InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ Sober ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey everyone I'm finally back! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting for so long, I know I told you I had the new chapter up and would be posting it soon, but last week my hard drive crashed. We took it to a repair shop and not a bit of the data could be saved. Soooo I lost, everything. Yep! So much for being ahead in my chapters. At the moment I'm using a friend's computer, (which doesn't even have Word!!!!) so please bear with me if this is a little rough around the edges. I wanted to get something posted though for you guys asap. So I'm very sorry, hopefully I'll have my computer back up and running by next week, thank you for your patience. And because of my time limit no thank you's this chapter, I'll make up for them come next one. But thank you very much to everyone who is reading and reviewing! Short update, but hopefully it'll tide you over! Oh and this chapter is for Jade because she listened to me bitch non stop about my computer loss ehehe ^ ^; Ja! ~Laurell
Inuyasha looked up from the computer screen squinting as if it would give him the ability to see through the door in the office. He heard his father's keys first, then his footsteps, then finally his voice. It didn't matter where they lived, from the small apartment the four of them used to share, to the much nicer home his parents now lived in alone, it was always the same order. Growing up they had by no means been rich, but they got by just fine. Maybe that was why he lived such a loud and flashy lifestyle now fueled by his drug money. He wasn't sure, but he knew his mother would have been so disappointed if she knew anything about his New York life. She frowned worried by the parts she assumed and they were only the tip to a very dark ice burg. Maybe that's why he hadn't called too...
Thinking about the life waiting back home for him formed a knot in his chest. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy it, he had the most amazing things anyone in New York could want. An exquisite apartment that got him laid constantly by beautiful exotic women. The kind normal men drooled over and threw weeks of hard earned money at even though they knew it was futile. They were attainable to him. The thick walls and high vaulted ceilings of his place had heard more foreign languages screamed and moaned than the NATO headquarters. He had constant access to any and all drugs and people always looking for them. His best friend Miroku was completely insane but amazing at smooth talking and always delivering new clients or stoned models to his door, and he had a BMW just for fun that he barely used.
His life was amazing, envied by every bachelors. But New York seemed far away all the sudden and he felt very out of place. When you lived in that city, you're smothered by the haze that cloaks it. The air has so many fumes soaked into it, it's intoxicating just to breath. A hundred miles away and more sober than he had been in three years, a shiver ran up his spine. Tokyo was so different it might have well been another world.
Maybe it was the lack of substance abuse talking but he walked out, found his father and said "We need to talk."
It was the calm before the storm, and the tension of the house was seeping into Kagome's pores. The eerie stillness reminding her of what she had done.
A knock came softly on the door but she lay mute on the bed.
"Kagome?" her mother's voice called twice before she got up and unlocked the door but didn't open it. Still uninvited she walked in and set a tray carrying a bowl of soup down on the desk.
"You never came for dinner and I thought you might be hungry..." Her mother offered in a soft voice. She stayed silent on her side, her back the only thing visible of her petite form on the huge bed.
Walking over Mrs.Higurashi sat daintily on the edge near her reaching down to stroke her hair.
"Kagome dear...have you ever thought you're maybe looking at this the wrong way? Having a rich and powerful fiancee could work very well for you. And I hear Police Chief Taisho's sons are both very handsome." She kept saying while rubbing her head.
"If you're going to keep talking like that just get out. You're wasting your breath and my time." Kagome muttered half into her pillow annoyed.
"Your father does truly believe this engagement will be good for you..."
"No mother it's good for him, and it's not a real engagement, just one giant act. Kind of like your whole life. You're even more delusional than I thought if you believe any of his motives benefit anyone but himself." She snapped harshly.
Her mother gracefully rose and closed the door behind her not saying a word as she left, obviously hurt. Kagome rolled onto her stomach shoving her face deep into her pillow sighing. After laying that way for awhile she gave into her hunger and walked over to the delicious smelling soup. Not bothering to sit she hunched over the desk eating quickly.
Her eyes flicked over to another knock on the door praying for them to just go away before hearing Souta's voice. Opening the door she strained to smile at him. Souta moved past her walking in carrying a bag in his arms.
"I know what you did for me, Dad told me. I can't begin to thank you..." He said only after she had shut the door again.
"Oh Souta...really-" He held up a hand silencing her.
"Don't Kagome. I know you just as well as you know me. So I know what this is doing to you, and I know there's not much I can do to help so i just thought you might like to have some distraction from your thoughts."
He dumped the bag out on the floor kneeling next to the scattered contents.
"There's nothing like a horror movie marathon to get your mind off real things!" He said grinning and holding up one of the Halloween movies and The Shining.
"And I've already ordered some pizza and have two pints of ice cream staged in the freezer." He beamed proudly. Kagome sank to her knee's throwing her arms around her little brother's neck.
"Thank you're the best." She whispered.
Mrs. Taisho watched with a concerned expression as her youngest son and husband climbed the stairs away from her not noticing her still standing at the bottom. Rin took her hand softly leading her away once the men were out of sight whispering reassurances to her.
Closing the door behind them Mr.Taisho sat on the edge of the large bed that filled the master bedroom. Inuyasha walked to one of the large windows peering out at the heavy rain and clouds still blanketing Tokyo. 'I guess it's fitting on a day like this,' he thought to himself.
"I've decided something." He said, seeing his father look up from taking off his boots in the reflection of the glass. Turning around he saw the slight fear in his strong stare.
"I've been doing research all afternoon and everything you told me about the campaigns and crime is true. But I wasn't able to find any information beyond a name on candidate Higurashi's daughter."
"Well, she's been away at school in America for four years."
"Oh." Inuyasha said in surprise. "Either way I would like to meet her before I think any further on this matter. If I can't stand her, I won't be able to pretend to love her." Keeping his voice stern he laid down his demands.
"That sounds more than reasonable." Mr. Taisho said relieved and returning to unlacing his boots. Inuyasha turned back to the window pressing his finger tips against the glass, the cold of the outside world seeped into them.
"I was contacted today by Mr.Higurashi actually. He wanted to tell me Kagome would be attending the charity event hosted at the Tokyo International Forum. We were invited and I hear Kagome is hoping you'd attend."
"When is it?" Inuyasha asked still focused on the freezing cold window.
"This Saturday. That'd probably be as good a time as any."
Inuyasha closed his eyes thoughtfully. "Ok, I haven't been there in years and have wanted to see more of the building than we did last time, plus I can always run to the Station if I need a quick escape." He smiled but was only half joking.
"You know Inuyasha...," his dad stood up having removed the water soaked boots. Inuyasha turned to face him. "You're a really wonderful son. You don't know how much this means to me that you're even considering it. But I don't want to pressure you, I will respect your decision either way, and no matter what will always love you."
Inuyasha's eyes were wide, he struggled for a reply before finally managing to say, "Thanks Dad." The two men gave each other a quick embrace.
"Well, it's not such a big deal. You said she's hot right?" He joked weakly lightening the mood, his dad laughed. Walking back downstairs they were greeted happily by the rest of their awaiting family. Mr. Taisho very casually mentioned halfway through dinner, "Oh and we're going to be going to the International Forum Saturday afternoon for an event." Everyone nodded and Inuyasha's mother gave him a quick wink before the subject was dropped.
A/N: Thank you again to all my readers and please review if you have the time, lord knows I could use the encouragement right now ;p hehe.