InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ It's Starting to Blur ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey everyone! I'm getting this chapter up asap so no individual thank you's this time around. But thank you all so much for all the reviews you left me last chapter! I know I'm always saying this but they really mean a lot to me. And just to prove that, I give you the longest chapter of this story yet!!! It's 20 pages so I think that should make up for my shorter one last time around :D Thank you everyone! Till next time! Laurell~
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“So it's only five days away and you're sweating bullets?”
“Think you could manage to fly in for moral support? I promise Sango I'm going to have a break down.” Sango laughed lightly on the other end of the phone rolling her eyes even though Kagome couldn't see it.
“You are not going to have a break down, it'll be find and you know it. This is what you guys have been talking about the entire time so what's the big deal?”
“BIG deal?!” Kagome squeaked. “I'm going to be announcing a fake engagement to the entire city at the biggest event of the political campaign season to a man I hardly know!”
“Well when you put it like that….” Kagome sighed exasperated and slumped into her pillow. She had acting classes cued up for almost every day this week as well as some etiquette brush ups she and her mom were taking it together. `It'll be so much fun, just like when you were a little girl!' Her mother had said so excited, Kagome wanted to gag.
“Everyone's taking this so serious Sango, but they're missing the crucial point that it's not. I feel like I'm the only one freaking out over it, well save for Inuyasha. I swear if my mother even hints at the wedding word I'll know they've all officially lost their freaking minds!”
“Kagome, your dad's just being efficient like always and making sure no one finds out his little scheme. Your family being crazy shouldn't be a new development to you though.”
“So….does this mean you're not hoping a plane to Japan tomorrow?”
“No darling, I've got classes to finish. But you can do this! And its not like you're totally on your own, you've got Inuyasha to sympathize with and I'm sure Souta is pissed as all hell.” Kagome giggled.
“Yea…but they actually got along last night!”
“Really? What did they do?”
“Um…tried to kill each other in video games?”
“….I'm not so sure that totally counts as getting along…” Kagome laughed and rolled over in her bed again. She was refusing to get out of it later and later every day she was here it felt like.
“Well it's the closest they've come yet so I'm taking what I can get. Ok, I gotta go. My first private public speaking and acting class started like ten minutes ago and I can hear the banshee coming this way.” Sango laughed and the two said a quick goodbye.
“Kagome!” Her mother yelled bursting in the room. “Your acting coach is downstairs STILL waiting, what on earth are you doing up here?” Kagome rolled her eyes crawling out of bed to walk past her mother and downstairs not saying a word. This was so much easier when she was a kid and just had to smile, put on dresses and not talk. Now they were going to have her kissing strange men on TV. `And if last night was any preview of that they're going to have quite a show.' Kagome thought giggling to herself and continuing to tone out her mother.
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Inuyasha quietly sipped on an overly caffeinated and sugared cup of coffee trying to convince his mind to wake up being as it was after one…and his mother had insisted on it. Rin and Izayoi were across the kitchen with Rin effectively dirtying everything in a five mile radius with flour during a baking lesson.
“Rin I've told you it's not necessary for you to try and learn all these things months before our wedding, I can cook.”
“You gunna wear a pink apron and remind her to put a coaster under her beer too sessy love?” Inuyasha grinned behind his cup looking up innocently. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes giving him a death glare which by now Inuyasha was immune to.
“No, I'm going to do this! It's …wife like! I should know how to cook and bake and stuff.” Rin made a fist in determination but it looked like she had gotten flour in her hair too somehow, Inuyasha snickered.
“You're doing very well dear don't let them bother you.” Izayoi comforted even though the state of their surroundings was obvious proof she wasn't doing that well. Rin sighed and the two girls continued while Inuyasha switched on the TV flipping through the channels.
“Don't you have some acting class to be at to make sure you don't act like the crude idiot you are for the next two months?” Inuyasha flicked him off making sure his mother was safely turned around and kept going through the channels. He paused on a news and talk show discussing the upcoming ball that had the media in frenzy, like blood in the water to sharks. A clip reel of Mr. Higurashi went by after the other candidates listing his current statistics. He was still in the lead. Inuyasha didn't know what bothered him more, that he knew for a fact this man was an idiot and winning or that the other candidates were probably even worse.
Inuyasha sighed at his now empty cup and realized he was starting to get hungry. Taking his attention away from the TV he jumped off his stool to raid the fridge.
“Are you hungry?” Izayoi asked from the other side of the door.
“Yea, starving.” Inuyasha said closing it just in time to have a plate of…something shoved in front of him.
“Good you can be my first tester then!” Rin smiled happily. Inuyasha's eyes looked between her and the plate of questionable.
“I really shouldn't eat cookies so early…” He laughed nervously backing up.
“They're muffins!!!” Rin cried and he fled the room before she threw whatever they were supposed to be at him.
“Why is my family so insane?” Inuyasha grumbled grabbing his wallet and a set of keys to go scrounge up some food before his meeting over at Kagome's place with some sort of team member of Mr. Higurashi's. I know how to act just fine, he thought stuffily. `I've done it for cops plenty of times, hell I'm friends with some! It might be different though…' Inuyasha glared ahead thinking hard about what his stomach was hungry for and as usual a beam of light cast down on a ramen stand in front of him. “Perfection.”
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“No, no Kagome. You're still not proving to me with your body language that you're truly smiling.” Kagome gritted her teeth trying to look pleasant for the irritating man. `That's because I'm NOT!' She wanted to scream but kept it to herself. “Your mannerisms and posture make a distinct impression before you even say anything, and you won't be talking a lot so the way your holding yourself is key here!” She nodded and tried again to keep remembering everything.
“I'm an eager reporter asking you a question, think fast! Where did you and Inuyasha meet?” Kagome frowned her eyebrows furrowing.
“I thought I wasn't supposed to be talking.” The small extravagant man sighed before her and hung his head dramatically.
“We've got a lot of work left to do.” He checked his watch rolling his eyes and Kagome clenched her mouth shut in a scowl from how difficult he was making all of this. “You're fiancée is going to be here any minute so we'll have to continue after, and stop those frown lines!”
“He's not my fiancée,” she snapped.
“He is for the next two months and you need to get that in your head and start repeating it or you WILL slip up in front of a camera. No correcting me. And for the love of god someone get me a carbonated water,” he snapped to two of her father's other assistants lingering nearby. His hodgepodge team of kiss ass's had been connected to his hip since Sunday and Kagome was really starting to dislike it. She couldn't even walk through her living room in pajamas without her mother throwing a fit.
Getting up she went to go cool off in the foyer and wait for Inuyasha. If he thought Kagome was tough Inuyasha was going to have a field day with their flamboyant acting coach Kagome thought with a wicked smirk.
“Whoa, what's that devious look for?” Inuyasha asked closing the front door having entered without even knocking. Kagome laughed.
“Nothing, you'll see soon at least.” He shrugged sitting down next to her and held a bag out over her lap, she took it curiously and peeked inside to see a giant pile of snacks and sodas.
“I didn't know what your favorite kind was.” He explained without her asking.
“So you bought the whole vending machine?” She laughed but dug through finding some candy. “You know the camera adds ten pounds as it is, you want it to add twenty?”
“We can always go for a run later; I seem to remember you enjoying that.” He smirked leaning back to look down at her.
Kagome rolled her eyes smiling. “Only when I'm mad enough, which I'm sure you could arrange easily. But my mom will kill me if she finds these so I'm going to go hide them in my room really quick. Why don't you go meet our coach, you'll looove him.” She said sarcastically and carried the bag with her upstairs.
Inuyasha wandered into their living room finding it covered with random people walking around the house. `If they're his team shouldn't they be with him?' he wondered. But he realized Mr. Higurashi could have very well been in the house somewhere, between its size and current occupancy it would be a where's Waldo to find him though. `He's probably lurking and spying on us from some obscure corner making notes. That or he's got camera's everywhere.' His thoughts drifted back to Saturday night and he gulped deciding not to think about if he had camera's in here anymore, and made a mental note not to have a repeat of any more kinky situations here just in case.
Kagome trotted back downstairs to find a very bored looking Inuyasha being introduced to their acting coach with her mother talking a mile a minute in between. He looked up at her in a pleading sort of way and she smiled coming to stand next to him. Behind everyone else's eyes he took her hand behind his back and twined their fingers together, Inuyasha found he wasn't quite as irritated with her hand in his. Knowing Kagome was rationalization enough for doing this, helping his family was like an added bonus.
“Kagome love lets give them time to start and go talk.” 
“Good luck,” she mouthed silently to him while being drug into the kitchen with her mother prattling on about tea. Inuyasha mentally groaned the second she was out of his view and he had only the small grating man in front of him to focus on.
“We are just going to HAVE to do something about that angry stare mister.” Inuyasha closed his eyes and sighed.
“Kagome what on earth are you doing?” Kagome stiffened spinning around from the doorway where she was observing just to make sure Inuyasha didn't kill the guy.
“Nothing,” she giggled coming back to sit across the table.
“Keep your head out of the clouds we've got a busy week ahead of us you know. We need to help your father and Souta in anyway we can with the campaign.” `By staying out of their way more like it.' Kagome thought resisting rolling her eyes. “You've got your classes with our publicity coach and really need to brush up on your dinner etiquette as well and we need to go shopping to find you the perfect outfit!” Her mother gushed and Kagome could have sworn she felt a little nauseas.
“What's wrong with the outfits I have?” Her mother gave her a dull `you're joking right?' look before continuing on about their plans.
“Mom, I thought the charity dinner party thing or whatever-”
“-It's a political ball dear.” Kagome sighed `what does that even mean?!' she thought dully, and continued.
“Isn't it for all the candidates?”
“Well yes they'll all be in attendance as will everyone who's important in Tokyo but everyone knows the candidate in the lead is the real host of the evening even if its not officially said so.”
“Ah.” She said despite not really understanding the logic in that.
“And of course we have to go pick out a ring for you! Oh darling it'll be just gorgeous we'll get you something huge!” Kagome almost choked on her tea while her stomach clenched into a tight knot. `Oh yea, the ring…forgot about that.'
“Oh please no I don't want anything really big, it'll catch and I'll just loose it and it'll just be returned anyways!”
“Honey, you don't return diamonds, it's not a problem don't worry it'll look just lovely on your hand. We'll find the best one in town.” Kagome's heart sank, going engagement ring shopping with her mother for her fake fiancée, no that didn't sound pathetic at all.
“I'll have to check when Inuyasha is available after his meeting.”
“What?!” He was going with them?
“Honey you won't be able to come with us, someone could spot us together and the announcement could be suspicious, we can't have that happening. But I can't just leave it up to him because it has to be just perfect. I'm sure we'll have a fun time!” Kagome's jaw dropped at her mother's giddy smile and knew this was going to be a problem. Before she could sputter any sort of shocked interjection a loud noise came from the living room.
“NO I am NOT a hostile person by nature! People like YOU make me hostile!” She ran in to find Inuyasha yelling at the cowering man. Kagome knew she probably should have been freaking out like her mother was rushing to consol the `publicity councilor' or whatever he was, but instead she was slumped against the doorway and couldn't stop laughing.
“Kagome!” Her mother hissed and she wiped away the tears at her eyes. Inuyasha looked up glad to know at least she found this amusing, that and wasn't mad.
“Mama, I'm going to take Inuyasha out to get some fresh air.” She still giggled a little taking his hand to lead him out front.
“I suggest it!” Her mother muttered stuffily still saying apologies to the man.
The front door closed shut against the chaos behind it and Kagome sat down on the steps motioning for Inuyasha to do the same.
“That guy's an idiot.”
“I know,” she smiled. “But we have to deal with him and my dad's team for the length of this. They're all idiots just to warn you, but you might not want to yell at them and throw things in the future.”
“He deserved it.” He muttered slumping down to rest his chin on his crossed arms.
“I know that too.” Kagome leaned against his shoulder taking a deep breath in and out trying just to focus on the two of them and the air surrounding them, and not think about their engagement being announced in less than five days and counting.
“I'm sorry to have gotten you involved in all of this, I feel terrible.” Kagome kept her eyes down wringing her hands in her lap because she did feel bad for involving a total stranger in all her family's dysfunctions.
Inuyasha raised an arm up to loop it over her shoulder and pull her closer hugging her lightly. “I'm here because I chose to be here Kagome. Because as much as I can't stand most of this already and it's only week two I want to be right here with you in it.” Kagome smiled her cheeks burning and hugged his waist tight clinging to him and his kind words. “We've got each other remember?”
“I do.” She smiled and leaned up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“No, no we get engaged first then you say that part.” She blushed bright red while Inuyasha snickered at the diction she had just used completely by accident. Ducking her head back into his chest she buried her embarrassment in his shirt while Inuyasha kept laughing and rubbed a hand over her back.
“Ahem.” A loud voice cleared from behind them and they both peeked up with innocent faces on to see a rather annoyed Souta standing in the doorway arms crossed firmly over his chest. Kagome sat up with a sheepish smile and Inuyasha shrugged rolling his eyes.
“They're ready for you both inside.” With a groan Inuyasha stood up offering his hands to Kagome which she gladly took springing up from her seat. He kept her hand in his again while they walked inside, Kagome his personal little anchor to sanity. Sitting down on the couch across from Mrs. Higurashi and the acting coach who was giving Inuyasha nasty little looks out of the corner of his eye Kagome's mother cleared her throat.
“I think you have something to say Inuyasha?” 
“I do?” He asked with a blank stare and Kagome elbowed him in the ribs.
“What he meant to say was he's very sorry for losing his temper and it won't happen again.”
“I should hope not. Acting in a social setting takes a very cool head to ensure no one sees through your lies. You can't just start behaving like a barbarian and ruin everyone's cover!” The coach said stuffily. Inuyasha growled and Kagome laid her hand on his leg, he kept silent.
“Inuyasha knows that, he'll be more careful in the future.” Everyone looked to him expectantly and he sighed annoyed.
“I won't scream at anyone again.” Seemingly satisfied Mrs. Higurashi smiled and clapped her hands happily.
“All right then, now that that's settled Inuyasha we have a date this afternoon!”
“Excuse me?” He asked confused. Kagome had another strong urge to sink into the couch.
“We get to go ring shopping!” She beamed. Inuyasha opened his mouth to speak…closed it…then left it hanging open again similar to Kagome's reaction earlier. Kagome buried her face in her hands next to him.
“Oh, right.” He finally managed to get out and Souta smirked from the chair he was sitting in nearby. Kagome looked up and glared at his little brother's pleased expression from Inuyasha's obvious discomfort.
“Mama, don't you think you should bring Souta along too? I bet he'd be a great help and that way he and Inuyasha could get to spend some time with you.”
“Oh that's a lovely idea! You're not busy are you?”
“Well um…actually-” Souta stammered.
“What's a few hours to spending time with your mother and helping get something so important for your sister Souta darling?” Kagome smiled brightly and Souta glared at her.
“I agree! Your father will just have to manage without you. Fine suggestion Kagome, and while we're gone you can continue your lessons with Mr. Chiba.”
“Huh?” Kagome's jaw dropped as she realized Mr. Chiba was in fact the disgruntled man sitting next to her mother. Inuyasha and Souta both smirked this time a common understanding.
“Ok then! Let's all get going.” Mrs. Higurashi popped up out of her seat with the ever present energy of a cheerleader and rushed the boys up and out the front door. Inuyasha looked back at her desperately and managed a sad wave before he was swept out the door and it was swiftly closed. Kagome looked across the living room to see an even more irate looking Mr. Chiba.
“Now then where were we Kagome? Oh yes those awful frown lines you're getting on your face just like now, let's start with those.”
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“This is your entire fault you know.” Souta hissed.
“Yes I'm the one with the deranged father setting up fraud engagements to win elections, you're right god I should be ashamed of myself.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes arms crossed and kept trudging after Kagome's squealing mother.
“Lay off he's just trying to help the families.”
“Even you don't believe that one kid. He's trying to help himself and if others could benefit along the way hey why not.”
“You shouldn't call someone kid when they've got ten times more responsibilities than you've ever had.” Souta glared.
“Yea because you're a walking encyclopedia on me and all.” He snorted.
“Boys!” Mrs. Higurashi snapped finally realizing they weren't paying attention to her. “We're looking for an engagement ring not seeing who can do the most insulting, now focus!” Inuyasha raised an eyebrow behind her back, for a minute there had actually seen a part of Kagome in her mother, it was something he had yet to. Souta shuffled along next to him in a heavy silence. Even though the kid was annoying he was a good distraction from the task at hand which if he thought about too much he got quite a very awkward feeling in his gut. At least they weren't making him propose on TV or something, with any luck he wouldn't need to say a single sentence.
It must have been the twentieth jewelry store he and Souta had been dragged to when he heard Mrs. Higurashi gasp. She grabbed a fistful of his shirt not even looking back and pulled him up next to her to point at the glass.
Hovering beneath was a round cut center stone, less flashy than he was expecting her choice to be but it appeared flawless. Around it was a small gathering of curling white gold strands, tiny diamond buds resting on various places of them with more following around the band itself. It sparkled no matter what way you looked at it and stood out from every other one in the cabinet. The design was simple yet complex with its own unique style and reminded him perfectly of Kagome.
Inuyasha stared down at it squished together between Souta and Kagome's mom as they all debated. “It's beautiful.” Mrs. Higurashi's input. “It's unique.” Souta agreed. “And she'd love it.” Inuyasha put in the final word and the three nodded determinedly to each other and yelled for a sales associate.
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Inuyasha whistled his hands locked in his pockets as he sauntered next to the others. “I sure am glad that was written off as a campaign expense, good god that was an expensive ring.”
“Who would have thought it was a rare antique one?” Souta muttered shaking his head.
“Keep your voices down.” Mrs. Higurashi hissed. “And you know someday you really might have to buy one of these! You should keep this lesson in mind young man.” She scolded not saying which one she was exactly addressing.
“Yea right, like anyone not being blackmailed would be engaged to him.” Souta grinned.
“What did you just-”
“Oh would both of you just stop it!” She snapped rolling her eyes and tucking a stray piece of hair back, Inuyasha smirked. It was funny getting Kagome's mom so flustered she lost her composure; she probably would have been a really nice lady if her family had been normal and she wasn't forced into this strange politician's good wifey act. They both got back in the car with slightly wounded prides and the strange mismatched group headed back to the Higurashi residence with Mrs. Higurashi insisting Inuyasha keep the ring with him.
“It only seems right you show it to her!” She nodded her eyes pleading. Inuyasha looked at the offending velvet box all of this getting to a creepy level of real.
“I'm not getting down on any knee! You give it to me I shove it to her in the box and say `here.' Is that understood?” She pouted but agreed none the less, Inuyasha `keh'ed rolling the box around in his hands and thought about Kagome's reaction. She was probably going to blush and act all shy for awhile to make up for the awkwardness. Would she wear it all the time or just when they had to? Was she hoping this was real, or as weirder out as he was? For the time being he couldn't find any of the answers so he resolved himself to thinking of a way slightly nicer than what he had just mentioned to give it to her. If he really did that she'd probably get pissed and throw it at him, then they could try and charge him for it if the ring got messed up. That wouldn't be pretty.
But all too quickly he was at the steps of her mansion fidgeting with the ring weighing like a lead rock against his hand.
“Aren't you coming Inuyasha?” Mrs. Higurashi looked down at him curiously. He nodded quickly following them. Souta snickered quietly when they came back into the Higurashi's over sized living room where Kagome looked like she was seconds away from an aneurism still sitting with their acting coach. At seeing him walk in the door Kagome bolted coiling an arm around him with a death grip. Souta screwed up his face scoffing and walked off to try and find his father in the mess.
Kagome squeaked something about spending quality time with her fiancée to her mother and Mr. Chiba and drug Inuyasha up the stairs behind her as quick as she could get up them.
Once safely inside her room she shut the door and locked it, despite knowing the reaming she would get if her mother found out and barricaded it with Inuyasha walked over to her bed and tumbled into her soft sheets and pillows. Inuyasha blinked looking at the door behind him and then back to Kagome more than a little confused.
“What's wrong??”
That-” she said dramatically pointing a finger towards downstairs in what he could only guess was Mr. Chiba. “That man is what's wrong.” Inuyasha chuckled coming to sit down beside her and ran a comforting hand over her back.
“Don't let him get you all stressed, he's just a pompous idiot.”
“Yea well you didn't spend the last two hours talking about every wrinkle you'll be getting on your face if you keep insisting on frowning so much. I'm amazed I didn't slam him in the head with one of those stupid crystal ash trays!”
“Ooh good choice, I was thinking about using that one but didn't want to pay for it.”
“And what took you so long anyways?” She demanded turning over to look at him fully intent on glaring and possibly continuing her rant but she stopped the minute she saw what he was rotating in his hands.
“Making sure this was the right one for you.” He kept his gaze fixed on the box lingering for a moment longer before holding it out to Kagome not looking over at her until he felt the weight of it leave his palm. Kagome studied it intently running her fingertips over the smooth velvet top, this engagement was not real but the ring inside this box was and the way her heart was pounding was too. Her large eyes looked up to his in hesitation and Inuyasha smiled at her.
Kagome opened the small box slowly and gasped at what lay inside. The ring they had chosen for her…it was breath taking. She had imagined many types of engagement rings in her lifetime, giggled with Sango on occasion of the type of proposals that could accompany them. This situation of course she had never thought of, but that didn't make the gorgeous ring or the wonderful man sort of giving it to her any less special. Real or not this would be going down as a favorite memory.
She didn't know what to do or say so she went on her first instinct setting the box down next to them and threw her arms around Inuyasha's neck tackling him in an excited hug.
“So you like it then?” He laughed circling his arms around her.
“I love it.” Inuyasha hadn't gotten any of his answers on what Kagome thought of their arranged engagement anymore, if this as real to her as it was starting to feel to him or not. But it didn't seem to matter so much when he saw her smile like that.
“Should we make sure it fits?” He asked and Kagome took in a quick breath sitting back up and untangling from him.
“Do you want to?” She asked with a nervous laugh and a light blush already forming.
“We're being idiots; let's just see it's not a big deal.” She nodded giggling absently at their circumstances as Inuyasha picked up the box and wiggled the band out of its snug cushioning. It was even thinner near the bottom than he expected, so delicate looking like it could snap at any moment. “Want me to do it?” He paused uncertainly and while reasonably Kagome knew she was getting her hopes way too high and starting to feel a bit too excited by this she couldn't resist the offer and nodded smiling so wide it hurt her cheeks a little. Inuyasha shook his head with a soft laugh and slid the ring onto her left hand, something he hadn't pictured himself ever doing really for any girl no matter what the situation was.
They both paused and Kagome released a breath she didn't know she had been holding; it fit. “Wow…” She breathed holding it up in the light to watch it sparkle on her hand. It had to be the most beautiful engagement ring she had ever seen. “Thank you Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha rubbed a hand through his bangs sheepishly but smiled, a light blush even creeping up to his cheeks shattering his usual smug demeanor. `God if Miroku saw this,' He thought absently, but maybe it wasn't such a bad thing he wasn't acting like his `usual' self. “I had a lot of help from your mom and Souta too, wasn't just me or anything.”
“Well, all the same. Thank you for everything, including this.” Kagome leaned forward and wrapped her arms snugly around his waist pulling herself close to rest her cheek against his shoulder securely. Inuyasha faltered looking down at the beauty that was cuddled into him so comfortably like she had been doing this for years, and even though that wasn't true something about her there with him felt so right. He hugged her tightly keeping her as close as he could and they both pretended for a little longer, it could be real.
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Kagome's heavy eyelashes started to lower again slowly as she struggled to stay alert next to her mother who was politely clapping for the guest speaker of some country club seminar they were attending. She couldn't remember what it was on anymore and tried to focus on anything to keep her mind active and her head from hitting the table. Her salvation from boredom came in the form a strange noise behind her.
Kagome paused after first hearing it cocking her head back only slightly to see if it happened again, after a moment of silence she looked down a bit disappointed but the she heard it again. Tilting her head like she was tucking a strand of hair behind her ear Kagome glanced behind her to find Inuyasha crouched through the open doorway and signaling to her. Her eyes bugged out as she slowly turned back around scanning to see if any of the other women had heard him. This was definitely a female luncheon and he'd probably be tossed out if they caught him- wait how did he even get in here?! Kagome's mind raced.
“Pst!” He said again insisting her attention and Kagome grabbed her mother's arm quickly when she turned around to investigate.
“I'm going to go to the ladies room, be right back.” She whispered, her mother gave her a disapproving look but said nothing as she quickly retreated to the back of the room and slipped out the back door. She looked around crouching down and whispering in the dark hallway like an idiot. “Inuyasha?” She hissed and just about screamed when he came out of no where to tackle her.
“Hey!” He said happily like he hadn't just pulled her out of a very important, albeit dull; luncheon and almost gotten both of them in serious trouble with her mother.
“What are you doing in a women's only meeting of the country club?!” She insisted pushing him back into the shadows of the corner.
“Kagome, here in the hallway?” He whispered teasing her.
“Oh shush you!” She laughed putting a finger to her lips. “I just don't want us getting in trouble.”
“You're the one pulling me into a dark corner.” He grinned smugly. Kagome rolled her eyes.
“You're exhausting, now answer my question what are you doing here?”
“I came to save you.” He said proudly but pulled a face from the bored look she was giving him. “What! It was my mother's idea if you really want to know.”
“Oh yes, please enlighten me how you kidnapping me out of a luncheon was entirely your mother's idea.” She said flatly crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well…she invited you to lunch. Keh, whatever I'm here now, came to all this trouble are you going to come with me or not?” Kagome opened her mouth to immediately yell `no' at him but somehow the word and her anger died at her lips. She hesitated looking at the huge doors looming the entrance to the hall and debated looking back to Inuyasha, then back to the doors.
“We both know you don't want to go back in there.” Inuyasha laughed.
“What I want has nothing to do with what I do Inuyasha.” She murmured and sighed taking a step away from him; she knew what she had to do if she didn't go back in there her mother would kill her. Inuyasha grabbed her wrist stopping her from walking away from him.
“Why not?” She turned to look at him confused. “Why doesn't what you want to do count here? It should be what makes your decision.” Kagome blinked slowly and Inuyasha smiled at her letting go of his hold on her. “I'll be waiting at the front entrance; I'll give you five minutes tops. If you want to come with me then do so.” And he turned and walked down the long hallway turning a corner and disappearing from her view. Kagome watched him leave then looked back at the doors and smiled. She took off running down the hall as fast as her heels could carry her to find Inuyasha. Running out onto the terrace leading to the entrance of the club she looked around confused when she didn't see him.
“Fancy meeting you here.” A voice called and she spun around seeing him leaned back on a bench hands laced behind his head a pair of black sunglasses lowered down on the bridge of his nose. He smirked looking over the top of his frames at her. “Let's go.” Kagome nodded in agreement and the two took off before anyone could recognize them.
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Kagome laughed pressing a hand to her chest to steady her breathing and looked over at her partner in crime with a grin once they were both seated and had peeled out of the parking lot.
“She's going to kill us both!” She yelled still laughing and sagging back into her chair not even thinking about how expensive the dress she was wrinkling might be. “You'll be the death of me Inuyasha Taisho I swear.” He chuckled lounged back in the driver's seat sunglasses on. Kagome took another deep breath relaxing and giggling to herself about what she had just done. Her mother really was going to murder her, but she didn't want to be there anymore and poof Inuyasha appeared and now she wasn't! “You're a knight in shining armor saving me from the perils of small talk ya know.”
“Small talk and occasional dragons are my specialty.” Kagome giggled and pressed the button rolling the window down and shook her hair loose out of the style it had been put up in. It felt so much better free with small gusts of wind twisting through her waves. She had been trapped behind those closed doors for hours and unknowingly it had flourished into a beautiful day surrounding them. The sun was still high with many more hours of light promised and the sky almost looked like it could reflect like water it was so crisp and blue. Kagome laid her elbows on the window sill leaning out it just a little and resting her chin in the crook of her arm and she sighed just because she was so content with life in that moment.
“You look like a dog, hanging out the window taking in all the sights and smells.” Inuyasha laughed stealing glances at her while he drove.
“I'm peaceful, don't ruin it.” Kagome mumbled her eyes lingering shut when she blinked like she couldn't decide if she preferred the darkness more than seeing, but they opened again to watch the street go by each time. Too soon for her tastes the ride was over but she looked up to see they were parked in Inuyasha's driveway and smiled. Undoing her seatbelt she hopped out to walk up following behind Inuyasha to the front door, which he opened without knocking and held open to her when she hesitated.
“You don't need an invitation come on,” Kagome paused but trailed after him looking around his home again a faint smile on her lips. It was such a warm welcoming place; Izayoi had done a fabulous job on the decorating as did the original architect of the building who she was admiring when Inuyasha interrupted her.
“Kagome I'll be in the kitchen when you're done spacing out.” She glared at his back which was walking away from her into the kitchen but quickly chased after him with a flurry of clicking heels on the floor.
“Today's a real treat; you get to watch Rin destroy an entire kitchen in an hour.” Kagome ducked quickly when a rolling pin went flying at Inuyasha's head.
“Oh sorry Kagome!” Rin squeaked. “Didn't see you back there!” Kagome laughed nervously edging away from Inuyasha whose head had just missed blunt trauma; he was oblivious to this though.
“Watch where you're aiming those things damn Rin! I mean I know you can't do anything with kitchen supplies but that doesn't mean you get to make them into projectiles!” Rin's eyes narrowed as Mrs. Taisho quickly grabbed the only pot within her reach and moved it.
“Just ignore him dear,” she said turning her back to the range then shot a glare over to Inuyasha. “And you behave yourself! Lovely to see you again Kagome.”
“Likewise.” Kagome smiled and bowed. “And good afternoon to you.” Kagome chirped to a raised paper she could only assume Sesshomaru was behind. It crinkled noisily as he folded it down to give her a bored look of recognition.
“Be nice hun.” Rin's voice called even though she hadn't even turned around.
“Hello.” He said tersely and the paper cracked back up into position effectively silencing him from the room once more. Inuyasha rolled his eyes walking over to peer down at what the two girls were doing.
“What are you making?” Rin elbowed him back waving a hand at him to keep him at a distance. Inuyasha gave the flapping gesture a firm glare.
“It's not finished yet and you'll mess me up, go elsewhere.”
“Fine,” he huffed and stomped out. Kagome shrugged to the two girls and followed after him. She paused going through the living room again and looked around not spotting him. He hadn't gone up the stairs…following around a hallway curiously she found a doorway open and peeked in to see Inuyasha standing in the middle of a rather chaotic looking office. Much unlike her own father's various studies in the house every free space in the room had been crammed with a book or covered with papers most looking to be having to do with police work or mystery novels.
She smiled unmasking a few treasures from beneath piles of papers including a photo of Inuyasha and his dad when he was just a kid. He was wearing his father's police cap which looked huge on him with his small arms wrapped around his neck while Mr. Taisho held him up beaming proudly in his uniform. Kagome touched her fingers to the cool glass running them down the old memory preserved so delicately.
“This is such a cute picture…” She said fondly Inuyasha looked back seeing which one she was looking at.
“Yea that, my dad had just gotten promoted in that picture.”
“How are you two doing now since you came back? We haven't really talked about it.” Kagome walked over to hop up on a free spot of the table he was digging through papers on. Inuyasha shrugged.
“We're…I guess we're good. Better than we've been for a long time, good to be speaking again.” She nodded.
“So you're glad you came back?”
“Yea…if I didn't have to because of this I don't know when I would have again.” Kagome smiled looking down at her skirt and smoothing a non existent wrinkle out.
“You're family…they're really good people Inuyasha, and they love you a lot. Don't give that up again over a few pointless arguments.” Inuyasha paused what he was doing to look over at Kagome, her eyes were very solemn as she spoke with little bits of sadness clinging to her tone.
“Yea…I know. As a kid I just about worshipped my dad and I was so proud of him being a police officer, now I can't stand cops. I avoid them or pay off the crooked ones like it's a daily affair, funny how life turns out sometimes isn't it?” Kagome watched him silently not daring to interrupt because despite how guilty she felt over the weekend for forcing to admit why exactly he didn't talk about his job her curiosity was getting the better of her again. She still had no idea what aspects of his job exactly were illegal exactly, or that she really wanted to know them but if he wanted to talk about it she would be more than willing. So she stayed silent hoping that he would instead fill in the dead air with more on the matter but he didn't.
“Are you glad you came back?” He asked quickly darting the subject to a safe territory again.
“I'm not sure, I miss America a lot and I miss my friends. But I'm glad I'm getting to see Souta more, he had grown so much since the last time I did it's scary. And I'm glad to get to meet you and your family…”
“But you aren't any happier to be around yours again huh?” She shook her head sadly.
“I feel bad talking in a poor way about them, because they're not always so terrible and they've always provided for me…but nothing is different and it's all exactly why I left in the first place. I'm so glad you and your dad are getting along again; I guess some part of me was hoping for the same. That he would actually acknowledge how hard I worked during high school instead of just calling me a traitor for not going to it here or doing his every bidding. But…I've learned to stop expecting positive things when I'm around my parents…I am glad to see Souta though.” Kagome kept her gaze fixed on a stray book that's spine had been snapped back and it lay exposed on a desk close by, not really looking at it but not wanting to look at Inuyasha either.
“It took my family a long time to get to this point; maybe yours will come around in the future?” He said optimistically Kagome looked up and nodded with a smile but they both knew she didn't believe him.
“Inuyasha! Lunch!” Izayoi yelled her voice carrying down the halls from years of practice calling them most likely.
“Oh good Rin's catastrophe is finished.” Inuyasha muttered helping Kagome down off the table she sat on.
“Be nice, you know you're just teasing her because you actually like being her friend.” Kagome shot him a knowing look with a smirk. Inuyasha could say what he wanted, those two already fought like they had been siblings from birth instead of marrying into them.
“No I make fun of her because she's an idiot, she's marrying my brother how could she not be?” Inuyasha huffed crossing his arms.
“If she wasn't I would be, or at least engaged to him.”
“You know, when you put it that way I think you owe me A LOT more credit.” He grinned just thinking about how long Sesshomaru could have stood Kagome, of course he was engaged to a girl even bubblier than her which he wouldn't think was possible if he didn't have living proof of it sleeping in his house. Kagome rolled her eyes.
“At least I know he wouldn't have talked so much or thrown things at our publicity coach.” She giggled ignoring the way his mouth had dropped open and he was making noises of offence and sauntered past him leaving the room.
“Hey! ….That's low Kagome, really, really low! Get back here, I'm still talking to you damnit!”
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The tips of her sharp sling back's were barely visible bounding through the layers of fluttering cloth that swayed around her shins as she walked quickly down the lavish carpet of the Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo. Her long legs carried her effortlessly through the crowd as she ignored the flashes and voices circling her. Kagome had one destination and that was to find Inuyasha. She entered the large ballroom that people were filing into and through the maze of bodies a glint of silver finally came into view and she smiled.
While prepping for this night the last five days she couldn't count the number of times he had kept her from losing it. It was odd to depend on him so much like a real lover might have, or to feel such ease around him from all the time spent together. He understood every silent look or quick gesture; he knew how to stand up for her when even she didn't know she was too exhausted to keep doing their drills and he was the best friend she had here. It was because of all this Kagome approached him with ease slipping her hand into his own. He turned smiling coyly over his shoulder down at her.
“Hey,” He whispered soft enough so even she barely heard. “What are you running to me for? Hiding from the warden?” Kagome smiled instantly, he of course meant her father which was correct.
“That and all the people.” She tucked herself further into his body giving herself the excuse that this kind of affection was appropriate because they were in public. Inuyasha didn't need excuses, he just didn't mind one bit, and the more Kagome touched him the happier he was, so he wrapped an arm around her bringing her into the conversation going on. Rin touched her shoulder lightly giving her a knowing smile and Kagome grinned at her.
“So how goes it my fellow Taisho engaged friend?” She whispered with a giggle.
“So far fine, there's just so many people here! I had no idea it would be this huge of an event, is this supposed to be a fund raiser for the campaigns too?” She looked around up and over the seemingly endless sea of people mingling and making small talk. When her mother had said `ball' at first she had been stressed there was going to be a lot of dancing, but apparently that was just an elaborate word for dinner and cocktails that reminded them all to dress formally.
“I don't think half of the people in this room know; they're just here to listen to themselves talk.” Rin rolled her eyes and the two girls snickered quietly.
“And what are you too laughing about?” Sesshomaru asked coming up behind them to stand protectively near his fiancée. Rin cooed an excuse at him he obviously didn't buy but he dropped it anyway turning an exhausted eye around the room.
“When did you get this jacket and undershirt?” Kagome smoothed a hand over his crisp red starched collar peeking out from under the black blazer he was dressed more formally in tonight.
“Got it day before yesterday when you were in that meeting, I like that dress choice by the way. It was my favorite of the three.” Kagome smiled and nuzzled into his arm. Inuyasha checked his watch again impatiently looking for some sign this would be getting started soon.
“How long are the candidates going to take before starting their speeches?”
“My thoughts exactly.” Sesshomaru muttered flagged down a passing waiter ordering a scotch for both of them.
“You know how long the mingling takes with these people; they have to personally introduce to every contributor in the area. But we have to stay until the very end, that's when my dad's speech is and when our announcement is getting made.” Her stomach flopped nervously from just saying it out loud the butterflies in it getting worse every second.
Inuyasha looked like he was about to open his mouth in protest again but chimes rang in the hall signaling they should now begin to find their seats at the table's. The foursome made their way to the front knowing their table would be one of the largest and in center view.
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An agonizingly long hour later Mr. Higurashi stepped up to a podium silencing the dozens of applauding tables quickly as the crowd turned up to focus on him; the last speaker of the night. He began his speech touching on several of the big subjects Kagome had heard him practicing and saying before, with rounds of clapping causing him to stop every so often. But when he neared the end of his speech is when Kagome's heart began to race. Inuyasha reached under the table cloth squeezing her hand tight within his own.
“But I'm very happy to be making an announcement for my family that is not just due to the coming election. Many of you have probably recognized a face sitting up in my table,” He gestured to Mr. Taisho below him who gave a polite bow. “Chief of the Tokyo Police Force Inu Taisho,” the crowd clapped again quiet murmurs circulating as he obviously had peaked their interests now. “I am honored to announce that our families are now going to be more than long time friends with the engagement of his son Inuyasha to my eldest daughter Kagome, who proposed last night.” Candidate Higurashi was beaming as he extended his hand to the couple and they both put on matching smiles with happy and proud body language, the crowd erupted in applause, and flashing. “Both of our families are so pleased with this wonderful development and I speak on all our behalf when I say I am truly happy for you two.”
Kagome's heart felt like it had swelled to an irregular size it was pounding so hard in her chest but she kept her smile on and her eyes sparkling and a level headed Inuyasha leaned in wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close as he placed a soft kiss against her temple. The blush brushed across her cheeks was not acting, “Everything's fine, relax.” He whispered against her ear pulling back to smile at her, and she did calm down a bit.
A request was made to see the ring and Kagome extended her hand shyly over the edge of the table so the immediate crowd could ogle it. A few gutsy photographers rushed forward flashes blaring to get the best shot of it. Kagome knew this shot would be one most popular in the papers so she smiled as brightly as she could with her body alert the way the team had showed her. Somewhere in the wings Mr. Chiba was applauding. After almost a minute of posing like a thoroughbred pony her father took over again going back to sum up and end his speech.
“Thank you all so much for coming and for you're support, we'll be looking forward to seeing you again through the campaign season and of course, Election Day.” He ended with a smile and wave and stepped off the podium to join them at the table again.
People began rising to their seats and of course immediately approaching to talk to and congratulate members of both families. Inuyasha just kept squeezing onto Kagome's hand when the buzz of faces came through to speak with them asking dozens of questions and fawn over her ring.
After almost an hour of it the Taisho and Higurashi families were finally making it towards the exit. Kagome bit her bottom lip between her teeth nervously at the approaching doors knowing the paparazzi we're going to be the last test.  Pushing her nerves to the bottom of her stomach she strolled out confidently on Inuyasha's arm knowing she looked amazing and repeating that she was in her head.
Flashes circled them voices yelling all itching to get comments from the hot new couple. They paused to answer several of the basic ones just to be polite, where did you meet, how long have you been dating, when's the wedding, let us see the ring and etc. Things we're going quite well Kagome thought and noted her father having finally joined behind them signaling they could at last jump in the limo and get away from all these crowds. But her relief was short lived as she heard a request shouted to her left.
“Can we have a kiss for the front page?” All the blood seemed to drain down to her feet then rush back up to her head to pound inside her ears in an instant. They had discussed this issue but she was far less ready for it than she had anticipated. Inuyasha smiled down at her his eyes dancing with silent laughter and all the camera's raised flashes ready.
With one sweeping motion he had braced his hands in the small of her back dipping and supporting her weight only slightly below him and kissed her full on. Kagome's lashes fluttered closed when their lips made contact; she was beyond blushing and drank in the moment drowning out every voice and watchful eye instead intoxicating herself on the feel of his soft lips pressed into hers. And even the watching Candidate Higurashi recognized that the line between what was being faked, and what was real was quickly starting to blur.
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A/N: WHEW! Ok so did you like it? I hope so! And if you have the time please review! Thanks so much to all my readers and reviews alike! Disclaimer: Inuyasha = not mine