InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ Decisions Over Ramen ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter took so long to get up but I'm having a lot of fun writing this story and really like where it's going. Can't promise to have the next chapter too soon with the holidays and work sneaking up on me, but I'll do my best! And if you enjoy my work and have time I'd love to hear your thoughts! So review if you can! And thank you VERRY much to my new reviews!

DarkMoonStar: Thanks very much for the review! I'm glad you liked the new chapter and hope you do with the new one too hehe! Cuteness ahead.

BlackDiamon: Hey sorry this next chapter took so long! Nope no writers block, I've been pretty lucky with my stories. If for any reason I have trouble with the next chapter I just switch to a different story for a bit. I've just been working a lot more, thanks for being so nice about asking though! A lot of people arn't hehe. Hopefully the chapter was worth the wait! Thanks for the review!

Ja ne till till update!! ~Laurell
Kagome glanced around the quiet patio nervously, trying to adjust her eyes to the sudden change in lighting. While inside the lounge night had snuck upon the Tokyo city leaving monochromatic blue and black shadows to cover everything.

“Hello?” She whispered trying to stay quiet her heels making soft tapping noises on the pavement.

“Inuyasha?” She hissed louder this time. She yelped when something touched her shoulder from behind her, spinning around quickly she found a hand firmly locked over her mouth.

“Shh!” Inuyasha held a finger to his lips slowly lowering his hand once he knew she recognized him.

“Why did you sneak up on me like that!” She demanded her eyes sparkling with anger.

“I didn’t! You’re just very unobservant it seems, maybe you should pay attention to what’s going on around you more often!” He spat out crossly back.

“Why…you-“ Seeing her take a breath to yell at him, Inuyasha quickly clamped his hands over her mouth again silencing her. “Keep your voice down; we need to leave now before they figure out we haven’t come back! Getting caught out here in a fight would be the last thing we need!” He insisted, Kagome glared at him but made no move to yell again. Inuyasha turned back towards the doors to find everything still quiet thankfully.

“Ow!” He yelled pulling his hand back. “What the fuck! You bit me!”

“You wouldn’t take your hand away! You-" Kagome’s eyes widened behind him seeing one of the many paparazzi’s from earlier starting to head their way and investigate the noise. Acting quickly she grabbed the injured hand Inuyasha was still nursing and pulled him to run with her. Keeping a firm grip on her so called fiancée with one hand and a fistful of her dress in the other so she could run, the two kept moving until they were almost two streets over, and across from Tokyo Station.

Slipping into the beginning of an alley Kagome leaned against the cool surface of the building’s wall panting from having to run in heels. Inuyasha stared at her from across the alley noting how pretty her cheeks looked flushed from the exercise and anger.

“What are you looking at?” She asked, breaking him out of his stare. He changed the subject quickly.

“What was that all about!” He demanded gesturing a hand back towards the Forum. Standing up straighter Kagome smoothed out the front of her dress carefully.

“Paparazzi was coming towards us, must have heard YOU yelling.” She muttered locking an accusing stare on him.

“YOU BIT ME!” He shouted back in disbelief she could blame him for what happened.

“Oh stop being such a baby!” She sighed closing her eyes and starting to massage her temples, an action Inuyasha recognized from his mother immediately.

“Look…” he offered his tone softer. “We wanted to leave there so we could hopefully get to know each other better, in light of the….current situation.” He coughed awkwardly staying as ambiguous as possible.

“You’re right; we won’t be getting anything out of fighting.” She sighed again crossing her arms and hugging them to her chest. “Let’s just get away from here…I’m tired of it.” She said knowing no matter how many miles she distanced herself from Japan she still couldn’t escape it, she was tired of living like this again.

Inuyasha glanced her up and down, confused how one moment a girl could seem so alive and passionate, and then wilt before his eyes.

“Why don’t we take the Marunouchi Line over to Ginza, this time of night there should be something to do on Chuo-dori.” Kagome nodded as the couple walked the quick distance to the Station paying the 160 yen and boarding the subway.

They rode in the crowded compartment in silence, Inuyasha swaying above Kagome’s small form as he gripped one of the plastic handles. A couple of stares questioned how fancily dressed they were, but most didn’t even notice.

The subway jolted to a stop causing Kagome to bump against him for a moment. She blushed quickly backing up as much as she could in the small space before they stepped off. Inuyasha chuckled once he knew she couldn’t hear, at how easily flustered she was. ‘Definitely not the type of girl I’m used to...’ he thought as his mind traveled back to the overly aggressive models and other New York socialites he usually kept as company. Kagome was just as pretty as many of them, but obviously nothing like the girls he dated, that was quite clear. A frown tugged at his face, why he was even thinking of using the term dating here? It had nothing to do with a relationship.

“What is it now?” Kagome questioned looking back at him. “You keep spacing out on me; you’ve got to stop doing that.” Defensively he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his dress slacks starting to walk past her.

“Nothing.” She caught up to his stride gently yanking on his elbow to stop him.

“What’s with you? You got all strange suddenly.”

“It just hit me how fucked up this all is.” He snapped more harshly than he would have liked. Her delicate features faulted for a moment before she looked back down to the ground. Guilt panged his chest at seeing her like that again, the same solemn expression as when he first saw her at the park.

“That’s what you were upset about when I first saw you wasn’t it? You were thinking about…all this…” He gestured vaguely looking down at the street. She nodded quietly.

“You’re right, it is fucked up. I guess you at least have a choice in the matter, but it’s a pretty big sacrifice for your father.”

“It’s a pretty big sacrifice for your brother.” He noted and she looked back up into his eyes finally. The two stood staring each other with the bright busy streets of Ginza moving around them. Kagome smiled, her expression softening.

“I guess we’re both just really stressed huh?” Inuyasha nodded in agreement.

“Yea…but if we’re going to do this, we can’t take it out on each other. We’re our only allies here.” He joked. “Hopefully that is…” He added on the end, the question of uncertainty obvious.

“You’re right, we’ve got to try and depend on each other. Are you sure this is ok with you though? You’re supposed to be testing me out to make a decision right?” Kagome giggled a bit, her cheeks flushing when she realized her implications.

“Well…I think I’ve still got the rest of the night for you to prove if this shit is really all worth it or not.” He grinned deviously.

“And what is that supposed to me!” Kagome cried out putting her hands on her hips defensively.

“I was just hoping for some Ramen and a movie…where’s your mind at jeeze,” he muttered shaking his head as if deeply disturbed by her thoughts. Kagome laughed.

“Oh whatever, but if it’s ramen you want…let’s go to Jangara Ramen!” Inuyasha’s face lit up.

“You mean it? You wouldn’t rather go to some pricey fish place?” He asked stunned she even knew his favorite place in Ginza.

“Wow, you do have a lot to learn about me, good thing we’ve got all night.” She giggled before walking off in the direction of the restaurant.

“Oi!” Inuyasha cried running to catch up to her.

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Kagome sighed and laid her chopsticks down on top of the nearly empty ramen bowl. In the time she had taken to barely eat one bowl Inuyasha was finishing his second happily. She stretched idly feeling less tense than she had this entire trip so far, surprisingly because of Inuyasha’s company. They had been making idle small talk for the past hour and a half, dodging the real topic at hand. But she had learned a lot about him, both understanding the decisions made to get up until this point a little easier. They also shared the love of the freedom and independence of living in America even if their families didn’t understand it. Kagome confessed it had always been a dream of hers to live in New York and was even considering a college there.

As much as Inuyasha loved his city the thought of purity like Kagome’s being tarnished by it wasn’t a pleasant one. A girl like her would be devoured by the night, Inuyasha paused trying to think back if any of his one night stands might have been like her, hoping they weren’t. So far he had managed to avoid the topic of what he did for a living, it wasn’t the type of thing you put on a resume or told a girl like her. She hadn’t asked, so he wouldn’t tell, he liked it better that way, not technically lying. Not to mention this would only be for a couple of months, the less she knew about his life in New York the better off she was. The same rule went for his family.

“Kagome…” He cleared his throat finally setting his own chopsticks down, Kagome tensed next to him knowing what this was going to about. “This…arrangement well…I have a choice, but I don’t know if I can make one in good conscience knowing you didn’t.”

“Oh,” she flushed fiddling with the napkin in her lap. “Well…don’t worry about that. I guess if it wasn’t this my father would be blackmailing me in some other way and…at least you didn’t turn out to be a total asshole.” She half joked nervously. Inuyasha laughed nudging her.

“No promises on that.” He reminded her. She nodded smiling silently and looking back down. Walking into this she had never expected Inuyasha to turn out as a pretty nice guy. His fiery temper and aggressive attitude she now recognized as the tough front he put up to keep others at a distance. But after opening up to each other a little more he had relaxed a lot, if she had to put up a façade of loving someone…at least it was someone she did like Kagome thought sadly. Taking a deep breath of courage she looked up into his eyes, their golden depths already staring down at hers.

“So…?” She managed to stutter through the sudden bit of nervousness that had overcome her.

“So…if it’s ok with you…and you’re sure about that, I guess I’d be ok with this after all.”

“Really?” She said in disbelief.

“Yea well, you’re a nice girl. Hanging out with you for three months to make sure my dad keeps his job, doesn’t sound like too bad a deal.” He grinned blushing slightly and she laughed.

“Yea, and then we can both go back to our real lives and get home.”

“You with plenty of college tuition in tow,” He added. “Plus if your dad tries to pull anything funny we could have some horrible dramatic breakup in front of tons of cameras, he’d loose it!” The couple both laughed at the mental image of that.

“Hey that’s right, I’ll remind him of that incase he tries to add any other demands onto this little contract of ours.” Kagome giggled.

They both paused looking at each other realizing what this meant.

“So you…and I…” Kagome laughed turning her head away finishing the sentence mentally ‘are actually going to pretend to be engaged.’

“Yea…” Inuyasha said sheepishly looking down and fidgeting with his bangs with one hand.

“Maybe we’ll get over the awkwardness of that subject.” Kagome finally voiced what both had been thinking all night laughing.

“I hope so, or this is going to be a very strange summer.” Inuyasha chuckled checking his watch. “Ah shit, it’s already midnight.”

“You’re kidding!” She choked pulling out her own cell phone to check. “My dad is going to kill me! God I don’t want to go back there.” Kagome groaned dramatically.

“So don’t go home.” Inuyasha said while leaning forward to pull his wallet out of his pocket.

“I can’t just not go home- can I get my portion of the check?” He waved off her question giving her a sarcastic look.

“No, and sure you can. You’re my fiancé and all, come home with me.” He said with a bold grin. Kagome pulled back putting a hand to her chest in mock offense.

“Listen here mister, don’t think ALL of me is part of that deal, just what we do in public is!”

“That can be arranged.”

“You pervert!” She cried laughing and slapping his arm. “And if I don’t go home tonight it’ll be way worse for both of us trust me. I’ll just tell him you said yes before they try to torch me.” Inuyasha shrugged.

“My offer stands.” He said laying some bills on the counter and getting up.

“Yea I bet it does.” Kagome rolled her eyes picking up her purse and standing with him. The couple walked out of the small restaurant out on to the street. Inuyasha casually picked her hand up in his clasping their fingers together. Kagome looked up at him arching an eyebrow with a small smile.

“Just getting used to it.” He answered grinning.

“Sure.” Kagome smiled looking down a light blush brushed across her cheeks. A girlish excitement tickled her stomach as she looked up stealing another glance at Inuyasha. She couldn’t believe such a cute and nice guy had agreed to this. The entire time they walked two words circled her thoughts ‘My Fiancé.’

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A/N: Alright we did use some Japanese places in this chapter. You should all remember Marunouchi, it’s the business district they were hosting the charity event in. Ginza is right next to it, it’s a shopping district mostly with lots of department stores and restaurants. The main street of it is called Chuo-dori, and on the weekend nights they even close it to traffic so people can walk in the street. Jangara Ramen is also a real ramen restaurant that’s famous for having very yummy ramen of course! It’s open late and is kind of a hang out for younger people. I think that’s it, feel free to search for pictures of these places or email me if you would like any more info on them! If you can’t tell I do a lot of research for this fic on Tokyo, another reason this chapter took a bit longer than usual to get out I was trying to find the perfect district for them to visit. Is it just me or do I sound like a teacher? Oi, Ok well I'm off to work on the next chapter, review if you can! Ja! Oh and:
Disclaimer: I never own anything Inuyasha ever, except maybe my adorable sango key chain on my bag heh.