InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ Meet Your Fiancée ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey everybody I'm back! And still computerless but I've been writing a ton to get this up for you guys. I REALLY hope you like it. It's the chapter everyone has been waiting for!!! -cheers- BlackDiamon Thanks so much for your review! I like Kagome's attitude in this as well and their families, it's been a story I've had in the back of my mind for so long. I'm really glad I put it up and you're enjoying it. SSF: *BLUSH* Thank you! Yea it's a common theme, how on the surface there's a lot of differences between them but down deeper they have more in common than they even realize :D. There's always some underlying theme in my fics heh I like it when people point them out. Thanks so much for all your sweet words! They mean so much! And everybody wants this chapter so yay here it is! I hope its everything you wanted!!! Princess-in-Training Thanks for the review and here's the chapter you wanted! :] It's gunna be a bit heated! Cheerios Thank you so much for your constant reviews. I adore the sibling relationships and well all the family relationships in this fic, even the bad ones hehe. And I'm so sorry I didn't post that last chapter sooner! I wasn't just being evil, I straight up lost it -sigh- But ah well! Here's the new one yay! QuestionableIntentions Well if it isn't my favorite new reviewer! Yay and you updated my artwork *gushes* The key to this author's heart is checking out her fanart too hehe. Hope you love the update. Anddddd mepinak Thanks for the review!! Yep still having computer problems, and I try to update as soon as I can I really do. I don't think I'm so bad compared to others but I still get complaints hehe. I don't mind though. And of course I know who you are, hope you like the new chapter and feel free to update or review with your thoughts.
Other than that everyone....ENJOY!!!! It's the chapter you've been waiting for! Oh and it's dedicated to Jade, because I love her and she knows why :] Pleeeeeease Review and tell me what you think! JA! ~Laurell *soo excited*
Kagome stared at her feet helplessly while her mother twirled around her throwing clothes on the bed muttering.
“Well this could work, maybe this?...Hmm no….” She sighed. “Kagome dear don't you have any formal clothes left?”
“No, not really.” She had been wearing a uniform for the past four years at boarding school and didn't need to wear dresses much so she really only had the one she had wore for graduation. She used to love it but now only thought of her first night here. 'Might as well wear it again,' the good memories had been whipped off it as soon as she had stepped in this house.
“Can't I just wear my black dress?” She pointed to it. Her mother turned to look it over up and down critically.
“It's more casual than I'd like but…I guess it will have to do.” She sighed again. “I just wish you had let me take you shopping to find something.”
“No thank you.” Was Kagome's only reply rising up from the bed and leaving her mother in her room.Her footsteps were soft on the cold tile floor as she wandered looking for Souta. She found him in the living room indulging in playing a video game while their father was doing last minute details for the charity dinner that night.
“There you are.” She smiled sitting down next to him.
“Hey.” He twisted the controller around eyes locked on the screen.
“Wanna get out of here and get some lunch before we have to get ready for this wretched thing tonight?” Kagome offered hoping he'd accept and she would have a reason to leave. She would have liked to leave and never look back but Souta was worth more than that to her.
“Yea just hold on one…ah shit!” He dropped the controller frustrated. “Now we can go.” She laughed lightly walking into the foyer to gather her purse and wait for Souta.
“Kagome and I are going out to eat.” He leaned into the banister yelling upstairs to their mother. `She's probably still sulking I wouldn't let her buy me anything.' Kagome thought rolling her eyes. `I don't need any more money from them though, knowing him he'd just hold it over my head later.' Souta joined her opening the front door and grabbing his keys from the hook.
Kagome smiled at the feeling of the sunshine pouring over her skin again, wincing a bit from the brightness she looked up to find the sky crisp and beautiful. “Hmm. Nice day out.” Souta remarked reading her mind as they jumped into his explorer.
“Where do you want to go?”
“Honestly, I don't even care. I just don't want to be here.” He smiled sympathetically at her, knowing the feeling well, and pulled out of the drive way. A series of high pitched noises caused him to look down at the purse on her lap.
“Kagome I think you're ringing.”
“Huh? Oh!” She cried fumbling through her purse searching for her cell phone. She had forgotten all about it and calling her friends back home. She smiled seeing the name lighting up on the screen.
“Hey Sango.”
“Kagome!” Sango cried annoyed. “Where the hell have you been? I haven't heard from you in days!”
“I'm sorry. There's a lot going on back here and I guess I haven't felt up to talking about it yet.” Sango knew the history of her family and understood it was probably something to do with her father.
“Oh ok, well are you all right?”
“Yea I'm fine, just pissed off. I'm in the car with my brother though, we're on our way to lunch. Can I call you back this afternoon? I've got this thing to go to tonight that I really don't want to. But I'll have time to call you before hand I think. I really do need to talk to you.”
“Of course sweetie.” Her voice was soft with worry.
“Hey how's summer school?” Kagome offered quickly trying to clear the air of the subject.
“It's great, I'm having so much fun but I wish you were here! You're still coming to college in America right?”
“So far yes, that's kind of what this has to do with. But we'll talk more later ok?” Souta glanced over to his sister glad she had someone to vent to later about all this. He felt awful for dragging her into such a mess but he knew Kagome and once she made her mind up to do something nothing could stop her.
“Ok, Call me soon.”
“I will, bye babe.” Kagome flipped the phone closed smiling a bit. She realized how much she had been missing Sango as soon as she heard her voice. Going to MIT was an option on her list of schools she had applied to and been accepted, but she hadn't decided yet if that was the right one. But it would have been nice to be reunited with Sango all the same.
“Your same best friend in America right?”
“Yep.” Kagome said wistfully but starting to cheer up.
“I hope you can go back to there soon Kagome. I hope you can stay there and not be bothered by all of us anymore.” Souta gripped the wheel tightly his knuckles loosing color.
“You're not a bother Souta…our family is just more difficult than other's that's all.”
“Still, you deserve so much more.”
“So do you. But talking like that won't do either of us good.” She shrugged. “ We'll just have to see what happens.”
“You know…” Souta said hesitantly. “You're going to meet him tonight Kagome. The man you're going to pretend to love.”
“I know.” She kept her stare straight ahead of them on the winding city streets, her eyes not giving a hint to how she was really feeling.
Inuyasha stalked around the house like a predator most of the day. His mother's eyes following him whenever he passed through the den while she watched TV.
“Inuyasha.” She finally said. He looked up from his frustrated pacing. “You don't have to do anything you don't want to.”
“I know that,” he muttered. “I do want to do this…just…fuck I don't know!” She closed her eyes.
“Language…” He winced looking down.
“Sorry. I guess I'm frustrated.” Finally plopping down next to her on the large leather couch he rested his head back on the cushion. “I did agree to this, and I want to help you guys and meet her. But I'm confused, and I'm worried this won't work. You know I'm not the easiest guy to get along with. She'll probably hate me and I'll ruin this entire thing and dad's new job!” His mother reached down to pat his hand lightly laying her petite one on top of it.
“Don't worry yourself about such things. You have no control of them. Just wait and see what happens before getting worked up Inuyasha. And if she doesn't like you, or you don't like her, we don't have to go through with any of this. It's all in your hands.” She smiled at him, her long black hair pulled into a low pony tail today hanging over the collar of her shirt. It always amazed him how she stayed so calm and serene in a house raising the two of them and with her father. They were always fighting and down on their luck for a pretty long spell. But none of it ever got it, her eyes sparkled as clearly today as they ever had. Nothing got under his mother's skin, it was one of his favorite qualities about her and whenever he was around her he liked to think her calm demeanor could rub off on him. In some ways it did, this was one of the most rational decisions he had made but it was causing him more grief than most of his idiotic ones. `Figures,' he thought with a mental groan.
“Well, thanks mom. I feel a little better about it all, I'm just making too big a deal of this huh?” She shrugged not answering either way.
“I know you'll make the right decision. Why don't you take your mind of it and just relax and watch some TV with me.” He obeyed her soft tone settling in watching some sort of day time talk show. He laughed after a minute.
“What is this shit mom?”
“Language Inuyasha. And it's paternity results revealed.” She grinned at him and he couldn't help but snicker. “What?” She demanded still smiling. “Am I supposed to watch soap opera's all day?”
“Haha, no. Nothing mom, nothing.” He shook his head a bit in disbelief still laughing. She shrugged and went back to watching unfazed by his reaction.
Kagome walked up the stairway despondently her eyes downcast. Lunch with Souta had been wonderful, he had tried to say everything she could have wanted to hear but it was no use. She stayed optimistic for his sake, at least when talking about it. Her feelings were her own burden, no sense laying anything else on Souta he had enough worries.
Closing the door behind her she sat down on her bed searching for her cell phone at the bottom of her purse. Hitting a speed dial key it rang once before Sango answered.
“Hey.” She said softly and she wondered if she had been asleep. She couldn't remember the time change anymore between here and her home.
“Did I wake you?”
“Nah, not really. I can talk.” She heard rustling in the background and knew she probably had woken her and just prayed she didn't have any early morning classes. “How have you been `Gome?”
“Oh…you know.” She said struggling with controlling her shaking voice. Everything happening was threatening to overwhelm her and she couldn't allow it. Tonight she had to have complete control, whoever this man was in store for more than he bargained for. Much more.
“No, I don't. Tell me Kagome, it's ok.” She sighed squeezing her eyes shut.
“My father has arranged an engagement for me. He threatened to take away my money for college. That wasn't so bad but then he said he was going to home school my little brother all of high school….I just couldn't let him. Souta needs to live a somewhat normal life; I'm really worried this is too much stress for a boy his age. I don't want him to have permanent effects from it, or always regret missing out on his youth. I had to do something…so I told him I'd act engaged to some man I don't even know to help his campaign if he let Souta go to high school…” She paused to breath.
“Oh my god…Kagome…”
“And tonight I'm going to meet him at this charity event I'm being forced to go to…I don't want to go…all I want to do is cry but I'm not going to let him have the satisfaction of seeing me crumble.”
“Kagome, this is all so wrong. Are you sure it's the only way to help Souta?”
“Yes, I know how his mind works. He's like a stubborn child with too much power for his own good. This was the only thing he wanted from me, my only bargaining tool for my brother's life.” She leaned forward resting her head in her hand.
“How long does this have to go on?”
“For the rest of the summer, then I can go back to college in the fall. It's until the elections basically. But how do I even know he'll keep his word on that? I mean what next? Maybe he'll decide he's not done with me! I swear he'd hang me on Tokyo Tower if it got him another vote.”
Sango sighed heavily as well now. “So you're sure this is the only choice?”
“Unfortunately yea…I think so…”
“Well then that's how it's going to be. Go through this one day at a time, I know better than anyone else that you're strong enough to do this. You shouldn't have to, but you can make it Kagome. Do what they ask, nothing more, and nothing less. Just get through the summer, get your ass back here and don't look back.”
“Yea…” Kagome said quietly taking Sango's words to heart.
“And no matter what happens, you have me. We've got tons of friends scattered everywhere from high school but you know whenever you need me I'm here. And when you get home I'll still be here.”
“Thanks Sango.” She smiled at the voice on the line wishing she was with her, when she was with Sango all of her troubles seemed to melt away.She was the most determined and strong willed girl she had ever met, and had stayed positive despite many setbacks she had with her family as well. They were alike in their deep rooted problems with family and stubbornness, but much more than that made them best friends.
“So you really don't know anything about him?”
“Nope, no name, no picture, nothing. All I know is he's the head of the Tokyo Police department's son, it goes with this campaign shit my dad's doing.”
“Well then he can't be all that bad right? Maybe he'll be nice or cute? You never know.”
“I guess not but…I dunno I just don't like any of this. I'm not expecting anything at this point.”
“That makes sense. Well you pull yourself together; go to this dumb thing looking beautiful! Leave everyone in awe! You'll be stunning and your father will have nothing to complain about and hopefully he'll stay out of your way. And I guess just try and give the guy a chance…you know if he's cute.” She giggled guiltily.
“Saaango,” she laughed. “Don't be so shallow!”
“Well it's true!” Kagome covered the mouth piece hearing a knock on the door.
“Come in.” She said softly. Her mother poked her head in the door then made a frantic gestured pointing to her watch at seeing her still not dressed. Kagome waved her off.
“I gotta go Sango, I'm sorry but I need to get ready.”
“Its fine, call me and tell me how it goes ok?”
“Definitely. Bye sweetie, and thanks again.” She snapped the phone shut feeling a little better. `Sango's right, I can do this. This will be a breeze compared to AP History.' Holding her head up a little higher she walked into the bathroom turning on the shower still hearing her mother babbling from behind her about the time. She ignored her, and everything else.
Redoing his tie for what must have been the fifth time Inuyasha finally got it looking decent. He hated ties. Jackets, blazer's he could deal with those, those were the average wear to catching the right girls at the clubs he frequented. But ties were too much for him and he usually avoided them at all costs. Walking out his room and downstairs he found his mom and Rin standing in the hall chatting while Rin put her earrings on.
“There you are Inu!” Rin grinned when she looked up first to see him. He spread his arms out in a mocking dramatic movement.
“Come here, let me fix your tie.” Groaning he walked up to stand in front of his mother while she tweaked the soft strip of fabric. “There that's better.” Rin nodded approvingly. She was dressed in a simple black dress with no hoe's and a pair of strappy sling back heels making her a little bit taller. Sesshomaru still towered over her though when he walked towards the front door meeting them as well. He placed a hand on her exposed back rubbing lightly before nodding to his brother. Even Sesshomaru didn't dare say a word about Inuyasha meeting the Higurashi daughter tonight.
“Are you ready Honey?” His mother yelled up the steps to the second floor with all the bedrooms.
“Almost!” Came a muffled reply.His father bounced down the stairs a few seconds later pulling on his jacket while he did so. Mr.Taisho smiled down at his family of four waiting for him. Climbing inside his large SUV that easily held them they headed for Japan's most prestigious business district, Marunouchi. Located between Tokyo Station and Tokyo Imperial Palace it was the main business district housing many of japan's largest companies, particularly the financial ones. Mr. Taisho looked in the rearview mirror several times reading his youngest son's expression as the street lights scrolled over his features. Calming his nerves the family pressed on through the busy streets heading for The Forum.
No one spoke on the car ride over; well she shouldn't say that. People were speaking she just wasn't listening, it wasn't worth her time. It was the same crap she had been hearing all day from her father. Empty threats if she did anything in public to embarrass him and the like.
“Oh don't worry yourself father I'm a fine actress, I'll love both you and this man I've never met before perfectly I promise.” She muttered sarcastically her arm's firmly locked over her chest and her body scooted as close to the door of the limo as possible. She rested her forehead lightly against the window, the glittering lights and buildings of Marunouchi flying through the darkness outside. Souta and their mother both kept their eyes down, her father didn't reply, she smirked from the small win over him.
Souta reached over to grab Kagome's hand and give it a squeeze as they pulled up in the lines of car's arriving to be valet in front of the huge glass building. She smiled at him sadly, the door was being pulled open and she could hear the crowd before even seeing them. She gathered her courage and plastered a huge fake smile on her face gracefully stepping out of the limo first, nodding to the driver politely and waiting for her family. A few paparazzi snapped eager photo's of her homecoming being the first public event in Japan in over three years. Mrs. Higurashi stepped out with a delicate nod to everyone; Souta took her hand walking toward the building. Her father came last, waving with a charismatic smile on his face. She happily threaded her arm through his giggling and eyes shining as they walked up to the entrance together, the adorable little family. `Pretend now, so you never have to again.' She told herself even reaching up to give her dad a sweet kiss on the cheek that a camera man requested. The crowd laughed when he made a joke she missed, but she giggled with them all them, practically pulling him into the building to get away from the constant flashes. Another limo was pulling up so he finally complied and walked into the building.
Kagome marveled forgetting the beauty of The Forum as she stepped inside again. With 11 stories above ground and 3 below, it was Tokyo's first convention and art center in one. It was divided into four buildings each housing a unique hall and the beautiful Glass Atrium Building where Kagome was currently standing. The Mitsuo Aida Museum she could remember faintly visiting on a school trip a long time ago was under them on the huge first basement floor. Her father took her hand to move her out of her daze over to the elevators where Souta and her mother were waiting. The large elevator was quiet as the small chime rang up to the 7th floor. The family walked out casually leaving Kagome standing there, only snapping out of it as the elevator doors began to close again and she quickly squeezed through. She looked up in awe of the main hall of the Glass building called simply The Lounge. It was a beautiful spacious room its walls covered in windows and architecturally modern support beams. The hall was heavily decorated and already filled with people, the sound of a band playing was somewhere in the room.
A caterer passed by offering something on a tray which she politely declined, then moved forward trying to locate where Souta had gone off to. Her heart hammered in her chest assaulting her ribs as she realized somewhere in this room was the man she was going to spend the next few months of her life with. Her head buzzed with thousands of questions but she quickly silenced them, smoothed out her dress, and regained control of the situation. `You are Kagome Higurashi, and you have not worked this hard in your life to become a housewife. Take control, handle it, get back to Sango and your real life in America. It's that simple. You can do this.' With a new confidence she walked into the crowds smiling and nodding to everyone, her beautiful dress flowing behind her, long legs accented by sharp pointed heels traveling in front of her. Many stopped her to say hello and she made idle chit chat working the crowds in the way so efficiently it frightened her. `Well you are his daughter.'
A small dance floor was situated near the jazz band she had now located, and a few couples were dancing. An older man who Kagome recognized as the head of one of the skyscraper companies around here asked her to dance. She apologized regretfully but said she was searching for her father and he directed her over to a crowd. Walking up she could see the people flocked around him as he charmed them all. He already had a glass of scotch in hand and it moved as he told a gesticulated story. The crowd chuckled and woman fawned, Kagome suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. She could see Souta now who also had a small crowd of business men around him, they looked to all be CEO's of the surrounding buildings as well. Kagome recognized at least one of them as the head of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, a sky scraper literally just across the street.
“Kagome!” She heard her father say affectionately and gesture towards her, the crowd swiveled to look at her. “Come here my dear.”
Mastering another fake smile she walked to him where he happily put an arm around her shoulders, half embrace, half pinning her to his side. She smiled affectionately while he told of her achievements in America. She kept her answers brief and ambiguous as discussed earlier because after all she was announcing a secret engagement come this next weekend. Her father nodded approvingly as she spoke, giving her arm a slight squeeze every so often when she said too much.
“If you'll excuse us everyone, I need to speak with my daughter a moment.” He said while eyeing the door. Kagome tensed her heart pounding wildly again. Pulling her away from the crowds but close enough to the band where they couldn't be heard he held her closely as a father might while whispering carefully. “Listen your would be fiancée is just now arriving and you need to keep your reaction in check. Someone may be watching just waiting to find a flaw that you two have not been dating. If anyone asks you've been seeing each other in America for the last three years, he lives in New York and you travel to see him. That's where you spent last Christmas as well.”
“You could have told me my life story a little early you know.” She hissed keeping the smile on her face. He didn't bother answering her.
“He will walk up to you and ask you to dance, I want you to be surprised and smile because you didn't realize he was home in town. I want you to chat on the dance floor and under no circumstance are you to say anything that the long time girlfriend of this boy wouldn't. I'm giving you the element of surprise to be nice and to play off the fact you've never met him before.” He hissed back as if he was doing her some great favor.
“Does he know all this?”
“He's about to, I'm going to go talk to the boy's father. Go sit at that table next to your brother, do not turn around. He will tap you on the shoulder, remember. Surprise. Happy. Dance. That's it. Are we clear?”
“Yes, and are we clear this is the last favor I ever do for you? If I hear a whisper of anything beyond the deal arranged I swear I'll throw a drink in his face.” Her voice was low and threatening, the mocking smile only making it worse. His expression tightened but he nodded.
“We are in agreement, now go sit next to Souta.” With a quick hug she walked over to the table determined to keep from shaking and sat next to her brother. He looked over at her knowing fully what was happening. Souta squeezed her hand tightly under the elaborate table cloth.
“I'm ok; I've got control of it.” She whispered carefully.
“You can do this, I know you can. Just remember how to pretend Kagome, it's just one big game, remember how to act.” She nodded steadily trying to keep her mind focus. Words fell out of her lips to Souta in their `casual' conversation in case anyone was listening but she didn't have a clue what she was saying. Her body felt like it was going numb; the anticipation was crawling up her spine pinching every nerve along the way. She sucked another breath in, struggling to remember to breath or she could faint. Her heart went so fast it wasn't even beating; it was shaking in her rib cage, nothing more.
Inuyasha waited hands in his pockets while his father talked hurriedly with another man he recognized to be candidate Higurashi. He smiled a bit looking around at the architecture of the glass building, it was truly magnificent work. Sesshomaru had already disappeared introducing Rin around to people, she looked beautiful and flowed between the different crowds completely at ease. He still found it so strange a girl like her would choose to be by his brother's side. `Opposites really do attract I guess.' Seeing his father shake hands with Mr.Higurashi he came back over to stand next to him.
“Let's talk.” He whispered, and the two men walked to a more secluded area of the large room.
“So what's up? When do I get to meet the mystery girl?” Inuyasha was trying to remain as calm as possible, keeping his voice and actions cool but his pulse was ticking a bit faster than usual.
“It's not that simple actually. Listen closely ok? We're in their world now, so we have to play by their rules. They're people everywhere and they're going to be watching you and Kagome, if they see the two of you meeting for the first time and then if this works out and you decide to go ahead and announce the engagement next week, they're going to question it. If even one rumor goes around that this was arranged it'll ruin everything and candidate Higurashi will find himself in a lot of trouble. So unfortantly you have to act like you know her for now. This doesn't mean you have to go through with this. If you change your mind we just never announce it and no one's any wiser, our families are the only ones who know about this arrangement.” Inuyasha nodded trying to absorb everything.
“So how am I going to meet her without people realizing we're meeting?”
“Mr.Higurashi has her seated across the room with her brother. All you have to do is walk up, tap her on the shoulder and ask her to dance. What he's told her to go by is that the two of you have been dating off and on in America for the past three years traveling to see each other. She doesn't know you're here though so it's a surprise. Of course it really is a surprise because she doesn't know you.” His father paused to laugh nervously knowing how crazy this entire scheme sounded, he hated politics. “So if anyone asks that's the story, she'll be surprised, she'll accept your offer and then you two can talk between yourselves while you dance, close enough that no one will hear. Like I said this doesn't mean the decision to go ahead next week is final ok? You meet her now, and you can spend time alone with her through the following week even before you make your decision. The public will never know.” Sighing Inuyasha twitched his fingers over a lock of his bangs hanging too far down in his face, a frustrated tick he had.
“They've really got every detail thought about huh?”
“They're politicians Inu, we're in another world here.” He laughed sighing as well. “Are you feeling ok? We can always just leave. I'm doing him the favor in exchange for him doing the department a favor, but that doesn't mean he has me under his thumb. You always have a choice I want you to know that.”
“I know. I know….” Inuyasha paused for a moment weighing his options. `I've come this far…'
“Ok, point her out and just let me work my magic.” He grinned confidently. His father directed him nonchalantly to a girl with black hair tied up in an elaborate looking bun, loose pieces of her wavy hair and her bangs hid her face from him but she had a beautiful figure that was wrapped in a black and cream colored dress. He smiled approvingly. `Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.'
“Oh and Inu! Don't forget, her name is Kagome.” He patted his dad on the shoulder nodding.
Inuyasha gulped nervously approaching the seated girl trying to run the things he would say through his head. `Just ask her to dance, smile and ask her to dance. She's just another girl, nothing different than what you usually do.' He smiled confidently again at that thought. He did this constantly in New York, if there was one thing he was truly good at, it was charming women. Finally within reach he tapped her soft shoulder lightly and she started to turn. Looking over her shoulder he saw her face and his entire mind went blank.
Kagome sucked in her breath quickly her mind reeling. `HIM! Oh god anybody but him!' Her eyes widened and she was doing an amazing job of looking surprised. His face was just as stunned as she was and she quickly remembered the crowd around them feeling her father's smoldering eyes from close by. Jumping to her feet she realized she didn't even know his name. `Take control.' Her mind screamed.
“Darling.” Wrapping him in a soft hug she took direction of the situation, this idiot was too stunned to do anything. People around them occasionally looked over but for the most part we're oblivious to the pair. Kagome pulled back, brown eyes meeting gold eyes and paused urging him to say his line. Finally he snapped back when she roughly squeezed his hand.
“Would you like to dance?” He offered still shakily.
“I'd love to, I wasn't expecting you home.” She cooed playing up her role and hugging on to his arm, more leading him than anything.
“I wanted to surprise you.” He smirked placing the arm she was latched on to lightly on her back after reaching the floor. A slow jazz song drifted over them and she settled onto his chest lightly. She could still feel the eyes of their families on them. Snuggled in close enough she lifted her chin up to rest higher on his shoulder keeping her voice to an acidic whisper.
“Spend lots of times harassing girls you don't know in parks?”
“No,” he said flatly. “Do you con rich young men into your family web often?”
“Excuse me?” She hissed.
“Don't think I'm not on to you. Daddy's little girl helping the campaign, and bagging her some rich fool in the process.”
“Are you kidding me? Do you think I actually want to be here!” The happy couple was all smiles and a businessman remarked somewhere what a lovely pair they made to another guest.
“I don't know! I don't know anything about you except for your attitude problem.” He replied coolly. “If your not here to try and suck the life out of some unlucky guy, who is not going to be me, then what are you doing?”
“I'll have you know I've been blackmailed into this. And how dare you insult me in such a way, I can say the same for you! You're family isn't getting anything out of this, what are you doing! Trying to get an easy lay!” He growled softly pulling her closer, she tried to shy away from the pinning contact but it was useless.
“What would you know about my family or my motives?” Pulling back she stared into his eyes, they were the strangest color amber she'd ever seen, but she couldn't imagine him with any other color. He stared back confusion behind them. She sighed softly where only he could see. He wasn't making this any easier.
“You're right, I don't know and neither do you. So do you want to start and tell me what's going on for your side of this story? It'll probably be easier to explain than mine.” He stared intensely searching her face for deceit. Satisfied she was being real he answered seriously. “In exchange for us doing this your father is doubling the police budget if he wins. They're really lacking funds right now, and my dad could lose his job if things don't pick up.”
“Oh…” Her face softened. “He didn't tell me that, I'm sorry for judging you.” Shifting uncomfortably a bit against her large eyes the two continued dancing not noticing their movements.
“Its fine, we didn't exactly get off to a good start. So if you don't want to be doing this why are you?”
“Well I've been living in America too, for the past four years going to school. They told me you lived in New York. And I want to go to college in America and live there in the future. My dad called me home after graduation; you see…I can't really stand my family except for my brother. They're so manipulative it drives me crazy.” She bit her lip a bit looking down. “It's always about my dad and whatever he wants, that's why I left. He told me about all this and I told him where he could shove his campaign. But he said he wouldn't pay for my college. That I was willing to deal with, so I still said no. Then he brought my younger brother into it." She motioned her head over to Souta and he turned to look at him. Inuyasha pulled back, her younger brother was practically drilling holes into his head with the stare he was giving him.
"Nice kid." He choked.
"He is..." She sighed to herself again. "Father said he was going to take him out of high school and have him home schooled for the next two years...I couldn't let it happen. So I agreed, and he agreed to leave Souta alone for his high school years and me for the rest of my life hopefully. It's the least I could do; he's given up everything to be my dad's heir so I could run around being selfish." Kagome gazed down at her feet; her toes still had pink nail polish on them she and Sango had painted for graduation. 'What would Sango say about all this?' She wondered and realized with a genuine smile. 'She'd say at least he's hot.'
"It's not selfish to want to live your own life. I'm doing the same thing."
"Well your family is different, and you're lucky. Mine see me as a traitor for not begging to be of service."
"I know what that's like." He rolled his eyes quickly. "I actually haven't gotten along with my dad for a long time; we hadn't spoken much since I left so I was pretty surprised when he suddenly invited me home. At first I was really angry at him for even asking but I don't know...I've always been the black sheep and I guess I just wanted to do something to make him happy for once."
"I'd probably feel the same, if I didn't basically hate my dad for what he's done to my family." Inuyasha nodded and the two stared at each other a moment longer, forgetting how close they were.
“Guess we have more in common than I thought.” Kagome whispered, he nodded.
“Do you want to get out of here?” He asked suddenly. Kagome cocked her head at him confused.
“What do you mean?”
“I came here to meet you, I did that and now I'd like to get to know you more without us being watched like hawks.” He tipped his head back just a little toward the direction Mr.Higurashi was indeed watching them closely from. “And I'm not so good at this acting thing…”
“I can't just leave, we just got here…” She bit her lip thinking.
“Oh ok. I'm sorry, I was under the impression you didn't like being here. But you're right, that would be irresponsible of us. Now why don't we go talk to that nice senator over there ok?” He teased under his breath smirking at her. She glared at him and paused before finally saying.
“Ok fine, but I need to tell my brother. Come meet him and then we'll get out of here.” He grinned nodding; she took his hand leading him off the dance floor. While they walked he glanced down at her out stretched hand holding his. She was beautiful, that was for sure, and fiery. He liked girls like that, ones that could match him. So why not get to know her a little better? They would be having to spend a lot of time together if he agreed to this fucked up arrangement.
Kagome looked around carefully still holding onto his hand tightly before leaning down to whisper to Souta. He continued his glare up at the man while Kagome spoke. She stopped suddenly blushing and leaned up to whisper to him.
“I still don't know your name…” He laughed at her befuddled expression and the insanity of the circumstances.
“Inuyasha.” He leaned down to whisper back. She went back to talking to Souta who finally nodded and stopped twisting daggers into his gut with his glares. The two nodded to each other curtly.
“Ok,” Kagome said turning back to Inuyasha. “You go out first, I'm going to go talk to my father and butter him up. Then hopefully he'll get distracted enough by the crowds where I can follow after you. Where should we meet?” Inuyasha thought for a moment.
“Meet me outside in the Plaza.” She nodded before he gave her hand a squeeze and headed for the doors. On his way out he snagged Rin.
“How's it going?” She whispered. There seemed to be a lot of whispering tonight he thought, wonder if all political charity events are like this…
“Good, listen I'm going to get out of here ok? If dad asks I'm fine and I'll be home later.” She looked him over with concern.
“You're really ok?”
“Yea, the girl and I are going to go grab a bite to eat actually.” Her eyes widened.
“Oh! Ok! Aw…” He cut her off before she could say anything about it being romantic and he changed his mind. Then he walked out unnoticed by the crowds of people, pulling his blazer on a little tighter to head for the plaza and wait for Kagome.
A/N: Yay!!! I was so nervous posting it O.O Please give me feedback and let me know if you liked it! I was debating making them fight more but...they will be plenty of time for that later! So I didn't feel like drawing out them realizing neither wanted to be there heh. So anyway, please review! I'll love you forever if you do! :D Ja for now!