InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well it's about time ❯ Dinner ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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Chapter 4
Dinner that night had been one of the more enjoyable dinners that Kagome had been part of over the past few years although instead of this one being loud, and ramboncious, it was more tense. Normally Shippou and Inuyasha would be vying for Kagome's attention while Sango and Miroku quietly commented on the ordeal as they ate and Kagome just sat there playing referee normally to the satisfaction of Shippou seeing Inuyasha end up face first in the dirt. Yet while she bet that Inuyasha would have gladly talked to Taki and Rin, Sesshomaru had decided to join them for the meal.
For about 20 minutes they ate in almost absolute silence, the only noises came from their chopsticks hitting the plates and Koji ripping at some meat with his incoming fangs. Kagome giggled lightly and the baby yokai squealed at her before ripping off a shred of meat and swallowing it. That seemed to break the tension for the abnormally quiet Rin who asked, "Kagome, how long will you and Uncle be here?" Kagome smiled to the little girl and replied, "Only for tonight because I have to head back to the village and be back to my time by late tomorrow for school." Rin pouted and was about to talk when Sesshomaru spoke. "They can come visit or you can go to the village next time she comes back." Rin beamed at her father and asked, "Really,Papa?" he nodded before looking at his brothers "interest" and asked, "How often do you travel to this land?" Kagome smiled shyly "About every 4 to five days I guess. But if I have a school break I normally spend them here so I can also be at the village for 2 weeks or so depending on the length." Sesshomaru nodded and looked to Taki, "Would you mind taking her and her brother in a couple weeks?"
Taki nodded as she chewed before swallowing and saying, "I'd love to. I've never been to that part of our lands so it'd be nice to see Inuyasha's territory." She looked at her brother and tweaked her ears showing her feelings true and he blushed slightly and said, "It ain't much just a village in the middle of some large woods." Rin smiled, "I can climb trees there?" Kagome nodded with a bright smile, 'Lots of trees and children too. I bet Shippou would love to show you around." Rin stared at her with a confused look on her face, "Who's Shippou?" Sesshomaru coughed and said to his daughter, "That little fox demon who always annoyed this Sesshomaru even more than Jaken."
Inuyashas ears perked at the name of the little frog and asked, "Where is he anyways? I expected him to be insulting me and Kagome all day but not once have I seen or smelt him save for a few traces of where he frequents." Sesshomaru rubbed his temple and said, "He's out running messages for me. It keeps him busy and out of my hair. I've been stuck with him as company for centuries and still detest him despite the fact that he's my assistant." Kagome thought of the annoying little frog and grinned inwardly at his antics and how often he made a fool of himself before starting back in on her fish.
While Kagome was picturing images of a comedic Jaken, Inuyasha was silently and happily picturing a tortured Jaken. One image was of the little frog being turned over a spit and screaming for mercy, while the other was of a bunch of vultures picking at his dead carcass and carrying his head in their claws. Sesshomaru and Taki smelt a change in Inuyashas sent and smirked at eachother as the sent of joy was possibly caused by the death of the annoying frog that kept care of Rin while they were gone was still more of a burden than anything else.
When dinner was over Taki noticed that both Rin and Koji were beginning to doze off and asked Kagome for her help in putting them to bed. Koji went peacefully enough but the 12 year old was more awake than her brother and whined about being old enough to stay up as long as adults when Taki started in on her. "You are most certainly not old enough to stay up this late since you were falling asleep soon after dinner so you can either go to sleep now or go to bed at sundown for a week." The pre-teen huffed loudly and got a flick on the nose from her mother causing her to lie down and hide under the covers. Kagome heard all this from the next room as she changed Koji's diaper. The little yokai didn't squirm or anything, just laid there asleep as Kagome finished changing him and getting him into some sleeping clothes Taki had left out.
As she stared at the baby she saw that one fang poked out from his mouth just like inuyashas and his ears were the same cute shape and she just had to rub them for a moment. She gently reached up and began stroking the childs ears causing a surprisingly deep rumble come from his belly and she laughed at the purr like noise and stroked the black strip of hair that ran down the middle of his hair. He was more like his Uncle than she'd of guess'd except that he allowed her to touch his ears and was a much more relaxed kid. She bet that it was because he at least had a stable life and always would.
The thoughts of the tortures that Inuyasha had possibly gone through as a kid and also with what they had gone through when they travelled made her a bit sad as she placed the baby in his bed and turned as she heard the door slide open and Taki walked in with a frustrated smile. "That girl is going to give some man a handful when she gets married." Kagome grinned and turned to the bed saying, "Went down without a fuss as I changed him. He even likes having his ears rubbed." Taki looked at her in shock asking, "You touched them? I'm surprised he didn't bite your hand off and mind you we have an antidote but most of us Inu-yokai despsie that. I don't mind and Sesshomaru doesn't really either but he has to be in a "mood" to do it but if you touch them without his permission he'll go get furious." Kagome laughed at the thought of "that Sesshomaru" being rubbed on the ears and "purring" she had a cute image of a chibi Sesshomaru in her lap and rubbing his ears when Taki asked, "Does Inuyasha allow that?"
Kagome shook the image from her mind and said, "He seems embarassed and ashamed of them. Probably because of the torment he went through as a kid. But I just want to rub them their so cute!" Taki sweatdropped as she saw stars burst in Kagome's eyes and lauged nervously. "Yes, well," she began, "We'd better get you to yours and Inuyashas room you have an early day tomorrow." Kagome stared at the demoness and asked "Our room?" Taki laughed loudly saying, "It's not what you think. We just thought that Inuyasha wouldn't like not being able to keep an eye on you so we put you in the same room together that's all. He actually insisted on it after dinner. He asked for a room close to you but the sound of his voice made us realize the same room would be better."
Kagome blushed lightly and followed Inuyashas sister in law to the room that was prepared. Taki bowed and left as she entered to find her sleeping bag already placed out and Inuyasha sleeping close by it. She laughed because she could here some light snoring coming from the hanyou and changed her clothes. After a quick brush of her teeth and a clean face she was about to climb into her bed when Inuyasha began to mutter in his sleep.
Ohhhh a cliffy. I love being evil to you guys. Don't worry I'll update soon.

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