InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ Love at First Sight ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update again I had been working on the Sess/Rin one-shot I posted last week (shameless plug) hehe. This is a shorter chapter but I wanted to get something up for you guys! Thanks again to PrincessAngel for another review! Yep Inu isn't going to be nearly as short tempered in this fic, he's a bit more mature, I like to give his character a little more depth. And Thank you so much super_sailor_fanner! I don't think I've ever seen that many explanation points in my entire life....O.o haha But I'm so glad you like it and thanks for the praises! *blush*
So thank you very much to all my readers and please if you've got the time review, it would mean a lot to me. Thanks again and hope you enjoy the new chapter! Ja!
Kagome woke a little past noon the following day, jii-chan had given them a look upon letting them in so late last nite, but didn't ask any questions. Saying a quick goodnight to Souta in the hall she opened the door to her old bedroom and couldn't help but smile. She loved this shrine dearly, as a child she spent the entire summer here usually, entranced by the legends her jii-chan told her. But as she got older the peaceful shrine had become her refuge from her family, right up until she left for the states that is. It was her sanctuary, the fact it was literally a holy place didn't affect that ironically.
She stretched with a happy sigh; sun was sneaking in through the parted drapes falling across her soft skin in ribbons. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she tied her hair up in a loose ponytail and slipped into a t-shirt and shorts, picking up her running shoes from her suitcase as she headed for the door.
“Good morning jii-chan”, she gave the old man a kiss on the cheek after finding him outside sweeping
“Morning, Kagome dear.” He kept sweeping while she sat on the porch lacing the tennis shoes up.
“I'm so sorry again about barreling in here in the middle of the night...” Kagome paused looking down at her feet for a moment; she didn't have much of an explanation beyond that.
“Don't concern yourself with it; you know you're always welcome here.”
“Thanks so much,” She smiled waving to him and warmed up heading down the stairs. Kagome knew he'd tell Souta where she had gone to, right now she needed this. Running provided a freedom and clarity to her thoughts. She would focus on the pace and her breathing completely until it faded into muscle memory, it was after that she would do her best problem sorting. Pushing her physical limits some how made dealing with whatever problem it was easier, and she loved the feel of being in control of her body. Having worked so hard to stay healthy she knew her muscles very well and the potential they were capable of. The feel of them tingling after a run and knowing she was strong and well fit gave her a peace, even with her life in such chaos she could be confident in her abilities. Having been blessed with a passion for running also had left her with a stunning figure. Kagome had a petite waist with a shallow curve for a stomach flaring into well developed hips. Long legs cascaded down to delicate ankles with a rather shapely chest to top it all off.
She breathed slowly keeping a steady pace, the sound of her heart and steps pounding in her ears. After getting up to a speed she was comfortable in, she set into the sort of mental cruise control keeping her breathing deep and letting last night's scene play back in her head. Anger flared again but she just ran faster pushing herself harder to keep it at bay. Her speech to her parents while perfect did have some major flaws unfortunately. Kagome had never had a job she had always been too engrossed in studies, but she couldn't exactly work her way as a minimum wage hostess through school. She couldn't afford to take any time off either to earn money because of the possibility of loosing her scholarships. They would pay for a good deal but there would still be the cost of living, food, books the list would be lengthy even if she had tuition completely covered. She could get more aid but she would have to be listed as independent, something her family would never agree to and once again she couldn't do on her own. She couldn't even afford a plane ticket back to America as of now.
Slowing down Kagome stopped and leaned against a concrete wall lining the sidewalk dejectedly. She'd spend the rest of her life paying off the student loans she was going have to take it looked like. Exhaling an angry breath she set out at an even faster pace, the buildings beginning to go out of focus, she thought of nothing but moving farther and faster away from her starting point. Not caring if she wouldn't be able to walk right for a week anymore.
After running past packed streets she happened upon a park she hadn't been to before, she sprinted up some steps and across a hill as a final defiance to her aching muscles. Her lungs felt like they were going to burst out of her chest and breathing was starting to become painful, she gave in and stopped slumping down into the soft grass. Chest heaving and breath coming out in pants; Kagome's gently tried massaging her calves a little to ease the raw muscles. With a sigh she tossed herself back laying on the grass, the sweat on her arms clinging to it. `That's going to itch on the way back,' she thought annoyed `at least I didn't wear a tank top.' Laying there for what felt like hours her eyes roaming the sky following the stray clouds. She remembered picking out the shapes with Souta as a child and tried to do it again but couldn't muster the imagination or energy for it. `Some clouds don't look like anything at all,' she thought depressingly. So she closed her eyes content in the moment.
Soon she would need to head back or Souta might worry, and no doubt their parents had filled both of their voicemails with angry messages and she suspected would be arriving at some point to attempt to drag them home. That had been a big part of the reason for the jog; she wasn't ready to face them at all yet. Last night she had been strong and fearless in her convictions and shock had been on her side, but her words would have sunken in by now and knowing her father he would be able to crush every point she had made. In their next discussion he would be covered and ready to shoot down every thought she had, would fill her with doubt to the point of desperation and have her just where he wanted. `Just like with one of his opponents,' her brows furrowed bitterly, but she knew he was right. It still didn't mean she was going to give in to his demands; she had no plans of doing that, having meant what she said. Better to be a penniless waitress in control of her own life than another puppet for her father to manipulate. Tears sprang in the corners of her eyes tracing down to her ears. The rage was gone but she would have preferred it over the foreboding feeling of hopelessness washing over her.
After tense silence Inuyasha exhaled standing up looking back down to his father. Neither had moved for several agonizing minutes.
“I'm not making any decisions yet, and if I do it will be for my own reasons and when I'm ready to. Right now I really don't want to think about all of this shit though. I'm going to head back.” He said shortly, his dad looked down then stood up next to him. He had been reeling since he first heard his father's plea but answers weren't among the thoughts praying at the edge of his mind like vultures.
“All I ask is that you consider it, thank you Inu. Want a ride back?”
“No thanks, I'll just catch a cab when I'm ready.” He turned away from him looking out towards the foliage; his dad giving his shoulder a slight squeeze then moving past him heading back towards the car.
Inuyasha had no idea what he was going to do; he just couldn't stand the thought of being around anyone right now. Had they all known? How long had this been planned? Would it really end after the summer or could he get his entire life fucked up by this one decision? Questions were firing off at random; he clenched his eyes tightly trying to shut them out. His feet started moving on their own accord and he jogged over to a more secluded part of the park lining the street. It was empty because of the lack of landscaping near the busy street and not nearly as beautiful as the area he had left behind, but it suited him better.
Surveying the area his eyes roamed over the houses nestled tightly together briefly wondering which one the girl he was being asked to propose to was in. What did she have to think about all this? Was she being given a choice, maybe she was delighted at the thought of bagging a rich husband. That was the most probable situation he thought disgustingly. He was about to head back and catch that cab when he realized he in fact wasn't alone. A girl lay in front of him in the grass, she was dressed in loose athletic clothes her skin still glistening with sweat and breathing heavily. But the strange part about her was that she was silently crying, it was barely noticeable but the streaks alone the side of her face caught his attention once he looked closer. He wasn't the type to meddle or care about some crying girl and just before he turned to leave her a pair of brown eyes fluttered open locking onto his. They lassoed him in pinning him to the spot staring at the girl looking at him upside down.
“Were you spying on me?” She questioned, not in an accusing tone but more curiously.
“Keh, hardly, this is a public park you know I was just walking and thought you look rather strange lying there.” Knocked out of his trance he crossed his arms stuffily glaring down at her. Surprisingly she didn't seem angry by the response.
“Yea, I suppose your right.” She closed her eyes again making him feel very uncomfortable hovering over her. She had stopped crying and seemed strangely calm like it had never happened.
“So what are you so upset about?” Her ambiguous tone questioned.
“What?” Taken aback by the weird but accurate question he stayed staring at her, the eyes opened again. The way she was gazing up at left him feeling defenseless for some reason.
“I heard you suddenly run up here; you were breathing heavy and didn't move for quite a while. What had you so deep in thought?”
“Like that's any of your business,” he snorted. “You were the one crying.” She sat up then and shot a glare over her shoulder.
“You shouldn't mention something if you don't have the decency to ask what's wrong you know.” She pointed out angrily.
“I don't have to ask you anything, I don't even know you.” He fired back.
“Yea, so move along, this place was peaceful before you came up.” She turned around to face the street her back to him. A messy ponytail clutched dark locks that came halfway down her back; the sun reflected an assortment of colors shining brightly through them.
“Public remember? I don't have to go anywhere. You've got a smart mouth on you, ya know? Shame, you would have been pretty if you didn't open it.” He countered her insult slyly in his usual aggressive tone.
“Asshole,” she muttered flipping him off and rising to her feet revealing a pair of long enticing legs. She headed back down the steps and set off jogging down the street, Inuyasha watched her go for a moment; she never looked back at him once. But he still grinned pleased to have pissed her off after that insult. Heading the opposite direction he stopped for a quick lunch at a local sushi bar then called a cab not feeling like walking so much anymore.
A/N: Hope ya liked it more to come soon! Here's betting next chapter Inu's going to regret that last comment -hinthint- watch out we're going to get some decisions going! (That's going to be fun!) Ja! And please review and check out my new story if you get the chance!
Disclaimer: I'll keep you posted if anything changes.