InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Sorrow Learns its Place ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Eqlipse:*Irritated twitch in eyebrow*Big pink bow at the base of tail*Holding a wooden bat behind back* Where is my favorite males? Come here Miroku. *Gives a dog call* Here Inuyasha…*Whistles* Here boy.

Inuyasha:*Runs out at call*Eyes go wide and tries to scramble away* No!


Inu: Ow!!!Ow! No!! *On floor covering his head*

San & Kag:*Run and hold Eqlipse back*

Sess:*Chuckles*Yells to Inu* Run bitch!! Runnnn! She gon' kill you!

Inuyasha without a second thought takes off.

Inu:*Gets like 5 meters away* Hey I'm not a bitch!!!!

Eqlipse:*Finally got free of San & Kag* You got more important things to worry about!!!

Chapter 11: Sorrow Learns its Place

*Naraku's former castle*

Ronin stood with Shippo tied and gagged in a corner. He eyed the fox kit carefully.

"Do you know why you are here kit?"

Ronin's voice was void of emotion and his tone carried an evil undertone. Shippo shivered in fear and his green eyes grew wide as he shook his head no.

Ronin chuckled a bit.

"What's the matter kit? You scared?"

The scent of fear filled Ronin's nostrils as he stepped closer to the cowering Shippo. A satisfied smirk covered his lips at he again eyed the kit.

"I can see that you are. You eyes echo it as much as your scent and I enjoy it."

Shippo shook more in fear. Ronin chuckled more cruelly and walked to the doorframe, leaning against it with his back to Shippo he began to speak. His voice was smooth and deceptively soft.

"You are here because your mother will come for you, the legendary wolf goddess would never leave her pup in the mercy of someone like me and when she does get here. I will make her mine. All due to you little one."

Guilty tears clouded Shippo's vision. He did not want his mother to come for him now, he didn't want to be the reason that the family lost Kagome.

~I'm not worth it Kagome. Please don't come, please momma just leave me here.~

He did not realize though that his thoughts had reached Kagome as she speed through the woods at top speed to get to him. Trees whizzed by her,only big blotches of green barely noticeable as she set her mind on locating her lost kit. Kagome's face twisted in shock.

~Shippo my kit you are worth it and I will come for you. Do not believe that it is your fault. I was meant to fight him and whether I live or die is left to be determined so don't fret. Just keep safe.~

Shippo almost yelped in surprise when he first heard her voice in his head but quickly stifled it and listened to her.

Ronin watched long enough to see Shippo shed his first few tear then left the quarters, however satisfying it would be to watch him in his misery. Ronin grinned smugly.

"Kukukukuku…I still have to prepare for a goddess to arrive and soon after a war."

He licked his lips in excitement and a dark smirk curled his lips.

*Northern Lands*

"I refuse to let her do this alone!"

Sesshoumaru roared, for once he had lost his cool. Sango nodded.

"Very well, I shall come with you. I've already sent a telepathic message to both my brother and father about the recent happenings so they will be sending troops."

Sess nodded in understanding. Akirakane got to his feet in an instant.

"Sango you shall not go anywhere without me."

Sango's eyes softened and she smiled at her mate.

"Okay love whatever you wish."

Akira smiled and looked to Sess.

"Time to suit up for war. Ne?"

Sesshoumaru gave a slight nod and headed to his room for his stronger armour. His eyes glazed a bit as he thought.

~Be safe until I get there Kagome . Please.~

Akirakane gathered his best warriors and stood at the front gates with Sesshoumaru and Sango in little to no time. They headed off to Ronin's castle.

*Eastern Lands*

Lord Kin stood in front of his army. Looking them over carefully. He began to speak in a commanding tone.

"This battle will be hard. You have gone up against Ronin before and many of those you knew did not make it but my little girls will be fighting today and my grandson is on the line."

The army was still and ready for war. No one took those of the royal family and lived. Kin looked them through again and turned his back to them.

"Let's move out."

The army of the eastern lands moved toward where Ronin's castle was known to be.

*Western Lands*

Haru moved quickly and collected Sesshoumaru's best warriors. Pointing to a trusted cheetah demon named Jonas he summoned him.

"You come here."

Jonas stepped to Haru and bowed.

"Yes prince?"

Haru nodded curtly.

"I want you to watch over Rin. Shippo has already been taken, no doubt if Rin was too both of her parents would go into demon rage so keep her safe and protect her with your life."

Jonas bowed again and spoke respectfully.

"Yes Prince Haru, I will do that."

Without another word he headed into the castle and stationed himself inside of Rin's room to keep her company. Haru satisfied with the arrangement of things in the castle turned to the troops.

"Now we leave for battle."

*In The Woods Near Ronin*

Miroku perked his ears and sniffed the air.

"The battle nears Inuyasha, Kagome is coming upon the cast in hast. What do you think happened?"

Inuyasha glanced at Miroku then back at the forest.

"I don't know, but she seems to be a bit distressed. We should wait here for Ronin to give our orders then we shall help Kagome and Sango."

Miroku silently agreed and sat on a nearby patch of grass to meditate. Soon after a dark figure moved into the clearing, both demons looked up and bowed as they saw who it was.

"Hello boys. I trust you have trained?"

They nodded in unison. Their faces where kept carefully expressionless.

"Yes Lord Ronin."

Ronin gave them an impressed look.

"Very good then I to guard the whelp and when the others arrive you will fight them."

Miroku spoke this time.

"As you wish Lord Ronin."

Giving an approving half smirk Ronin nodded.

"Stay here until you sense Kagome coming."

They both remain still and answered together.

"As you wish."

Ronin left without another word and then the two looked at each other wide eyed. The same thing on each of their minds.

~He has Shippo!~

*In front of the castle*

Kagome stood tall in front of the castle, her fighting stance expressed her anger.

"Ronin! Come out and fight me!"

Ronin stepped from the shadows of the main house's porch. He chuckled in spite of himself and watched her smoothly.

"I do not wish to fight you little goddess. Just give yourself to me and I will free your kit."

Kagome growled threateningly in response and hissed.

"How dare you think that I am such a fool to believe your lies! You are like a small snake slithering your way through thing!"

Ronin watched rage boil in her eyes and marveled in it. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, her body glowed slightly then the complete Shikon no Tama sat on a silver chain around her neck. He grinned to himself.

~I will soon have you my powerful beauty.~

Kagome opened her eyes once again and stepped forward.

"We fight now."

Without further warning she charged at him swinging forcefully. Ronin dodged just barely.

~Hmm…maybe I shouldn't doubt her.~

Kagome continued to charge at him. Throwing a multitude of attacks as Ronin dodged trying to find a weak point to hit.

*With Shippo*

Miroku hurried into the room where Shippo was held while Inuyasha watched the door. Shippo whimpered a bit. Miroku looked him in the eyes.


Untying his frightened friend Miroku scooped him up into his arms, both himself and Inuyasha hid their ki as they moved through the castle to the safest exit. The walls of the mansion where dreary and dark, the feel of the place even chilled Inuyasha a bit.

Going out the back way they met up with all of the armies. Bowing to all of the royals they explained everything. Miroku gestured back to the battle.

"I don't know how she is fairing, we only had time to get Shippo before you got here."

Kin looked at Shippo.

"You stay here."

With that said all of them headed into the battle and left Shippo in the clearing. Ronin glanced up to see the armies of the North, East and West heading toward his battle. With a flip of his hand hordes of demons seemingly out of no where appeared before the armies and attacked them. Sesshoumaru, Sango, Haru and Kin all began to fight their way toward Ronin and Kagome while the armies took on the others. Shippo seeing that he was alone snuck up closer to the battlefield and rested himself in a tree. Kagome landed a hard punch to Ronin's gut pushing him back 12 feet. He didn't seem too fazed though. In one swift move Ronin cut her from her left hip to her right shoulder. Kagome cried out in pain and stumbled back. Ronin eyed her stepping closer and laughed.

"Kukukuku, sure you don't want you reconsider my offer?"

Kagome spat in his face.


Ronin raised an eyebrow.

"Very well."

Pulling back his right arm Ronin struck at her stomach for the killing blow. Everyone stopped at this, Kagome rested on her knees head bowed ready for the blow…

There were shouts from Sesshoumaru and others.

"No Kagome!"

"Move koi, you still have a chance!"

that didn't come. Looking up she saw Ronin shaking off Shippo. Throwing the weak pup to the side he sneered at Kagome.

"Since you won't join me there is no need to have your pup."

"No! Shippo run!"

Unsheathing his sword, Ronin sent a powerful wave of energy at Shippo; faster than anyone could believe Kagome was up and protecting Shippo from the blow with her own body. Shippo remained still in shock. Tears filled his eyes as she cried out in pain and fell forward on him at the blow.

"MOMMA!!!! NO!! Please don't die!!!"

Kagome struggled to her knees and smiled. Wincing in pain she got to her feet.

"I'm not dead yet my cub."

Kagome growled out and sent a barrier around her loved ones and their armies, with a glance to them and a smile. Kagome glanced at Ronin before she turned back to family.

"I know what my place is, this was my destiny. I love you."

Sending an explosive energy wave from her body, the area filled with silver light. Ronin's eyes widened in fear as he realized what was going on, a horrified scream was tore from his throat.


As the light cleared, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, Kin, Shippo, Haru, Sesshoumaru, and Akirakane looked around frantically for Kagome. All of Ronin's army was gone, the clearing that should have been rough and bloody with bodies of both Ronin' and their dead should have lain on the ground where they fell during battle but instead the clearing glowed with fresh life. Sango sighed heavily and tears formed in her eyes.

"She's gone. She went home to the others."

Looking up into the heavens Sango blew a kiss into the wind. Akirakane pulled Sango into his arms determined to keep a strong face for her and whispered comforting things into her ears. Shippo jumped and wept into his shirt into Kin's arms. Inuyasha and Miroku remained dreary with their eyes to the ground, their sorrow seemed to come off them in waves.

"It's all my fault!!"

Haru looked at his father through misted eyes noting the almost invisible single tear on his cheek.

~Poor father.~

Sesshoumaru stood back from the group, disbelief etched on his features.


He whispered.

"I refuse to believe this."

Without another thought he raced off into the forest mindlessly. Stumbling over a tree root he fell to his knees and for the first time in years he cried.

"Why Kagome? I barely had time with you!!"

His sorrowful howls echoed throughout the lands, letting all know of the tragedy that had occurred that day and the pain of a demon lord.

*The Heavens*

Kagome looked down on her family and watched Sesshoumaru with an ever growing guilt. Touching the area where he sit from the clouds, light of the sun shown on to Sesshoumaru. Causing a warm comforting wind Kagome spoke.

"Sesshoumaru my love. I am sorry for leaving you but it had to be done. I miss you already and we shall meet again. I will always be with you in every calm wind."

Sesshoumaru looked up into the sky with a tear stained face and smiled. Kagome smiled as well and walked to the gates of heaven where a woman with dark blue hair with silver streaks stop, her eyes were a deep violet. She stood next to a tall man with violet hair with silver tips and he had wistful blue eyes much like her own. They both smiled at her as she approached.

"You did well Kagome my daughter,"

The woman spoke with a soft, assuring tone. The man nodded and scooped her into a hug.

"You sure did."

Kagome hugged him back and smiled at her mother.

"Thank you mother and father. Thank you."

Her father looked down at the earth.

"Don't fret Kagome they are assured a place here. They will all be with you again."

Kagome nodded and walked to the gates, but before she stepped all the way in her mother tapped her on the shoulder and whispered.

"Welcome home little goddess."

And they entered their home.

*Later that Day*

Haru and Kin stood side by side solemn faced. Sesshoumaru stood with both Shippo and Rin nestled in his arms, the two children crying. Sango stood in Akirakane's arms and beside them stood Inuyasha and Miroku. They all surrounded the grave that they had decided to name Kagome's. Sango's voice was shaken and low.

"Kagome we…all miss you. Though I know you are in a better place I wish you were here."

Akirakane held her close as she began to shake and tears trailed her checks.

Sesshoumaru listened whole heartedly as everyone stepped up to pay respects to his fallen mate, the finally it was his turn, handing the over his saddened pups to his father-in-law he stepped to the grave and smiled sadly.

"Koi, I believe you have never left me, only gone for a period of time. I will raise our pups well and I know you are hating the fact that you had to leave us, it had to be done."

Sighing he looked to the sky.

"Til we meet again my one and only love, protector of sorrow."

With that said they all departed from the clearing and to their places to mourn.


Eqlipse:*Misty eyes* So sad! Poor Sesshy!

San: Yea it is really said! *Crying* My sister died!! *Akira comforts her*

Sess: *Away from everyone pouting* It's not fair! Why does my mate have to die!

Inu & Mir: *Very solemn and quiet*

Kag: *Walks into room* What's everyone so sad about?

Inu: Shhh! Everyone can you hear her voice? *They nod*

Akira: We all miss you Kagome.

Kag: O.o That's really nice but I'm right here.

San: I can't take this anymore! *Runs out*Akira follows*

Kag: -.-` When will you guys realize it is just a story.

Mir: Did you hear that?! That almost sounds like Kagome when she is annoyed at us.

Kag: I give up!! *Stomps off*