InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Our Help We Give ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Eqlipse:*Laying across the floor talking to Kag and San* I know the ending of the story is going to be really sad.

San:*Wide eyes* Really?!?! What happens???

Eqlipse: *Chuckles* I can't tell you.

Kag:*Whines* How do you know it's gonna be sad?

Eqlipse: *Jaw hits the floor* I'm the author!!!

Kag:*Sheepish grin* Oops sorry forgot. *Looks to right* Is that Miroku and Inuyasha at the door?

San: Yeah that is them.

Eqlipse:*Looks up and tail frizzes at the scent that is with them.* They have my sister!!!

Mir & Inu: *Evil grin* Ta da!! *Mystic comes in all the way*

Mystic: BABY SISTER!!!! TAILY!!!!

Eqlipse:*Hauling ass* NOOOO!!!!!

San & Kag:@.@ *Footprints all over their faces* Ouch.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha but I a girl can wish

Chapter 10: Our Help We Give

*Northern Lands*

It was way before dawn and Sango woke with a start. She jumped from her spot beside her mate. She looked at him and smiled softly and swept from the room to the balcony where she knew her sister stood. Kagome like Sango was in a simple kimono both were as black as the night.

"Kagome what does the wind feel like?"

Kagome looked to her and smiled stiffly.

"It will begin soon, the war is close and the wind is tense in worry for us."

Sango stood beside her and could feel the emotions emanating from her. Her aura was a mix of alarm, surprise, a bit anger, confusion and most of all sorrow.

"What is wrong my little sister?"

Kagome merely nodded to the horizon, Sango followed her eyes. At the horizon stood Miroku, he wore a silver fighting suit beside him stood Inuyasha in a red fighting suit very much different from that of what he wore before. Sango's eyes reflected her emotions as she watched them approach the palace. Her feelings matched that of Kagome's. Kagome jumped from the balcony and Sango quickly followed.

Miroku and Inuyasha stopped within respectful distance of the two mated goddesses. And very much to Kagome and Sango's surprise them bowed and remained bowed. Kagome broke the ever growing silence.

"Please stop bowing. Why are you two here?"

Inuyasha and Miroku stood from their bowing and Miroku answered her respectfully.

"Lady Kagome of the Western Lands and Lady Sango of the Northern Lands we offer our help to you and your fight against Ronin."

Sango's and Kagome's eyes softened at the sincerity in his voice but the still had to know a few things. Sango looked Miroku in the eyes.

"Why do you betray him?"

Miroku sighed and looked deeply into her eyes. Kagome watched as the same love that had always been their for Sango began to fill his eyes. Sango noticed it as well and turned her eyes to Inuyasha.

"You as well Inuyasha. You still love us and want to help?"

Inuyasha nodded and looked at the ground a bit embarrassed. Sango and Kagome both broke into soft giggles and tackled the unsuspecting males. Miroku and Inuyasha where shocked beyond belief, they had come here ready to beg and it had been so easy to get their forgiveness. It was then that Inu and Mir promised themselves that though they could not have them as mates they would be protect them with their lives.

Sango and Kagome smiled at Inuyasha and Miroku. Kagome's voice was warm as she spoke.

"We missed you!"

Miroku and Inuyasha grinned happily, they had the trust of their friends again.

Sango added cheerily.

"Yea, don't ever do that again!"

Inuyasha chuckled and smirked.

"We won't, we promise."

He glanced back at the now rising sun and then to the girls then to Miroku. Miroku just nodded his head answer Inuyasha unspoken thought. Miroku looked the two goddesses in their eyes.

"We must go but we will be with you the day of battle. We promise."

Inuyasha simply crossed his arms and `Fehed' as if he didn't care though they all knew that he would be there as soon as everything began to heat.

Sango and Kagome walked to the castle and into the dojo. It would only be a little while before their mated found them there.

*Western Lands*

Lord Kin played with his grandchildren happily, he breathed deeply as the children played hide-n-seek. After breakfast Shippo and Rin had wanted to play and Haru was busy with business for the Eastern Lands. Rin ran up to Kin and jumped into his lap. Her scent was filled with panic and fear.

"Grandpa! Shippo go taken by demon in the forest! He bought Rin enough time to get away but he didn't follow Rin!"

Tears of guilt clouded her eyes. Kin was up and had her in the castle before she even finished her ranting. Kin's voice was hurried as he spoke to a guard.

"Take her to Haru and do NOT let her out of your sight until he gets her."

The guard nodded and left with Rin quickly. In a speed that seemed beyond demon speed Kin followed Shippo's scent to where he and Rin were attacked. There was no one there but there was also no blood which was a very good thing. Looking over the ground he noticed that there hand been a rough struggle but in the end Shippo had been over come. Kin bowed his head and roared in rage.

`Whoever did this will pay!'

An echoing angered howl followed Kin's.

*In the study*

Prince Haru sat in a comfortable couch, before a warm fire looking over some business for the Eastern Lands when a guard rushed in Rin. Rin jumped into Haru's arms and cried her story out to him arms. Not being able to hold back his fury Haru let loose a feral growl that expressed his anger. Holding Rin close he rocked her back and forth, his voice was soothing.

"Don't worry Rin, we'll get Shippo back no matter what."

Rin looked up into his eyes.

"Really Uncle Haru."

Haru chuckled and gently brushed his cheek against hers.

"Of course little one. I have no need to lie to you."

Rin smiled sadly and settled into his arms.

`I hope so.'

She then drifted off to sleep without another thought.

*Northern Lands*Afternoon*

"My mate I think that it's a good idea!"

Akirakane continued to rant as Sesshoumaru agreed with every word. Sango and Kagome sat patiently.

"No Sango-don't you `my mate' me. I don't believe they should be trusted! Did they not betray you before and join Ronin before they as you so kindly put it `came to their senses'"

Akirakane's face was red and his voice rang clear with hid amount of irritation. Sesshoumaru then chose to speak up.

"He is right Kagome and Sango. What if they turn on you again?"

Kagome spoke and the wind came warmly into the room.

"Do not worry for that my love. They are trust worthy I…"

Kagome stopped mid sentence automatically catching everyone's attention. Her body became stiff.

"No…Shippo has been taken."

Kagome quickly got up from her seat and headed for the front of the castle. Sess, Akira and Sango where before her in the blink of an eye.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Sango's voice was commanding and blunt. Kagome did not stop for a second, she merely flicked her wrist gently and they were all moved from her path.

"I must go to my pup. He needs me."

With that she swept from the castle. Her telekinetic hold on them was only released after she was out of sight of the castle.


Eqlipse:*Hiding behind couch*Breathing shallow*Looks at readers* Hello ya'll. I'm just hiding from my sister and planning an evil plan to get back at Miroku and Inuyasha for what they have done.

Eqlipse gets up from behind the couch and tip toes to the door. All of a sudden Mystic comes through the door.

Eqlipse: *Freezes*Thinking* If I stay still she can't see me.

Mystic: *Looks at Eqlipse exitedly* Baby sister!!!!!

*Grabs Eqlipse and drags her off by her tail*

Eqlipse:*Struggling* Nooooooooooooooo!!!

Inu: Mawahahahaha!!!!

Sess: You know she is gonna make you pay for this Inuyasha.

Kag: ^.^ *Chuckles* I agree. She'll make you pay dearly.

Inu: O.O Oh shit! I forgot how evil she was when it came to payback. *Runs out and past Miroku*

Mir: Uh what's his problem? *Chuckles* Did you see Eqlipse's face today? Mawahahaha.

Akira: What idiots. -.-`

San, Sess, & Kag: We agree -.-`