InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ The Winds are Changing ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey everyone! I do apologize for the wait you guys, and thank everyone who has been reviewing and encouraging me the last month. I hit a bit of inspiration block on this story but my muse has finally returned and I'm thrilled to say the least. This chapter is a bit shorter than usual but hey better than nothing right :p. That and I'm trying to cut back a bit on lengthy scenes and pick up the pace now that we've all got the idea of what's going on.
In other news I realized that I haven't done thank you's in two chapters now! Bad author I know I know, sorry tax season will do that to you guys. Let's get to it! Bluezinthos: Yay I have a minion! I've never had one of those before :D I'm glad you're enjoying it so much and hope you still are :) Tarzan: hello again, and thanks so much for your reviews! DarkMoonStar: Since it's been so long since I've done my thank you's I had 3 reviews from you which is just plain amazing! Haha thanks for your regular reviewing and it's great you're liking to story so much! Princess-in-Training: I also have 3 new reviews from you and you freaking rock! Haha and to address your most current ones yes Inuyasha is sweet in his own way. I don't like stories that only portray him as an ass. He's a bit of one, but he's charming too hehe. And Rin is the funniest little thing to write haha you have no idea. Thanks for all the reviews! :D Inuyasha luvr: Thanks!!
CresentMoon21 (steph): Wow thanks so much for this great review. It can be a challenging story to write defiantly, because it's really easy to get writers block for what I'm going to do next. But I enjoy it so much, the characters, the situation; they haven't stopped inspiring me yet. It can just be hard to plan hehe. And yea I actually really enjoy writing Kagome's dad. It's fun to write a jerk hehe. Thanks for the review. GinaCat: Thank you! BlackDiamon: Wow…that is one intense question packed review! Things are certainly confusing but don't worry, they'll sort themselves out all in good time :) Sorry for an errors you might have spotted though, I don't have a beta so they slip past ya every so often ;p Thanks for the review! Star: hehe glad you like it and hope you do the new chapter as well! Mepinak: Updated! Not too soon unfortunately, but not too long ;)
Wow check out how long the thank you's are! That's amazing you guys, you rock :D Enough of me, enjoy the chapter! Ja! Laurell
“Kagome!” Her father's voice boomed and she sank down deeper into the couch hoping he would walk by and not notice her. Unfortunately, this failed. “Ah there you are angel.” Kagome eyed him warily over her bowl of cereal as he sat down across from her in a plush wing back chair and folded his hands pleasantly. “I wanted to congratulate you on an excellent evening last night. Everything went flawlessly during the announcement.”
Kagome gave him a brief smile and then flicked her gaze back to the television and went on eating hoping he would take the hint. “The only thing I didn't approve of...” `Oh god here it comes.' Kagome was now literally trying to bury herself between the couch cushions. “I think we need to get you some more formal outfits, you might have been underdressed last night but we'll see what the reports say today for sure.” Kagome dropped her spoon staring at him.
“Excuse me?”
“That's not to say you didn't look lovely dear I'm sorry. Anyways I've had one of my assistants switch over to arranging your schedule full time and she's including some shopping hours with your mother for after your lesson today with Mr. Chiba.”
`So he's really not going to mention the kiss last night?' Kagome thought in disbelief only nodding mutely to what he said. “And here she's arranged this for you.” He handed her two leather day planners one black and the other tan. “The black one is yours and if you would be so kind to deliver the other to Inuyasha. I've got time blocked off after breakfast where you will both need to discuss your schedule for the next month.”
Finally finding her voice again Kagome managed to ask. “So when is voting day for the election?”
“About a month and half away; mid June. Please keep in mind this is the busiest time of the campaign and I will need our family at every event for the positive public image we're striving for. I know Mr. Taisho won't be able to make many of them so it's very important you and Inuyasha attend every event with Souta.” Kagome was barely registering what he was droning on about and instead had undone the clasp on her day planner and was flipping through the pages of her schedule. The next month of her entire life had been precisely planned out and it was short of eerie how meticulous they had been.
“There are meals actually written in!” She said in disbelief with a harsh laugh. Candidate Higurashi coughed looking a bit leery of his daughter and those emotions she lashed out at him far too often.
“Yes well my team is very efficient. I'll leave you to your breakfast now, nice work dear.” Giving her an awkward pat on the head he briskly left the room and Kagome sighed at her bowl of now soggy cereal.
She discarded what was left of her breakfast in the kitchen sink walking upstairs to flop down on her bed and flip through the day planner with a sinking feeling. She stopped when she caught sight of the ring poised on her finger, looking very out of place and yet content as it sparkled with perfect clarity in the light. The planner forgotten she raised her hand up to analyze it again for the millionth time.
Now that the engagement had been announced she was instructed to wear it at all times, because if she were to ever accidentally forget to put it on while leaving the house (which really was imminent with how forgetful she was) the press would go berserk with break up speculations her father didn't want happening. Not that she necessarily minded wearing it. She got a strange but somewhat happy feeling when she looked at it. It didn't represent the same promises as a real engagement ring would, but it reminded her of Inuyasha, and he had become a very comforting and happy thought as of recent…
Inuyasha reached out to cup Kagome's cheek, rubbing his thumb down it softly. She was flushed with a natural touch of pink, a beauty no make up company could ever dream to compare with, and her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. She looked like she had the first day he had ever seen that capturing fiery spirit, but the tears were absent; a lovely smile playing across her features. It suited her so much more.
He leaned in to kiss her their lips barely brushing when a catastrophic loud noise erupted. Inuyasha bolted upright in bed shaking his head roughly and squinting his eyes as all five of his senses were assaulted by the rude wake up and interruption. Sesshomaru banged on the door yelling something about a phone through it and that's when he finally realized the screeching noises were coming from his cell phone on the night stand. Slamming a hand down on it he dragged his palm to the edge falling back into bed and flipping open to the determined caller.
“WHAT do you want Miroku. I was sleeping, so this better be good.” He barked.
“I don't hear from you for weeks and that's the first answer I get! Damn, remind me why I'm your friend again?” He muttered sarcastically.
“Why don't you take an hour to think it over and call me back.” He was about to shut the phone again when a tiny yell issued from the speaker and he raised it back to his ear. “Fine I'm here what?”
“You're an ass,” he huffed but got the point. “When are you coming home?”
“My trip got extended some.”
“Well it would be nice to have a little more information. You just disappeared on me; I thought you were only taking some time to see your family. What's the delay?”
“What does it fucking matter Miroku? What are you my mother?” He spat out crossly not feeling like going into any personal details at the moment. The more he separated New York and Tokyo the better Inuyasha was concerned.
“Never mind then. It's just…things are getting kind of odd around here…” He trailed off ambiguously and Inuyasha suddenly felt wide awake.
“Define odd please.”
“Well you know the Shichinin law firm some of the partners have been regulars of ours in?”
“Yea that creepy Jakotsu and his buddies, that the one?”
“That's it. You sold Jakotsu a speedball before you left and he died of an overdose from it. I guess he got greedy and just did too much in a night, you know how those things go.”
Inuyasha's blood had just gone ice cold; it felt like ice had been dumped down his throat and hit his stomach with a hard ache, the chill quickly climbing into his chest. People died from overdoses all the time, their own damn faults too it's not like the things he sold came with fucking directions. If you're going to deal with hardcore things then you should understand your own limits but still…No matter how many times Inuyasha repeated these reassurances a guilty grimace formed on his face. He had never, that he known of, sold someone their means of death. “How did you find out?”
“It was in the papers, and Bankotsu was fucking pissed from what I heard from the bad publicity.” Oh he knew all about publicity, it seemed to be following him as of lately. “Since then, I don't know. I feel like somebody's tailing me, so I got rid of everything I was holding quick for discount and have been laying low thinking it was just some sort of cop. But they're not letting up. Then I hear from Kouga that he needs to get in touch with you, says it's real important. I get on the line with you right away.”
Inuyasha chewed his bottom lip thinking. This wasn't his fault or Miroku's so the two probably weren't related and he was just being paranoid about it. “You did all you can, just keep on with it and stay away from Kouga. I'm sure whoever this asshole is he'll lay off after you don't do anything suspicious. Take some girls out on dates and just act normal. You checked your place and phone lines for taps right?”
“Ahead of you, they're clear. So I guess whoever it is doesn't need to watch me close enough to break into my home.”
“I'd say your safe then. You're right probably just a cop sniffing out a lead. So then, why the hell are you bothering me this early!”
“You still haven't told me what I'm supposed to tell Kouga about you!” Miroku insisted a harder edge to his voice.
“Don't tell him shit, he doesn't need to know where I am and whoever's looking for me can try and find me themselves. If he gets pissy just tell him about your stalker and say you didn't want him to get suspected.” Miroku sighed noticeably. “What the fuck is going on with you?” Inuyasha snapped impatiently at how strange Miroku was acting.
“Why would you care anyways Inuyasha. Fine, don't tell me, but you're a real asshole you know that! Apparently that fancy new engagement of yours has got you busy enough you couldn't be bothered with letting your friends know. I don't know why I fucking bother.”
“Miroku! Miro-” He swore as the only sound that answered him was a harsh click and dead silence. Slamming the phone closed he dug his hands up into his hair clenching them their as if they could support some of the burdens off him. Miroku, like him was from Japan, it was no wonder he would keep up with some of the news. Hell it could have been on the national news by now, he hadn't a clue in all honesty, hadn't bothered to check.
`It's better this way…' He repeated but still didn't believe it. As crazy as Miroku could be he couldn't shake the feeling he had just lost his only real friend.
A loud knock interrupted him from some troubling thoughts and his mother's voice clicked something inside of him. Time to stop worrying about who is OD'ing in New York, I've got enough to handle here.
“Inuyasha? Are you awake? You're supposed to be at Kagome's today by eleven. Did you forget?” She called through the doorway. Spinning around he caught sight of a clock, 10:45. Shit, shit, shit!
“No! I'm almost ready though, thanks. I'll be down in a minute!” Shooting out from his bed Inuyasha darted inside his bathroom frantically rushing through his routine and stumbling out the front door a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth ten minutes later.
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“No, I want a report from whoever is at TSE right now from the back office because someone down there hasn't seen the Nikkei! Guess who just went into the Mothers section that we have NO shares on! Get me on the phone with a trader down there or…”
The conversation Kagome's father was screaming into the phone thankfully faded out of hearing range when he stomped from the front door into his office with a jerky hand motion for Souta to follow. Souta sighed folding his copy of the Nikkei Kinyu Shimbun and laying it on the table.
“Looks like he saw what just happened to NTN, see you later tonight.” Kagome blinked not understand anything he just said besides `see you later tonight. `Souta is practically running that company and I can't even understand the basic components in conversation apparently…guess I really am a disappointment in some ways.' Kagome thought sadly her inadequacies abruptly seeming higher than usual.
“Hey what's with that sad look?” Looking up over her shoulder she smiled at the familiar face she really needed then. Inuyasha leaned over the edge of the couch kissing her upside down and eventually making her giggle and pull back. Her father no doubt would have been frowning in disapproval if he wasn't so busy only caring about his own life, Kagome thought rolling her eyes to herself.
“So you ready for tonight, rehearsed all your lines and all that bullshit?”
“We're just bit part attendee's tonight remember, no speaking roles.” She bounced the joke back. “But it's true it should be one of the smoother events, eat a light meal, listen to a bunch of fancy dramatic speech's and make another clean get away. And the catering company for this country club is supposed to be superb. I have to admit the food in this deal isn't too bad.”
“Well of course, why did you think I was doing this?” Inuyasha pulled a confused face cocking his head and she laughed punching him lightly. “Oh what you thought I just liked your company that much? Wow…conceited…” He mumbled rolling his eyes a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
“Oooh, me the conceited one? Coming from you, that's funny.” She stuck her tongue out squealing quite loudly when he leaned over and bit it. “That hurt!” She pouted.
“Want me to kiss it?” He quickly offered and Kagome sighed realizing once again she had been set up but kissed him anyways.
Souta coughed loudly making his entrance known when he walked into the living room a few minutes later and Kagome quickly scooted herself a little farther away from Inuyasha much to his disappointment.
A strange wind was howling its way through New York City that night. The kind that appears out of no where exactly when you're not prepared for it, sending most running for shelter. On this particular evening a man stalked through the streets with a destination firm in his mind. Miroku had some very important business to handle, and no amount of bad weather would be stopping him but when the bitter wind spun through his blazer, even he felt a little chill.
He hurried himself into the back entrance of the club he was headed for; a private event that was his favorite type was on tonight's menu. And whoever had been following him the last few days seemed to finally have given up, much to his relief. He had deemed this place the perfect place to celebrate and score a little something that he badly needed to settle his nerves.
The place was packed with people seeking refuge from everything you could think of. But the crowd seemed more frenzied than normal. It looked like he wasn't the only one uneasy from such strange weather. A wind like that with no rain or thunder to follow didn't seem natural to Miroku at all.
Sliding through the halls of people Miroku smiled to many and winked to more before he finally found a seat just where he wanted, in the darkest back corner of the room. Just as he sat down and was finally hoping to unwind a little while ignoring the howling circling the building, is when she slinked in and sat down across from him. He stared up her form, one he'd seen so many times before. Every bit as beautiful on the way up as the way down; well save for her eyes.
Their color was more black than brown, their look more sinister than mysterious. “Well look who the wind blew in...” he whispered.
She was the kind of woman whose hips were born swaying, her lips always perfectly colored and whose twin sets of gorgeous full black lashes were so long they flirted with the tops of her cheeks when she closed them. And right now those double deadly eyes were batting seductively at Miroku. She leaned forward in her chair threading her hands around his neck and curling into his collar to gently tug him forward until he hovered just above her perfect lips at the right point to see their every move as she whispered. “Where is he?”
Only halfway through the yawn fest party that night Inuyasha's cell vibrated to life in his pocket. He casually got it out hiding it under the table cloth and in his lap to see a private number calling. With a curious glance he answered it discreetly whispering hello.
“Hello Inuyasha, it's been awhile.”
“Who is this?” His brows knitted to together as he strained to remember this familiar chilly voice. Kagome glanced over at him in question.
“Have you already forgotten my voice, or has it just been replaced?” An icy tone rang through the line, static echoing it and the fuzziness and confusion snapped into a harsh reality as he recognized who this was. A growl rose up his throat when she chuckled loftily; it was a dark eerie noise he knew Kikyou only meant when she was stirring trouble. He had cut off contact with her months ago it seemed like but maybe that's because New York already felt like years ago. It had been so easy to slip into this he thought his eyes scanning the lavish ballroom and locking onto Kagome's worried look over her shoulder only briefly. He should have known this wouldn't last much longer, his real life and all of its bullshit seeping in even this far from New York.
“Inuyasha…you've been busy I heard, and not checking in with Miroku even. Why I was just worried sick when he told me.” Her tone was anything but worried or affectionate, and he stayed silent trying to figure out just how to handle Kikyou in one of her moods, promising himself he would deal with Miroku later. “I'm not happy Inuyasha, not at all. And I just can't wait to hear how you plan to explain this to Kouga, or would you like me to do it for you?”
Inuyasha was up and out of his chair instantly, excusing himself hastily realizing he would not be able to deal with this in a public place. It wasn't going to be pretty judging by that last subtle but obvious threat. `She knows about the engagement, and somehow about Kouga looking for me. What's going on all the sudden?' He thought frantically as he walked out the doors. He completely missed Kagome staring at his fleeing form or his horrified and angry expression as soon as he picked up that phone call.
Sitting back straight in her chair she tried to pay attention to the speaker but couldn't stop from worrying her bottom lip and glancing back at the door every time someone stepped through it. Why did he run out like that and looking so upset too without even saying a word to her?
When she checked back in with the current proceedings she saw the former speaker stepping down off the stage and her father rising to take his place. Souta voice whispered to her. “Run.” Kagome leaned in sure she had heard him incorrectly. “What are you going deaf? Go after him, while you can.” He hissed and she stared into his eyes hesitating then quickly slid out of her seat bolting towards the door, a thank you whispered over her shoulder.
Kagome did run, as fast as her heels would take her to look for Inuyasha. Sprinting out into the club's courtyard she spun in circles but saw no trace of the man she sought. Biting her lip she kept moving but she knew if she made it to the street she would have lost him completely. Thunder boomed ominously above her and her eyes stung with frustrations when she heard the first large drops smack the pavement around her. It was pouring within seconds and Kagome stood there not knowing what to do anymore. Her sheer dressed soaked instantly and her hair fell flat, while the night darkened around her.
She slumped down to the ground, the wet pavement snagging her dress and knees and unexpectedly started to sob; but even she wasn't sure why. Everything came crashing down like the rain around her and she was thankful at least she couldn't feel her hot tears of weakness with so much water dripping down her face as it was.
“Kagome...?” She turned slowly and there he stood a very strange expression flickering across his face like he wasn't entirely sure she was real. Kagome's throat burned from the tears dripping off her chin. Inuyasha rushed forward shedding his jacket and immediately sweeping it over her.
“Kagome what are you doing out here! You'll get yourself sick, what are you thinking?”
“I came…I came to find you.” He gave her that strange look again, his eye brows furrowed above his intense gaze.
“Why would you do that?” He questioned his tone coming out more defensive than he meant for.
“I…I was worried for you…you seemed upset. I thought…it was the right thing for me to do…” Even while she said it she realized how unconvincing it sounded, more of a question to him than a statement. The words that finished that statement however had never left her lips, they were circling through her mind unsaid `The right thing for your fiancée to do…'
“Well don't, I'm fine and I can take care of myself.” He snapped again too harsh. What was with him tonight? It wasn't Kagome he needed to lash out to; it was himself for all the stupid shit he had done that was now ruining the first true happiness he had felt in years. Kagome was staring up at him shivering, looking terribly lost and innocent and his heart was splitting that this wonderful girl was worried about trash like him. `That's what I am…' he thought sadly. `Just like Kikyou said…' “You wouldn't be anywhere you are today if it wasn't for me! Everyone I introduced you to, you'd be nothing and this is how you repay me!” He could hear it even now because he had so many times before. Have something repeated to you enough and even you begin to question the truths in the fiction.
“Come on…let's get you out of the rain.” Scooping her up in a strong grip Inuyasha raised Kagome from the pavement frowning deeply from a gash in her dress and the exposed skin showing a tiny smear of blood.
“I can't go back in there Inu.” Her voice cracked when she choked suddenly, throwing her arms around his neck and clinging to him. “I'm sorry…” She whispered. “I'm so sorry I've become this weak…” Inuyasha couldn't deal with this; he couldn't deal with any of this properly out in this storm that was only intensifying. He shushed her reassuringly and moved out to the street awkwardly managing to flag down a cab never setting Kagome down who was imbedded into his chest now, the oversized jacket hiding her shaking shoulders.
Gently placing her inside he hopped in thankful for at least some shelter from the pounding chilly rain. It was abnormally cold to him for some reason. Telling his address to the cab driver he pulled Kagome into a wet embrace wrapping one hand tightly around her back and the other tucking into her wet hair to bring her face back down to his shoulder.
“Come on now...” He shushed her unsurely rocking her in his lap, he had never had to really comfort a girl before and Inuyasha was sure he was probably doing this wrong. “What's gotten to you Kagome? Because you're anything but weak…”
“It's everything…” She sniffed her fingers curled into the soaked fabric of his shirt. “I'm already tired of living like this and when you left and looked upset…and I didn't know if you were coming back. I realized how much I need you; I can't do this without you.”
“I know baby…I know, I couldn't do it without you either. I had just gotten some bad news and needed a minute to myself.”
“I hate this.” Kagome sniffed wiping at her face with her hand. “I hate relying on others, this feeling of helplessness. I can't stand it Inu.” Her voice crept lower with each word until she was barely whispering.
“It's not much longer.” He tried reassuring her. “And I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. And you're not weak Kagome, you're overwhelmed and it's no wonder. I shouldn't have stormed out without an explanation to you; I didn't mean to scare you.”
“But it's not you…” She sighed and Inuyasha couldn't help feeling relieved from her words, and that she was calming down and stopped crying.
“Kagome look at me.” Placing his fingers gently under her chin he turned her face to him and took her by surprise when he kissed her, their lips still cold from the rain.
“Everything is fine now. We're not going back there, we'll take the night off.” She nodded with a weak smile and hugged herself a little tighter against his solid form.
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A/N: And a big thank you to my Jade for helping me get some major plot points down with a great bounce the other night (at like 1am haha). Hope you all liked it and watch out for more chapters coming soon! (Hopefully :D)
Disclaimer: Inuyasha owns me.