Sounds like fun."

"Good. We train until he calls for us."

Miroku nodded his understanding and they began to spar.

*At Naraku's Castle*

Ronin stretched out letting his dangerously dark hair brush the ground. He looked out into the night. It disgusted him that the night could be so pure. That the night was not corrupted and evil as it should be but he would soon remedy that now wouldn't he. He gave an evil chuckle and looked to Naraku who cringed under his gaze.

"Naraku my slave why don't you run me an errand?"

Naraku bowed his head further to hide his betraying smirk.

"What may I do for you my lord?"

"Go to Inuyasha's forest and hunt Inuyasha."

Naraku looked up shocked.

~Why does he want to rid himself of the half-breed Inuyasha~

He pondered a second and shrugged. If Ronin wanted the dog mutt dead he would obey…for now. Naraku left to do as was told never suspecting or knowing that both Miroku and Inuyasha worked for Ronin. Ronin watched as he left cracking an evil smirk before it became a full out laugh.

"Mawahahahaha! The fool does not even know I sent him to die."

His eyes briefly flashed red from his held back blood lust.

(A/N: For all of you questioning Ronin sent Naraku to Inu and Mir because they are stronger than Naraku. He knew Naraku was going to try to betray him so he sent him to fight Inu and Miroku to his death.)

"This is too easy. Once I have the two legendary females I will rid myself of the other two nesciences. Mawahahahaha! Inuyasha is working for me but does not yet know I am the one who destroyed his life!"

Ronin's sinister laughter filled the empty castle.

*In the clearing of Inuyasha's Forest*

Inuyasha threw a few punches and kicks then looked to Miroku who seemed to be in a meditating state. He started to train himself again. Miroku peeked open his eye as he sensed a very familiar presence he looked to Inuyasha to see if he had noticed, Inuyasha stood with is eyes alert looking to the north of the clearing. Miroku yawned nonchalantly.

"So I see you've sensed Naraku as well. You may fight him if you wish; I believe I would get bored with the retched half-bred shape shifter."

Inuyasha smiled wickedly.

"Yea, I'll have my fun with the weakling."

Inuyasha stood ready when Naraku arrived. Naraku smiled.

"Kukukukku…so I see you sensed my arrival have we?"

Inuyasha gave a manipulating smirk.

"Yes, I did. So nice to see you again Naraku. How have you been? Doing well I hope, I even heard you worked for the new evil. Do tell Naraku."

Inuyasha spoke casually. Naraku looked confused. Miroku did all he could do not to burst out laughing. Hearing a slight snickering Naraku looked around the clearing to see a very familiar looking dog demon but now he had never seen a black haired inu demon with red eyes…wait he resembles the monk. Inuyasha snickered.

"Hey Mir, I think he figured you out."

Miroku tossed Inuyasha a malicious smile. He then stood and gave a mock bow to Naraku. Inuyasha cleared his throat as if to announce something important.

"Naraku meet Miroku the monk. Miroku I believe you already know Naraku."

Miroku looked up into Naraku's eyes and Naraku was sure he saw a smile just as evil as his cross his features as he again sat. Even Naraku had to admit for a guy Miroku was attractive. His hair was grown out touch mid-back and held in a low ponytail. Miroku's usual robes were replaced with loose black pants and a blood red silk top. Inuyasha getting bored decided to both pester his companion and peeve Naraku. He started out in a low chuckle.

"Hey Mir, from the way he's looking at you I'd say Naraku has a crush on you."

Miroku turned sharply to him and let out a venomous growl but then let a smirk form his lips. He gave a nonchalant wave and spoke clearly.

"He just may. I know I `m attractive. For all I know you may like me as well."

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at the statement.

"I'll take care of you as soon as I'm done with Naraku."

Miroku let out a howl of laughter.

"What you intend to rape both Naraku and I. Inuyasha I am highly disgusted with the thought of that. If you wish to make Naraku your mate please do it else where. To do that in front of me would be rude."

Miroku said giving off as if he was offended. Inuyasha again growled.

"I'm gonna rip you apart."

Miroku scoffed.

"Do not take me for that weakling Naraku! You would have a snowball's chance in hell of killing me without being mortally wounded and dieing soon after me."

Naraku watched in anger.

~Why the hell am I being ignored? I'll show these bastards!!~

Naraku shot tentacles at both Inuyasha and Miroku almost sure they would hit but mush to his surprise they both dodged and charged at the same time. He had thought that they wouldn't notice but unfortunately for him they did and in his stupor he failed to see Inuyasha rush his right side as Miroku dodged his tentacles serving as a distraction.

Naraku looked to his right just in time to see his demise. In one powerful swoop Inuyasha took off Naraku's head. Miroku and Inuyasha laughed maliciously as they watched Naraku's real head roll from his shoulders and his body slump to the floor. (AN: Many may ask why Naraku did not just send a puppet or other demons. The answer is simple Ronin did not permit it. He made Naraku think that he was fighting against the same Inuyasha and Miroku as usual but Ronin knew they were stronger and knew that Naraku would try to betray him so he sent him to his death.)

Inuyasha pushed his silver hair from his face.

"Now time to train to kill any other fucker who gets in our way."

Miroku nodded in agreement.

"I agree we will need to strengthen all of our weaknesses."

*Naraku's Castle*

Ronin threw his head back and howled in laughter.

"The fool is dead. No with one obstacle out of the way I shall have my two beauties. Mawahaaahahahha!!"

The castle walls rebound his laughter and chills went down every demon in the vicinities backs. A figure stepped from the shadows and bowed to Ronin.

"My Lord Ronin. I have done as you said two of my people have posed as servants."

" Good, kill Akirakane anyway you wish and Sesshoumaru I don't care. Afterwards you may have the Western and Northern lands. Now leave."

Makoto let a sinister smile curl the corners of his mouth.

"Of course my lord."

*Sango and Akirakane*

Sango and Kagome spoke telepathically.

~San it is time we go to Akira-chan's castle to rid him of his traitor and to tell you a solid family before our battle with Ronin. The night is calling to me and the wind holds his laughter.~

~Okay, Kag I understand I will tell him.~

With that said they cut their connection.

As they lay together Sango caressed Akirakane's cheek and she spoke softly.

"Akira-kun, Kagome and I believe it is time we go to your castle to rid you of the traitor within your domain."

He nodded his head and kisses her lips.

Sesshoumaru and I have already packed for the journey to my palace. Their pups will be staying with Haru and Kin."

Sango cuddled into his chest and drifted into sleep.


Eqlipse storms into room.

Eqlipse: Alright which one of you dumb FUCKS READ MY DIARY!!!

Inuyasha snickered. Eqlipse turned a sharply cut eye to him and he gulps.

Eqlipse: Alright dog turd spit out what ever you know OR face my wrath. *Growls*

Inu: I-I-I k-k-know you have the biggest crush on Sesshoumaru and that's it!! I didn't read anything else!!

Eqlipse: *Vien popping out on forehead* Who gave IT TO YOU?!

Inu: *Look to Akirakane and Sess*

They both glare at him.

Eqlipse: *Raises laptop before they can blink. WHAM! WHAM!!* HA!! Take that ya jerks!! *Looks at Sess and Akira's faces* OH SHIT!! *Runs away*

Sesshoumaru and Akirakane give chase.


Eqlipse: OH SHIT!! OH SHIT!!