InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ The Secret Mission ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hi everyone! I'll try and keep this as short as possible. I wanted to get this chapter up before the holidays got too crazy (which they will be no doubt) because I'm not positive if I'll have a chance to update again before Christmas. Inspiration may strike but most likely I'm going to be too busy running around buying gifts frantically for our millions of family members we're flying home to see this year.

DarkMoonStar: Yea I like it when they're not just bickering hehe. They fight sure enough but I like writing them as playful friends much more and there's lots of that in this chapter! Thank you for the review!

Jprincess16: hehe sorry to make you wait so long! I hope it was worth it and you like the new chapter, thank you!

Ok Happy Holidays to everyone! Till next time, Ja! Laurell
The cab finally pulled up outside Kagome’s house which she looked up at as if it were hell itself. “Why don’t I go in with you?”

“That’s not necessary, I can handle it. They’re my parents, not yours.” Kagome quickly dismissed the offer turning back to Inuyasha. “Well, thank you for a wonderful time; I’m sure we’ll be seeing lots more of each other.” He smiled at her.

“Yea, I’ll call you.” Leaning forward she gave him a quick peck on the cheek then jumped out of the cab before she could regret it.

“Where to now sir?” The cabby leaned back to look at him. Inuyasha’s gaze followed Kagome up the steps as he debated.

“Wait here for just one moment please.” Before Kagome even had the key in the lock the door was swung open revealing a very angry candidate Higurashi.

“What the hell did you think you were doing!” His voice boomed down at her. Kagome winced determined not to shrink back but before she opened her mouth to scream back a warm hand rested on her shoulder. She turned her head slowly afraid to confirm who she knew it was.

“I’m sorry sir, it’s my fault. I asked Kagome to leave with me so we could get to know each other better, but I had no intention of keeping her out so late. I lost track of the time because you’re daughter is just so captivating.” Despite her efforts Kagome couldn’t seem to get her jaw to close. Her father still on the door step bristled momentarily then backed down and instead put on his fake attitude.

“Oh that’s quite all right then! We were just concerned you understand, but I’m so glad you two had a good time!” Inuyasha smiled at her stunned expression shaking her shoulder lightly to try and snap her out of it.

“Well, I better be heading home myself, hope to see more of you very soon.” He nodded to her father who’s smiled double.

“Oh yes of course, I’ll call your father in the morning, your family simple must come for dinner tomorrow night it’ll be great.” Inuyasha nodded again smiling at Kagome one last time and turned off her doorstep walking back down to his waiting cab. A still very stunned Kagome was quickly swept into the house and the door closed. Her father eagerly leaned down.

“So did he say yes?” He demanded like a giddy school girl. Kagome nodded mutely and her father grinned wider.

“I knew you could do it kiddo, see you in the morning.” He said cheerfully before walking back towards the master bedroom his robe swaying behind him happily. Kagome looked down at the floor just blinking at it for a moment. Without anyone saying a word she knew her life would never be the same after this. Finally moving again she climbed the stairs softly and pushed open the door to her bedroom once she reached it.

“Souta?” She asked the boy who was sitting in the middle of her floor engrossed with a video game the TV screen being the only light in the room.

“Oh hey! There you are, I’ve been waiting for awhile.” Seeing her brother finally managed to snap her out of the stupor, sitting her purse down she flicked the light switch on and collapsed sitting next to him, dress, heels and all.

“You didn’t have to wait for me…”

“I know that but I wanted to. So what happened? I didn’t tell dad a word.”

“I know you didn’t,” she giggled at him. “Well…I can’t even believe I’m saying this but I had a really good time. He’s a pretty nice guy, apparently dad’s doubling the police budget when he wins because they’re doing this.” Souta nodded listening closely.

“He didn’t try anything did he?” He demanded the protective tone in his voice obvious. Kagome laughed.

“No relax, he was a perfect gentleman, I bet you’d really like him actually. I think his family is coming over for dinner tomorrow, you should try not hating him for a few minutes and get to know him.” Souta squinted thoughtfully.

“I don’t know about all this…”

“Well me either,” she laughed again leaning back on her elbows. “But we don’t have a lot of choices here. I’m still in shock he had a choice and said yes!” Souta agreed with her staring back at the screen idly.

“Well it’s only one summer, and I like hanging out with him so this is probably going to be easier than I thought.”

“Hope so…” Souta said quietly. Kagome looked at her brother’s slumped form sadly. ‘He still feels responsible for this, even though he did nothing. Oh little brother…what am I going to do with you?’ She nudged him looking at the screen.

“Bet I can kick your ass on this game.”

“What!” He looked incredulously at her. “Is that a challenge?”

“Oh I think it is…” She grinned sitting up and grabbing the controller. “You’re on!”
Closing the door softly Inuyasha tip toed across the tiled floor as quietly as possible when he heard a squeak from the kitchen.

"Oh, Inuyasha it's you. You scared the hell out of me." Rin had a hand against her chest as if that would calm her heart’s frantic beating. Inuyasha walked into the kitchen turning the lights on, blinking a few times from the brightness.

“What are you still doing up?” He asked Rin noticing for the first time she was wearing Sesshomaru’s long dark blue robe. He arched an eyebrow while she stuttered something about a glass of water, her face turning a darker blush by the minute.

“Uh…never mind I asked…” He turned to leave her when she yanked his sleeve softly.

“What happened with the girl?”

“Oh um, we just got some dinner you know,” he shrugged casually. “She was pretty cool.”

“So are you going to be engaged to her?” She asked in excitement. Inuyasha chuckled leaning against the door frame.

“Well it’s not like that at all, but yea, I’m agreeing to the ‘situation’ as we call it.” He said making quotation gestures with his fingers. “But it’s just for show, nothing real.”

“Aw…what if you guys end up falling madly in love…that would be so romantic.” Rin swooned going off into a fantasy.

“Yea…kids love the story of daddy and mommy met because grandpa was blackmailing them.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

“Must you always be so cynical?” She pouted.

“Me!” Inuyasha cried his eyes huge. “You’re the one marrying Mr.silent-death-stare!” Rin laughed filling up a cup of water from the dispenser in the refrigerator door.

“Oh he’s not as cold as everyone thinks.”

“Keh.”He muttered turning and walking towards the stairs. “Night.”

“Night Inu!” Rin whispered, he paused to look over his shoulder.

“Oh and Rin, my room’s right next to yours, so keep it down if you could, I need to get some sleep.” He added with a smirk, bolting out of the room before she could throw something at him.

Kagome sighed happily stretching when the sounds and smells of the house below drifted into her bed. Blinking a few times she tried to get her thoughts to focus when she realized she was still dressed from last night and in bed. ‘Souta, aww…’ She giggled sleepily. ‘I must have fallen asleep playing last night.’ Standing up Kagome dug through her luggage picking out an outfit for the day. Gray sweat pants and a stretch fitted tee slung over one shoulder Kagome walked into the bathroom and started up the shower.

Crunching her damp hair up in a towel an hour later, Kagome walked down the steps to sit next to Souta on the couch.

“Hey sis, you’re just in time for breakfast.” He said not looking up from his Sunday morning crossword puzzle in the paper.

“Thank god, I’d kill for a cup of coffee. What the heck are you watching?”

“News.” Souta struggled to say with a pencil gripped between his teeth. Kagome reached over and yanked it out.

“You’re so strange, are you sure you’re a teenager?” He sneered at her before snatching the pencil back.

“Hey look, your boyfriend’s dad is on TV.” Kagome glared at him but picked up the remote and turned up the volume all the same. Mr. Taisho was releasing a statement on a series of murders now believed to have been committed by the same person.

“Poor guy…he’s got the whole city breathing down his neck but doesn’t have the funding for the forensics investigations he needs to solve cases like this…”

“What makes you say that?”

“Inuyasha and I talked about it last night, oh and he’s not my boyfriend.” She punched his arm raising up from the couch to go search for coffee.

“Good morning!” Her mother sang out as soon as she walked into the kitchen, Kagome winced muttering hello. The only thing worse than her at that hour was how cheerful her father was acting.

“Morning sweetie.” He said happily brushing past her and giving her a quick kiss on the top of her hair. ‘Ugh…just plain creepy.’ Kagome thought making a dash for the coffee pot hoping to escape before any more conversation came up,she failed.

“So how was Mr. Taisho’s son? I understand you stayed out quite late with him.” Mrs. Higurashi smiled suggestively, Kagome rolled her eyes.

“He’s a lovely young man, I think I’ll like very much being engaged to him.”She quipped her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Oh that’s so wonderful! I told you this would all work out if you just had a little more faith in your father!”Her mother gushed happily. Kagome stared at her wondering just how dense one woman could be. “Well I’m setting up the caterer’s for tonight so our family’s can all meet, do you have any preference on the menu dear?” Kagome shook her head stirring in a small amount of cream. “All the same, I’ll find something.” Her mother returned to flipping through the pages of menu’s she always had nearby murmuring something about Chicken Wellington.

Taking her coffee back upstairs Kagome closed her bedroom door behind her and reached for her purse from last night to find her cell phone. She turned it over in her hands a couple of times thinking about Inuyasha for a moment. The ball at the Four Season’s Hotel Tokyo was officially one week away, a week and counting until Kagome would have to stand in front of a crowd of she didn’t know how many and have her engagement announced. The thought made her heart race for more reasons than she could count.

Flipping open her phone she hit the speed dial number for Sango.

“Hey!” Sango yelled answering on the first ring.

“Hey yourself.” Kagome smiled her outlook brightening from just hearing Sango’s voice. She sat at her desk placing her coffee cup on it’s smooth surface and scooting her chair outward to stare out the window while they talked.

“So how was last night? Tell me everything.” Kagome laughed lightly at her enthusiasm.

“Well, it turned out he was a guy I had met once before here. He was actually a total asshole the first time we stumbled upon each other in the park so I panicked when I saw him. Buuuut after meeting we ditched the event and went out for dinner and just talked. You know, got to know each other better. He surprised me and is actually a pretty nice guy and the craziest part of all of this…he agreed to the engagement.”

“You’re kidding!” Sango squealed.

“Nope! I can’t believe it either, he must be out of his mind.” Sango giggled on the other end.

“So tell me the good stuff already! Is he cute?”

“To die for.” Kagome said dramatically.

“Really? Details please.”

“Well, he’s kind of got that bad boy with a good heart thing going.”

“Oooh…” Sango awed. “I love guys like that.”

“I know you do! They’re not usually my type, too hard to tame. I bet he’s a total womanizer back in New York.” Kagome paused taking a sip from her mug.

“He’s from New York!” Sango sputtered. “Hot! What do you mean he’s not you’re type! He sounds perfect to me.”

“Well you know how guys like that can be. We probably wouldn’t be anything more than friends if we met under different circumstances, but he’s fun to hang out with so at least I’ll have an interesting summer.”

“Hmm….so you really don’t think it’ll continue on after?”

“Nah, a shy little school girl probably isn’t his type either.” She giggled. “But, he is gorgeous so I’m not complaining.” Sango laughed with her.

“Now you’re starting to sound like me!”

“Never!” Kagome grinned. The two continued their conversation happily catching up until a number beeped in she didn’t recognized. “Sango!” Kagome cried in excitement. “Hold on, I’ve got another call!” Her heart skipped a beat when she clicked over answering with a soft. “Hello?”

“So I hear we’ve got a dinner party tonight, ready to cause some trouble?” Kagome grinned biting her bottom lip and looking down.

“What type of trouble did you have in mind?” She said slowly.

“I dunno, maybe pull the table cloth off, send all the dishes crashing to the floor and let me ravish you senseless on top?” Kagome sputtered in surprise her face turning bright red despite him being on the phone.

“INUYASHA!” She screamed once she found her voice again before cracking up laughing. “God you’re such a freak!”

Inuyasha was smirking happily on the other line. ‘Getting rises out of this girl is just too fucking fun.’ He thought amused. “Fine, it was just an idea. Maybe we’ll just sit and make polite small talk until I can steal you away again.” Kagome rolled her eyes.

“You need to go take a cold shower and call me back.” She laughed, “Hold on I’ve got a friend on the other line, I’ll be right back.”

“Fiiine.” He said in a pouty sad voice. Kagome shook her head in disbelief hitting the button to activate Sango’s call.

“Is it him?” She yelled.

“Yes and he’s an oversexed freak!”

“God what I wouldn’t do to trade places with you right now…” Sango said whimsically.

“Why do I have friends like you people!” Kagome cried out still laughing. “I gotta go, he’s on the other line. I’ll call you back Sango.”

“You better! Bye Kagome…haaave fun.” She said in a sultry tone.

“Oh god, bye.” Kagome chuckled switching over again. “Hey I’m back.”

“Bout time, jeeze!”

“Annnywaaay, what is it you want Inuyasha?”

“Well I figured right about now you’re hiding somewhere in your house from your family who is most likely going crazy about the food for tonight?”

“Caterers for tonight, but very close, and I’m hiding in my room with a cup of coffee.”

“Yep, sounds about right. Well how would you like to join me on a secret mission?”

“Secret mission huh? And what are the details of this mission?” She smiled brightly playing along.

“You come over here, meet my mom and sister in law to be, and then we go swing by my dad’s place to drop off some estimates on the wedding.”

“Wedding!” Kagome nearly choked on the sip of her coffee.

“Yes, my brothers'. I told you about that didn’t I?”

“Oh….no, you didn’t.”

“Sorry about that, ya my brother is getting married to this chick.” Kagome pressed the phone closer hearing a girl yell in the background. “I’m sorry; I’m not to refer to her as ‘this chick’ ever again.” She could hear him cover the receiver and a muffled yell of something back to the girl. Kagome giggled. “Yeah you’ll like her I bet.” Inuyasha muttered.

“Well, just so we’re clear. This is a mission and not a date right?”

“No, no, no. Definitely just a mission Kagome.”

“Ok then, I guess I can agree to that.” She laughed taking down his address, which wasn’t terribly far from her place, then said she’d be over soon. Shutting her cell phone closed she smiled looking down at it, then jumped up to change. Pulling on her favorite pair of jeans and a tank top she stuffed a few things into a purse and ran down the stairs her half full coffee cup forgotten.

Souta was still in his place on the couch, staring intensely at stock market prices rolling along the TV screen. Kagome sat down next to him and pulled out the piece of paper with Inuyasha address.

“This is within walking distance ya?” He glanced down at the paper then nodded and explained the best streets to use to get there.

“That’s a pretty nice neighborhood if I remember correctly. What are you going there for?”

“To meet Inuyasha’s family and hang out with him today.” Souta arched an eyebrow at her giggly demeanor. “What?” She asked innocently. He shook his head and went back to watching TV.

“Just be careful.”

“It’s only a couple of blocks Souta!” She kissed the top of his head and bolted out the door before he could respond. Souta watched her go with a sigh.

“It’s not the walk I’m worried about…” He said to himself softly.
Kagome glanced down at the crumpled piece of paper and back up towards the house confirming it. It was a beautiful white and brick decorated home with a circular driveway and gorgeous well maintained gardens at every turn. It wasn’t nearly as big as hers but seemed much more welcoming than the ice palace she called home. Nervously she walked up the steps and knocked on the huge door.

A girl a little bit shorter than her with pretty straight auburn hair opened it, and Kagome could have sworn she squeaked at seeing her. “You must be her!” She cried and threw her arms around her. A very confused Kagome hugged her back hesitantly. The girl pulled back looking her up and down as if examining her. Kagome coughed apprehensively.

“I’m sorry and you are?” She finally asked seeing the girl wasn’t getting the hint.

“Oh I’m so sorry! My name is Rin, I’m Inu’s brother Sesshomaru’s fiancée. We’ve heard a lot about you, well after torturing him for quite awhile that is, and I’ve been very eager to actually meet you!”

“Oh,” Kagome blushed. “Well thank you, and congratulations. My name is Kagome Higurashi.” She bowed respectfully which Rin returned quickly.

“Well no need for any of that, please come in, come in!” She giggled taking her by the arm gently and leading her inside.

“Oi Rin! Are you attacking her already? Please don’t scare her away.” Inuyasha yelled appearing at the top of the stairs after hearing the door.

Rin stuck her tongue out at him. “What’s the matter Inu? You worried she’s not gunna like you.” She teased. Inuyasha sputtered on the last step before quickly saying.

“No! It’s not like that at all, I just know what a terror you can be, keh!” Kagome glanced between the two of them, they fought like siblings but it seemed pretty obvious to her they both liked each other a lot probably. She giggled to herself, and both turned to her confused.

“What?” Inuyasha demanded crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Oh that’s how you great me?” She asked arching an eyebrow. Rin nudged him with a glare.

“I mean…hi Kagome. You look nice today.” She laughed shaking her head.

“Hi to you to Inuyasha. You’re house is beautiful!” He chuckled with a shrug.

“It’s home. Well I see you’ve met Rin, isn’t she a treat?” Rin glared at him which he ignored. “Have you met my mom yet?” A hint of excitement in his usual aggressive tone made Kagome smile.

“No, but I’d like to.”

“Come on.” He took her hand gently leading her into the kitchen where his mother was sitting at the table flipping through the paper. Kagome marveled in her beauty at seeing her for the first time, Inuyasha wasn’t kidding when he had described her to him. She looked like something out of a painting, a timeless sort of grace that could be recognized in any era. Her skin was light and fair, slightly more so than Kagome’s and her hair was silky black that spilled over her shoulders. It was put back in a pretty barrette but a piece fell free over the front of her shirt. She looked up seeing her son and a warm smile appeared on her face.

Mrs. Taisho gracefully stood up and Kagome quickly bowed, she returned the gesture taking Kagome’s hand after she had risen.

“And this must be the lovely Miss Higurashi.”

“Please just call me Kagome Mrs. Taisho.” She nodded.

“My son is very fortunate to have met you Kagome.”

“Oh, thank you. But I’m sure it’s the other way around. I’m lucky that Inuyasha and I get along otherwise this could have gone much worse.” She giggled.

“Yea, you could have met Sesshomaru like originally planned.” Inuyasha snorted, Rin punched him in the arm.

“Well, we’re looking forward to meeting the rest of your family tonight and getting to know you better. And please make yourself at home while you’re here.” Kagome thanked her again somewhat baffled how such an amazingly sweet and calm woman had raised Inuyasha.

“We’re going to go down to the station and drop these papers off for dad, and hopefully convince him to come home on a Sunday.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes folding some papers and slipping them into his pocket.

“Oh leave him be, he has a lot to get done and I don’t mind him going in on the weekends.” Mrs. Taisho shushed him sitting back down and taking a sip of her tea.

“Wanna go with Rin?” He turned asking the small girl.

“No thanks, Sesshomaru is supposed to be home any minute now, I’m going to wait for him.” Rin walked back to sit down next to Mrs. Taisho and Kagome barely had a chance to wave before Inuyasha had pulled her back into the foyer.

“Hey before we leave can I see the rest of your house?” She asked eagerly peeking into the next room that had two huge soft looking leather couches in it.

“Sure.” He chirped showing her around the office, living room and gardens outside the first floor that the many windows looked out on and then upstairs to all their bedrooms.

"That's the master bedroom my parents stay in, that's the guest room, that's Sesshomaru's he and Rin are in, and this is mine." He said proudly opening the door. Kagome giggled at the mess of clothes thrown all over the otherwise nicely decorated room. "What?" He demanded.

"Nothing, it’s very nice."

"Keh." He muttered, Kagome noticed he made that noise a lot and smiled walking back into the hallway. Pictures from different points in their lives lined the walls of it and she walked through them like an onlooker to a museum giggling and commenting on the funny ones.

"Aw look how cute you were, I bet you were a hellion even as a kid." She said pointing to a Christmas portrait he was making a face in.

"What's that supposed to mean!" He yelled. She laughed ignoring the question and turned to face him.

"I like your house Inuyasha...I like it a lot." He blushed slightly from the compliment.

"'s uh, you know home." He shrugged changing the conversation. "Well we better get down to the police station. I didn't tell dad you're coming with but he's excited to meet you too." Kagome nodded eagerly following him back downstairs.

"Is it very far?"

"Nah, five minute drive tops." He said putting a pair of tennis shoes on quickly and reaching for a set of keys.

"Oh, then can we walk? It's such a pretty day out!" Kagome said cheerily. He arched an eyebrow at her.

"You always this perky?" He teased.

"Oh would you rather me be yelling at you like before?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. Inuyasha smirked at her little defiance’s of him; she was so different from all the girls he had known the past three years.

"Easy doll." He chuckled. Kagome squared her shoulders walking out in front of him with a 'hmph'.

"My name is Kagome, not doll." She quipped, he rolled his eyes grabbing a set of house keys and yelling a goodbye to his mom and Rin.

"Whatever Kagome, just try and keep up." Inuyasha smirked back at her before taking off out the drive way.

"Hey!" Kagome screamed, she had not come prepared to run a marathon against this kid. Sighing in agitation she ran after him figuring he really was the type that would leave her standing there if she hesitated.
A/N: You know the drill :D