InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ Breakout and Confessions ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I've got another quick update for you guys! I've been inspired lately but don't get used to this every two days thing heh. But yay I got some reviews!!! Cheerios Thank you so much for being my very first reviewer! I hope you like the newest chapter as much as the first two! And another big thank you to katt_jam! I hope it'll be great and I'm excited to! :o hehe, hope you like the fast update. And a final big thank you to PrincessAngel! I'm in the process of writing that chapter now (where Inu and Kag finally meet!) and I'm having a lot of fun with it, the next update may take longer though because I want it to be JUST perfect! Until then I hope you like the new one! So thank you to my first reviews, hopefully the start of many more to come. So read on and enjoy! And drop me a little review if you have the chance, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! Ja ne!
Kagome's eyes fluttered open to find she was lying in her old bed. She groggily turned to see the time trying to recall what had happened. She winced as a headache pounded her eyes shut again.
“You're awake...” She gasped her eyes flying open to register the voice then exhaled once she saw Souta seated at her old desk.
“You scared me...” She breathed exhaustedly. “What are you doing in here Souta?”
“I couldn't stand to be around father a moment longer and I didn't want you to wake up alone.” As the fatigue slowly rolled off her she remembered.
“Oh god,” she moaned slapping a palm to her forehead. “Father...” the word dripped with menace off her lips.
“I'm so sorry Kagome, he never discussed it with me, you know I would have never-” She cut him off raising her hand then looked over and gave him a soft smile.
“I know Souta; you don't have to explain yourself to me. How long was I out?”
“Little over an hour, it's almost ten.” She nodded sitting up in bed, she was still wearing the black dress she loved. She frowned at it, sad that it had to be tainted with a night like this.
“How did I get up here?”
“I carried you, Dad was too busy making excuses to the caterers and Mom wanted to throw water on your face or something. I just pushed them both away and carried you. I'm so furious with them...” he trailed off his eyes dark and downcast.
“I know that too, its ok Souta, it's my problem not yours..” She motioned for him to come sit next to her. Once he did she rested her head on the soft fabric covering his shoulder. “I know what you tried to do for me and it was wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better brother ok? We just deserve better parents that's all.” He nodded silently. “I've got the most awful headache, is there anyway you could get me some aspirin?”
“Course sis,” He stood up and glanced back down at her ruffling her bangs like she always did to him. Kagome smiled up at him understanding the gesture. Once he left the room she hugged her knees up to her chest wrapping her arms around them tightly and buried her face. Biting her lip to keep the tears at bay she tried to think back to what happened through the haze. Had her father actually suggested she become engaged to a man she didn't even know? Just so he could do better in the polls? It was sickening the depths he lowered himself to, so this was why he asked her to come home. Ridiculous, did he actually believe she would accept this and cave to his threats? She didn't care if she would have to work four jobs, she would work her own way through school before she ever did anything so degrading for her family. She was so angry, so hurt, betrayed by her own parents she squeezed her eyes shut tightly as if trying to keep the rage in. Kagome opened them raising her head when she heard yelling from downstairs. No doubt the caterers had been sent away, a picture of the four of them smiling at a park sat on her night stand mocking her. She turned away from it, then rose out of bed to go help Souta. She would not take this lying down, and had a good piece of her mind to give to her so called father.
Inuyasha's mother smiled warmly at seeing her son and husband walk through the door together again. It was something she hadn't witnessed in a long time. They weren't laughing or retelling old stories, but they weren't fighting either, and it was certainly a start. His father gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek while Inuyasha walked over to join his brother sitting in the living room. Sesshomaru held a finger up to silence him while Inuyasha sat down. His earpiece for his cell phone was clipped into place and a girl's voice was chattering away into it, Inuyasha could hear her from the other side of the couch even. He broke in edgewise finally saying “Ok, ok, well I'll talk to you when you get home ok? You too, bye.” He gave his younger brother an uncomfortable glance knowing what was coming. Inuyasha smirked.
“Love you too,” he mouthed sarcastically.
“Shut up, she's going to be home in a couple of minutes and if you do anything to upset her so help me god...” He let the threat hang mid air to get his point across. Inuyasha just laughed holding up his hands to plead innocence.
“Me? Why would I evvveeer do anything to get you in trouble?” He smirked while Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. “You're such a tight ass I'm not gunna piss your little girlfriend off ok?”
“Fiancé.” he corrected shortly. “So how was seeing dad?” He quickly changed the subject to let Inuyasha boil a little while.
“Oh, was ok. You know...the usual.” He coughed a bit obviously not comfortable with the subject, Sesshomaru smirked `mission accomplished.' They made casual conversation a bit more about the places they had lived over the past three years before a girl burst through the front door her hands filled with boxes and bags. Sesshomaru jumped up to help her before she dropped them all. She hurriedly said thank you and started to chatter away about the purchases, then suddenly stopped.
“Oh.” Her bright eyes widened once her vision was clear and she saw Inuyasha for the first time. “You must be Sesshomaru's younger brother.” He rose up and gave her a quick hand shake.
“Nice to finally meet you, yes I'm Inuyasha.” He didn't bother with a bow as Sesshomaru said he found her somewhere in Italy. She rushed forward sweeping him into a large hug.
“Oh it's so good to meet you too! I've heard so much about you!” Inuyasha looked over her shoulder to find a very angry looking Sesshomaru and quickly held up his hands to show he wasn't touching her. Thankfully she released him.
“I'm Rin.” She smiled up at him and he noticed how petite she was, she had stood on her toes just to lock her arms around his neck. He couldn't help but smile back at her extreme enthusiasm. He couldn't believe this was who Sesshomaru was settling down with she was so...happy, so...not Sesshomaru!
“Congratulations, Sesshomaru told me of your engagement.” She blushed with a giggle and Inuyasha noticed the rock sparkling on her left hand.
“Yes, please tell me you'll come to the wedding.”
“I couldn't imagine it any other way.” He looked over again to see Sesshomaru by now was fuming. He cleared his throat to make himself known once more.
“Oh honey, don't be so incorrigible.” She waved her hand at him. “I better help him with the shopping I did today before he throws a fit.” She whispered to Inuyasha.
“I do NOT throw fits.” Sesshomaru glared at the two of them.
“Of course you don't,” She cooed walking up the stairs with him while rubbing his back a little. Inuyasha watched the two of them and felt sincerely happy for his brother. `I guess she balances out what a bitch he can be.' He thought with a smirk.
That night the five of them had dinner and it was the nicest time Inuyasha could remember having since before Sesshomaru had left even. There was no fighting, or lecturing on his dad's part, and everything just seemed better. Maybe it was Rin's unwavering perkiness having an effect on them, but the air even felt nicer to his lungs Inuyasha thought pleasantly. He was glad he had come home.
Everyone stopped yelling when Kagome walked into the room. She stood in the doorframe taking the scene in of her happy family. It was her mother that spoke first.
“Kagome are you feeling ok? You hit the ground quite hard, do you need to see a doctor.”
“No mother,” she said calmly. “But I think your husband does.” She walked over to stand next to Souta who handed her the bottle of aspirin. She took out a monogrammed glass filling it with water and swallowed two of the pills. Her parents just stood staring at her like she was a bomb with a timer tattooed on her forehead. She leaned back against the counter and looked up locking eyes with her father. He started to say something and took and step towards her but was quickly cut off.
“Don't. You. Dare.” She harshly chopped out each word and he stopped where he stood.
“You think you can call me home and threaten me into doing your bidding? That I'm some sort of pet whose leash you can yank until you manipulate me into playing into some fucked up scheme of yours?” She had never cussed in front of her parents and her mother snapped back as if she had struck her, but she stayed quiet.
“I am not going to be controlled by you or anyone else, and it sickens me that you dragged me home for this. I Will be returning to America and I don't care how hard I have to work, I will make my own tuition before I ever beg for scraps from you. You will not ever blackmail me no matter how hard you try, and I'm not staying another night under this twisted roof.” She walked back out of the kitchen glancing to Souta who followed after her. Her stunned parents only looked to each other.
Kagome resisted stomping up the stairs; Souta quickened his pace behind her until he was next to her. “Where are you going?”
“The shrine to stay with Jii-chan, come with me.” She smiled at him pleased by the lashing she had dealt to her parents. Souta nodded firmly. “Just grab a couple of things, and do it as quick as possible before they can stop us. Is it ok if we take your car?”
“Of course.”
“Ok, we'll call him on the way.” The two quickly separated and Kagome threw a couple of outfits into a suitcase, she was thankful she hadn't unpacked very much. Souta walked into her room just as she was zipping it up. The two siblings quietly made their way down the stairs hearing their parents screaming at each other over the night's events. Slipping out the back door and into the garage they hopped into Souta's black explorer and opened the garage door. Their parents rushed out the front door onto the lawn hearing the noises just as they were gunning it down the street.
The following day Inuyasha woke up late to find the house empty with a note stuck to the fridge.
Sesshomaru, Rin and I went out for a late lunch and to do some wedding planning, we didn't wake you figuring you wouldn't be interested.
`Good guess' he thought chuckling.
Your father is taking a half day and asked you to meet him at the station at 2. There's ramen in the pantry for you. Call if you need anything!
He smiled at the note before taking it off and throwing it into the trash so she knew he read it. Then flung open the cabinet doors to find what he so desired. There nestled on the shelf, sat the god of all foods. He grinned ear to ear yanking out three packages for lunch. The stuff in the states just couldn't compare to the ramen of his childhood.
After the quick meal and a shower Inuyasha threw on a t-shirt, some dark jeans and sandals. He grabbed his cell phone, sun glasses and wallet and started the short walk to meet his dad. He wasn't going to bother with a cab despite having plenty of money for it, because it was only about 15 minutes away on foot and after the pleasant night he was looking forward to seeing his home town a little more again. It had been a long time since he was able to walk these streets and the memories weren't looking so dark all the sudden.
He arrived at the station early, and pulled his long silver hair back into a pony tail for his father's sake. He talked with several officers he recognized until his dad finished up and came out to greet him.
“Hey Inu! Glad you could make it, you remember the guy's right?”
“Yea,” Inuyasha grinned while his dad talked to a couple of his coworkers. Inuyasha waved as they left and stepped out onto the sunny street again.
They hopped into his dad's car and he put it in gear backing out of the parking lot.
“So where we headed?”
“I thought we'd go over to Jindai Shokubutsu Park and walk around, then maybe get something to eat. Or are you hungry now?”
“No that's fine dad, it sounds nice to see the trees.” His dad nodded and Inuyasha noticed how he kept scurrying his hands over the wheel and gripping it tight like he was nervous. `Well we haven't actually talked in years...' he thought sadly, he made his own dad on edge.
The rode in silence for the most part except when his father pointed out the changes in the area, or where a recent case had taken place. Inuyasha asked about the promotion and he beamed chattering away happily boasting his success. He had worked very hard as a police officer for a long time, his dad deserved to be at the top Inuyasha decided. They got out of the car and headed for the tiled walkway.
Inuyasha kept his hands in his pockets and sunglasses down keeping pace with his father's long stride. They were both skilled runners and Inuyasha got his athletic abilities from his father so he didn't need to worry if he was going too fast. His father cleared his throat and finally spoke.
“Inuyasha...I'm ashamed to admit I didn't ask you to come here just to reconcile with you, but I'm very glad it happened.” He stopped looking down.
“What's up?” Inuyasha stopped next to his father puzzled by his behavior, it was rare he didn't have his head up, he was always confident in his actions.
“You see Inu...elections are coming up soon for the new mayor, the one we've had well, he didn't provide a lot of support for the department. We had to cut back on a lot because he wouldn't expand the budget and I had to let some of our officers go. We just don't have enough people on duty and there's been a series of crimes with young girls. Tokyo has always prided itself on safety and I haven't been at the top long. It concerns me Inuyasha. I don't want these things to be happening and I'm supposed to be the one that can stop them, I'm finally in a position of authority. But without the funding my hands are tied.” He sighed his eye brows furrowing then continued with the troubled look still on his face. “One of the politicians running for mayor, he's an old friend of mine who I've helped through the years and he's got a really good chance of winning. He offered to double my budget once he's elected if I help him in anyway I could to win. I agreed naturally because we really need the support of someone in office. But he asked me for something I wasn't anticipating...One of his opponents slandered him recently releasing information on an arrest he had in college. He thinks the people of Tokyo can't rely on his relationship with the police department now, and it's one of the hot issue's with the new election you see. So he really wants to stress how close we are, and how well we work together so they'll know he won't hesitate to work with me once he's in office and stop the raising crime percentage.” His dad stopped to take another deep breath.
“Sounds like a pretty good plan to me, so what has you all worked up?” Inuyasha ventured becoming nervous himself at his dad's strange behavior.
“What's upsetting me is I have to ask you for a favor, something I'd never do normally but I really need your help Inuyasha. He has a daughter....just turned 19 and is back from America, he wants to show how close he is with the police department and with myself the chief, by having her become engaged to one of my sons.” Inuyasha's eyes began to widen.
“And that was supposed to be Sesshomaru...but he came home already engaged...which is called me...” He spoke his realizations out loud finishing it for him, and his father finally looked up at him.
“You know I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't desperate Inuyasha....” His mind froze; he didn't even know what to think. Here was his father, acting the nicest towards him he had his entire life, begging him for help so he didn't lose his new job he was so proud of but by asking him to do something completely insane. Inuyasha's skin felt like it was sagging against him suddenly; he staggered over to a nearby bench and fell against it, his neck snapped back like a broken doll. He heard his father shuffle over to join him and sit rigidly on the bench. Inuyasha kept his eyes open staring up into the tree branches and the sunlight that was showering over the leaves breaking through at odd points to fall on him warmly. For a moment he forgot everything and just stared, until his father continued to talk taking him back into reality.
“It wouldn't be for long, just until the fall. All you have to do is show up at a couple of benefits, look happy, have some pictures taken that sort of thing. I know it's something you're not used to, but your mother and I became accustomed to it when I got my promotion. It's not hard'll have to stay for at least a month or so. And you'll have to really act engaged, but I hear she's a lovely woman, very beautiful.” His father was stammering, almost to the point of rambling at this point, Inuyasha just wanted to close his eyes and wish it all away. To wake up back in his bed in New York, to be able to pull out a cigarette and do a line and forget this entire fucked up mess. He allowed himself one of the pleasures and got out a cigarette, hoping his dad would have the sense not to fuck with him about it. His father didn't say a word.
A/N: So there you have it; I really like this chapter, did you? I tried to make their reactions as realistic as possible so I'd love feedback with what you thought of them. Thanks till the next update!
Disclaimer: He's not mine. It goes without saying.