InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to The Age of Un-Innocence ❯ Answers over Rain and Wine ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hey everybody ok I have some bad news. Somehow, I haven't the slightest idea of HOW on the last chapter of un-innocence the entire first part of it was cut out. I don't know when or what happened exactly, or how I didn't freaking notice until just now but I wasn't thrilled with this obviously. It wasn't crucial enough for anyone to get confused and point it out but you might want to go back and reread the first few parts of it. What I have stored on my files is Kagome first waking up in the morning and her calling Inuyasha, what the last chapter started with is in the early afternoon Kagome being upset he hasn't called her back. Again, wtf, my computer is retarded, and I sincerely apologize.
Ah well shit happens. So anyways, please excuse the delay on this chapter which did not get posted in a week (bad author!) because it got yet another revision and almost complete rewrite. I'm way too indecisive, BUT I am finally satisfied with the chapter and have a nice warm fuzzy feeling :D Lets get started!
DarkMoonStar: Yea sometimes a filler chapter is necessary to take a minute to slow down. With all the drama I didn't want things moving unreasonably fast and you know…things are about to pick back up again :) hehehe. Awesome! I love that song so I'm glad you liked it too, you were the only reviewer that said anything about it so you rock ;D Hope you like the new update! Silverwolfhalfbeast: Well then you should like this chapter *winkwink* Thanks for the review!
Hey you!…Yea you, the one reviewing, I love you! You deserve pocky :D Men's POCKY! If anyone knows what I'm talking about, you get bonus point's haha. Ja! Laurell~ (who is hyper today)
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A soft chime went off inside the Taisho kitchen and Rin glanced up from the bridal magazine she was flipping through. She felt like she had seen a million white dresses over the last month, they were all practically blurring by now. “Halter, or strapless, or low cut…,” She mumbled to herself as she put on an oven mitt and took out the cake she was baking. She smiled at the sweet strawberry smell, it was Sesshomaru's favorite and he would hopefully be impressed with her latest attempt; now that she had learned you can only start decorating after the cake has cooled. The thunder and lighting continued booming outside and a particularly loud crack made her jump but when the lights stayed on above her she sighed in relief.
`I hate thunderstorms when he's not home with me,' Rin thought with an irritated glance out the window that was covered by streaks of water pummeling it. `Oh well, he should be back soon.'
Humming to herself she got out the carton of the strawberries from the fridge and some white frosting setting it out on the counter to wait. Leaning over the counter she checked her cookbook one more time to ensure she was following the directions correctly and studied the strawberries perched on top of each slice on their little frosting pillows.
The tip of her tongue stuck of just barely when she thought about something hard and sure enough it was out as she cocked her head trying to figure out exactly how to decorate the cake so it would like perfect. When Rin heard a knock she perked up happily and rushed to open the door, she did wonder though why Sesshomaru wouldn't have just unlocked it himself. `It's not like him to forget things.'
Needless to say a dripping wet and panting Kagome leaned against the door frame in a soggy baseball cap and running clothes wasn't what she was expecting when she opened the door.
“Oh my- Kagome is that you?” She nodded still breathing heavily and Rin quickly pulled her inside by the elbow shutting the door and the pounding rain behind her. “What are you doing out in weather like that?” Rin cried pulling her along behind her while she fetched some towels from a closet in the hall. “You're going to get sick Kagome, not to mention it's dangerous. Here dry off with these while I go get you some of my clothes to change into.”
Kagome's heart lurched when she remembered the last time she had come here to shelter herself from the rain with Inuyasha. He had gotten her a pair of Rin's sweatpants she still hadn't returned, that was also the night she had stolen his jacket now hidden under her pillow back at her house.
Kagome unceremoniously dropped the towels Rin had lent her not bothering to dry off and moved up the stairs quickly. She was being horribly rude but it was too late to stop herself.
Rin opened up a drawer of her dresser pulling out a pair of loose fitting pajama pants and a tee shirt for Kagome. In a quick last thought she grabbed the blanket folded across the end of her bed taking it with her. “I hope you don't mind some pajama's I think you're quite a bit taller than me s-” Rin froze when she saw Kagome.
She found her standing in front of Inuyasha's empty room shaking so hard it looked like she was about to tear apart from it. She rushed up to her dropping everything to touch her shoulder. “Kagome…Kagome…” Rin said softly trying to jar her attention away from his cold and empty room. It was something she herself had starred at earlier in the night, and what his mother had burst to tears in sitting on his bed yesterday morning. Izayoi had yet to say anything about Inuyasha leaving, but Rin had found her more than once crying silently.
“Come on Kagome, don't do this to yourself.” Tears stung at Rin's eyes, ones that were threatening to start again because of Kagome's complete lack of any _expression. She wasn't crying, frowning, or showing a hint of emotion. But she was trembling all over to the point it looked difficult to even breathe through.
Then suddenly she just stopped. Like someone had pulled the plug from the wall and she had turned off. In the quiet and dark Taisho home silence rang for several unbearable seconds.
“Rin, do you know where he is?” Her voice cracked when she said this, it felt like it had been days since she last used it and it might really have been.
“Please Rin. It's just us here right?”
“Yes….Listen why don't you go change and I'll go make some hot tea. Then we'll talk.” Rin didn't say once you've calmed down a bit. Truth be told she didn't blame Kagome for being upset at all. She probably would have been even worse in the same situation. 
Kagome finally nodded and stepped into the bathroom closing the door. Rin sighed a little in relief and headed downstairs. She had already set a kettle on to warm but when Kagome came into the room the emptiness behind her eyes sent a pang through her. Rin shook her head taking the kettle off the stove and instead reached into the wine rack selecting one of the bottles Sesshomaru had bought for her when they came here.
Back in her small villa in Italy the town was practically soaked in wine and she had become quite a fan of it in the last few years. Since knowing this Sesshomaru always brought her a bottle home from his travels, and with the wedding day lurking closer, made sure she had a personal collection stocked in Japan.
"Here, you know what. Never mind the tea; this will make us a lot warmer." `And I think the situation more than calls for it.' She kept that to herself opening the bottle with her cork remover and carefully setting it aside.

"But I'm not 20 yet!" Kagome counted out of habit more than anything.

Rin eyed her and chuckled in a way that she seemed to young for. "Your choice." She shrugged and poured two glasses. She didn't set Kagome's in front of her but after a pause Kagome reached for it anyways.

"It's only a few months off anyways, and not like I drove here." She mumbled holding the tall stemmed glass with both of her hands and sipping like she might have with a mug. Rin giggled and tried unsuccessfully to put back more of her hair in her low barrette. But it fell back into her eyes and framing her face not bothered in the slightest.

For a minute the two girls drank in silence, Kagome not knowing how to ask and Rin not knowing how to begin. "I'm glad you came by Kagome...Our conversation over the phone ended suddenly and I know you must have been very upset." She spoke with a strange grace that might have been rubbed off on her by Izayoi and her eyes stayed rooted to the sparking lights reflecting in the cranberry red liquid in her glass.

"I don't know what he told you but since you didn't know he was gone, I'm guessing not much."

"I didn't give him the chance to..." Kagome whispered sounding more ashamed than she needed to.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. You couldn't have stopped him, because it wasn't something he wanted to do. I...I don't think he didn't say goodbye to hurt you, I think he just didn't know how." Kagome nodded and swallowed the lump in her throat.

"I'm just so confused Rin...I still don't know what's happening. I can't believe the papers, or my own family, and at the time I didn't want to hear him. So now I'm left totally in the dark. I was hoping you could give some answers to me."

"Well...his real family could probably help you a lot more than I can."

"No." Kagome shook her head firmly. "I don't want his family to have to speak ill of him, I couldn't bear upsetting them further. They're going through enough troubles right now. Please Rin, anything you know could help. I don't even know if that woman really is with him."

"Keep in mind I only know what he told us, and most is by a second account from Sess. But from what I understand Miss Kotara slandered him. I don't personally believe he was still seeing her, and he says he wasn't. But while most of what she said was false...there was some truth to it."

"His drug use." Kagome interjected when Rin had paused to take a breath.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to know that."

"I don't think I was meant to, and I didn't understand what he had meant at the time. But in a manner of speaking he did tell me there were things about him, that he had done, that weren't all good."

"Inuyasha is no saint, but I don't think he's a bad person when it comes down to it." Rin sighed and looked up at the ceiling as if it might have given her some guidance. "I think...I think he's in more of a mess than he realized. That he got himself into quite a lot of trouble not meaning any harm, and he hasn't the slightest idea of how to get out now. But the thing that worries now he's a person with nothing to lose. And there's nothing more frightening than the actions of a man like that."

"Kagome, you probably don't want to hear this...But the look in his eyes when he was leaving. It was crushing, the weight of it. It was the look of a broken spirit. I've seen enough to know them, and I've seen a lot of bad things in this lifetime. He's not one of them, he just screwed up. But I still don't think he be disowned."

Rin stopped after that taking a slow sip and Kagome's eyes cast down at her hand, the left one, the empty ring finger. "Families are different here sadly...and his father is a strong and traditional man...I'm sure he had no other choice, or at least thought he didn't."

"I know, but no matter what families should be together. There isn't a reason great enough to turn your back on family."

"But that's just it, Mr. Taisho truly believes his son turned his back on him with these actions. He's a kind man deep down too, I'm sure he's hurting just as bad if not worse than all of us."

"It's very sincere of you to have so much understanding at your age Kagome. Any other girl probably would have blamed him completely." Kagome blushed crimson forgetting that Rin wasn't that much older than her, because she just seemed so much smarter. She would have had no idea behind her soft happy smiles she could look so serious.

"I never had a family of my own Kagome, so I care very deeply for this one. I'm scared for Inuyasha....I don't want to stand idle and watch him hurt himself. I just can't believe he'll really be cast out forever, but he'll never have any hopes of a second chance if...if he does something stupid."

"You don't know if he'll get anymore chances...once you're disowned, that's it usually. Last strike."

"I just...can't accept it. Maybe it's my own limitation but I don't think this is good for anyone. And I just can't help but hope once the press lays off and things calm down at the police station, that he'll reconsider. But more than anything, I think Inuyasha is lost, and he needs help right now...and I think you're the only person that could bring that to him."

"What?" Kagome sputtered. "Oh no Rin, I'm the last person he wants around him I'm sure. He hasn't returned any of my calls, he never said goodbye and I ran out on him when he needed me most!"

"Don't you see why? Its guilt and pain that cause those actions, not anger or apathy. I'm not going to tell you what to do, I wouldn't dream of it. But you asked what I think, and that's it. I never saw him happier than when he was talking about you."
It hurt more than Kagome knew it would for Rin to say something like that. She thought she had cried away all the tears she had left, but fresh ones stung behind her eyes at what Rin had told her. A chirping little tune suddenly cut through the tense silence and Rin sprang up from her seat excusing herself to go answer her phone. Kagome sighed in her absence missing her company immediately but tried to focus on her next decision. It was time for her to take action; she couldn't stand moping around here in self pity for another month until the election crying night and day.
“I'm sorry about that.” Rin said coming back into the kitchen after a few minutes. “The rain has delayed Sess and his parents. They won't be back until late tonight.”
“I'm sorry to hear that.”
“Oh that's okay.” Rin shrugged it off with a smile. Kagome's eyes were still down hidden behind her long lashes and looking terribly lost in thought, and it hurt Rin to see her so lost with the same look in her eyes as Inuyasha. She knew what she needed to do for her. “I'll be right back.” Rin said and quickly dashed into another room.
Kagome looked up slightly confused when Rin returned and sat down across from her. Reaching out Rin placed a folded piece of paper into Kagome's hands and cupped her own small hands around them.
“What is…?” Kagome mumbled confused.
"Listen to your heart Kagome, it will tell you what's best." Rin smiled again letting go of her and standing up moving to the counter.
Kagome sat silently for a moment in the wake of her words, then finally opened the paper to read what was written. It was an address written in neat English, an address for an apartment in New York and nothing else.
“Rin...I-” Her voice choked in her throat tears spilling down her cheeks. Rin kept her back to her and said cheerily from where she was at the counter carefully taking out of the pans her now cool strawberry cake.
“You know I hate being alone during storms, and everyone else won't be back until later. Do you think you would mind staying and keeping me company Kagome? I need help decorating this cake too, I'm just awful at baking but I bet you're really good at it huh? You seem like the type that would be.” Kagome blinked mystified before she finally smiled just a little and wiped the tears off her cheeks with her hand.
“Well I'm no pro, but I've made quite a few successful cakes.” She said meekly but got up to stand next to her. Rin gave her a firm nod and grinned.
“Then I have to have your help. Let's grab some aprons and get to work.” Kagome smiled and fingered the piece of thin paper safely tucked into her pocket, she couldn't thank Rin enough.
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Inuyasha entered his apartment swiftly in the early morning hours flinging and dropping his clothes like a dog shaking water off, they landed in puddles all over the room. Smoke was still clinging to him making him feel light headed from all of the cigarettes he had went through and the alcohol still lingering through dawn.

He had debated going out nearly half the night, but when the tell tale calls came through his phone saying his was still in pursuit he knew better of it. Kikyou would know the second he stepped anywhere outside of his block, which limited his options. So eventually he ordered Chinese take out and helped himself to an old bottle of rum, drinking the jet lag off and trying to force his eyes shut. But they wouldn't, they burned from being open for so long but he was restless tossing and turning for hours when he had tried to first go to bed around four.

Frustrated he had slunk out of bed throwing on whatever was half out of his suitcase and went down to the corner store for a fresh pack of cigarettes, some Tylenol pm and milk. The clerk didn't look twice. It was 6am and the morning sun was downright painful, New York already awake or rather like him, having never slept at all.

A trail of smoke stalked after him down the block and back up the elevator, which was certainly not allowed but no one was there to argue with him. The burned nub was dropped in his ash tray by the door, if it made it in that is, he hadn't taken the time to look. And he quickly ripped open the package taking two of the pills with a gulp of milk out of the carton. He threw that in the fridge, dove for his bed, and effectively bundled every bit of his covers around him. Determined to sleep until it was night, and then go out until he forgot what day it was to begin with.
Kagome hugged Rin tightly when she dropped her off at her house and thanked her with her whole heart. Rin whispered “Good luck,” to her and she knew she wouldn't tell a soul whatever decision she made.
It was nearly eleven when she opened up the front door and the rain had finally let up but her family wasn't home yet and she thanked the gods. She was however almost tackled by her father's security guard.
“Miss Higurashi! I must insist you do not leave this house again; I am under strict orders to see to your safety and protection.” Kagome debated for a second when a tiny evil idea flittered through her mind.
“I'm so sorry…I just…I had to get away! I-I'm so upset and everything is so m-messed up and-” she choked near wailing and large crocodile tears rolled down her cheeks. It seemed she had been crying long enough over the last two days it finally came in handy when she managed to completely fake them. The guard was completely helpless.
“I'm sorry miss. Please never mind what I said.” The large man stumbled his words out completely taken aback.
“Yes, I'm sorry. I'm just going to go to bed now, please don't disturb me for the rest of the night.”
“No miss, of course not. You have a good night.” He said obviously still a little anxious just being around her, like the tiny girl might have been combustible.
`Too easy,' Kagome thought wickedly. `I really shouldn't take so much pleasure from harassing my dad's security.' Moving up the stairs and out of sight quickly Kagome sprinted into her room and locked her door.
She turned on her laptop letting the blue screen light up her room. Typing quickly she found was she was looking for and grinned. A flight to New York, first thing in the morning. It was outlandishly expensive but what did Kagome care, she was linked to the corporate account for all of her school tuition and expenses she had paid herself with the debit card back in America.
“Daddy, I think you owe me a little anyways.” She hummed as she typed in the card information and grinned when her conformation of the ticket came through. Checking her cell phone for the time she added up the numbers. She had six hours to be to the airport, eight until her flight. Kagome's heart fluttered like a humming bird in her chest.
`This is insane,' she thought while pulling a suitcase down and dialing the cab company on her cell phone. “Yes I need a cab pick up.” `This is absolutely ridiculous, what am I doing?!'
She piled a mound of random clothes from her closet into the suitcase. Some hangers and all, not neatly folded or outfit preplanned like any other time in her life. `I'm probably going to get myself killed.' Sitting on the bag to press with all her weight she managed the zipper closed after shoving some shoes in as well.
The cab operated said they would be there in twenty minutes. “And please pick me up at the end of my street, not in front of the house.” Stripping out of Rin's pajama's she had forgotten she was still wearing Kagome pulled on a pair of loose jeans and a black polo shirt. She let loose her still wet hair grabbing one of Souta's caps from across the hall and stuffed all of her hair up inside of it in a bun. She was too excited to even think of stopping by now.
Digging her favorite messenger bag out of her left over school things she threw random things from around her room into it she needed, running across the hall for her make up, hair brush and toothbrush. `I'll buy some whatever else I need when I get there.'
Stuffing her entire purse in the black messenger bag she put her phone in her front pocket, the printed out ticket conformation in her back pocket and put on her huge sunglasses that were hiding quite a lot of her face well.
Loading up everything she checked the time again and knew the cab would be arriving soon. Kagome looked down at her bed and in a quick after thought grabbed her engagement ring and Inuyasha's jacket putting them both on. She didn't bother rationalizing this in her head; there was no reason to her actions anymore anyways.
“I've completely lost my mind.” She told herself but didn't have time to argue it. “Now…to get out of the house…” Creeping down the stairs Kagome checked and found the guard wasn't in the foyer. He was probably making rounds and checking the back of the house. Quickly she grabbed her two bags and practically threw them down the steps and out the front door but when she heard footsteps she shut the door leaving them on her porch.
Thinking quickly as to how she was going to explain her way out of this she got another, probably bad, idea. `Oh my god I think he's rubbed off on me.' She ignored this traitorous thought. Then she screamed with all of her might.
“Miss Higurashi!” The guard quickly thundered down the hall and stopped in front of her. “What's wrong?!”
“I saw a GIANT SPIDER!” She shrieked trying not to giggle.  
“A…what?” The guard faltered.
“A spider! In my bathroom! You have to do something; you have to go kill it! PLEASE I'm begging you! I'm deathly afraid of them and-” She babbled incoherently until he finally stopped her and trudged up the stairs mumbling something rude she caught the word `babysitting' out of.
The second he was out of sight Kagome had bolted out the front door silently, grabbed her bags off the porch and sprinted down the street her sneaks smacking on the wet sidewalk. Her cab was waiting and she thanked the gods for it.
“Miss Higurashi, I don't see any…” The guard looked down the stairs to find the girl gone. Running down them he darted into the kitchen and through the living room seeing no sign of her. “Shit!!”
Kagome's cab was already a block away and headed for the airport. `This is exactly what I should be doing.' Kagome watched her house and her street fade into the distance.
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Inu: What's with Kagome getting all the attention these last two chapters?
Me: What? Not like you're doing anything interesting…
Hehe seriously though, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and will share your thoughts on it with me. Good, Bad, `Dear god are you insane woman!?'; any of the above I'd love you to review about hehe. And no worries for all of my Inu fan girls, myself included, Kagome's going to New York. :D This also means…Inu is going to be back in the spot light. Next chapter should be interesting everyone…stay with me for it. :p I love it when Kagome is devious. ;D Hope you all have a great weekend!
Disclaimer: Inuyasha owns me
Inu: I'm sorry why would I want to own you?
Me: Neither of us got a choice in the matter really. -shrug-