InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Coffee ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I totally forgot to out some explanations at the end of the last chapter. Sorry. The temporal lobe controls hearing, it’s the wormy looking stuff of the outside of your brain. The olfactory nerve is a part of your ability to smell. The olfactory system, like the rest of the brain is extremely complex. The occipital lobe is located in the back of the brain, it allows you to see and controls the eyeball on the opposite side of the face. I totally meant to put all of that in last time, but by the time I finished the chapter I had completely forgotten. Also, just in case there is any confusion, the MRI is the machine that they use on ER and Grey’s Anatomy that is a long rectangular cube. You lay down on a table and it encloses you and scans you. If anyone wants to read anything about it there’s a really great site called or of course Wikipedia has everything.

As far as updates, I have an extremely hard week ahead of me, including four exams and two papers to write not to mention God only knows how much reading to do for my classes. As such I really don’t know when I’ll be able to update again for sure. It will be before next Friday. If not, I’ll try to make a point of updating then. I might even make it an extra long chapter;) I’m sorry, but school has to come before fan fiction.

As far as the sequel goes, there will be one. WTML has four chapters left, after this one and then I’ll start it. I’ll be posting the plot for it in one of the up and coming chapters. Now, because I know that I always HATE long author notes at the beginning of the chapter, I’ll get along to the story:

Chapter 9

Inuyasha was seething as he left Sesshomaru’s office. Why couldn’t that arrogant prick just say he’d do the surgery? Why’d he have to play the situation like he did? Inuyasha just couldn’t understand why Sesshomaru wanted him to suffer the way he did. Other than a few harsh words and maybe starting a sword fight here or there Inuyasha had never done anything to him.

He shook he head to clear his thoughts. There was no point in worrying about something he could do nothing about. Sesshomaru had never had too great of an opinion of him and nothing Inuyasha did or said was going to take away the deep seeded hatred that Sesshomaru had for him for simply being born. No matter how much Inuyasha simply wanted an older brother.

He walked down the hall and into Shippo’s room. When he got there he found Kagome snuggled up beneath Shippo’s blanket, Shippo laying on top on her chest, both sleeping soundly. For the first time since he had met her, he noticed that Kagome looked very young, innocent, and at peace. A feeling of pride washed through him. He had helped bring her to that peace. He had done his job well, and with any luck he had saved Shippo’s life. He was the reason that she was able to sleep in peace with the slightest hint of a soft smile on her face.

He looked down at Shippo’s face and realized that this wasn’t over. A feeling of panic then replaced the euphoria he had felt just moments before. They may know what’s wrong with Shippo, but fixing it was a different story. For the first time in his life, he thanked God that Sesshomaru was there. His older brother may be a ruthless bastard; but he was damned good at his job. And, somehow deep deep down, under the hatred, the bitterness, and the fighting Inuyasha knew that his aniki would come through for him.

He reached down and picked up Shippo’s chart and took it with him as he left the room. A quick glance at his watch told him that it was only ten, so he could let Kagome sleep for another few minutes, she had already gotten dressed before the MRI after all.

He took the chart to Sesshomaru’s office, just as he was about to walk up to the door and knock, he was confronted by a short little green thing. The imp jumped in front of him and started yelling.

“You pathetic little half-breed! The great Sesshomaru does not consort with the likes of you! Get away from here at once! Go back to the whore of a mother you came from and leave my master alone!” Inuyasha burst out laughing.

“Your kidding right? Who’s gonna stop me? You?” He then started laughing again, holding his stomach and falling into the wall next to him.

“You pathetic..” Jaken never got to finish because Inuyasha interrupted him.

“Yeah, yeah I’ma pathetic half-breed you said that already. Don’t ya have any other insults? I need another laugh.” He looked down at the green creature and awaited an answer, when he received none he continued, “I guess you’re done then? Can I see my brother now?”

“Wha?? The great Sesshomaru is not your brother! He would never…” This time Jaken was interrupted by Sesshomaru opening the door to his office, which considering Jaken was leaning against the door, caused Jaken to fall backwards.

Sesshomaru looked to Inuyasha expectantly. Inuyasha shoved the chart in his hands. “I thought ya might need that.” With that Inuyasha turned and walked away, but not before stomping on Jaken’s left foot.

Sesshomaru turned and walked into his office, closing the door behind him. The door pushed Jaken out of the room as it was closed.


Kagome felt something pulling her towards consciousness, and whatever it was, was annoying as hell. She kept swatting it away. All she wanted was a few more minutes. She grumbled and rolled over, taking the small warm body tucked safely against her. She sighed, finally she was able to sleep, and then she felt herself being lifted up into a strong pair of arms. Instead of being alarmed, she snuggled into the arms warmth, enjoying the feeling of being held. She hadn’t been held in so long.

Suddenly she felt air on her skin, the cool air of April. She suddenly woke up and jumped. Straight out of Inuyasha’s arms and nearly hit her head on the pavement.

Inuyasha had tried to wake her up for nearly ten minutes before realizing that if they didn’t leave right then she was going to be late for work. So, tired of dealing with her grumbling, he’d picked her up and carried her out to the car. He knew she was waking up, but couldn’t catch her before she hit the ground.

Kagome looked around at the pavement as though it had played some trick on her. Mumbling something even he couldn’t understand she tried to stand up again, only to fall back down. Inuyasha looked at her and realized that she looked very tired. Too tired to work nearly fifteen straight hours, entirely on her feet today. Hell, she couldn’t even stand up!

He bent down and picked her up bridal style and walked back into the hospital. If she kept this up she wouldn’t just be a visitor here, he’d have to hospitalize her for exhaustion. He carried her back over to the elevator. After reaching the fourth floor he went to the nurse’s station, only to find Yuka behind the desk. He groaned.

“Hey Yuka, put an extra bed in Shippo Higurashi’s room would ya?”

Yuka looked up to see the object of her obsession holding another woman. She took in the situation carefully. This woman had to be a patient, right? She looked up to Inuyasha and noticed that his eyes were on her, the woman in his arms, and they were soft and full of emotion. She sighed. Maybe this girl was the reason that Inuyasha always refused her advances. He was obviously in love with, whoever this was.

Silently admitting defeat she nodded to him and went to find a bed to put in the patient’s room.

Inuyasha took Kagome to Shippo’s room and laid her on the bed next to him. The boy was still sleeping. Inwardly Inuyasha wondered if Kagome may of caught Shippo’s mono, but them shook it off. No use in giving the universe ideas.

While he was waiting for Yuka to show up with the bed he picked up his cell phone and pressed seven on speed dial. The manager of the restaurant Kagome worked in answered after three rings.

“Yea, this is Dr. Inuyasha Tashio, I am the family physician to Kagome Higurashi and I would just like to inform you that she will not be into work today.” Inuyasha said courtly, he knew Kagome would VERY angry if she woke up and Inuyasha had gotten her fired, so he tried to be civil.

“Yea, yea I get that everyday. What’s wrong with her? Because, trust me, I’ve heard everything.”

“Well her son is going to be undergoing brain surgery tomorrow and Ms. Higurashi is required to be at the hospital with her son today and tomorrow.” Inuyasha said, not really lying.

“Oh, right her kid is really sick isn’t he?”

“Yea he is.”

“Ok then, tell her I’ll see her day after tomorrow.”

Inuyasha grunted at the phone after he’d hung it up. Her kid was going through brain surgery and she gets two days off from work? What kind of world is this anyway?

A few minutes later Yuka arrived with the bed. Inuyasha grunted a thank you, which greatly surprised Yuka. She had never heard him apologize or thank anyone, ever. This girl must mean something to him.

Inuyasha walked over and picked Kagome up and carried her to the bed and then grabbed some extra blankets and tucked her in. Yuka watched in fascination, as he showed this girl more care than she’d ever seen him display. He had shown more care in that one simple act to this girl than he’d ever shown to Yuka or anyone else, including the patients.

Yuka then decided that she needed to have a talk with this girl when she woke up.


Kagome awoke with a start. She frantically tried to decipher where she was, and what time it was. As she looked around the room she noticed that Shippo was in the bed next to hers and was sleeping soundly. She then looked up at the clock and saw that it was nearly six in the evening. She jumped up, she had literally slept through her shift at the restaurant.

She was gonna kill Inuyasha.


Inuyasha was sitting in the doctor’s lounge. He had turned down a double shift, seeing as he had to be here in the morning for Shippo’s surgery anyway. But he couldn’t quite bring himself to go home. Kagome was still sleeping, and while he had gotten some use out of his number eight speed dial when he called the grocery store to tell them that she wouldn’t be into work tonight, she didn’t know that. She would probably be in a panic when she woke up. He sighed, she knew where to find him when she needed him and he had no doubt she would, so he laid down on the sofa to take a nap.


As Kagome stomped out of Shippo’s room, intent on going to the doctor’s lounge and killing Inuyasha, she caught the attention of a young hair demon.

Yuka had just finished her rounds when she noticed the young woman leaving the room and thought that now would be the best time to talk to her.

When she noticed Kagome making a b-line for the lounge, she ran quickly too her. Inuyasha would never allow her to do this.

“Hey!” She called, as she didn’t know the girl’s name, although she had an inkling that it was something Higurashi.

Kagome didn’t turn around. “Ms. Higurashi!” Yuka took a chance yelling. This time Kagome turned around.

Yuka stood in front of her, a little winded. “I need to talk to you about Dr. Tashio.”

Kagome stared at her for a minute and then broke out in tears.

Yuka hesitated. Why was the girl crying? “Um, what’s wrong?” She asked in a plain voice.

Kagome looked up, “you mean your not going to tell me he was in some horrible accident or something?” She looked up with tearful eyes.

Yuka looked at her, maybe she cared about him too, if she started crying like that at the thought of losing him. “Look, Ms. Higurashi, I’m a good friend of his and as far as I know he wasn’t in any kind of accident.”

Kagome looked up, “really?”

Yuka nodded and Kagome got angry. “Well then I guess I get to kill him then.”

Yuka grabbed her arm, a little startled at the outburst, “look I don’t know what your problem is, but I really need to talk to you.”

Kagome looked her over and then looked back to the lounge door. It was only a little after six, she still had a few hours until she had to be at the supermarket. There would be plenty of time to kill Inuyasha later.

“Ok, I guess we can talk.”


The girls decided to go to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee.

Yuka decided to start the conversation after sitting down. “Look, Ms. Higurashi, as I said before I’m a good friend of Dr. Tashio’s and I just want you to know that if you hurt him, I’ll hurt you.”

Kagome gave her a weird look. “What on earth are you talking about?”


“Ok, what about him?”

“Look, I see how he looks at you, he’s in love with you. I wanted to be the one he looks at like that, but I’d rather see him happy, but I just want you to know that he’s been through a lot with Kikyo and everything. Don’t hurt him ok?” She asked, this time a little desperate.

Kagome, on the other hand was in shock. Inuyasha, in love with, her? He couldn’t be, could he?