InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Feudal Era Weekend ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: We all know noone on this site is an owner of this so lets get going
Chapter 2
Inuyasha turned and embarrassingly followed Kagomi's mom down stairs to the kitchen and sat at the table as she poured some tea for herself. "Would you like some Inuyasha?" She asked politely. He nodded and she filled a mug for him and placed down what he'd want on the table but he just drank it straight and looked at her. "So, I guess you saw what happened?" He asked blushing and his ears drooping a bit. Mrs. H smiled and said, "Inuyasha, its fine. I know what she feels about you and how you feel about her. I mean why else after all this time even when she has no reason to return to your time does she still go and you follow her here." He smiled up at her and said "Higurasi-sama..." She cut him off and said, "Call me Asami. I mean you've known me long enough to." He nodded "Asami-sama, thanks for understanding. But this is hard for me. I've been alone my whole life. Hated, made fun of, laughed at and despised by almost everyone I've met. But now I have a domain in my time and friends and people who respect me and now a woman I love and who loves me."
Asami smiled but then noticed tears in his eyes and pulled her chair next to him and stroked his hair "I know you've been lonely Inuyasha but now you aren't. I know it'll take time for you to get fully used to these feelings but don't make Kagome wait any longer." He nodded and waited for his ears to perk but he finally noticed that his claws were gone and his senses while still good were still weak compared to a demons.
"I guess its the new moon now," he said smiling at Asami. She smiled back and said, "Well since its been a few hours since dinner. I think desert might be in order." Inuyasha stared and asked, "Can I have Ramen?" Asami smirked as she turned on the stove and got some water boiling as Inuyasha thought If I were a demon right now I'd be drooling.
The next morning
Kagome stretched and sat up in bed wondering how she'd gotten there and noticed that her school clothes were still on and figured that Inuyasha must have brought her up. Smiling to herself as she walked to the bathroom she remembered a dream from the night before. In it Inuyasha was carrying her up some stairs. She was in a traditional bridal kimono and he in a new all black version of his Fire-rat cloth and carrying up the stairs to a room for their wedding night. He was grinning nervously as he carried her and said "I'm not really sure how this will go." After he said that she pulled him in and kissed him before he laid her on the bed and then the dream ended and she was awake.
As she brushed her teeth she thought, Well I guess some dreams don't let you go through the whole experience. With her bathroom stuff all done she packed a couple of sets of clothes and her school books, since they never really left the village anymore she could stay until monday morning and head to school. When she finished packing she headed downstairs to already find her family and Inuyasha eating.
"Morning!" she exclaimed sitting down next to Inuyasha and grabbing a plate. "Morning,sis!" Souta happily said before Inuyasha and gramps muttered, "Morning." After a brief couple of bites Kagome looked to Inuyasha and asked "Everything go okay last night with the moon?" The Hanyou nodded slightly and said "It made that couch seem more comfortable." Asami giggled and said "You know you can sleep in Soutas room."
At the sound of that Souta piped up "Yeah!! I can sleep on the floor and you can have my bed and we can stay up and tell embarrassing stories about Kagome all night!" At that Kagome slammed her plate down and said, "SOUTA!!! Why would you do that!" Inuyasha smirked and asked "Why do you care? Got something to hide?"
Kagome clenched her fist and was about to yell "SIT!" When Asami said, "ALl right that's enough. You two should get going if you want to have some fun with your friends." Souta snickered causing Kagome to glare at him and storm out of the kitchen to the door. "Let's go Inuyasha!!"
Inuyasha wolfed down the rest of his food and walked to the door with Asami and Souta behind him. Kagome stuck her tongue out at her brother and said "See you, Monday mama!" Asami hugged her daughter and said her farewells. As she stepped away Inuyasha bowed and said, "Thank you, Asami-sama. See ya squirt." And turned leaving a somewhat befuddled Kagome at the door.
She was about to ask her mother what was going on when Inuyasha shouted "Are we going or what?!" Kagome ran and waved as she went and was shocked as Inuyasha grabbed her hand causing her to blush before they jumped down for their familiar time traveling experience.
The other side
At the well Shippou, Miroku, and Sango were waiting for their friends to return they'd gotten used to the constant trips and short stays in their times, while hard for Shippou, at least kept him happy. They'd only been waiting a few minutes when Kagome and Inuyasha appeared and Shippou yelled "Kagome!" and jumped into her arms. "Hi Shippou." The young fox demon stared up with big eyes and Kagome happily obliged him by rubbing his ears.
While Kagome was busy keeping Shippou happy Inuyasha turned and asked Miroku and Sango, "Anything happen?" Sango and Miroku shared a dark look to which Inuyasha asked "What? Is the jewel alright?" Miroku nodded but replied glumly "Sesshomaru stopped by." Inuyashas eyes narrowed dangerously. "Feh." was all he said and started heading towards the village before Sango yelled "Don't you want to know what he wanted?" Inuyasha just waved his hand, "What's it matter? He probably just wants Tetsaiga again."
As the four watched Inuyasha walk off Kagome looked to Shippou asking "What happened with Sesshomaru?" Shippou beamed up at her "He's got a pup!" Kagome stared blankly "Pup? He got a dog?" the three companions fell back at the modern day girls reply. Miroku was first to recover and said, "What, Shippou meant Kagome, was that Sesshomarus a father."
Kagome dropped Shippou and screamed "WHAT?! How's that possible?" Sango sighed and explained, "After he left the battle an inu-youkai appeared at the castle, a Female pure bred, which is almost impossible to find yet one found Sesshomaru and for the sake of the clan they mated. Now for emotional attachments we don't know how they feel but it seems there's something there." Kagome was in shock, "So he wanted Inuyasha to meet the child then?" The three nodded and Kagome did her little battle stance "Well let's get Inuyasha over there!"
"What?" Miroku asked, "What makes you think he'd go. He doesn't care about Sesshomaru so what makes you think he'd care for the child?" Kagome glared at the monk and said, "The sins of the parents shouldn't be blamed on the child." Sango spoke up in agreement, "She's got a point monk. Even if he hates his brother he possibly won't hate the kid. And maybe Sesshomaru wanted to make peace. I mean for once he had no hostile intentions and with as many demons as we've been around we should be able to tell moods fairly well......" as she said this Miroku was standing near her and began rubbing her butt as usual. She blushed a little before regaining her compuser and smacking him in the face to which he flew a few feet before sitting up grinning stupidly "Good point, dear Sango."
Kagome and Shippou grinned sheepishly as the monk and demon slayer stared at each other for a moment before heading off to the village.
The village of Inuyasha forest
At the village entrance some children rushed up to Kagome asking for candy and asking when she'd be leaving again, and when she'd play with them again. "Next visit okay?" The kids whined but she laughed at them and said she promised that she would. As they walked through the village Kagome and her friends were greeted by the villagers and were praised with thanks even though it'd been two years since a demon had attacked. Upon approaching Kaede's house near the shrine they noticed Inuyasha staring into it waiting for them.
"Took you long enough." he said in his usual annoyed voice which to Kagome sounded a bit more humored. "Well your brother had a reason for the visit." Kagome replied as she let Shippou go to play with some friends of his and Miroku and Sango walked off somewhere. "What'd he want a duel, my head, to offer his thanks that's two years late." Kagome sighed and said, "Well he's had a reason for not thanking you. First his injuries and second he's got a pup." Inuyashas ears twicked and his lip turned.
"Heh, so even the mighty Sesshomaru can feel. Yeah right he probably raped her and kept her for the kid." Kagome stared at the hanyou and said "SIT!" Inuyashas groaned and hit the ground. "I guess I deserved that." he repllied with a mouth full of dirt. "You're darn right. I don't think Sesshomaru's capable of thatno matter what he's done in life." Inuyasha sat up with his legs crossed and cracked his neck before saying "I guess. No demon would stoop to that although some have but they had no honor. Anyway I need to find....nevermind," he said as he smacked his neck.
The little flea Myoga fell down and stood up happily "Nice to taste you again Lord Inuyasha." Inuyasha sighed annoyingly "Why the fuck must you feed off us? There's plenty of other people around here." Myoga smiled a bit drunkingly "Well you have such a fine blood, sir. Anyways I came on orders of Sesshomaru." Inuyasha stared surprisingly at the flea, "Sesshomaru can order you around." Myoga looked at him with an exhasperated look, "I'm bound to serve the Inu no Taisho (SP) and his family. And he wants you there soon so he sent me on Ah-un." (is that the dragons name? Someone tell me) Kagome and Inuyasha looked to see Sesshomarus two headed dragon pawing impatiently as if in a hurry..
Kagome looked at Inuyasha and asked "We going?" Inuyasha growled "I guess. Hey Myoga." The flea demon stood up and said, "Yes, my lord?" Inuyasha pulled off his neck and said "Tell Sango, Miroku and Shippou where we headed and tell them to follow if allowed." Mygoa nodded and bounced off to find Shippou." Kagome watched as Inuyasha sat on the dragon and glared at her. "You coming or what?!" Kagome jerked and ran towards the dragon before slowing to a stop and looked at the dragon. It just stared at her and shook its head as if telling her to climb on him. She cautiously climbed up on the dragon in front of Inuyasha so she could be held and as they took off she felt INuyasha grasp her tightly as they headed towards Inuyashas family home.

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