InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ The Burden of Truth ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hey everyone! Wow this story has been keeping me up all week and I think this is the longest chapter I’ve ever posted, it ended up as just about 16 freaking pages and I still had more to write for it. But I wanted to get this posted because I just loved it, and I like the stopping point I ended it at. This is a more dramatic update than usual, we’ve got a couple of rather intense scenes and a fight I had far too much fun writing. I hope you like it as much I have writing it, and as always I’d love to hear what you think of it. THANK YOU’S! DarkMoonStar: hehe aw Thank you! This chapter's a little more serious but there's still a few funny moments in it, hope you like it! RinBaby: Thanks very much hehe PrincessAngel: haha yea Rin's really happy, I take a lot of creative liberties when writing her character because we only see her as a little girl in the series, but seriously she's the happiest and cutest little girl ever haha so I imagine she'd stay pretty cheery. I love writing her and Sesshomaru's opposites attract relationship! Thanks for the review. Inugirl: Thank you very much heh hope you like the update! Mepinak: Thank you for the reviews and for always reading and liking my story, don't worry if you can't always review a new chapter I'm just glad you enjoy my writing. Hope all is well for you!

Thank you all again so much! ENJOY! Ja! Laurell




Kagome smiled thanking a young officer that held open the door to her as she made her way inside the Police Station. It was a very large building with more people and desks stuffed in it than it seemed to be able to handle. She stared around confused through the maze of doors before she heard Inuyasha yell for her. His head poked up as he waved to her.

“Oi, Kagome over here.” She stepped behind a counter following Inuyasha into a group of other officers that looked to be on break. For a Sunday it was hard to believe so many people were at work. ‘Well it’s not like it’s a 9-5 job duh.’ She told herself mentally.

“Kagome these are some of the guys my dad’s worked with on the force for years now.” Inuyasha introduced her as she bowed to at least a dozen men smiling politely.

“So how is it such a nice girl is hanging out with a ruffian like you?” One of the guys joked erupting laughs and nudges.

“Yea, yea, keep it to yourself.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes at them. “Don’t listen to anything they say about me.” He told Kagome who just stared going back between him and the officers. They seemed like such a close group even if Inuyasha said he and his Dad hadn’t gotten along well for a number of years, it was obvious there was a lot of love between them all the same.

“Where’s pop’s at anyway?” Inuyasha looked over to see his dad’s office door closed.

“He’s in a meeting with the forensics’ officers that just got in town today to try and help us with this new case.”

“Oh, you mean all those murders going on in town?” Kagome questioned her curious nature interested from the report she had seen this morning.

“Yea…” One of the officers looked down sadly. “It’s been a rough month.”

“You should take special care Miss; they seem to go after the young girls the most.” One told her sincerely. Kagome nodded gulping.

“Don’t worry she’s got me protecting her.” Inuyasha boasted and the others chuckled. The door to Inu Taisho’s office opened then as he shook hands with three men and escorted them out. Inuyasha and Kagome waited patiently while he said a few final words before going back to join them.

“Hey!” Chief Taisho’s face brightened at seeing his son, shedding the weight that had been burdening him seconds before. “And this must be Kagome.” He smiled down at her before sweeping her into a hug. Startled at first she hugged him back before he released her quickly. “It’s nice to meet you, my son and your father both have spoken so highly of you.”

“Well I’m flattered; it’s nice to meet you too.” She giggled.

“And what are all you standing around here for? Don’t you have work to be doing?” Mr. Taisho laughed dispelling the group of officers.

“Slave driver!” One shouted in jest as the others chuckled and wandered back to what they had been doing.

“Come on; let’s go in my office and chat.”

“No.” Inuyasha cut him off shortly. “We’re here to bring you home, and well these.” He dug out the packet of papers stuffed in his pocket handing them over.

“I’m sorry kid, but I’m not going to be able to leave here for awhile now. I need to speak with some detectives before I can go home and get changed for dinner. But I’ll see you all tonight.”

Inuyasha groaned but agreed and they shared a quick goodbye. Kagome waved to the others as they exited the police station finding themselves on the street again. Inuyasha shaded his eyes with one hand against the harsh sun as he looked down at his watch.

“Well it’s still pretty early…Are you hungry?” Kagome blinked a few times realizing she had completely forgotten to eat breakfast this morning.

“Yea actually, why don’t we go get some lunch?” Inuyasha grinned at her.

“My kind of girl.”




Kagome sipped at her cup of tea in the small sushi restaurant they had decided on not too far away. She was fiddling instead of eating and she knew why, Inuyasha’s family was going to have to meet her family tonight and she was very nervous about it. His had been so nice and accepting it was unbelievable and sure hers’ could BE nice but…they weren’t nearly as genuine as Inuyasha’s parents obviously were.

Inuyasha looked up at his food noticing how quiet Kagome was. “Something on your mind?”

“I should really warn you about a couple of things with my family…” She admitted resting her chopsticks on her plate of half eaten Sashimi before continuing. “They’re not exactly like yours….you know all warm and friendly?” Inuyasha gave her a blank stare and she twisted a bit under it trying to figure out how to explain it. “They’re nice and all…but they’re kind of well….sometimes….a bit fake, and can be sort of calculating.” She faltered between descriptions for a minute more before Inuyasha cut her off.

“Don’t worry about it, I don’t act differently for anyone, I’m just me and if they don’t like it I’m not going to give a shit.” Kagome stared at him blankly before giggling when she realized he was being completely serious.

“Well that’s not what I meant exactly but aren’t we full of ourselves?” She said sarcastically. Inuyasha dipped a hand roll in some soy stuffing half of it in his mouth and chewing thoughtfully.

“No, I just don’t put up with bullshit.” He finally concluded. Kagome sighed resting her chin in her palm and gazing out the window they were seated next to. Looking through her sad little reflection at the people wandering past, she wondered briefly if any of their lives were this difficult too.

“I bet he’s going to mention next Saturday.” Inuyasha said snapping her out of it. A blush brushed across her cheeks as she kept her gaze out the window. “I wonder how we’re supposed to do all that. How do you announce a political engagement anyway? Do we just stand up? Smile? Kiss for cameras or something?-”

“Inuyasha!” She squeaked cutting him off.

“What?” He asked looking up for the first time to see her flustered cheeks. She furrowed her eyebrows at him when he smirked. “Sorry guess I’m not to talk about these things with her highness.” He chuckled returning his focus to a piece of unagi.

“No that’s not it.” Kagome said in an exasperated tone. “You just talk about it so openly, like it’s no big deal at all.”

“It’s not.” He countered.

“But we’re going to be engaged!”

“Not for real.” He reminded.

“But…Ugh!” Frustrated she returned to eating her food in silence. They stayed that way for a couple of minutes until Inuyasha spoke again.

“It’s just my way of making this all seem less weird…trying to talk about it more, I don’t mean to offend you.” Kagome looked up and smiled at him.

“It’s ok…”

“I like hanging out with you though. I mean so far, I am interested in you I guess I should say. Normally I don’t have to do things this formal…” Kagome blushed another degree from his honesty opening her mouth to reply…right as his cell phone rang.

“Oh sorry.” Obliviously he dug through his pockets until he flipped it open. “Hey Miroku, what’s up?”

Kagome’s curiosity got the best of her when she leant in a bit trying to hear what the man on the phone was saying. Inuyasha had his eyes narrowed staring at something intensely in the corner of the room.

“Yea my trip here is going to be much longer than planned, I’m staying the summer so just run everything while I’m gone….No you know what to do, and don’t deal with anyone if you don’t feel like it, they can try dealing directly with Kouga I don’t give a shit….Mhmm……Mhmm…..Oh really she’s in town? Yea don’t cut it too much in that case, yes…yes……Damn I’m missing that one too? I forgot about it, oh well….Yea I’ll be back by fall, you can handle it call me when you need me or if you have any problems. Bye.” Inuyasha flipped the phone closed sliding it back into his pocket. “Sorry about that, didn’t mean to keep you waiting.”

“Oh it’s just fine.” Kagome said sweetly, her curiosity to know more about his ambiguous conversation now huge. “So what did you say you did in New York exactly? Can you afford to take this long off?”

Inuyasha momentarily tensed from the direct question before recovering what he hoped was well. “I do public relations of sorts, and yes my um….assistant Miroku can take care of things for a little while. I’ll miss a good amount of business probably but it’s nothing that I can’t afford.” Of course in this instance Assistant in New York speak meant his middle man, but Kagome couldn’t have known that nor did she need to.

“That sounds so interesting! I bet you get to go to all these fabulous parties with famous people and stuff huh?” Kagome imagined having a fancy fast paced life like Inuyasha probably had, with so much glitz and glamour, it was the type of life you dreamed of having even if you were a homely college student.

“Yeah I go to a lot of parties and see a lot of people, but you know after a while it gets monotonous, but it pays the bills.”

“I’d love to go visit you sometime, I’ve never been to New York but it looks like so much fun. You could show me around! I bet you know all the best places to go.”

“Um…I don’t know, I don’t think it’s the kind of place you’d like.” Inuyasha hesitated. “It would swallow up a nice girl like you.” Kagome giggled having no idea how serious he was.

“We should really do that this summer during the engagement! We’ll probably be bored to death of social events in about a month; we could take a vacation together and still be in character, what do you think?”

Kagome was simply giddy at the thought of touring a city like that on Inuyasha’s arm. It would be a dream come true.

“I don’t think it’s really a good idea…the people I’m around usually…well I just don’t think you’d get along with them well.” He wanted to kick himself the moment he said it when he saw the hurt look in her eyes. Her jaw tightened and she went back to eating in silence. “No Kagome that came out wrong, I don’t mean they wouldn’t like you, I mean-”

“That’s ok; you don’t need to explain I understand. You probably date models and actresses…it was silly of me to think I could fit in somewhere like that.”

“No Kagome, I mean I don’t really date any type of girls, I don’t really date at all normally.” It was half true, what others might have considered dating he certainly would not have. “But that’s not the point! I just wouldn’t want anything to happen to you, there’s lots of trouble to be found there too.” He tried to help but he could tell the damage had already been done and she wasn’t listening anymore.

‘Fuck…’ Inuyasha groaned mentally, shutting Kagome out wasn’t what he wanted to do. But he could never have her see what he actually did for a living, or the type of life he lived daily. It was completely separate from who she knew him as, he had too many sins in that life to ever incorporate her there, he had decided that the minute he saw her. And it was true…showing up with Kagome, anything could happen to her in his presence. He had never been the cautious type and had been honestly lucky to not have a record by now but letting a girl get that close, it wasn’t going to happen. She was the type of girl who’d never try ¼ of the things he had done in his lifetime. Being so heavily in the drug scene in New York meant sometimes you had to push aside your morals, or rather, forget you had any, and the girl’s who loved him for that were nothing like the angel sitting in front of him. She wouldn’t forgive him for it, so it was best just not to worry her.

“You ready to go?”

“Sure.” She didn’t look at him when she spoke, and when they walked outside she tucked her hands swiftly into her pockets. Inuyasha sighed squinting up into the bright sun, his real life was a million miles away and yet it could still fuck things up for his pretend engagement, figures.

By the time they had gotten back to Inuyasha’s house he was just about in a frenzy. Kagome hadn’t spoke one word the entire car trip and just kept staring out the window like she was looking in on a game she wasn’t allowed to participate in. When he could take the cold no longer they had arrived in his driveway, pulling up the e-brake he turned to face her.

“Kagome, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing Inuyasha, don’t worry about it.” Her reply was planned that much he could tell; silently fuming he prayed to whatever god was listening for patience. Here he was actually trying to help and listen to a woman for the first time in his life and all he got was a door slammed in his face. ‘But Kagome isn’t like other women so let’s just try this again.’

“I’m sorry, I said I was before but I mean it, I’m sorry if I hurt you’re feelings. We can go to New York, you’re right it would be fun.” He was lying through his teeth but honest wasn’t going to win him any awards in this fight so he was sticking with his guns on avoiding it.

“You don’t need to say things you think I just want to hear, and you didn’t offend me, you just reminded me of a few things I had momentarily forgotten.” She said icily still technically talking to the window.

“Like what!” He shouted too angry to keep his tone friendly.

“Like how we’re very different kinds of people.” She unhooked her seatbelt reaching for the door handle satisfied she had said what she needed to when Inuyasha grabbed her wrist at the last minute.

“What does something like that mean? I’m here, I’m trying to be a nice guy for you and that’s all I get?”

“Be honest with yourself, if you hadn’t met me because of the situation we’re in you wouldn’t have looked twice at a girl like me.” Kagome snapped before she could stop herself. She had joked with Sango about it for, having fun ‘dating’ an older and obviously wilder guy because she’d probably never get another chance to. But after putting things in perspective the more she considered Inuyasha’s life the more of a prude she seemed like. Doubting her own lifestyle was not something a young woman needed before the toughest years of her college began but she was certain Inuyasha would have loved her a hundred times more if she came with a motorcycle instead of an honors diploma. “We’re just too very different people that got pushed together in a very strange way, we’ll deal with the situation at hand then go our separate paths because if you look ahead of this summer, you’d realize those path’s would never cross on their own again.”

“Why are you writing both you and me and any possible relationship we could ever POSSIBLY have before it even happens!” He demanded startling her slightly. “I don’t know why you’re so determined to lump people into categories and proceed with caution from there, but if you want to pull the covers over your eyes and hide from the world just because some aspects of it are foreign go ahead! You’re less of a woman than I thought.” He knew he should be holding his tongue better but she was pissing him off now. Where did a girl like her get off judging and making instant assumptions on him, especially when he was playing HER part! He could have told her the truth and have her written him off from the start, he could have just been an asshole likes it’s easy enough for him to do, hell he could have said ‘no fucking way’ and had been on a plane ride home drinking a martini right now! So why, Inuyasha found himself asking again, the fuck was he doing this!

“Who do you think you are!” She cried out at the last statement reeling back to press herself against the door. “You don’t know me at all!”

“And you don’t know me at all, and I guess you won’t be because you’ve already decided I’m not worth it! And you know what, I’m the one who decided to do this, I’m the one who wanted to give it a chance and help both our families. But if you’re going to be a stuck up bitch about it FORGET IT.” He flung the door open practically leaping out of the car. “Oh and one more thing, the ONLY reason I didn’t want to take you to New York is to protect you! THAT’S IT!” With that he slammed the car door shut and stomped inside his house.

Kagome stared at the interior of the car the silence ringing in her ears as such a sharp contrast to Inuyasha’s voice only moments before. Her emotions flickered between rage and humiliation not deciding on either as she struggled to calm herself. An odd sort of ache wiggled up inside her chest making her breathing feel strange, like she was a foreigner inside her own skin suddenly as she couldn’t get Inuyasha’s words out of her head.

Still with so many questions unanswered she gave up, getting out of the car. She looked back up at the house sadly, and actually considering going up to apologize but quickly decided against it and headed back down his driveway in silence.

By the time she had gotten home the ache had turned into a throbbing pain, making her go straight to her room and curl up under the covers, hurt like a strip of paper being burned at both ends. It wasn’t just her feelings that we’re hurt, but for the first time, it was her pride as a person.




“Sis?” Souta called knocking softly, when no answer came he tried again. “Kagome are you in there?...” Still no response. “I know you’re home Kagome, I’m coming in.”

Opening the door he slid through the entrance and closed it behind him protectively. Souta squinted in the darkness of her room with the curtains loose and made out the shape of Kagome in bed curled up on her side, her eyes open and glossy and her lashes thick from tears.

“Kagome, what’s wrong?” He asked coming to sit beside her on the edge of her bed.

“It’s nothing really; I got into a silly fight with Inuyasha.” She sniffled in a child like manner whipping at her eyes with the back of her hand; something Souta hadn’t seen her do in years.

“Lover’s quarrel already huh?” He gulped quickly when she shot him a look that could kill on the spot. “Sorry, just a joke…I’m not really good at jokes though.” Kagome tucked her chin farther into the pillow burying half her face into it as well while Souta struggled to find something of encouragement.

“Well what did you fight about?”

“I’m not even sure really, it was one of those fights where it starts as one thing, and ends up as something totally bigger to the point where you don’t know what it was about exactly. Overall though…I guess the way we see each other…” She paused to gather her thoughts and Souta stayed quiet to hear them out, one more reason she could talk to him over her mother any day. “From my eyes…we’re completely different, and if we had met any other way he wouldn’t have even noticed me, but he says I’m just using that as a crutch to not meet people different than me. Do you think I sabotage my relationships by writing them off before they begin?” She suddenly blurted out leaving a stammering Souta.

“Well…I don’t know sis, I haven’t seen any of you’re boyfriends or anything…with you being gone and all…”

“You’re right…I’m sorry I’m talking to the wrong person about this. Thank you for asking but it’s a question probably better left to Sango.” Souta nodded looking relieved.

“Well you can’t stay in bed crying all day…his family is still coming over for dinner, and you know dad won’t cancel it, so either try and sort this out before hand or put on a happy front quick Kagome.” Souta reminded her at which point Kagome groaned loudly and stuffed her head completely into the pillow.

“With everything happening I forgot I have to see him again tonight, damnit! Ok I’m going to call Sango and see if she can help me sort this out so I can at least talk to him like an adult tonight.” Rolling over she reached down to grab her purse by the strap and haul it up onto her stomach.

“Ok, let me know if I can help, I’ll try and keep the parents out of your hair.” Souta stood up and headed for the door, Kagome smiled at him and waved and he closed it behind him again. Leaning back against it Souta looked up at the wallpaper in the hallway thinking for a minute. ‘One day with this guy and he’s got her this worked up…weird.’ He shrugged heading downstairs to leave Kagome to her call in peace.

“Come on pick up pick up,” Kagome whispered to the ringing tone practically squealing when Sango picked up on the last ring.

“Hey ‘Gome what’s up!” Her friend said cheerily.

“I have to talk to you and quick, major fight and I’ve got dinner with the asshole in oh,” She held the phone up to check the time, “2 hours.”

“Ok let me just save this papeeer….” Kagome heard a few quick clicking sounds from Sango’s laptop in the background. “Ok, shoot.” Talking with a speed only a best friend could understand Kagome told her the entire fight with all the details she could remember and for once was actually making sure to portray his side exactly as he did, even if it was the one that made her the maddest, and ended with the same question. “Do you think he’s right? Am I cutting him off because I’m scared to meet new and different people so I assume things wouldn’t work because we’re not the same?” Sango paused thinking on the other line.

“Well you can be overly cautious sometimes, but I don’t think you’re consciously trying to set such high standards for yourself…I don’t know Kagome some of it does sound pretty true.” Kagome sighed sadly.

“How did I get like this? I’m not a judgmental person…”

“No but you’re not one to take big risks, I’m half surprised you even came to America. My theory is you’re family already thinks you’re such a screw up when you’re practically perfect and they just can’t see it, that you’re scared to actually make a real mistake and prove them right. You’ve just got too much pressure on your shoulders and it’s made you a little guarded, lots of people are like that.”

“But I don’t want to be like that!” Kagome insisted somewhat desperately. “I want to be a free spirited person, how am I supposed to make great designs and be an architect major with all these walls up before every decision I make! I’ll be too chicken shit to design anything my client’s won’t like, and by doing so I’ll limit all my creative _expression, what if I do that Sango?” She yelled at the phone starting to breathe fast.

“Calm down sweetheart…you’re getting ahead of yourself and you’re also, more importantly, not giving yourself enough credit. You can do anything you set your mind to Kagome, you’re one of the most dedicated and determined people I know. I think you’re really selling yourself short not only by labeling others but slapping the prude label on yourself. You’re not that bad, maybe you just haven’t had the chance to bring the more dangerous side of you out, or you haven’t met the right person to do so.”

Kagome thought about those words carefully as she stared at her ceiling. “But I like my life simple…it’s so easy, I know who I am…I know what I’m about. Is now really a good time to reset all my boundaries, I don’t have time for some sort of pre mid-life crisis.” Sango chuckled.

“You can get yourself so worked up sometimes I swear…Kagome, just relax, and for the first time in you’re life just let things happen…as they happen. Don’t do you’re little lists of pro’s and con’s to every little decision, and don’t convince yourself you wouldn’t do something because ‘that’s not the type of girl you are.’ Just be yourself, like I know you can be, be the crazy girl I’ve seen come out on occasion, you’re a fun and amazing person, don’t limit yourself in any way. And maybe listen to that Inuyasha guy more, he could be a bad influence on you, and I think a small dose of that might be just what you need.” Kagome laughed at how ridiculous that sounded out loud.

“Oh god you’ll regret saying that when I wind up dead in a gutter.” She laughed but truthfully, was considering doing just what Sango had said and feeling much better as well.

“Nah, you’re not that dramatic. I only say that because I also trust you’re judgment. But you never know Kagome, sometimes you just have to explore, a summer fling can be the perfect way to do so because if it doesn’t go well you just never see him again. Who knows, maybe you’ll get inspired to go get a tattoo and become a groupie to some band.” Both girls laughed at this.

“Yea…that’s not so likely. Thanks Sango, I needed to hear that I wasn’t a stuck up bitch.”

“Nah not at all, you wouldn’t be my best friend if you were. Just go have fun, and don’t worry about anything anyone is saying, especially you’re father.”

“Ok…” She laughed until she sighed again and closed her eyes peacefully. “I miss you to death Sango.”

“You too ‘Gome. I’ll see you soon, call me later.”

“ ‘Kay, bye.” Closing the phone shut Kagome sat with it in her hands resting on her chest as it rose and fell in a steady rhythm thinking about everything that had just been said. Finally she sucked up her pride and dialed Inuyasha’s number…he answered on the second ring.

“What?” He snapped gruffly causing Kagome’s temper to flare instantaneously, gritting her teeth she reminded herself to stay calm.

“I wanted to call and apologize for what happened earlier. I wasn’t judging or making assumptions of you but it was wrong of me to say that….and…” she struggled to take a deep breath. “There were a couple of things you might have been right on.”

A few blocks over Inuyasha arched an eyebrow and looked at his phone suspiciously like it had conjured up the voice. “Did I hear that right?”

“If you make a big deal of this I’m taking that apology right back Inu-”

“Ok relax, relax! Jeeze, apology accepted.”

“All right…good then…” She paused waiting for him to say his. “Ahem?” She cleared her throat.

“What? Just because you apologized now I have to?”

“Oh god never mind!” Kagome groaned. “Why did I even bother with you?”

“You bother with me!” Inuyasha yelled in disbelief. “I think we’ve already been through that one.”

“Oh yes because now I’m forever in debt to you for agreeing to this and all, because I am so mind numbingly happy right now Inuyasha.” She muttered sarcastically.

“Would you stop being so dramatic.”

“Do you have ANY idea how frustrating you are!”

“Then don’t call me!”

“FINE!” Unable to slam down a cell phone Kagome snapped it shut as angrily as possible then glared at it for not exactly being an effective gesture. Tossing it back in her purse she sat up in bed. “Fine, if he wants to do this the hard way he can do it the hard way, I’m not helping him out in the slightest.” She muttered wandering downstairs to find the living room empty and peeked into the den spotting Souta on the couch playing a video game on the big screen TV.

“Hey, you’ve resurfaced.” He joked as she fell down next to him.

“Yea and no happier, put in a fighting game would you? I’ve got some aggression to take out.” Souta gulped.




“I mean what type a girl does that huh? Calls to “apologize” just because she wants you to!”


“She wasn’t actually sorry for anything, she just wanted to get me to try and admit I was sorry!”


“But you know what! I’m not sorry, so I’m not saying I’m sorry to shit.” Sesshomaru sighed still not taking his eyes off the book he was attempting to read before his brother had burst into the study and began babbling incoherently.

“I didn’t do one thing wrong, she was acting like a bitch so I told her she was. How is it I should be apologizing for her!” One of Sesshomaru’s eyes began to twitch slightly.

“And now we have to go over there and have dinner with them, and OH if she thinks I’m going to act like everything is fine just because family is there she’s got another thing coming!”

“Inuyasha….please stop talking.”

“I don’t have to even do this if I don’t want to! Nothing has been announced formally, I can call the whole thing off right now.” Inuyasha continued with his rant ignoring Sesshomaru’s obvious irritation.

“Inuyasha…I don’t care-”

“-I think I’ll do that, put her in her place you know, sure this could have worked out but not with her being like this. I don’t have to put myself through this stress; I could be halfway to America right now!”

“RIN!” Sesshomaru screamed at the kitchen. The younger girl quickly emerged in the door way to see her fiancée looking like he was about to strangle an oblivious Inuyasha.

“Inuyasha!” She cut him off at once; he looked up having for the first time even realized she was there.

“Oh hey Rin.”

“Heeey….why don’t you come with me…away from Sesshomaru….and tell me all about whatever you’re uh…talking about.” She offered gently tugging his arm away from Sesshomaru slowly; quick movements at this point could be bad.

“Good Idea Sessy, I could use a woman’s point of view on this!” Inuyasha perked up as Rin shoved him out of the room and slammed the door. Panting she pressed herself against the shut door hearing Sesshomaru still growling on the other side, most likely about that last ‘Sessy’.

“What’s with you?” Inuyasha asked cocking his head at her. She stared at him then sighed and wandered back down the hall.

“What!” Inuyasha demanded before running after her when she didn’t bother to respond.




“So you’re sure if I do that Kagome won’t be mad anymore?” Inuyasha whispered in the back seat of his father’s car to Rin beside him.

“Yes Inuyasha, she had already apologized to you showing she was willing to put the fight behind the two of you. Just pull her aside before this gets any worse and end it while it’s small enough to do so relatively easy.” Rin repeated for what had to have been the third time this car trip.

“But what if she-”

“OH for the love of, just suck up your pride and go apologize to you’re little girlfriend so we can all have a semi pleasant evening tonight.” Sesshomaru hissed from the other side of Rin.

“Was I talking to you? No, so just shut your mouth.” Inuyasha leaned forward growling back. Rin sighed from between the quarreling brothers keeping her eyes fixated on the road ahead as they squinted in annoyance.

“Well maybe if you’d quit asking the same question for the last 2 hours I would have been able to stay out of it!” Sesshomaru muttered in a low tone.

“Why you-”

“Enough you two!” Rin barked putting a hand on either of their chests. Pouting they both leaned back in their seats again and spent the rest of the ride in silence.

Upon arriving to the Higurashi residence Mrs. Higurashi opened the door already beaming and quickly swept them inside. Much small talk was made to Inuyasha’s annoyance as his eyes searched the house for any sign of Kagome. He hadn’t been here yet so he wasn’t sure which room could have been hers. After more introductions he finally spotted her coming downstairs, she fixed him with an icy glare and went to stand next to her mother looking everywhere but his gaze, despite feeling it all over her.

“And we’ve already met my dear, but I don’t think you’ve been introduced to my eldest son.” Mr. Taisho smiled looking to what seemed to be a slightly taller and more refined looking Inuyasha. The man gave a short bow which she returned; his eyes lingered on hers with a strange look of scrutinizing in them.

“And don’t mind Sesshomaru, he doesn’t exactly have the friendliest social skills.” Rin whispered to Kagome who giggled when he promptly switched his look over to glare at Rin.

“Well you’re house is just lovely, is there any chance we could see a tour?” Mrs. Taisho asked, admiring the lavish decorations of the foyer.

“Why thank you, of course!” Kagome’s mom gushed happy as a cat that caught the crane. Rin threaded her arm through Sesshomaru’s giving him a tug.

“That sounds like fun don’t you think?” But before he even had a chance to respond she had cut him off pulling him in the direction of their tour guide. “Let’s check it out.”

Kagome moved to follow them not wanting Inuyasha to have the chance of her alone but he tugged her wrist gently stopping her. She looked back still glaring but was surprised to see instead of his usual cocky demeanor a rather tame look in his eyes.

“Can I just talk to you in private for a minute?”

She had told herself she wasn’t going to agree to this, had full plans not to agree to this, had even rehearsed several good comebacks for this, but they all flew out the window and she nodded.

“Thanks.” She followed him when he walked into the darkened hallway to the side of them that lead to the garages making sure to still keep her distance when they stopped.

“Listen, there’s something you need to realize about me if you’re going to be around me for the next few months. I’m not the most reasonable person sometimes; I can pretty much be an asshole.” He ignored her snort of agreement. “And so knowing that, you really need to consider if I’m the type of person you want to spend your time on, because it won’t always be fun, and I don’t like apologizing for things. Because if you apologize for something, that means you regret it, and I don’t regret anything. But I do know, I should have just accepted yours and not caused another fight. I meant what I said earlier though, I am sorry if I offended you, it was just a misunderstanding.” Kagome searched his face, his features crystal clear confirming every word he was saying.

“Then tell me this, what did you mean when you said you wanted to protect me from New York.” Inuyasha faltered having almost forgotten he said that and now scrambling for an excuse.

“It’s a very dangerous city Kagome; you don’t know the types of things that go on there.” She squinted her eyes at him causing Inuyasha to back up against the wall a little closer into the dark.

“I know when you’re lying, and you’re not telling me something.”

“Kagome, I told you why, what do you want from me?”

“I want the truth, if I can’t trust you; I can’t pull off the engagement. We’re going to be the only people we have the next few months, the only people we can depend on because I sure as hell can’t depend on those people.” She said pointing towards the kitchen where their families were talking. “I’m glad you have yours, but all I’ll have is you and this isn’t going to be fun you’re right. But I can deal it and with you being an ass, as long as I know I can count on you for support. So tell me why you freak every time I mention New York and I’ll go through with this. It’s our families that are going to suffer if we don’t do this though Inuyasha, remember that.” The words sounded good coming out; they were solid and oddly unexpected even to Kagome. Of course she knew even if she wanted to she couldn’t have stopped this on her part, she needed Inuyasha probably more than his family needed hers by now, because if it wasn’t for this it was both she and Souta’s future’s on the line. But it was true, she wouldn’t compromise herself to that point, of being engaged, fake or not, to a man who lied to her.

Inuyasha sighed looking down and running a hand through his bangs edgily. “Kagome telling you this will take a lot of trust on you’re part too, because my mother doesn’t know, and I would REALLY rather you not, the more you know in this kind of situation the worse off you’ll be. It’ll only burden you, can’t you trust my word on that.” He pleaded and the sound of his voice so soft almost made her gave in. But instead she walked forward standing inches from him and reached her hand up to place it on his cheek softly. His eyes looked down to lock on hers as she stared up at him in silent persuasion.

“Please,” she whispered. “It’s just us here.” His head hung feeling so much heavier suddenly.

Inuyasha was silent for what seemed like an eternity before his voice, barely audible said. “I’m not in public relations…it’s just a cover, how I really make my living is through…some illegal ways, that’s all the details you need Kagome.” He kept his head down when he spoke and it didn’t rise up again. Somehow saying it out loud in his hometown made it so finalized, so complete that he was an awful criminal, it made him feel dirty from a point of view he would have never seen out of in New York. He knew once he returned that feeling would have been fleeting and everything would be back to normal the minute he got off the plane but for this one moment in time, he felt guilty.

For Kagome all the pieces came together in a dramatic epiphany and he had been right, she wished she hadn’t asked. But of all the theories she had thought of, she hadn’t considered this, looking back she couldn’t believe she had missed it, she wasn’t that out of touch with being young but she just had never suspected but it seemed painfully clear what he was talking about now. From the pained sound of his voice she wished so badly she hadn’t made him tell her but what was done was done, and at least she knew, he really was being honest.

“I’m sorry Inuyasha…I didn’t know.”

“I know…” His voice sounded so distant and sad, something she didn’t even realize he could feel. Bringing her other hand up she placed both on his face pulling his eyes up to meet hers again.

“Thank you…for telling me. I won’t ask anymore, and this…this stays between us. What you say to me always will.” He nodded slightly still not responding and on a sudden urge she couldn’t have controlled if she wanted to, Kagome leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed his forehead gently right below where his soft silvery bangs rested. It was the sweetest gesture she could think of, and she hesitated letting her lips rest where they brushed against his skin for a moment. Inuyasha shivered, not entirely sure himself how something so slight could affect him the way she was but when she moved back down he couldn’t stop himself from pulling her to him in a fast motion claiming her lips with his own.




A/N: CLIFFY YAY! Ok so what did you think? Love it, Hate it? Please tell all and review! Thank you all so much for reading and as always.

Disclaimer: Inuyasha, so not mine.