InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Sleepy Sleepy ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sesshomaru growled. The doctor who was supposed to be taking him on a tour of the hospital hadn’t shown up yet. He’d been waiting for nearly a half hour, and Sesshomaru doesn’t wait for anyone.

Suddenly, there was a knock at his door and he grabbed the mouse to his computer, he was going to make this person feel bad for interrupting him. “Yes, come in,” he called, while staring at the computer screen.

The door opened, and there was an older man standing there. He was an owl youkai and had salt and pepper hair and tiny glasses sitting on the edge of his nose. He looked like he had stepped out of the 1940’s. Sesshomaru stared at him and asked, “did you need something?”

“Oh yes, I’m Dr. Yang. I’m here to show you around the hospital. I’m terribly sorry I’m late but you see, I had to wait on our new surgical attending.”

Sesshomaru stared for a moment and then decided that he wouldn’t kill this man, just yet anyway. He then got up and put his lab coat on. “Well are we going or not?”

Dr. Yang nodded and quickly turned to walk out the door. Sesshomaru followed. “Oh I forgot to tell you Dr. Tashio, the new attending will be joining us on the tour, that is if you don’t mind.”

“This Sesshomaru does not mind.”

Dr. Yang nodded. “He’s waiting for us right over here.” Sesshomaru followed him down the hall, only to see…


Kagome walked back to the table, more confused than ever by her feelings towards Inuyasha. ‘Why am I even worrying? I already know I have a crush on him, and we’re at a nice restaurant together, I might as well have a good time with him before we go our separate ways. Besides it’s a good way to get my mind off of Shippo.’ Nodding to herself she decided that she would have a good time, no matter what Inuyasha pulled.

She walked to the table and sat down, to find that their salads had already been brought over to the table. “Wow how long was I in the bathroom? It normally takes twenty minutes at least for the salad to arrive.”

“Well that’s cause you’re with me wench.”

Kagome laughed and started to pick at her salad. “Well I guess I’ll just have to dine with you more often if it means I’ll get such wonderful service.”

Inuyasha blushed. “I guess you’ll have to.” They finished eating their salads in silence.


Sango made her way to the cafeteria She just didn’t understand way this Miroku guy wouldn’t leave her alone. He seemed sweet at times and he was really good with Shippo, but deep down all he was, was a pervert. He was probably one of those guys who wined and dined a girl, slept with her and then never called her again. Well she was not going to be another notch in his bedpost.

She went up to the front and got in line to get dinner when suddenly she felt a hand rubbing her butt. She reached around and smacked Miroku. “Miroku why are you here? Shouldn’t you be doing rounds or staying with Shippo?”

Miroku picked himself up off the floor and grinned at her. “Well my dear Sango, I have already completed my rounds for the time being and Shippo has not yet gotten the
Mono out of his system and is asleep. So I decided that I should come and check on you. Now if you would allow, may I treat you to this dinner? Or perhaps once Inuyasha and Kagome return I could take you out on a proper date.”

“Not a chance, Doctor. Now if you will excuse me I was having dinner, alone.”

“Oh come on my dear Sango, I’m sure a small amount of company would not hurt anything.” Sango snorted.

“That’s where your wrong it would hurt everything, it would defeat the purpose of eating alone!”“Now, now Sango you don’t really want to be alone do you?”

Sango sighed, “I guess you can eat with me, as long as you keep your hands to yourself.”

Miroku gave her his biggest grin as they walked through the line.


Sesshomaru had to stop himself from growling as he saw his ex standing in the hallway waiting for himself and Dr. Yang.

Naraku looked up at him and gave what could only be described as a shit-eatin’ grin. He was wearing purple scrubs and a lab coat over top. Sesshomaru was not intimidated.

“Sesshomaru, how nice it is to see you again.” Naraku said courtly.

“Pardon me if I cannot say the same,” was Sesshomaru’s response.

Naraku could not contain his growl. ‘Damn him, just seeing him makes my heart race. Stupid bastard knows it too.’

Sesshomaru allowed a small smirk to grace the features of face. If Naraku thought that he was going to get to him, he had another thing coming.

Dr. Yang was staring off into space once again and Sesshomaru bopped him on the head to wake him up. “oh, oh yes, lets continue with the tour of the hospital,” he said in a groggy voice.


Kagome looked up after she had finished her salad to see that Inuyasha was nearly finished with his own.

“So, Inuyasha, why were you working at the clinic that day I went in with Shippo? I notice you haven’t gone back in the past three weeks.”

“My friend Miroku conned me into it that day.”



“So what’d he do, blackmail you, or did he say he was taking you out to eat and pushed you out at the clinic?” She asked, laughing.

Inuyasha laughed a little as well, “no he just called in a favor. He said it’d only be for a few hours, but it turned into an all day thing.”

“Oh, and here I thought you did it out of the kindness of your heart,” she giggled a little bit so he’d know she was kidding.

They sat in silence for a few moments before Inuyasha noticed Kagome staring at another table. He followed her eyes and saw a couple with a little boy around Shippo’s age.

“Kagome, what’s wrong?” He asked, in a small panic as he noticed the tears forming in her eyes.

“Inuyasha, even if the MRI shows a small tumor and its operable and everything, and its removed will he ever have a normal life again? I mean, will he regain his senses?”

Inuyasha was a little offset by the questions. He thought he’d been successful in getting her mind off of Shippo for a few minutes. “There’s no way to tell. The tumor could be in the sensory part of the brain. If it is then his senses will probably come back, although they’ll be weaker than before because another part of his brain will have to pick up the slack. It could be that the tumor is near that part of the brain and simply pressing on the sensory receptors. If that’s the case then he should get all of his senses back with the removal of the tumor. As far as his being normal again, we can’t be sure. Depending on the size of the tumor it could change him. That’s always a possibility when removing part of the brain. But we really won’t know anything until we do the MRI tomorrow. Then we can see how big it is and what parts it’s infected. There’s always a good chance though, since he’s youkai he’ll heal faster.”

Kagome nodded, “I just wish I could understand. I took some classes a while ago when I was in nursing school but we didn’t get this far in my anatomy class.”

“Well, I’ve got a few books on the brain and its functions back at my apartment. If ya want we can go get um and ya can read ’em tonight.”

“Really? That’s so nice of you Inuyasha!” She squealed, hurting Inuyasha’s ears.

“Yeah, well don’t get used to me bein’ nice wench,” ha said trying to recover some of his gruffness.


“Hello? Baby are you there? I guess not, well I just thought I’d let you know that I have some information you’d like to hear, it‘s about Kagome and Shippo. Call me later. Bye,” she flipped her phone closed and stared back at the couple.


“Well here you all are. Is there anything I can do for you?” Ayame asked as she dropped off Inuyasha and Kagome’s dinner.

“No we’re fine.” Kagome replied with a smile.

“Yea, so go away.” Inuyasha said gruffly. Kagome kicked him under the table.

“Owe, wench what the hell was that for?”

“You were being rude again Inuyasha.” She said to Inuyasha and then turned to Ayame, “I’m really sorry about him tonight.”

Ayame smiled at her. It was easy to see what Kouga had saw in the girl. She almost felt bad about taking him from her. Almost. “Oh that’s quite alright. I heard your fight earlier and I know how inu-youkai are about their mates and I guess in your case, their intended. He‘s just worried.”

She turned to walk away, but Inuyasha’s arm reached out to stop her. “That wench is not my intended.”

Something about the way he said it hurt Kagome, the words after all were true. She wasn’t his intended. But the way he said it, how fast he was to stop this random person that they would probably never see again hurt something deep inside of her. Was it really so bad? Was the thought of being with her really so bad that a stranger couldn’t think they were together for even a moment?

Ayame looked embarrassed. “Oh I didn‘t know.”

“Yea well get your facts straight next time.” He then turned his head away from her. Ayame looked to Kagome for help but she looked lost in space, so she turned and walked away.

Inuyasha noticed a shift in Kagome’s scent when Ayame said that, although he couldn’t figure out what it was. So he’d told her that they weren’t together. But after he’d denied her to Ayame he noticed another change in her scent. This time it was definitely sorrow. Did she want strangers to think they were together? Who would want people to think they were intended to a hanyou?

Inuyasha looked down at his food and began to eat. He didn’t look up at Kagome for the rest of the meal.

Kagome sighed as she began to eat. Maybe she didn’t even have a chance at being his friend on a more permanent basis.

When he was finished eating, Inuyasha called for the check and waited for Kagome to finish her food. She took her time.

Inuyasha waited impatiently, finally getting up and saying, “I’m gonna go pay the check I’ll be in the car when your finished takin’ your sweet time.”

He got up and walked to the front of the restaurant and paid the check. Kagome rushed to finish and got up to follow him.


Sango took her tray and went to find a table.

Miroku quickly paid for their food and followed her. He sat down across from her at the table and opened his sandwich.

Sango looked extremely annoyed and Miroku could not help but feel a little bad. Maybe she really didn’t want him here?

“Sango may I ask you a question?”

“I believe you just did Doctor.”

“Well then, another one, a kind of serious one?”

“I suppose.”

“Ok, then will you tell me about your family?” Sango felt herself tense up. This was not the question she had been expecting. She had expected one about her bra size.

Miroku smirked, chicks were always caught off guard when he started asked about their families. She was no different. She’d be his in no time.

“Well I have a little brother that‘ll be fourteen years old soon.”

Miroku nodded, “what about your parents? What do they do?”

Sango took in some extra air. “They’re dead, I’d rather not talk about it though.”

“Oh, then let me express my deepest sympathy I too know the pain of losing a parent.”

Sango looked over, wondering if this man was low enough to lie about such a thing, but only saw sadness and empathy in his eyes. “If you don’t mind, what happened?” She asked, feeling like a total hypocrite.

Miroku seemed to recognize her feeling, because he said, “it’s ok that your asking. It was a long time ago.” He took a deep breathe, “I don’t really remember my mother seeing as she died when I was only two years old, but my father died when I was ten. I watched it happen. He was the keeper of a Shinto Shrine in Kyoto. There was a thunderstorm one night that had a lot of lightening, he went out to find our family cat and bring him in from the rain and the lightening struck him. My grandfather stopped me from running after him. A few months later it got too painful to be in the shrine, so my grandfather moved us to Boston.”

Sango looked at him, he had tears in his eyes and she knew that he was telling the truth.

She sat her sandwich down and looked into his eyes, “I guess since you told me I should tell you.”

Miroku stared back into her eyes, “Sango, if you don’t want to there is no need to feel as though you must.”

“No, it’s ok. When I turned 10 my parents told me they were having Kohaku. I was really excited because I always wanted to be a big sister. There were, complications. My mom was really weak throughout the pregnancy, and they put her bed rest for nearly half of the pregnancy. The stress of childbirth killed her. They were barely able to save my brother. So, my father raised us.” She decided to stop there.

“What about your father?” Miroku asked, with genuine concern.

“If you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Sango, that’s fine. You don’t have to tell me anything your not ready to tell.” He moved over to sit next to her. He pulled his food over and took a bite out of his sandwich. Then he looked over to her and said, “I’m really glad you told me what you did. I know it must have been hard for you.”

Sango looked over and stared into his eyes again. There was something there that she didn’t recognize, and it upset her because she always considered herself a master at deciphering people. Suddenly she felt a hand and smacked Miroku. Of course it was asking too much for him not to grope her in a serious moment.

Miroku simply laid on the floor, with a knot on his head, smiling. Sango huffed and walked away, leaving her food. Miroku jumped up, grabbed their food and went running after her.


Kagome didn’t recognize where Inuyasha was taking her. “Um, Inuyasha the hospital is the other way.”

“Feh, I know that.”

“Well then where are we going?”

“How stupid are you wench?”


“I asked how stupid you are. I told you I was gonna take you back to my apartment and get you those books.”

“Oh! I didn’t think you were still gonna do that.”

“Feh why wouldn’t I?”

“No reason,” Kagome said quietly.

Before Kagome realized it, Inuyasha was parking the car in a parking lot next to a building that looked to be at least fifteen stories high. Despite its appearance, it was not in one of the better neighborhoods and was probably not overly expensive. It looked to be a family oriented building. Kagome smiled at the thought and then pushed it back down. While she thought Inuyasha would make a wonderful father, it wouldn’t be to Shippo. He’d made that quite clear.

Inuyasha got out of the car at the same time Kagome did. He made the trip up the stairs to his apartment with Kagome following him and opened the door to his apartment. Kagome followed him in.

She looked around the apartment with the natural wonder anyone has at seeing someone else’s home for the first time. A person’s home gives an insight into who they are, and Inuyasha’s apartment was undeniably his. The front room looked to be the living room, and had bare white walls. There was a black leather couch on the wall to her left and a 19 inch television that was sitting on a few milk crates. There was an older coffee table sitting in front of the couch. Other than that there were a few boxes laying around. Some were opened, some weren’t. The ones that were opened seemed to have his extensive DVD collection in them. Over all the room gave both the appearance that he had just moved in and that he was a packrat that had been living there for several years.

“Do you want something to drink or something’?”

“No I’m good.”

Inuyasha nodded. “Well its already 5:30 so lets get those books and get outta here.”

“Ok, well where are they?” Kagome asked.

“There in the library, its this way.” Inuyasha started to walk down a long hallway. Kagome followed, and noticed along the way that there were four doors, two on each side. One was open and showed her that it was the bathroom, the other three remained closed. Finally he reached the room at the end of the hall and opened the door.

Kagome quickly decided that this had to be the most organized room in the house. There were bookshelves lining three of the walls and a desk on the back wall with a PC on top. There were bookshelves on both sides of the desk as well. They were most of the way full. Each bookcase had eight shelves. Each one of them also had the bottom two shelves empty.

Inuyasha walked right in and over to the bookcase directly to the right of the desk and pulled two books off the third shelf. He flipped through them and put one on the desk and then put the other back on the shelf and pulled out a different book. A few minutes later he had three books sitting on the desk. He turned and picked up the books. “I think this covers it. I’ve got one on basic brain function, one on reading an MRI and one on brain tumors specifically. You can look at these tonight, they’ll help you understand what’s going on tomorrow.”

Kagome nodded and took the books from him. He walked past her and into the living room, Kagome followed him. He grabbed his keys and they went back down to the car after Inuyasha locked the door.


Both Naraku and Sesshomaru were getting frustrated with Dr. Yang. The owl youkai had actually fallen asleep walking a few times.

Dr. Yang had just shown them the top three floors of the five floor hospital. They were now moving on to the surgical floor and would finish off with the emergency room and hospital clinic.

Sesshomaru and Naraku were walked around the floor, not talking to one another, when they noticed that their guide had, once again, fallen asleep. They looked back to see him sleeping against a wall, and this time he was snoring.

Naraku looked over just in time to catch Sesshomaru muttering about good-for-nothing nocturnal youkai and nearly laughed. Then he remembered why he hated the man so much and reached out to trip him as he walked past to go wake Dr. Yang up. Of course Sesshomaru simply stepped over his foot and walked on as though nothing had happened.


Kagome looked up at the door to Shippo’s room to see Inuyasha standing there. They had come back the night before and Inuyasha had to catch up on his rounds. He had checked in on Shippo all night and checked his vital signs. Every time he found Kagome sitting at the desk reading the books he had let her borrow. He was surprised that she had the work ethic she did. But then again, it did concern her son and if he knew anything about Kagome, it was that she would do anything for her son.

It was now seven thirty and he had to start prepping Shippo for the MRI and get him downstairs. Kagome had to be at the restaurant from eleven to seven that night and then at the grocery store from nine until four in the morning. He began to wonder if and when she slept.

“Is it time to take him down there?” She asked and Inuyasha nodded. He hadn’t gotten any sleep either, and he still had to find a way to get Sesshomaru to do the surgery. He was worried, and scared. If there was one thing Inuyasha did not like to be, it was scared, it made him cranky. Kagome seemed to recognize that and kept her mouth shut as they took Shippo downstairs to get his MRI.

A/N: Ok so another chappy done! Yay! Well after looking at my outline for this story, I’m going to say that it’s going to be another 5-7 chapters. Now the determining factor is a sequel. There are two options to this, so I’m going to let you decide. One, this story can be another 6-8 chapters and I can include an epilogue, or two I can end this story in 4-6 chapters and write a 12-20 chapter sequel. I haven’t put a lot of thought into the sequel yet but after looking at the outline I think it would be fairly easy to come up with a plot. I’m kinda leaning towards doing the sequel, but I don’t want to beat a dead horse. The last thing I want is to write an overly boring story. Also, I’m a college student and I’m currently enrolled in a psychology class in which we are learning different aspects of brain development and the like. I may be putting a little more detail about the medical procedures in the next few chapters (mainly because if I do I can the time taken to write this story as study time, lol) If it gets boring, let me know and I’ll stop.

Thank you all for continuing to read! See you on Saturday.